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SD o e fv aBStract te wl Background: Software developers are facing in- a real industry setting. As secondary methods for o creased pressure to lower development time, re- data collection a variety of approaches have been a Developing Secure Software p r lease new software versions more frequent to used, such as semi-structured interviews, work- i en - in an agile proceSS customers and to adapt to a faster market. This shops, study of literature, and use of historical data -g new environment forces developers and companies from the industry. i nS to move from a plan based waterfall development e a process to a flexible agile process. By minimizing Results: The security engineering best practices c n the pre development planning and instead increa- were investigated though a series of case studies. u sing the communication between customers and The base agile and security engineering compati- ar ge developers, the agile process tries to create a new, bility was assessed in literature, by developers and i more flexible way of working. This new way of in practical studies. The security engineering best l e working allows developers to focus their efforts on practices were group based on their purpose and p the features that customers want. With increased their compatibility with the agile process. One well r Dejan Baca connectability and the faster feature release, the known and popular best practice, automated static o security of the software product is stressed. To de- code analysis, was toughly investigated for its use- c velop secure software, many companies use secu- fulness, deployment and risks of using as part of e rity engineering processes that are plan heavy and the process. For the risk analysis practices, a novel S S inflexible. These two approaches are each others approach was introduced and improved. As such, a opposites and they directly contradict each other. way of adapting existing practices to agile is pro- Objective: The objective of the thesis is to evaluate posed. how to develop secure software in an agile process. In particular, what existing best practices can be Conclusion: With regard of agile and security eng- incorporated into an agile project and still provide ineering we did not find that any of the investigated the same benefit if the project was using a water- processes was agile compatible. Agile is reaction fall process. How the best practices can be incor- driven that adapts to change, while the security porated and adapted to fit the process while still engineering processes are proactive and try to pre- measuring the improvement. Some security engi- vent threats before they happen. To develop secure neering concepts are useful but the best practice is software in an agile process the developers should not agile compatible and would require extensive adopt and adapt key concepts from security engi- adaptation to integrate with an agile project. neering. These changes will affect the flexibility of the agile process but it is a necessity if developers Method: The primary research method used th- want the same software security state as security roughout the thesis is case studies conducted in engineering processes can provide. D e ja n B a c a Blekinge Institute of Technology Doctoral Dissertation Series No. 2012:05 2 0 School of Computing ISSN 1653-2090 1 2 2012:05 ISBN 978-91-7295-229-4 :05 Developing Secure Software - in an Agile Process Dejan Baca Blekinge Institute of Technology doctoral dissertation series No 2012:05 Developing Secure Software - in an Agile Process Dejan Baca Doctoral Dissertation in Computer Science School of Computing Blekinge Institute of Technology SWEDEN 2012 Dejan Baca School of Computing Publisher: Blekinge Institute of Technology, SE-371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden Printed by Printfabriken, Karlskrona, Sweden 2012 ISBN: 978-91-7295-229-4 ISSN 1653-2090 urn:nbn:se:bth-00525 ”Donotworry,itisnon-destructivesecuritytesting. Yourweeklong stresstestwillnotbeeffectedbyit.” Mylastwordsbeforegettingbannedfromthetestlab. –DejanBaca v vi Abstract Background:Softwaredevelopersarefacingincreasedpressuretolowerdevelopment time,releasenewsoftwareversionsmorefrequenttocustomersandtoadapttoafaster market. Thisnewenvironmentforcesdevelopersandcompaniestomovefromaplan basedwaterfalldevelopmentprocesstoaflexibleagileprocess. Byminimizingthepre development planning and instead increasing the communication between customers and developers, the agile process tries to create a new, more flexible way of work- ing. Thisnewwayofworkingallowsdeveloperstofocustheireffortsonthefeatures thatcustomerswant. Withincreasedconnectabilityandthefasterfeaturerelease, the securityofthesoftwareproductisstressed. Todevelopsecuresoftware,manycompa- niesusesecurityengineeringprocessesthatareplanheavyandinflexible. Thesetwo approachesareeachothersoppositesandtheydirectlycontradicteachother. Objective:Theobjectiveofthethesisistoevaluatehowtodevelopsecuresoftware inanagileprocess. Inparticular,whatexistingbestpracticescanbeincorporatedinto an agile project and still provide the same benefit if the project was using a waterfall process. How the best practices can be incorporated and adapted to fit the process whilestillmeasuringtheimprovement. Somesecurityengineeringconceptsareuseful butthebestpracticeisnotagilecompatibleandwouldrequireextensiveadaptationto integratewithanagileproject. Method: Theprimaryresearchmethodusedthroughoutthethesisiscasestudies conductedinarealindustrysetting.Assecondarymethodsfordatacollectionavariety ofapproacheshavebeenused,suchassemi-structuredinterviews,workshops,studyof literature,anduseofhistoricaldatafromtheindustry. Results: Thesecurityengineeringbestpracticeswereinvestigatedthoughaseries ofcasestudies. Thebaseagileandsecurityengineeringcompatibilitywasassessedin literature, by developers and in practical studies. The security engineering best prac- ticesweregroupbasedontheirpurposeandtheircompatibilitywiththeagileprocess. Onewellknownandpopularbestpractice,automatedstaticcodeanalysis,wastoughly investigatedforitsusefulness,deploymentandrisksofusingaspartoftheprocess.For theriskanalysispractices,anovelapproachwasintroducedandimproved. Assuch,a wayofadaptingexistingpracticestoagileisproposed. Conclusion: With regard of agile and security engineering we did not find that any of the investigated processes was agile compatible. Agile is reaction driven that adapts to change, while the security engineering processes are proactive and try to prevent threats before they happen. To develop secure software in an agile process thedevelopersshouldadoptandadaptkeyconceptsfromsecurityengineering. These changeswillaffecttheflexibilityoftheagileprocessbutitisanecessityifdevelopers wantthesamesoftwaresecuritystateassecurityengineeringprocessescanprovide. vii viii Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors PhD Lars-Ola Damm, Pro- fessor Bengt Carlsson and Professor Lars Lundberg for their support, especially for valuablefeedbackonpapersandotherresearchrelatedadvice.EspeciallyBengtCarls- son for giving me a swift kick when I needed to write papers instead of starting new experiments. EricssonABgavemethechanceofconductingresearchandatthesametimestay- ingintouchwiththeindustry. TheindustrialPh.Dstudentpositiongavemeaunique opportunity to identify problems and evaluate them in a practical real world environ- mentinsteadofatestlab. Aspecialthankstomyunitmanagers,whosebudgetIwas constancy breaking; Maria Larsson, PerOlof Bengtsson, Sven Johansson and Daniel Borg. Blekinge Institute of Technology provided me with colleagues and friends from all over the world that create a diverse environment of ideas and culture. I would especiallyliketothankKaiPetersenwhomIwrotemanyofmypaperswith. Martin Hylerstedtwhoalwaysagreedtoreadmypapersandhelpmewithproofreading.Anton Borg,PetarJersick,MartinBoldt,SamirehJalaliandSvetlanaZivanovicforbeingmy friendsandcolloguesatBTHduringmytimethere. Finally,Iwouldliketothankmyfamilyandfriendsforputtingupwithmedespite neglectingthemwhenhavingahighworkload. ThisworkwasfundedjointlybyEricssonABandtheKnowledgeFoundationinSwe- denunderaresearchgrantfortheresearchschoolSAVE-ITfromMa¨lardalensuniver- sity. ix

and developers, the agile process tries to create a new, more flexible way of work- ing. This new . Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement,. Oulu, Finland .. crosoft's Security Development Lifecycle have been studied with encouraging results. (Lipner 2005).
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