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DEVELOPING ENGLISH SPEAKING MATERIALS FOR XTH GRADE OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION DEPARTMENT IN SMK PI AMBARUKMO 1 SLEMAN A Thesis Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of the SarjanaPendidikanDegree in English Education By: LaelaFebriatun 1120224106 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LANGUAGE AND ART YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY 2016 i RATRTFICATION SHEET DEVELOPING ENGLISH SPEAKING MATERIALS FOR XM GRADE OF IIOTEL ACCOMMOI}ATION DEPATMENTS IN SMK PI AMBART]KMO 1 SLEMAN A Thssis Presmted as a Partial Flrlfilhrerrt of th Rquiremrit for the Attairment of th* fujma Petdrdikm&gree in fu Engti* Lryrmge Educdion L^ffilaFebrieltr 11w224t026 Acceptd by &e board of examiners of Engtish E<lucatior @armw, faculty I^aaguage md Arts, Yogyaktrta Sute University on Jult l5&, ZOIO d declfid have fulfilled the rquirements to dais lstei@ Fendidikan D%pe in English Lam$*ge Rlucation BOARD SF E}(AMINHRS Position Nme Sigrature Date Chairyermn : Ella trulaadari, MA 2o *o/ -2ots *"1 - S€ctettry : Siti S&anini, M.A Au ?ntS Examiner : Drs. Samsul Maaifl tU.a. 7> -<57 _ tOtl. Yogyakarta July I 5tr,2016 Faculty of Language and Arts State Universir! of Yogyakarta Dean t 19610524 199001 2 001 ilt PERNYATAAN Yang bertandatrgan di bawah ini: NAMA Laela Febriatuin NIM 1120224t0226 JUR-USAN Pendidikan Bahasa Inggns FAKULTAS Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni ruDUL SKEIPSI Developing English speaking Materilasfor x'h Grade of Hotel Accommodation Department in sMK pI Ambarulcrno I sleman Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi ini adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan sepanjang sepengetahuan saya tidak beisi materi yang ditulis atau dipublikasikan oleh orang lain kecali bagian-bagiab tertentu yang saya ambil sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti satu cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim. Apabila ternyata terbulci bahwa pernyataan ini tidak benar sepenuhnya melrjadi tanggung jawab saya. Yogyakarta, Juli 2016 Penulis * IV MOTTOS Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. -Arthur Ashe- Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hunt a star. –W. Clement Stone- v DEDICATIONS I dedicate this thesis to: 1. My beloved parents. I express my sincere thanks for their love and support. 2. My brother, Wiwin Surajiono. I express my appreciation for his devotion and endless support. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alhamdulillah, praise to God the Almighty and the most Merciful. This thesis would not be possible without the support of many people. First of all, I would like to express my highest appreciation to Ella Wulandari M.A for her valuable and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of this thesis. Her willingness to give her time so generously has been very much appreciated. My deepest gratitude is also devoted to B. Yuniar Diyanti, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the material expert who gave me guidance and suggestions for the improvement of my product as well. Then, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to my parents and my brothers for their love, support and encouragement throughout my study. Moreover, I am particularly grateful for the assistance given by my friends Nining and Hanan, thank you so much for not getting bored supporting me in this way. Then, to the students of SMK PI 1 Ambarukmo Sleman, especially Class X, I would like to say thank you for the participation. Finally, I invite the readers who are interested in this topic to give critical comments and suggestions. However, I expect that this thesis will give worthwhile contributions to all readers. Yogyakarta, Juni 2016 The writer Laela febriatun vii DEVELOPING ENGLISH SPEAKING MATERIALS FOR XTH GRADE OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION DEPARTMENT IN SMK PI AMBARUKMO 1 SLEMAN BY Laela Febriatun 11202242026 ABSTRACT The objectives of this study are: (1) to find the target and learning needs of Xth grade students of hotel accommodation department at SMKPI 1 Ambarukmo Sleman, Yogyakarta, and (2) to develop appropriate English speaking materials for Xth grade students of hotel accommodation department at SMK PI Ambarukmo 1 Sleman, Yogyakarta. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D). The subjects of the research were X grade students of hotel accommodation department at SMK PI Ambarukmo 1 Sleman, Yogyakarta, class X AP 1 and X AP 2. The instruments used in this research were the needs analysis questionnaire and expert evaluation questionnaire. The steps of the research were conducting the needs analysis, writing the course grid, developing the first draft of materials, consulting the first draft of materials to the experts, and revising and developing the final draft of materials. The data from the needs analysis were analyzed quantitatively using frequency and percentage and the data obtained from the materials evaluation were analyzed through descriptive statistics. The researcher found that, based on the needs analysis result, the target needs and learning needs of the students in speaking are : (1) the students needed English related to their future job, (2) the students lacked vocabularies and pronunciation, (3) the students wanted to have adult narrator as the listening input of speaking (4) the students wanted to have a dialog as an input of speaking with the length 2-3 minutes that contains around 150-200 word, (5) the students wanted to have games and information gap activities, (6) the students expected to match and translate the English words/phrases to Indonesian word/phrases, (7) the students expected to identify and correct some errors in a utterance/dialog as the grammar activities, (8) the students like to have speaking activities in class, (9) the students expected that the teacher motivated them in doing speaking activity, and (10) the students preferred to actively participate in every given activity. Considering the needs, this study developed three units which consist of introduction, main lesson, and reinforcement in each unit. Based on the experts’ judgment result, the mean score of all aspects from those three units was 3.56, categorized as”Very Good”. This suggests that the developed materials are appropriate to be used for Xth grade of Hotel Accommodation Program at SMK PI Ambarukmo 1 Sleman. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITTLE ................................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................... ii RATIFICATION................................................................................................................... iii PERNYATAAN ...................................................................................................................... iv MOTTOES ........................................................................................................................... v DEDICATIONS ................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... ix LISST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xiii LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. xv LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... xvi CHAPTER I .......................................................................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ........................................................................................ 1 B. Identification of the Problem ................................................................................... 3 C. Delimitation of the Problem ..................................................................................... 5 D. Formulation of the Problem .................................................................................... 5 E. Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................ 6 F. Significance of the Study ........................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................................ 8 A. Literature Review .................................................................................................... 8 1. Speaking ............................................................................................................ 8 ix a. Definition of Speaking ............................................................................... 8 b. Macro-skills and Micro-skills of Speaking ................................................. 10 c. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance ............................................... 12 d. Classroom Speaking Activity ..................................................................... 13 e. Principles in Designing Speaking techniques ............................................. 14 f. Speaking in Hotel Accommodation Department ........................................ 16 2. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ................................................................. 18 3. Teacher’s Role in ESP ....................................................................................... 21 4. Learners’ Role in ESP ....................................................................................... 22 a. Standard of English for Vocational School content .................................. 22 5. Development ..................................................................................................... 24 a. The Nature of Materials Development ....................................................... 24 b. The Role of Instructional Materials ........................................................... 26 c. The Purpose of Instructional Materials ....................................................... 27 d. Materials Model Design .............................................................................. 28 e. Materials Evaluation ................................................................................... 32 6. CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) ...................................................... 35 a. Goal of CLT ................................................................................................ 36 b. The Principles of CLT ................................................................................ 37 c. PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production) .................................................... 39 B. Relevant Study ......................................................................................................... 40 C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................... 41 CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................... 43 A. Research Type .......................................................................................................... 43 x

students of SMK PI 1 Ambarukmo Sleman, especially Class X, I would like to say thank you for the participation. collocations, and phrasal units. Table 1.1 Standard Competences and Basic Competences. Standard of Competence. Basic competence. 1. Able to communicate in. English on the.
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