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DEVELOPING CHAT AND CALENDAR PLUG-IN USING AJAX PROGRAMMING Jyothi Manjunath Leelavathi B.E., Visveswaraiah Technological University, Karnataka, India, 2005 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2010 DEVELOPING CHAT AND CALENDAR PLUG-IN USING AJAX PROGRAMMING A Project by Jyothi Manjunath Leelavathi Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Jinsong Ouyang, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Ying Jin, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Jyothi Manjunath Leelavathi I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator ________________ Nikrouz Faroughi, Ph.D. Date Department of Computer Science iii Abstract of DEVELOPING CHAT AND CALENDAR PLUG-IN USING AJAX PROGRAMMING by Jyothi Manjunath Leelavathi In this project, I am planning to develop a plug in module that can be integrated into the web based application. The aim of this application is to provide email-services, calendar services and chat services dynamically within the browser. I am responsible for developing Chat Service and Calendar service. For example, in Google apps, the user can open the Gmail and while working on this, the user can see the friends who are online without changing a window or logging into another chat messenger and also will be able to open the calendar and see the contents. In a single browser window, the user is able to view and modify the different applications dynamically. The client-side/web browser technologies used in Web 2.0 development are JavaScript and Ajax (XML). Ajax programming uses JavaScript to upload and download new data from the web server without undergoing a full page reload. iv Chat service is developed using Java and Ajax technology and the Mysql database. It has all the basic features that we see in general popular chat applications like Yahoo chat or Skype. Java technologies and Ajax framework makes the application more scalable and compatible to integrate with other application. The GUI part is greatly enhanced for better end user experiences. Calendar service application is provided with some of the basic features, such as ability to schedule one or more events on a particular day, a standard view that can show any month, with event times and titles listed in order and users will be able to open the application like any other application. _______________________, Committee Chair Jinsong Ouyang, Ph.D. _______________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am thankful to all the people who have helped and guided me through this journey of completing my Masters Project. My sincere thanks to Dr. Jinsong Ouyang, for giving me the opportunity to work on my masters project under him and for guiding me throughout the project. My heartfelt thanks to Dr.Ying Jin for agreeing to be my second reader and providing me with her invaluable inputs on revising my report. My special thanks to my roommates and friends Nandish B ,Veeresh Kortagere and Anh Thai for helping me with their ideas and by reviewing my project report and lending me their Computers when ever I had problem. Last but not the least I would like to thank my husband Naren Veeranna, parents Manjunath and Leelavathi, my brother Vasu Dev and my in-laws Girija and Dr.Veeranna for their unconditional love. They have always motivated me and are the sole reasons for me to have come this far in life. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments.............................................................................................................. vi List of Figures .................................................................................................................... ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 2. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................ 3 Purpose and Scope .......................................................................................................... 5 3. TECHNOLOGY SURVEY ............................................................................................ 7 AJAX (Asynchronous Java Script and XML) ................................................................ 8 Java Servlets.................................................................................................................... 8 Java Server Pages (JSP) .................................................................................................. 9 JQuery ........................................................................................................................... 10 JavaScript ...................................................................................................................... 10 4. ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................ 12 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 12 The Existing Architecture of Calendar Application ..................................................... 13 Architecture Subsystem ................................................................................................ 15 Server Side Architecture for Chat Application ......................................................... 15 vii Chat Application Client ............................................................................................ 16 Database Architecture for Chat Application ............................................................. 19 5. SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................... 20 Server Components for Calendar .................................................................................. 22 Insert Event Module .................................................................................................. 22 Delete Event Module ................................................................................................ 23 Update Event Method ............................................................................................... 24 Client Design for Calendar ........................................................................................... 26 Server Component Modules for Chat ........................................................................... 29 Get Message Module ................................................................................................ 30 Get User Details and Set Message ............................................................................ 31 Client Design Module for Chat Application ................................................................. 32 Data Tier Design ........................................................................................................... 36 6. IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................... 37 7. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 44 Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 46 viii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Basic Architecture .............................................................................................. 13 Figure 2 Calendar Technical Structures ............................................................................ 14 Figure 3 Server Systems for Chat ..................................................................................... 15 Figure 4 Chat Application Client ...................................................................................... 17 Figure 5 Refractored Calendar Design ............................................................................. 21 Figure 6 Calendar Insert Events ....................................................................................... 23 Figure 7 Delete Event Method .......................................................................................... 24 Figure 8 Update Calendar Events ..................................................................................... 25 Figure 9 Update Calendar Event ....................................................................................... 25 Figure 10 Client Design for Calendar ............................................................................... 26 Figure 11 Technical Design of Chat Application ............................................................. 28 Figure 12 Properties .......................................................................................................... 29 Figure 13 XAMPP for Assigning DB Credentials ............................................................ 30 Figure 14 Update Message Holder Table ......................................................................... 31 Figure 15 Get and Set Message ........................................................................................ 32 Figure 16 Client Design for Chat ...................................................................................... 33 Figure 17 Web Ponder Chat .............................................................................................. 33 Figure 18 Chat Window for User 1 Eyan ......................................................................... 34 ix Figure 19 Chat Windows for User 2 Guest ....................................................................... 35 Figure 20 Data Tier ........................................................................................................... 36 x

Chat service is developed using Java and Ajax technology and the Mysql database. application ,Chat is more user friendly and efficient c. Initializes the servlet instance by calling the init method d. Invokes the service method,
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