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Developing Adoption Support and Therapy: New Approaches for Practice PDF

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Developing Adoption Support and Therapy of relatedinterest SupportingParents MessagesfromResearch DavidQuinton ISBN1843102102 Trauma,AttachmentandFamilyPermanence FearCanStopYouLoving EditedbyCarolineArcherandAlanBurnellforFamilyFutures ISBN1843100215 TheDynamicsofAdoption SocialandPersonalPerspectives EditedbyAmalTreacherandIlanKatz ISBN1853027820 FosterPlacements WhyTheySucceedandWhyTheyFail IanSinclair,KateWilsonandIanGibbs ISBN1843101734 TheAdoptionExperience FamiliesWhoGiveChildrenaSecondChance AnnMorrisforAdoptionUK ISBN1853027839 LesbianandGayFosteringandAdoption ExtraordinaryYetOrdinary EditedbyStephenHicksandJanetMcDermott ISBN185302600X LookingforOliver AMother’sSearchfortheSonSheGaveUpforAdoption MarianneHancock ISBN1843101424 TheChild’sWorld AssessingChildreninNeed EditedbyJanHorwath ISBN1853029572 DisorganisedChildren EditedbyUttomChowdhuryandSamuelStein ISBN1843101483 Developing Adoption Support and Therapy New Approaches for Practice Angie Hart and Barry Luckock Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use ofthis publication) without the written permission ofthe copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions ofthe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms ofa licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1T 4LP. Applications for the copyright owner’s written permission to reproduce any part ofthis publication should be addressed to the publisher. Warning: The doing ofan unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. The right ofAngie Hart and Barry Luckock to be identified as authors ofthis work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published in 2004 by Jessica Kingsley Publishers 116 Pentonville Road London N1 9JB, UK and 400 Market Street, Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA www.jkp.com Copyright © Angie Hart and Barry Luckock 2004 Library ofCongress Cataloging in Publication Data Hart, Angie. Developingadoptionsupportandtherapy:newapproachesforpractice/AngieHartand Barry Luckock. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-84310-146-7 (pbk.) 1. Adoption—GreatBritain.2. Adoption—UnitedStates.3. Adoptedchildren—Great Britain.4. Adoptedchildren—UnitedStates.5. Adoptiveparents—Servicesfor—GreatBritain. 6. Adoptive parents—Services for—United States. I. Luckock, Barry, 1953- II. Title. HV875.58.G7H37 2004 362.734—dc22 2004015124 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN-13: 978 1 84310 146 8 ISBN-10: 1 84310 146 7 ISBN pdfeBook: 1 84642 021 0 Printed and Bound in Great Britain by Athenaeum Press, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 7 1 Adoption Today 9 2 Understanding Adoptive Childhood and Family Life: Family Practices and Narratives as the Context for Adoption Support 33 3 Adoption Support: The Legal and Organisational Framework for Practice 55 4 ‘Someone There for Us’: The Adoption Support Services Adviser in Context 79 5 Facilitating ‘Good Enough’ Adoptive Parenting Through Formal Therapeutic Interventions 107 6 ‘Holding Multiple Families in Mind’: Enabling Open Communication in Adoptive Kinship 137 7 Developing Communities of Adoptive Practice 167 REFERENCES 193 SUBJECTINDEX 213 AUTHORINDEX 221 List of Tables 4.1 Modelsof adoptionsupport 80 4.2 Knowledgebaseforadoptioncompetence 87 4.3 Skillsbaseforadoptioncompetence 88 4.4 DifficultiesfacedbyLucy,Billandtheirchildrenandtheexpertise neededtoaddressthem 90 4.5 Componentsof effectivecasemanagementandkeyworking 93 5.1 Twoapproachestotheassessmentof theemotionalcapacityof adoptiveparenting 130 6.1 Thinkingaboutthepurposeof contactforLukeandDebbie 160 7.1 Distinctionsbetweencommunitiesof adoptivepracticeandother modesof practice 173 List of Figures 6.1 Adoptivefamilylifestorywork 150 7.1 Theadoptionstar 180 Acknowledgements This book has two authors, and we are jointly responsible for its contents. However,likemostbooks,wesuspect,somethingofateameffortliesbehindit. TheideaswedevelopinDevelopingAdoptionSupportandTherapyhaveevolved fromaresearchstudyweundertookwithChloeGerhardtin2001.Wethank herforassistinguswiththatresearch,andforherenthusiasminhelpingusto bringthisbooktofruition.Chloeundertookthemammothjoboforganising ourreferences.Aswellasreading andcommenting ontheentiremanuscript, shealsohelpedwithothereditorialtasks. OurthanksarealsoduetoBrightonandHoveCouncilandSouthDowns HealthCareNHSTrustforcommissioningtheoriginalresearchstudyandto the Department of Health for funding it. In particular, we thank Derek Blincow, Sue Boiling, Yvonne Ely, Fiona Johnson and Paul Holmes, and also membersoftheBrightonandHoveAttachmentTeam,whogavegenerouslyof theirthoughtsaboutservicedevelopmentinthisarea.Theadministrativeand secretarialsupportofSarahGardnerandSallySmithhasbeeninvaluabletous. Wearegratefultoverymanycolleaguesandfriendsforreading through chapter drafts. Caroline Archer, John Simmonds and Helen Thomas read through the entire manuscript prior to publication and gave us extremely helpful feedback. Alex Saunders also deserves a particular mention for his insightfulcommentsondifferentchapters.LeslieIronsideandJennyKenrick have also helped us enormously by providing valuable comments on current practiceinrelationtochildpsychotherapy.TrudyWardgaveussomespecialist medical advice. Anne Foulger at the Department of Health provided us with some useful statistics. Alan Simpson taught us a lot about key working. Alan RushtonandJulieSelwynsharedthefindingsof theirresearchinprogress. We cannot begin to list the names of those many friends and colleagues withwhomwehavehadinspiringconversationsaboutadoptionsupport.Celia Balbernie, Alan Burnell, Jenny Clifton, Mary Dozier, Monica Duck, Sheila Fearnley,AlisonField,BarbaraFleetwood,MarnieFreeman,AlecGrant,David Howe,KarenIrving,JeanneKaniukandcolleaguesatCoramFamily,Rachael Lockey, Gillian Luckock, Carolyn Miller, Philly Morrall, Ginny Morrow, Imogen Taylor, Beth Neil and Michael, Edward and Becky Street Hartfield haveallgivenusparticularinsights.Someofthemhavecommentedonchapter drafts. 7 8 / DEVELOPINGADOPTIONSUPPORTANDTHERAPY We thank the staff at Adoption UK for answering our many adoption-relatedqueries,andforallowingustorecruitparentstoourresearch through Adoption Today. The staff at Jessica Kingsley Publishers deserve our thanksfortheirpatienteditorialsupport. We are particularly grateful for the co-operation we have received from adoptiveandfosterparents(bothlocallyandnationally),andthoseadoption supportersweinterviewedforouroriginalresearchstudy.Althoughforreasons of confidentialitywecannotnameanyof thesepeoplehere,wethankallour researchparticipantsforgivingustheirtimeandsharingtheirviewswithus. Finally we thank our own families for the very valuable support they providedtoussothatwecouldwritethisbook.

Adoption is currently taking centre stage in family policy in the UK and USA, with new legislation that places emphasis on providing and maintaining permanent family homes for children separated from their families of origin. This book explores the challenges of adoption and how best to support fami
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