RESEARCH Determination of Mass and Heat Transfer Parameters During Freeze-Drying Cycles of Pharmaceutical Products A. HOTTOT, S. VESSOT, AND J. ANDRIEU* Laboratoire d’Automatique et de Ge´nie des Proce´de´s –LAGEP-UMR Q 5007 CNRS UCB Lyon1-CPE, Baˆt. 308G, 43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. ABSTRACT: The principal aim of this study was to evaluate the water vapour mass transfer resistance of the dried layer and the vial heat transfer coefficient values of a pharmaceutical product during the primary drying period. First, overall vial heat transfer coefficient values, Kv, were determined by a gravimetric method based on pure ice sublimationexperiments.Thus,itwaspossibletosetupamapofthetotalheatfluxreceivedbyeachvialthroughout the plate surface of our pilot scale freeze-dryer. Important heterogeneities were observed for the vials placed at the plate edges and for the vials placed at the center of the plate. As well, the same gravimetric method was also used to precisely determine the influence of main lyophilization operating parameters (shelf temperature and gas total pressure) or the vial types and sizes on these overall heat transfer coefficient values. A semi-empirical relationship as a function of total gas pressure was proposed. The transient method by pressure rise analysis (PRA method) after interrupting the water vapour flow between the sublimation chamber and the condenser, previously set up and validated in our laboratory, was then extensively used withanamorphousBSA-basedformulationtoidentifythedriedlayermasstransferresistancevalues,R ,theicefront p temperature,andthetotalheattransfercoefficientvalues,Kv,withorwithoutannealingtreatment.Itwasprovedthat this method gave accurate and coherent data only during the first half of the sublimation period when the totality of the vials of the set was still sublimating. Thus, this rapid method allowed estimation of, on line and in situ, the sublimation front temperature and the characterizationofthemorphologyandstructureofthefreeze-driedlayer,allalongthefirstpartofthesublimationperiod. TheestimatedsublimationtemperaturesshownbythePRAmodelwereabout2°Clowerthantheexperimentalvalues obtained using thermocouples inserted inside the vial, in accordance with previous data given by this method for similar freeze-drying conditions. As well, by using this method we could confirm the homogenization of the dried layer porous structure by annealing treatment after the freezing step. Furthermore, frozen matrix structure analysis (mean pore diameter) using optical microscopy and mass transfer modelling of water vapour by molecular diffusion (Knudsen regime) allowed, in some cases, to predict the experimental values of this overall mass transfer resistance directly related to the freeze-dried cake permeability. KEYWORDS: Freeze-drying, Pharmaceutical freeze-drying, Annealing, Heat and mass transfer, PRA model Introduction timization of the whole process cycle is based mainly on a deep knowledge and thorough analysis of subse- Freeze-drying is a complex process based on coupled quent processes such as nucleation and state diagram mass and heat transfer phenomena. Consequently, op- properties. During the primary drying period, the sub- limation kinetics are controlled either by heat transfer flux from the shelf and from the surroundings towards the ice sublimation front inside the vial, or by the Corresponding author: [email protected] water vapour mass transfer through the dried layer. 138 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology The global parameter characterizing the overall heat Generally, heat transfer by convection was negligible transfer to one vial is the overall heat transfer coeffi- due to small pore sizes so that only radiation and cient, named Kv, whereas the total mass flux of water conduction mechanisms were considered in our stan- vapour is expressed with the mass transfer resistance, dard freeze-drying conditions regarding thermosen- noted as Rp. sible pharmaceuticals materials. During this study we first used pure ice sublimation experiments to check The aim of this study was to determine the values of the uniformity of the actual heat fluxes received by the heat transfer parameters by means of the PRA each vial all through the plate surface. The mean method (1) derived from MTM method first proposed values of Kv were then determined for the two main by Milton et al. (2). As well, this transient method freeze-drying parameters, namely, the shelf tempera- leads to the ice sublimation front temperature without ture and the total gas pressure for different vial types anysensors(thermocouples),aninsertionthatstrongly and sizes. Next, during the second part of this work, modifies the nucleation phenomena, as well as the ice we investigated the applicability of the pressure rise and dried-layer morphology and the duration of the analysis method, called the PRA method, to noninva- drying periods. sively identify two important freeze-drying variables, namely the ice sublimation front temperature and the The resistance to water vapour flow has also been dried layer mass transfer resistance directly propor- characterized as a function of dried layer thickness by tional to the water vapour permeability through the using a microbalance (3). In the case of the KCl dried layer. system,theseauthorsreportedanonlinearevolutionof Rpwithrespecttodriedlayerthickness.Kuuetal.(4) Materials and methods estimated mass transfer coefficients values by using Powell’s algorithm, proving that only thermal profiles Three types of glass vials were used for determining and cumulative mass sublimation were sufficient. the overall heat transfer coefficient values: a set of 100, 4 ml tube glass vials (Verretubex); a set of 120, In a comprehensive study, Overcashier et al. (5) pro- 7 ml vials (Dominique Dutscher) and another set of vided relationships between water vapour mass trans- 120, 5 ml moulded glass vials (Fisher Bioblock) with fer resistance and slight product collapse. These au- a more sharply bent and thicker bottom than the two thors observed the cake structure by SEM and by previous ones. fluorescence microscopy. The holes fraction (micro- collapse), which increased with the process tempera- For one freeze-drying cycle with a given vial type, a ture, decreased the mass transfer resistance during the set of 100 vials (weighed before the cycle) was filled primary drying stage. with 1 ml of water each. They were then semi-stop- pered and finally carefully placed in rows on the Recently, Bru¨lls et al. (6) calculated Kv values by aluminium tray. identifying product temperatures, based on a physical 2D-model.Theseauthorsunderlinedtheimportanceof For the gravimetric method, the overall heat transfer the heat transfer mode from shelf to vials whether at coefficient for one vial was calculated based on the lowpressurewhentheradiativemechanismdominates heat balance after measuring the mass loss after 5 (up to 60%) or at higher pressures from 16 Pa and hours of sublimation and the temperature difference beyond when heat conduction is predominant. betweentheproductbottomandtheshelftemperature. The Kv values were then determined by applying The overall heat transfer coefficient is dependent on equation 2 which neglects the heat accumulation term three elementary mechanisms (7–11): the radiation in frozen and in dried layers (stationary state hypoth- phenomena, the heat contact between the vial bottom esis).TheutilisationofpureiceinexperimentsforKv and the shelf or the plate, and the transfer by conduc- determinations eliminated the dried layer mass trans- tionthroughthegaslayersurroundingthevialbottom. fer resistance and, consequently, these conditions cor- Nail (12) first underlined the total pressure effects on responded to a constant sublimation front temperature global heat transfer fluxes values. This author ex- all along the duration of the sublimation step. It plained that the gas layer under the bottom vial fre- proved that the reproducibility of the calculated Kv quently presented resistance to heat transfer limiting. values was around 2%. The repeatability was mea- Vol. 59, No. 2, March-April 2005 139 Figure 1 Arrangement of vials and thermocouples for PRA measurements suredbythreerepetitionsofthesamecycle(P(cid:1)6Pa The glass mass in contact with the frozen layer was and T (cid:1) (cid:2)5 °C) with a set of 200 vials of 4 ml. considered equal to 1 g. shelf This coefficient of variation takes account the exper- Eachofthe525unstopperedvialswasfilledwith1ml imental uncertainty regarding temperature and the of liquid solution which represented 0.084 m2 of total weight measurements and also regarding all the other sublimation area for a chamber volume of 120 litres; errors involved during the freeze-drying runs. thus, the ratio volume/sublimation surface was equiv- alent to 1.43 m, i.e., of the same order of magnitude The previously described PRA method (1) was imple- thanintheMiltonstudy(2).Thisratiovalueprovedto mented with our laboratory pilot freeze-dryer, type be sufficient to lead to a significant and a reliable SMH45(Usifroid,France).Thefreeze-dryerchamber pressure rise up to the end of the primary drying had a volume equal to 120 L and the total pressure period. values were measured using a capacitance manometer MKS Baratron 622 (MKS Instruments, USA). This Twodifferentpressurelevels(P(cid:1)10PaandP(cid:1)26Pa) sensor was connected to an acquisition system 2700 during the primary drying period were selected. Type (Keithley Instruments, USA) in order to record all Kthermocouples(typeKthermocouplesweremadeof necessarydataduringpressurerisetests.Arapidclos- Nickel-Chrome for the positive part and Nickel-Alu- ing pneumatic butterfly type valve (response time in- minium for negative part) were introduced inside 6 ferior at 0.5 s) was used to isolate the condenser from vials located on the plate array as indicated on Figure the sublimation chamber. The PRA tests were always 1below,andasevenththermocouplewasplacedinthe carried out using 1 ml formulations placed in 4 ml gas space of the freeze-dryer chamber. Each thermo- tubing glass vials having the following configuration couple was carefully fixed at the internal face of each parameters: vialbottom.Totakeintoaccountthepossibleheatflux heterogeneities, an average value was adopted as the ● Empty mass: 4.76 g mean experimental temperature value at the glass- bottom/frozen-layer interface. ● Total height: 37mm Freeze-drying protocol ● Exterior diameter: 16.25 mm The two freezing protocols described below were ap- ● Inner diameter: 14.25 mm plied: 140 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology ● Freezing down to (cid:2)45 °C at (cid:2)1 °C/min and hold- ond term, Kr, expresses the radiative equivalent con- ing for 2 hours ductance,andthethirdterm,notedKg,correspondsto the conductance of the equivalent gas layer located ● Freezing down to (cid:2)45 °C at (cid:2)1 °C/min, holding betweenthevialbottomandthefreeze-dryerplate.For during2hoursandthenannealingtreatmentat-10 the experimental conditions of our work, Kr and °C during 3 hours (only with PRA method). K values were quite constant and for this reason contact were gathered in a single constant, noted K . Forgravimetricmethodexperiments,theshelftemper- v ature increased from (cid:2)45 °C to (cid:2)5 °C at 0.5 °C/min Furthermore, as pointed out by different authors for and a gas total pressure P (cid:1) 6 Pa was maintained standard conditions of pharmaceutical protein freeze- throughout the drying period. drying (8), Kv values were strongly dependent on the PRArunswerecarriedoutonlyduringtheprimary total gas pressure and could be correlated by the drying period with the following parameters val- following semi-empirical relationship: ues: gas total pressure (cid:1) 26 PA; heating rate at 0.25 °C/min from (cid:2)45 °C to (cid:2)5 °C ; holding time Kp (cid:1) Pchamber Kg(cid:1) , (4) until all thermocouples reached the preset shelf 1(cid:3)Kd (cid:1) Pchamber temperature. withKp(cid:1)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:7)o, (5) Results and Discussion andKd(cid:1)L (cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:7)o/(cid:8)o(cid:4), (6) The vial mean heat transfer coefficient, Kv, is defined sep by equation 1 below from the total heat flux dQ/dt where P represents the total gas pressure of the received by one vial: chamber freeze-drying chamber (Pa), (cid:6) an adimensionnal form factor, characterizing the heat transfer efficiency,Kg dQ dt (cid:1)KvAs(cid:3)Tshelf(cid:2)Tbottom(cid:4), (1) theheattransfercoefficientbyconductionthroughthe gas layer (W/m 2 /K), (cid:7)o the free molecular gas heat where T and T represent, respectively, the conductivity at 0°C (W/m2/Pa/K) equal to 2.06 W/m2/ shelf bottom temperature of the coolant fluid circulating in the Pa/K for pure water vapour, (cid:8)o the thermal conduc- shelves and the mean temperature measured by the tivity of gas at atmospheric pressure equal to 0.018 thermocouples fixed at the bottom of the monitored W/m/K for water vapour,and L the equivalent gas sep vials as previously indicated. layer thickness between the bottom of the vial and the plate (m). Adopting the steady state hypothesis, the overall heat transfer coefficient value, Kv, could be calculated by 1. Experimental Kv Values by Gravimetric Method. equation 2 based on the overall sublimation rate for one vial, noted m(cid:1), obtained by weighing. 1.1 Heat flux cartography inside the sublimation chamber. (cid:5)H (cid:1)(cid:3)m(cid:1)(cid:4) Kv(cid:1) s , (2) A (cid:1)(cid:3)T (cid:2)T (cid:4) s shelf bottom After having checked the axial symmetry of the plates ofthefreeze-dryingchamberandtheinvarianceofthe where (cid:5)H , is the latent sublimation heat equal to 2 s Kv values according to the different shelves, experi- 323 KJ/kg. ments were carried out to determine the Kv values at different locations of the plate and, then, for different As well, as a first approximation, the Kv coefficient temperatures and different pressures for the three could be decomposed as follows in three elementary conductances (7) : types of vials studied. Kv(cid:1)K (cid:3)Kr(cid:3)Kg(cid:1)Kc(cid:3)Kg. (3) Figure2belowdepicts ahistogramoftotalheat trans- contact fer coefficient values with respect to their location on The first term, K , corresponds to the contact the plate for tubing glass vials of 7 ml at the total contact conductance of the vial with the plate, while the sec- pressureP(cid:1)6PaandatashelftemperatureT(cid:1)-5°C. Vol. 59, No. 2, March-April 2005 141 Figure 2 Distribution of overall heat transfer coefficient values. Tubing vials of 7 ml Aluminium tray (Total pressure (cid:1) 6 Pa; Shelf temperature (cid:1) (cid:2)5°C) First, we can observe the equality of Kv values be- Furthermore, two thermocouples were inserted and tween the front and the back of the freeze-dryer plate, carefully fixed as already indicated. The sublimated though these values are higher than the ones at the ice mass during these runs varied between 20 to 40% plate center where they remain around 10 W/m2/K. for the different freeze drying cycles and for the These differences could result mainly from the wall different vial types. significant radiative flux existing in laboratory pilot freeze-dryers. On average, for the standard conditions Table 1 gathers the Kv values for the different exper- described above and for the 7 ml glass vial experi- imental conditions. ments,thevialslocatedattheshelfcenterpresentheat A maximum variation of 4% of Kv values was ob- transfer coefficient values 20% lesser than those lo- served for each type of vial. However, this deviation cated on the edge of the plate. These data are in tended to increase with the shelf temperature (in spite accordance with those obtained by Rambhatla et al. of the the measurement error). This observation could (13). be explained by the fact that the freeze-drying cham- ber’s mean temperature increased slightly when the 1.2 Overall heat transfer coefficient for different experimental conditions TABLE I The Kv values for one vial were calculated from equation2andtheexperimentalvalueofm(cid:1).However, Heat Transfer Coefficient Values, Kv (W/m2/K) as a Function of Shelf Temperature for Three Types thelinearizationassumptionoftheradiativetermmust of Vials. P (cid:1) 6 Pa be checked because the applicability of this last rela- tionship relies on it. This is why, in order to validate Tubing this hypothesis, the Kv values were investigated by Types of Vials Moulded Vials Vials carrying out experiments at three different shelves Shelf Temperature (°C) 5 ml 7 ml 4 ml temperatures, namely (cid:2)18 °C, (cid:2)5 °C,(cid:9) 5 °C for 3 vials types at the total gas pressure P (cid:1) 6 Pa. All the (cid:2)18 14.1 8.4 10.8 (cid:2)5 15.1 8.7 11 vials were carefully weighed after freeze-drying runs 5 15.2 9.1 11.1 to obtain the sublimation rates. 142 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Figure 3 Overall heat transfer coefficient values as a function of total pressure. Three types of vials (T (cid:1) (cid:2)5°C). shelf shelf temperature increased. Thus, the collision inten- Figure3representstheexperimentalandtheestimated sity between the gas molecules increased which re- Kv values as a function of total gas pressure. We sulted in an increase of heat transfer by conduction observed that these Kv coefficient values for the tub- through the gas layer. Besides, it is worth noting that, ing vials are in close agreement with those found by regarding the Kc values from Table II and the Kv Pikal, namely Kv (cid:1) 8.5 W/m2/K, close to Kv (cid:1) 7 values from Figure 3, for the mean value of the total W/m2/Kforthesamevialsizeandthesametypeasin gas pressure (P(cid:1) 40 Pa), the gas-conduction thermal our study. These curves show a clear non-linear rela- conductance in the gas layer between the vial bottom tionshipwithtotalpressure.Besides,theKvvaluesare and the shelf (Kg term) represents 50% of the vial’s higher for the moulded glass vials than for the tube total thermal conductance. This percentage varies glass vials. Nevertheless, according to the Pikal data largely with the total pressure from its highest value, (7), moulded vials presented Kv values lower than 70%atP(cid:1)80Pa,toitslowestvalue,30%atP(cid:1)6Pa. those of the tube vials not because of the high curva- So, for freeze-drying conditions at low total gas pres- ture of their bottoms but their tube glass vials did not suresandduetothelowthermalconductivityofgases have the same geometrical dimension as those in our inthisdomain,themainheattransferresistanceforthe study. Finally, these data indicate the importance of heat flux towards the sublimation front is located in precise consideration of vial type and size during the thin gas layer between the vial bottom and the freeze-drying optimisation and modelling. Table II shelf. In the frequent case of sublimation times con- gathers the estimated parameters values used for cor- trolled by the heat transfer phenomena, the reduction relating equations 4–6. of the operating costs related to this drying time relies on the optimisation of this thermal resistance by de- termining an optimum for the total gas pressure or, if TABLE II possible, by improving the shape of the vial bottom. Heat Transfer Parameters for Three Types of Vials (Equation 3-6) Finally, we concluded that, in our experimental con- ditions, using equation 1 we can express the first Vials Volume 5 ml 7 ml 4 ml approximation of the total heat flux, including the Kc (W/m2/K) 10.4 7.1 7.9 radiative component, as a function of the difference Kp (W/m2/K/Pa) 0.48 0.25 0.3 between the shelf temperature and the product tem- Kd (Pa(cid:2)1) 0.0121 0.0048 0.0031 perature. Vol. 59, No. 2, March-April 2005 143 TABLE III TABLE IV L sep and Heat Transfer Form Factor Values for Experimental L sep Values for Two Tubing Vials Three Type of Vials Sizes Vials Volume 5 ml 7 ml 4 ml Tubing Vials Volume 7 ml 4 ml L sep (mm) 0.47 0.36 0.2 L (mm) 1.4 0.7 max (cid:6) (adimensional) 0.23 0.12 0.145 Experimental L (mm) 0.4 0.24 sep Concerning the parameter Kc (contact and radiation motion to allow enough time for the hardening reac- mechanisms), its values were higher in our case of tion. To evaluate the maximum gap between the vial moulded vials than for Pikal’s corresponding experi- bottom and the horizontal plane, we measured the mental condition (14). So, this characteristic could rounded bottom centre of the vial as well as the vial’s explain the higher Kv values for glass moulded vials diameter on its basis. We then calculated the volume than for tube vials because the lower resistance of the of the spherical segment which allowed estimation of gas layer was compensated by the higher thermal the height of a cylinder, L , which presented the sep resistance by contact and radiation. This is also the sameareaasthesphericalsegment.Inthismanner,we reason why the moulded vials presented sublimation found a height of 0.6 mm for the moulded vials. rates faster than the tubing vials (15). Finally, we Concerning our tubing glass vials, it was difficult to concluded that equation 4 represents a precise and define a spherical segment, so that for this reason the adequatesemi-empiricalcorrelationforexpressingthe L value was calculated based on the correlation sep influence of total gas pressure on Kv values, a rela- proposed by Pikal (7). tionshipthatwillbeusedinfutureworkforaccurately implementing the PRA model and for the advanced We observed that the previous experimental results modelling of freeze-drying processes. regarding the gap were generally in close agreement with equivalent gas layer thickness data estimated 1.3 Evaluation of gas layer thickness and thermal from Kv values. efficiency: 2. Measurement of Rp and Kv Values by PRA Thesetwoparameters’valueswerenecessaryformod- Method elling the heat transfer and are defined as follows: ThePRAmethodproposedbyChouvencetal.(1),has For the overall heat transfer efficiency, noted (cid:6): been applied to an aqueous formulation based on B.S.A(SigmaAldrich,SaintLouis,USA),whichcon- Kp (cid:6)(cid:1) , (7) stituted an amorphous system. Each 4 ml tubing glass (cid:7)o vial (Verretubex, France) was filled with 1 ml of formulation up to a depth of 7 mm. The PRA runs and for the gas layer equivalent thickness at the vial were realized by using a rapid closing butterfly valve. bottom, L : sep The ice sublimation front temperature, Ti, and the Kd product resistance, Rp, were identified, and in a sec- Lsep(cid:1)(cid:8)o . (8) Kp ond step the total heat transfer coefficient values, Kv, were calculated using the following hypothesis: The mean gap distance between the vial bottom and theplatewasestimatedbyusingpasteAquasilTMsoft — variation of Kv values during the pressure rise test putty (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH) used in stomatology (makingteethimpressions).Forthismeasurement,the — variation of frozen layer thickness during the pri- paste was mixed with a catalyst and was shaped as a mary drying period rectangular parallelepiped, and the vial bottom was then pressed onto it. Next, the vials were carefully — by neglecting desorption term during the primary removed from the paste that was kept 5 min without drying period 144 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Figure 4 Comparison of experimental and identified ice front temperatures profiles (T (cid:1) (cid:2)5°C and P (cid:1) 26 Pa) shelf chamber — taking into account the mass of glass in contact following relationship was used to calculate the thick- with the frozen product (mass variable with time) ness of the frozen layer, L (t), at different subli- frozen mation times. 2.1 Freeze-drying parameters without annealing (cid:1) (cid:5)t Kv(cid:3)T (cid:2)T (cid:4) L (cid:3)t(cid:4)(cid:1)L (cid:2) acq shelf bottom , (9) Figure 4 depicts the variation of ice front temperature frozen 0 (cid:5)H(cid:10) s frozen estimated using the PRA method and also the mean product temperatures given by the thermocouples in- with the following notations: troduced inside the vial bottom, at the interface with the frozen layer. (cid:5)Hs: sublimation enthalpy (J/Kg) After2hofsublimation,theidentifiedsublimationice L : initial frozen layer thickness (m) 0 front temperature stabilized around -28 °C, that is to say, 2 °C above the mean product temperature given Kv: total heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 /K) by thermocouples. This tendency has been also previ- ouslyobservedbyChouvencetal.(1)usngamannitol (cid:5)t : mean time between 2 acquisitions (s) acq system. This difference was consistently observed un- til the product temperature reached the shelf temper- (cid:4) : ice density (kg/m3) frozen ature. Figure5describestheevolutionofthecalculateddried Due to artefacts associated with nucleation phenom- layer thickness as a function of time. ena and ice morphology resulting from thermocouples insertion, the vials with thermocouples should have This figure shows that for our investigated BSA based lower temperature values than those monitored with- formulation, the cake thickness increases linearly as a outthermocouples(lesssurpercooling,largericecrys- function of sublimation time at a constant rate equal to tals and greater sublimation rate); therefore, the ob- 10-7 m/s for L(cid:11)0.25 .10(cid:2)2 m, with this rate then pro- served temperature difference seems logical and in gressively slowing down. agreement with other experimental observations. Furthermore, the water vapour mass transfer resistance Furthermore, the PRA method allowed us to estimate increases linearly as well during the first half of the the thickness of the dried layer as a function of time sublimationperiod(figure6)withrespecttothedrylayer and the product mass transfer resistance values. The thickness (if L(cid:11)0.25 .10(cid:2)2 m) with an intercept value Vol. 59, No. 2, March-April 2005 145 Figure 5 Variationofdriedlayerthicknesswithsublimationtime(T (cid:1)-5°CandP (cid:1)26Pa).Tubingvialsof4ml shelf chamber whichisclosetozero.Then,beyondathicknessequalto edge of the plate finished their sublimation earlier than 0.25cm,theidentifiedRpvaluesstronglyincrease(Fig- the vials located at the centre of the plate. ure 6) from 600 to 1000 kPa.m2.s/kg. Theoretically, the pressure rise ‘dP/dt’ is proportional Figure7showsthatthetotalpressureriseduringaPRA to ‘NA /Rp’ as indicated by the following equation of s run decreased with the sublimation time, mainly due to the PRA model (1): an increase of dry layer thickness.Moreover, in the sec- ondhalfofthesublimationperiod,thisattenuationeffect dP(cid:3)t(cid:4) NART (cid:1) s v (cid:3)Pi(cid:3)t(cid:4)(cid:2)P (cid:3)t(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:3)F , (10) couldalsoresultfromthereductionofthetotalsublima- dt M VR water leak H2O p tion front surface due to heat flux heterogeneities inside the sublimation chamber. As a matter of fact, as previ- where N is the vial number, Tv the ambient tempera- ouslyindicated,duetoradiativeeffectsofthewallandof ture; P the water vapour pressure (Pa) in the water the shelves of the freeze-dryer, the vials located at the chamber, Pi the water vapour pressure at the ice in- Figure 6 Experimentaldriedlayermasstransferresistanceversusdriedlayerthickness(Tshelf(cid:1)(cid:2)5°CandP (cid:1)26Pa) chamber 146 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Figure 7 Pressure rise kinetics during PRA run for two sublimation times ‘t’ (T (cid:1) (cid:2)5°C and P (cid:1) 26 Pa) shelf chamber terface (Pa), and F the leak rate of the freeze dryer middlevalueoftheinitialfrozenlayerthickness.Asa leak (Pa/s). matter of fact, the total mass of sublimated water, m , was calculated based on the estimated Kv or Rp exp Thus,foragivenpressurerisesignal,ifthevialnumbers values by a simple mass balance or heat balance from is overestimated, the corresponding Rp values are also the following relationships: overestimated with respect to the real ones. Otherwise, (cid:2) the Kv values are proportional to 1/Rp: t(cid:2)end(cid:2)lyo Kv(cid:3)t(cid:4)NA(cid:3)T (cid:2)T (cid:4) m (cid:1) s shelf bottom (cid:1) dt exp (cid:5)H (cid:3)Pi(cid:2)Pc(cid:4)(cid:5)Hs 0 s Kv(cid:1) , (11) Rp(cid:3)Tshelf(cid:2)Tbottom(cid:4) (cid:2) t(cid:2)end(cid:2)lyo NA(cid:3)P (cid:2)Pi(cid:4) Consequently,thecorrespondingcalculatedKvvalues (cid:1) s Rchapm(cid:3)bte(cid:4)r (cid:1) dt, (12) should decrease, as shown in Figure 8, which could 0 confirm that the vials located at the edge of the tray had finished their sublimation. where, ‘t-end-lyo’ is the time at the last PRA run. Moreover, at the end of the sublimation period, the For a standard freeze-drying cycle corresponding to thickness of the frozen layer was estimated at the thepreviousoperatingconditions,only200gofwater Figure 8 Evolution of Kv values during sublimation (T (cid:1) (cid:2)5°C and P (cid:1) 26 Pa) shelf chamber Vol. 59, No. 2, March-April 2005 147