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Determination of $ΔΓ_s$ from Analysis of Untagged Decays $B^0_s\to J/ψφ$ by Using the Method of Angular Moments PDF

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Preview Determination of $ΔΓ_s$ from Analysis of Untagged Decays $B^0_s\to J/ψφ$ by Using the Method of Angular Moments

Determination of ∆Γ from Analysis s of Untagged Decays B0 J/ψ φ s 3 → 0 by Using the Method of Angular Moments 0 2 n a A. Bel’kov1 , S. Shulga2 ∗ † J 5 1 Particle Physics Laboratory, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 1 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia 1 v 2 Francisk Skarina Gomel State University, Belarus 5 0 1 1 0 3 Abstract 0 / h The performance of the method of angular moments on the ∆Γ determination s p from analysis of untagged decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−) is - s s → → → p examined. The results of Monte Carlo studies with evaluation of measurement e h errors are presented. The method of angular moments gives stable results for the : v estimate of ∆Γs and is found to bean efficient and flexible tool for the quantitative Xi investigation of the Bs0 → J/ψφ decay. The statistical error of the ratio ∆Γs/Γs r for values of this ratio in the interval [0.03, 0.3] was found to be independent on a this value, being 0.015 for 105 events. 1 Introduction The study of decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−), which is one of the gold s s → → → plated channels for B-physics studies at the LHC, looks very interesting from the physics point of view. It presents several advantages related to the dynamics of these decays, characterized by proper-time-dependent angular distributions, which can be described in terms of bilinear combinations of transversity amplitudes. Their time evolution in- volves, besides the values of two transversity amplitudes at the proper time t = 0 and their relative strong phases, the following fundamental parameters: the difference and average value of decay rates of heavy and light mass eigenstates of B0 meson, ∆Γ and s s ∗E-mail: [email protected] †E-mail: [email protected] 1 Γ , respectively, their mass difference ∆M , and the CP-violating weak phase φ(s). The s s c angular analysis of the decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−) provides com- s s → → → plete determination of the transversity amplitudes and, in principle, gives the access to all these parameters. In the present paper we examine the performance of the angular-moments method [1] applied to the angular analysis of untagged decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( s s → → → K+K−)forthedeterminationof∆Γ . AftergivingthephysicsmotivationinSection2,we s describe in the next section the method of angular moments based on weighting functions introducedinRef.[1]. Forthecaseof∆Γ determinationthismethodisproperlymodified s in Section 4. The SIMUB-package [2] for physics simulation of B-meson production and decays has been used for Monte Carlo studies with two sets of weighting functions. In Section 5 we present the results of these studies and concentrate on the evaluation of measurement errors and their dependence on statistics. 2 Phenomenological description of the decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l )φ( K+K ) s s − − → → → The angular distributions for decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−) are gov- s s → → → erned by spin-angular correlations (see [3]-[6]) and involve three physically determined angles. In case of the so-called helicity frame [5], which is used in the present paper, these angles are defined as follows (see Fig. 1): The z-axis is defined to be the direction of φ-particle in the rest frame of the B0. • s The x-axis is defined as any arbitrary fixed direction in the plane normal to the z-axis. The y-axis is then fixed uniquely via y = z x (right-handed coordinate × system). The angles (Θ , χ ) specify the direction of the l+ in the J/ψ rest frame while l+ l+ • (Θ , χ ) give the direction of K+ in the φ rest frame. Since the orientation of K+ K+ the x-axis is a matter of convention, only the difference χ = χ χ of the two l+ K+ − azimuthal angles is physically meaningful. In the most general form the angular distribution for the decay B0(t) J/ψ( s → → l+l−)φ( K+K−) in case of a tagged B0 sample can be expressed as → s d4Ntag(B0) 9 6 s = (t)g (Θ ,Θ ,χ). (1) i i l+ K+ dcosΘ dcosΘ dχdt 32π O l+ K+ i=1 X Here (i = 1,...,6) are time-dependent bilinear combinations of the transversity ampli- i O tudes A (t), A (t) and A (t) for the weak transition B0(t) J/ψφ [7] (we treat these 0 || ⊥ s → combinations as observables): = A (t) 2, = A (t) 2, = A (t) 2, 1 0 2 || 3 ⊥ O | | O | | O | | = Im A∗(t)A (t) , = Re A∗(t)A (t) , = Im A∗(t)A (t) , (2) O4 || ⊥ O5 0 || O6 0 ⊥ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 n x χ + p* K K+ χ J/ψ ϕ Θ + l+ K χ Θ B0 n l+ s z p* n l+ p*- y K Figure 1: Definition of physical angles for description of decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( s s → → l+l−)φ( K+K−) in the helicity frame → and the g are functions of the angles Θ , Θ , χ only [5]: i l+ K+ g = 2cos2Θ sin2Θ , 1 K+ l+ g = sin2Θ (1 sin2Θ cos2χ), 2 K+ l+ − g = sin2Θ (1 sin2Θ sin2χ), 3 K+ l+ − g = sin2Θ sin2Θ sin2χ, 4 K+ l+ − 1 g = sin2Θ sin2Θ cosχ, 5 √2 l+ K+ 1 g = sin2Θ sin2Θ sinχ. (3) 6 √2 l+ K+ For the decay B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−) in case of a tagged B0 sample the s → → → s angular distribution is given by d4Ntag(B0) 9 6 s = (t)g (Θ ,Θ ,χ) (4) i i l+ K+ dcosΘ dcosΘ dχdt 32π O l+ K+ i=1 X with the same angular functions g and i = A¯(t) 2, = A¯ (t) 2, = A¯ (t) 2, 1 2 || 3 ⊥ O | | O | | O | | = Im A¯∗(t)A¯ (t) , = Re A¯∗(t)A¯ (t)), = Im A¯∗(t)A¯ (t) , (5) O4 || ⊥ O5 0 || O6 0 ⊥ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) where A¯ (t), A¯ (t) and A¯ (t) are the transversity amplitudes for the transition B0(t) 0 || ⊥ s → J/ψφ. 3 Thetimedependence ofthetransversity amplitudesforthetransitionsB0(t),B0(t) s s → J/ψφ is not of purely exponential form due to the presence of B0 B0 mixing. This s − s mixing arises due to either a mass difference or a decay-width difference between the mass eigenstates of the (B0 B0) system. The time evolution of the state B0(t) of an s − s | s i initially, i.e. at time t = 0, present B0 meson can be described in general form as follows: s B0(t) = g (t) B0 +g (t) B0 , g (t = 0) = 1, g (t = 0) = 0, | s i + | si − | si + − i.e., the state B0(t) at time t is a mixture of the flavor states B0 and B0 with prob- | s i | si | si abilities defined by the functions g (t) and g (t). In analogous way, the time evolution + − 0 0 of the state B (t) of an initially present B meson is described by the relation | s i s B0(t) = g¯ (t) B0 +g¯ (t) B0 , g¯ (t = 0) = 0, g¯ (t = 0) = 1. | s i + | si − | si + − Diagonalization of the full Hamiltonian (see [8] for more details) gives 1 α g (t) = e−iµLt +e−iµHt , g (t) = e−iµLt e−iµHt , + − 2 2 − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) g¯ (t) = g (t)/α2, g¯ (t) = g (t). (6) + − − + Here µ M (i/2)Γ are eigenvalues of the full Hamiltonian corresponding L/H L/H L/H ≡ − to the masses and total widths of “light” and “heavy” eigenstates B , and α is L/H | i a phase factor defining the CP transformation of flavor eigenstates of the neutral B - s meson system: CP B0 = α B0 . In the case α = 1 the probability for B0 to oscillate | si | si | | 6 s to a B0 is not equal to the probability of a B0 to oscillate to a B0. Such an asymmetry s s s in mixing is often referred to as indirect CP violation, which is negligibly small in case of the neutral B-meson system. The time evolution of the transversity amplitudes A (t) (f = 0, , ) is given by the f || ⊥ equations 1 1 A (t) = A (0) g (t)+g (t) ξ(s) , A¯ (t) = A (0) g¯ (t)+g¯ (t) ξ(s) . (7) f f + − ηf α f f f + − ηf α f (cid:20) CP (cid:21) (cid:20) CP (cid:21) Here ηf are eigenvalues of CP-operator acting on the transversity components of the CP final state which are eigenstates of CP-operator: CP J/ψφ = ηf J/ψφ , (f = 0, , ), | if CP| if || ⊥ η0 = 1, η|| = 1, η⊥ = 1, CP CP CP − (s) and ξ is the CP-violating weak phase [9]: f ξ(s) = e−iφc(s) , φ(s) = 2[arg(V∗V ) arg(V∗V )] = 2δγ, f c ts tb − cq cb − where δ is the complex phase in the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix elements V (i u,c,t , j d,s,b ), and γ is the third angle of the unitarity triangle. ij ∈ { } ∈ { } 4 The phase φ(s) is very small and vanishes at leading order in the Wolfenstein expan- c sion. Taking into account higher-order terms in the Wolfenstein parameter λ = sinθ = C 0.22 gives a non-vanishing result [10]: φ(s) = 2λ2η = 2λ2R sinγ. c − − b Here 1 V ub R | | b ≡ λ V cb | | is constrained by present experimental data as R = 0.36 0.08 [11]. Using the experi- b ± mental estimate γ = (59 13)o [12], the following constrain can be obtained for the phase ± φ(s): c φ(s) = 0.03 0.01. (8) c − ± According to Eq. (7) at time t = 0, the transversity amplitudes of B0,B0 J/ψφ s s → decays depend on the same observables A (0) , A (0) , A (0) and on the two CP- 0 || ⊥ | | | | | | conserving strong phases, δ arg[A∗(0)A (0)] and δ arg[A∗(0)A (0)]. Time- 1 ≡ || ⊥ 2 ≡ 0 ⊥ reversal invariance of strong interactions forces the form factors parameterizing quark currents to be all relatively real and, consequently, naive factorization leads to the fol- lowing common properties of the observables: Im[A∗(0)A (0)] = 0, Im[A∗(0)A (0)] = 0, Re[A∗(0)A (0)] = A (0)A (0) . 0 ⊥ || ⊥ 0 || ±| 0 || | Moreover, in the absence of strong final-state interactions, δ = π and δ = 0. 1 2 In the framework of the effective Hamiltonian approach the two body decays, both B0 J/ψφ and B0 J/ψK⋆, correspond to the transitions ¯b s¯c¯c with topologies s → d → → of color-suppressed spectator diagrams shown in Fig. 2. Factorizing the hadronic matrix elements of the four-quark operators of the effective Hamiltonian into hadronic matrix elements of quark currents, the transversity amplitudes A (0) , A (0) , A (0) of decays 0 || ⊥ | | | | | | B0,B0 J/ψV((q,V) (s,φ),(d,K⋆) ) can be expressed in terms of effective Wilson q q → ∈ { } coefficient functions, constants of J/ψ decay, and form factors of transitions B V q → induced by quark currents [1]. In Table 1 we collect the predictions of Ref. [1] for the transversity amplitudes of B0 J/ψφ (B0 J/ψK⋆) calculated with B K⋆ form s → d → → factors given by different models [13, 14, 15]. The B K⋆ form factors can be related → to the B φ case by using SU(3) flavor symmetry. The most precise polarization → measurements performed recently in decays B J/ψK⋆: → A (0) 2 = 0.60 0.04, A (0) 2 = 0.16 0.03 (BaBar [16]), 0 ⊥ | | ± | | ± A (0) 2 = 0.62 0.04, A (0) 2 = 0.19 0.04 (Belle [17]), 0 ⊥ | | ± | | ± confirm the predictions based on the model [15]. 5 c J Ψ c b s W 0 B V q q q Figure 2: Color suppressed diagrams for decays B0 J/ψV ((q,V) (s,φ),(d,K⋆) ) q → ∈ { } Table 1: Predictions for B0 J/ψφ (in brackets – for B0 J/ψK⋆) observables s → d → obtained in Ref. [1] for various model estimates of the B K⋆ form factors [13, 14, 15] → (the normalization condition A (0) 2 + A (0) 2 + A (0) 2 = 1 is implied) 0 || ⊥ | | | | | | Observable BSW [13] Soares [14] Cheng [15] A (0) 2 0.55 (0.57) 0.41 (0.42) 0.54 (0.56) 0 | | A (0) 2 0.09 (0.09) 0.32 (0.33) 0.16 (0.16) ⊥ | | 3 Angular-moments method The angular distributions for decays B0(t),B0(t) J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−) in case s s → → → of tagged B0 and B0(t) samples (see Eqs. (1) and (4), respectively) as well as in case of s s the untagged sample can be expressed in the most general form in terms of observables b (t): i 9 6 f(Θ ,Θ ,χ;t) = b (t)g (Θ ,Θ ,χ). (9) l+ K+ i i l+ K+ 32π i=1 X The explicit time dependence of observables is given by the following relations: b (t) = A (0) 2G (t), 1 0 L | | b (t) = A (0) 2G (t), 2 || L | | b (t) = A (0) 2G (t), 3 ⊥ H | | b (t) = A (0) A (0) Z (t), 4 || ⊥ 1 | || | b (t) = A (0) A (0) G (t)cos(δ δ ), 5 0 || L 2 1 | || | − b (t) = A (0) A (0) Z (t), (10) 6 0 ⊥ 2 | || | where we have used the general compact notations: 1 G (t) = (1 cosφ(s))e−ΓLt +(1 cosφ(s))e−ΓHt , L/H 2 ± c ∓ c 1 h i Z (t) = e−ΓHt e−ΓLt cosδ sinφ(s) 1,2 2 − 1,2 c (cid:16) (cid:17) 6 – for observables b ( + )/2 in case of the untagged sample with equal initial i i i ≡ O O numbers of B0 and B0, while s s G(Bs0)/(B0s)(t) = G (t) e−Γstsin(∆Mt)sinφ(s), L/H L/H ± c Z(Bs0)/(B0s)(t) = Z (t) e−Γst sinδ cos(∆Mt) cosδ sin(∆Mt)sinφ(s) 1,2 1,2 ± 1,2 − 1,2 c h i – for observables b(Bs0) and b(B0s) in case of tagged B0 and B0(t) samples, i ≡ Oi i ≡ Oi s s respectively, with Γ (Γ + Γ )/2. It is easy to see that both in the tagged and s L H ≡ untagged case we have G (t) = e−ΓL/Ht. L/H |φ(cs)=0 According to Ref. [1], the observables b (t) can be extracted from distribution func- i tion (9) by means of weighting functions w (Θ , Θ , χ) for each i such that i l+ K+ 9 dcosΘ dcosΘ dχ w (Θ ,Θ ,χ) g (Θ ,Θ ,χ) = δ , (11) l+ K+ i l+ K+ j l+ K+ ij 32π Z projecting out the desired observable alone: b (t) = dcosΘ dcosΘ dχ f(Θ ,Θ ,χ;t) w (Θ ,Θ ,χ). (12) i l+ K+ l+ K+ i l+ K+ Z The angular-distribution function (9) obeys the condition L(t) dcosΘ dcosΘ dχ f(Θ ,Θ ,χ;t) = b (t)+b (t)+b (t). (13) l+ K+ l+ K+ 1 2 3 ≡ Z For decays B J/ψ( l+l−)φ( K+K−), the explicit expressions of weighting → → → functions, given in Table 5 of Ref. [1] for physically meaningful angles in the transversity frame, get the following form (Set A) after transformation into the helicity frame: w(A) = 2 5cos2Θ , 1 − l+ w(A) = 2 5sin2Θ cos2χ, 2 − l+ w(A) = 2 5sin2Θ sin2χ, 3 − l+ 5 w(A) = sin2Θ sin2χ, 4 −2 K+ 25 (A) w = sin2Θ sin2Θ cosχ, 5 4√2 K+ l+ 25 (A) w = sin2Θ sin2Θ sinχ. (14) 6 4√2 K+ l+ The expressions of Eq. (14) are not unique and there are many legitimate choices of weighting functions. A particular set can be derived by linear combination of angular functions g (see [1] for more discussions): i 6 w (Θ ,Θ ,χ) = λ g (Θ ,Θ ,χ), (15) i l+ K+ ij j l+ K+ j=1 X 7 where the 36 unknown coefficients λ are solutions of 36 equations ij 9 6 λ dcosΘ dcosΘ dχ g (Θ ,Θ ,χ)g (Θ ,Θ ,χ) = δ . (16) ij l+ K+ j l+ K+ k l+ K+ ik 32π j=1 Z X The weighting functions (set B) corresponding to the linear combination of the angular functions (3) are given by 1 w(B) = [28cos2Θ sin2Θ 3sin2Θ (1+cos2Θ )], 1 12 K+ l+ − K+ l+ 1 w(B) = [4cos2Θ sin2Θ 29sin2Θ (1 sin2Θ cos2χ) 2 − 8 K+ l+ − K+ − l+ +21sin2Θ (1 sin2Θ sin2χ)], K+ l+ − 1 w(B) = [4cos2Θ sin2Θ +21sin2Θ (1 sin2Θ cos2χ) 3 − 8 K+ l+ K+ − l+ 29sin2Θ (1 sin2Θ sin2χ)], K+ l+ − − 25 w(B) = sin2Θ sin2Θ sin2χ, 4 − 8 K+ l+ (B) (A) w = w , 5 5 (B) (A) w = w . (17) 6 6 For a limited number of experimental events N in the time bin around the fixed value of the proper time t, distributed according to the angular function (9), it is convenient to introduce the normalized observables ¯ b (t) b (t)/L(t) (18) i i ≡ with normalization factor L(t) given by Eq. (13). Then, as it follows from the Eq. (12), ¯ the observables b (t) (18) are measured experimentally by i 1 N ¯b(exp) = wj (19) i N i j=1 X with summation over events in a time bin around t. Here wj w (Θj ,Θj ,χj), where i ≡ i l+ K+ Θj , Θj and χj are angles measured in the j-th event. The statistical measurement l+ K+ error of the observable (19) can be estimated as 1 N δ¯b(exp) = (¯b(exp) wj)2, i Nvu i − i ujX=1 u t with summation over all events in the same time bin. 4 Time-integrated observables For data analysis it is rather convenient to use the time-integrated observables defined as ˜ 1 T0 b (T ) = dt dcosΘ dcosΘ dχw (Θ ,Θ ,χ) f(Θ ,Θ ,χ;t) (20) i 0 L˜(T) Z0 Z l+ K+ i l+ K+ l+ K+ 8 with argument T T, where T is the maximal value of the B-meson proper time 0 ≤ measured for the sample of events being used, and L˜(T) is a new normalization factor, which has the form: T T L˜(T) L(t) = dt dcosΘ dcosΘ dχ f(cosΘ ,cosΘ ,χ;t) = l+ K+ l+ K+ ≡ Z0 Z0 Z = ( A (0) 2 + A (0) 2)G˜ (T)+ A (0) 2G˜ (T), (21) 0 || L ⊥ H | | | | | | where, in the compact notations used in Eq. (10), T G˜ (T) dtG (t). L/H L/H ≡ Z0 ˜ ˜ ˜ The following normalization condition is valid for the observables (20): b +b +b = 1. 1 2 3 For a limited number of experimental events N(T), measured in the proper time region t [0,T], Eq. (20) reduces to ∈ 1 N(T0) ˜b(exp)(T ) = wj (22) i 0 N(T) i j=1 X with summation over all events N(T ) in the time interval t [0,T ] for T T. In case 0 0 0 ∈ ≤ of the untagged sample we have 1 e−ΓLT 1 e−ΓHT 1 G˜ (T) = (1 cosφ(s)) − +(1 cosφ(s)) − (23) L/H −2 ± c Γ ∓ c Γ (cid:20) L H (cid:21) and 1 T Z˜(T) dtZ (T) ≡ cosδ1,2sinφ(cs) Z0 1,2 1 = (e−ΓHT 1)/Γ (e−ΓLT 1)/Γ . H L −2 − − − (cid:20) (cid:21) For the untagged sample the explicit form of time-integrated normalized observables ˜ ˜ (20) in terms of the functions G (T) and Z(T) is given by L/H ˜b (T ) = A (0) 2G˜ (T )/L˜(T), 1 0 0 L 0 | | ˜b (T ) = A (0) 2G˜ (T )/L˜(T), 2 0 || L 0 | | ˜b (T ) = A (0) 2G˜ (T )/L˜(T), 3 0 ⊥ H 0 | | ˜b (T ) = A (0) A (0) Z˜(T )cosδ sinφ(s)/L˜(T), 4 0 | || || ⊥ | 0 1 c ˜b (T ) = A (0) A (0) G˜ (T )cos(δ δ )/L˜(T), 5 0 0 || L 0 2 1 | || | − ˜b (T ) = A (0) A (0) Z˜(T )cosδ sinφ(s)/L˜(T). (24) 6 0 | 0 || ⊥ | 0 2 c In the Standard Model (SM) sinφ(s) 0 and the observables ˜b (T ) are vanishing. In c ≈ 4,5 0 case of a new physics signal the values of sinφ(s) and ˜b (T ) can be sizable, however. c 4,5 0 9 The following relations are valid for the observables (24): ˜ ˜ b (T )b (T ) ˜b (T ) = cosδ sinφ(s)Z˜(T ) 2 0 3 0 , 4 0 1 c 0 vuG˜L(T0)G˜H(T0) u t ˜ ˜ ˜ b (T ) = cos(δ δ ) b (T )b (T ), 5 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 − q ˜ ˜ b (T )b (T ) ˜b (T ) = cosδ sinφ(s)Z˜(T ) 1 0 3 0 . 6 0 2 c 0 vuG˜L(T0)G˜H(T0) u t If we introduce the function γ˜(T) G˜ (T)/G˜ (T), (25) H L ≡ then, the values of initial transversity amplitudes at t = 0 and the strong-phase difference ˜ ˜ (δ δ ) are determined from the observables b (T) b (T = T ) by 2 1 i i 0 − ≡ ˜ b (T) A (0) 2 = 1 , | 0 | ˜b (T)+˜b (T)+˜b (T)/γ˜(T) 1 2 3 ˜ b (T) A (0) 2 = 2 , | || | ˜b (T)+˜b (T)+˜b (T)/γ˜(T) 1 2 3 ˜ b (T)/γ˜(T) A (0) 2 = 3 , | ⊥ | ˜b (T)+˜b (T)+˜b (T)/γ˜(T) 1 2 3 ˜ b (T) 5 cos(δ δ ) = , (26) 2 1 − ˜ ˜ b (T)b (T) 1 2 q where we consider the initial amplitudes normalized as A (0) 2+ A (0) 2+ A (0) 2 = 1. 0 || ⊥ | | | | | | We have also: ˜b (T) G˜ (T)G˜ (T) sinφ(s)cosδ = 4,6 L H . (27) c 1,2 ˜b (T)˜b (T) q Z˜(T) 2,1 3 q For extraction of the B0-width difference ∆Γ Γ Γ from experimental data it s s ≡ H − L is convenient to use a special set of the time-integrated normalized observables: ˆb (T ) = 1 T0 dt dcosΘ dcosΘ dχw (Θ ,Θ ,χ) eΓ′tf(Θ ,Θ ,χ;t), i 0 ˜ l+ K+ i l+ K+ l+ K+ L(T) Z0 Z (28) where Γ′ is some arbitrary initial approximation of the B0-meson total decay width. s These observables can be extracted from the experimental events N(T), measured in the proper time region t [0,T], by using the formula ∈ 1 N(T0) ˆb(exp)(T ) = Wj, (29) i 0 N(T) i j=1 X where Wj eΓ′tj wj, and summation is performed over all events N(T ) in the time i ≡ i 0 interval tj [0,T ]. 0 ∈ 10

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