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National Defence University M i k a e l S a l o Determinants of Military Adjustment and Attrition During Finnish Conscript A D t e t t ri e Service t r i m o n i n D a u n Mikael Salo r t i s n o g f F M i n i n li i t s a h r y C o A n d s j c u r s i t p m t e S n e t r v a i n c e d 2 0 0 8 ISBN 978-951-25-1926-2 ISSN 1237-3680 National Defence University www.mpkk.fi Department of Education Department Publication Series 2 P.O. Box 7, 00861 Helsinki Suomi Finland of Education Reserch Reports No 21 1 UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE – TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Faculty of Education – Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta Determinants of Military Adjustment and Attrition During Finnish Conscript Service Mikael Salo NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY – MAANPUOLUSTUSKORKEAKOULU Department of Education – Koulutustaidon laitos PUBLICATION SERIES 2 – JULKAISUSARJA 2 RESEARCH REPORTS No 21 – TUTKIMUKSIA No 21 HELSINKI 2008 2 ACADEMIC DISSERTATION University of Tampere Faculty of Education Department of Teacher Education Finland Supervised by Professor Eero Ropo University of Tampere Finland Reviewed by Professor Jorma Enkenberg University of Joensuu Finland Docent Bo Talerud Swedish National Defence College (Försvarshögskolan) Sweden Layout by Heidi Paananen, Continuing Training and Development Center, FNDU Copyright © Mikael Salo Published by Edita Prima Oy, Helsinki 2008 Electronic dissertation: Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis 770 ISBN 978–951–44–7470–5 (pdf) ISSN1456–954X http://acta.uta.fi Printed dissertation ISBN 978–951–25–1926–2 ISBN 978–951–25–1927–9 (pdf) ISSN1237–3680 Edita Prima Oy Helsinki 2008 3 “That when the sea was calm all boats alike Showed mastership in floating” (Shakespeare, 1623/1966, p. 145); “Only in a storm were they obliged to cope” (White, 1974, p. 48). 4 5 ABSTRACT Adjustment to the military is determined by two main factors: the situational and organizational experiences of the new service member (the environment) and the member’s characteristics and background (personal features). In the Finnish conscript service, an aggregate of diverse individuals is socialized into the military. Most of the conscript population adjusts to this process, but a portion of the conscripts fails to adjust and their service is terminated prematurely. The study looks at how well conscripts are expected to adjust to the military, how well they actually do adjust to basic training and later service, and how the adjustment changes over the service period. In addition, the research examines why some conscripts fail to fulfill their military obligation, resulting in military turnover (i.e. attrition). The data were collected with Finnish-language questionnaires from 2,003 conscripts immediately after reporting for duty, at the end of basic training, and at the end of the conscript service. Information was obtained on a number of background variables, the trainees’ attitudes towards various topics, and their experiences. Interviews were utilized to verify that the measures covered relevant aspects of the military adjustment process. The adjustment-related measures were refined by factor and Bayesian analyses and reliability tests. The results show that numerous background variables are related to differences in adjustment perceptions and attitudes toward military experiences. Four main dimensions of adjustment were found: affective commitment, sociability, physical health, and perceptions about obedience and regimentation. Together they explained 50% of the variance of adjustment expectations at time 1, 58% of basic training adjustment at time 2, and 61% of later adjustment at time 3. In structural equation models, 56% of the later adjustment experiences were explained by the four dimensions. Most attrition (i.e. separation from service) occurred during the first two weeks, and most of the later attrition during the first 8 weeks of service. In all, 211 (10.5%) of the 2,003 conscripts were dropped from military service. A series of logistic regression and discriminant function analyses were carried out to explain the differences between the attrition group and those who completed their military service. Attrition was best predicted by the conscript’s intent to stay or quit, education level and schooling experiences, expected adjustment, criminal background, physical health, the quality of civilian relationships, and attitudes towards military service. Overall, the research extends previous research by considering a wider set of predictors over time, and allowing generalization of the findings about military adjustment through the use of a non-U.S. conscript sample. Alternative approaches, policy interventions, and adjustment-related considerations for instructors and service members are suggested. Keywords: Military, socialization, adjustment, attrition, turnover, commitment, sociability 6 7 TIIVISTELMÄ Varusmiehen sopeutumiskokemuksia ennustavat sekä tilanne- ja organisaatiokohtaiset kokemukset että henkilökohtaiset luonteenpiirteet, taustahistoria ja palvelusta edeltävät kokemukset. Varusmiespalveluksessa lähes koko miesten ikäluokka aluksi totutetaan toimimaan sotilasyhteisössä ja sosiaalistetaan joukon osaksi, minkä jälkeen varusmiehet koulutetaan yksilön toimintakyvyn ja joukon suorituskyvyn kehittämiseksi. Pääosa varusmiehistä sopeutuu tähän prosessiin, mutta pieni osa keskeyttää palveluksensa ennenaikaisesti pääosin juuri sopeutumisvaikeuksien takia. Tässä tutkimuksessa määritetään sopeutumisprosessin päätekijät sekä organisaation että yksilön osalta; tarkastelee sopeutumisen seurauksia; tutkii, mikä selittää sopeutumisen ennakko-odotuksia, peruskoulutuskauden sopeutumista ja palvelusajan lopun sopeutumista sekä palveluksen keskeyttämistä; sekä määrittää varusmiespalveluksen keskeisimmät sopeutumistekijät. Aineistona on 2003 varusmiehestä, jotka astuivat palvelukseen vuonna 2001. Sopeutumisen tuntoja kyseltiin palvelukseen astumisen yhteydessä, peruskoulutuskauden lopulla sekä palveluksen lopulla. Kyselyt yhdistävät kotimaisessa ja kansainvälisessä kirjallisuudessa esitetyt mittarit monipuoliseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Lisäksi kyselyitä täydennettiin siviili- ja sotilasarkistoista kerätyillä taustatiedoilla ja varusmiespalveluksen onnistumista kuvaavilla tunnusluvuilla. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt muuttujat ja mittarit valittiin aikaisemman kirjallisuuden sekä täydentävien haastattelujen perusteella. Lisäksi mittarien luotettavuus arvioitiin faktorianalyysien, Bayesian muuttujamallien ja reliabiliteettitestien avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että lähes kaikki kerätyt taustamuuttujat olivat yhteydessä varusmiespalvelukseen sopeutumiseen, vaikka vain muutama henkilön luonnetta, kykyjä, sosiaalisia suhteita ja asenteita kuvannut muuttuja säilytti asemansa itsenäisenä selittäjänä monimuuttuja-analyyseissä. Sen sijaan neljä tärkeintä sopeutumisen osa-aluetta selittivät johdonmukaisesti yli puolet sopeutumiskokemuksista eri tarkasteluajankohtina. Nämä keskeiset komponentit ovat sitoutuminen varusmiespalvelukseen kohtaan, sopeutuminen sosiaalisiin suhteisiin, sopeutuminen fyysiseen rasitukseen sekä sopeutuminen käskyvaltasuhteisiin. Keskeyttämistä selitti parhaiten henkilön palveluksen keskeyttämispohdiskelu, koulutustaso, koulukokemukset, sopeutumisen ennakko- odotukset, rikostausta, fyysinen kunto, seurustelusuhteen laatu sekä oma ja kavereiden asenne varusmiespalvelusta kohtaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin sopeutumisen kokonaiskuvaa ongelmista menestykseen. Samalla siinä yhdistettiin kirjallisuuden yksittäiset tekijät toisiinsa ja testattiin niiden toimivuus suomalaisessa aineistossa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa esiteltiin lukuisia teoreettisia ja käytännöllisiä suosituksia tulevaa varten. Avainsanat: Sotilaat, sosialisaatio, sopeutuminen, palveluksen keskeyttäminen, sitoutuminen, sosiaalisuus 8 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research project turned out to be a long, captivating adventure challenging the author and offering a unique opportunity to explore various fields of study, acquire new skills, and broaden the understanding of the relation between conceptual and practical knowledge. As a matter of fact, this ended up being a time in my life when it was truly possible to focus on the exploration process rather than merely concentrate on the end product. However, reaching this end state of the process is fortunate indeed, and I am deeply privileged to be able to thank several people and organizations for their contribution without which none of this would have been possible. As for the inspiration for this study, the thematic choice of this thesis heavily draws from my first work experiences as a trainer in the Armored Brigade and the studies I had carried out prior to graduation. Furthermore, the instrumental motivator of this project was Professor Jarmo Toiskallio who guided me to start my post-graduate studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tampere in 2000. He, moreover, remained an important mentor in this project over the years. In practical terms, the overall design for the study was drafted after my meeting with Professor Eero Ropo, who became my scientific supervisor. In addition, substantial guidance and expert advice for covering and verbalizing the relevant concepts in the existing previous studies stemmed from the meetings with Navy Captain (Med.), Doctor, Kai Parkkola and his colleague, Docent Markus Henriksson (Central Military Hospital). Their invaluable comments and critique were of use especially when taking into account the medical aspects of the adjustment process in question. The beginning stage of the research project was also supported by scientists of the Department of Behavioural Sciences of the Finnish National Defence University in Tuusula. In particular, Licentiate in Political Sciences Olli Harinen and Research Secretary Pirjo Horsma gave priceless advice for planning the research design and creating the questionnaires. Thus, I want to express my most sincere gratitude to these specialists who helped in forming a solid foundation for this project and worked with me throughout the process. When it comes to implementing the research plan and collecting and analyzing the data, it was the research grant awarded by the Scientific Advisory Board for Defence (Maanpuolustuksen Tieteellinen Neuvottelukunta, MATINE) that enabled gathering the longitudinal data during 2001–2002. Moreover, the practical, impeccable support from the Commanders of the Armored Brigade, first, Colonel Timo Suutarinen, and then, Brigadier General Kyösti Halonen, made it possible to carry out the data collection procedures. Equally, the excellent attitude and helpfulness of Company Commanders and other officers facilitated the execution of the surveys. Similarly, the medics at the Brigade’s military hospital significantly helped in the interpretation and categorization of over 2,000 soldiers’ medical history. Additionally, conscripts serving as Platoon Leaders in the Brigade had a decisive role in how they conducted the last round of data collection at the end of service for their given cohort. In fact, the officers and conscripts who participated in the interviews and provided details about their adjustment process and experiences significantly influenced the quantitative part of the research. And, obviously, I am very grateful for each and everyone of the over 2,000 conscripts who meticulously filled out the detailed questionnaires. Moreover, in this initial stage of data collecting, the assistance of Master of Political Science Heidi Berger was indeed

Adjustment to the military is determined by two main factors: the situational and Military, socialization, adjustment, attrition, turnover, commitment, sociability
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