February2,2008 9:1 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in miuchi˙IDM2006 1 7 0 0 2 n a J 0 1 Detector performance of the NEWAGE experiment t] KentaroMiuchia,KaoriHattoria,ShigetoKabukia,HidetoshiKuboa, e d ShunsukeKurosawaa,HironobuNishimuraa,YokoOkadaa,AtsushiTakadaa, - ToruTanimoria,Ken’ichiTsuchiyaa,KazukiUenoa,HiroyukiSekiyab,AtsushiTakedab s n Cosmic-Ray Group, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto i UniversityKitashirakawa-oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japana E-mail: . s [email protected] c si Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, The Univ. of TokyoHigashi-Mozumi, Kamioka cho, y Hida 506-1205 Japan b h p [ NEWAGE(NEw generation WIMP search with an Advanced Gaseous tracking device Experiment) project is a direction-sensitive dark matter 1 v searchexperiment with a gaseous micro time-projection-chamber(µ-TPC). 8 We reportonthe performanceofthe µ-TPC witha detection volume of23 1 × 28 × 30 cm3 operated with a carbon-tetrafluoride (CF4) of 0.2 bar. 1 1 Keywords: Timeprojectionchamber;Micro-patterndetector; darkmatter 0 7 0 1. Introduction / s c Weakly interacting massive particle(WIMPs) are thought to be one of the i s most plausible candidates of the dark matter. Most of the dark matter y search experiments are designed to measure only the energy deposition on h p the nucleus by a WIMP-nucleus scatterings. Because the amplitude of an : annualmodulation signalis only a few % inthe rate,positivesignaturesof v i the WIMPs are very difficult for detection with only the energy informa- X tion. Owing to the motion of the solar system with respect to the galactic r a halo,thedirection-distributionoftheWIMPvelocityobservedattheearth is expected to show an asymmetry like a wind of WIMPs. Attempts to detect a positive signature of WIMPs by measuring the recoil angles have been carried out1–5 ever since it was indicated to be an alternative and a 6 reliable method. Gaseous detectors are one of the most appropriate de- vices for detecting this WIMP-wind. DRIFT project has performedunder- February2,2008 9:1 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in miuchi˙IDM2006 2 ground runs for more than two years with a 1m3 time projection chamber 4 (TPC) filled with a low pressure CS2 gas. We proposed to use a carbon- tetrafluoride (CF4) as a chamber gasofour time projectionchambers with amicro-pixelchamberreadout(µ-TPC)aimingto detectWIMPsviaspin- dependent(SD)interactions.7 Inthispaper,theperformanceoftheµ-TPC is described. 2. Measurements 2.1. Micro-TPC 8 Aµ-TPCisatimeprojectionchamberwithamicropixelchamber(µ-PIC ) readout, developed for the detection of tracks of charged particles with fine spatial resolutions.9 A µ-PIC is a gaseous two-dimensional position- sensitive detector manufactured by the printed circuit board (PCB) tech- nology.Withthe PCBtechnology,large-areadetectorscan,inprinciple,be mass-produced, which is an inevitable feature for a dark matter detector. The pixel-pitch of the µ-PIC is 400 µm and the detection area is 31×31 cm2. We had studied the performance of a small size (10 × 10 × 10 cm3 ) µ-TPCwitha 0.2barCF4 gas.9 We thendevelopeda large-volumeµ-TPC with a detection volume of23 × 28 × 30cm3,and studied its fundamental properties with an Ar-C2H6 gas mixture at a normal pressure.10 The data acquisition system is described in Ref.11 We will describe the performance of the µ-TPC with a 0.2 bar CF4 gas in the following subsections. 2.2. Energy calibration We calibrated the energy of the µ-TPC with α particles generated by the 10B(n,α)7Li(Q=2.7MeV)reaction. We set a glass plate with a size of 27× 70×1mm3 coatedwith a thin 0.6 µm 10B layerin the µ-TPC.The picture oftheboron-coatedglasssetintheµ-TPCisshownintheleftpanelofFig. 1. Fast neutrons from 252Cf were moderated and the thermalized neutrons were captured by the 10B layer.Alpha particles are emitted from the layer and the integrated two-dimensional image is shown in the right panel of Fig. 1. It is seen that the α particles from the 10Blayer are detected and the corresponding position has a high counting rate. ThemeasuredandsimulatedspectraareshowninFig2.Theedgewhich correspondstothefullenergydepositionoftheαparticleandtheα+Liare seen in the both spectra. The elastic scatterings of the fast neutrons from 252 the Cf sourcegivesan increaseofthe lowerenergy partofthe measured energy spectrum. February2,2008 9:1 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in miuchi˙IDM2006 3 m]15 de[c 120 ho10 cat 100 5 80 0 60 -5 40 -10 20 -1-515 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 0 anode[cm] Fig. 1. Picture of the glass plate coated with a boron layer(right) and an integrated eventdisplayofacalibrationmeasurement. simulation 103 alpha 103 102 102 alpha+Li 10 10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 keV keV Fig.2. Measured(left)andsimulatedspectraofthecalibration Alphapeaks(5.6MeV,6.1MeV,7.2MeV)formthedecaysoftheradon daughters are also used for the energy calibration. The energy resolution was also measured with these alpha peaks and the energy resolution was 50%(FWHM) in the high energy(3-8 MeV) region. 2.3. Absolute detection efficiency of nuclear recoils Thedetectionandtheevent-selectionefficiencywasmeasuredbyirradiating the fast neutrons from 252Cf. Here the events which satisfied the following three conditions were selected as a nuclear recoil events. • The track is in the fiducial volume (21.5 × 22 × 31 cm3). • The track has more than three digital hits. • The track is shorter than 1cm. February2,2008 9:1 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in miuchi˙IDM2006 4 The first requirement is the fiducial cut to reject the protons from the driftwall,thesecondisforthedirectiondetermination,andthethirdoneis for the gamma-rayrejection.The detectionandthe selectionefficiencywas about40%at100keVandtheefficiencyintheenergyregionof100-400keV (DM energy region) ǫ was fitted by ǫ = 1.0·erf((E−45.8)/165.2), where erf(x) = 2 Rxexp(−x2)dx is the error function and E is the detected √π 0 energy. The measured efficiency and the best fit function are shown in the left panel of Fig. 3 zenith 4.5 60 4 efficiency 3.5 efficiency 1 3W0 23.5 0.8 -60 -30 30 60 2 0.6 -30 1.5 0.4 -60 1 0.2 eff=1.00*erf((x-45.8)/165.2) 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 keV Fig. 3. Absolute detection efficiency of the nuclear recoils (left) and the relative direction-dependent response. 2.4. Direction-dependent detector response The direction-dependent detector response is one of the most important properties forthe direction-sensitivedarkmatter search.We irradiatedthe fast neutrons from various position to generate ”a uniform recoils”. We determined the direction of the selected events by fittings the digital hits and the direction-map is shown in the right panel of Fig. 3. Because we don’t detect the head-and-tail of the tracks, this mas is restricted to the halfsky,i. e.-90 <azimuth<90 and-90 <zenith<90 Theresponseis ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ notveryflatnorsymmetrybecauseoftheinhomogeneityofthedetector.A muchmoreflatresponseisexpectedforthenextdetectorwithanimproved manufacture technologies. February2,2008 9:1 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in miuchi˙IDM2006 5 2.5. Gamma-ray rejection It is one of the outstanding advantage of the gaseous TPC that the track- length and the energy-deposition correlation provides a strong gamma-ray rejection.9 We measured the gamma-rayrejection factor by irradiating the gamma-rays from a 137Cs source. Measured spectra with and without the gamma-ray source and the background-subtracted spectrum are show in Fig. 4 We define the gamma-raymiss-identification factor (or the electron- detection efficiency) f as e f ≡ Rγ −RBG, (1) e Rsim where Rγ and RBG are the the measured counting rate DM energy region with and without the gamma-ray source and Rsim, is the expected rate of the electrons which has a initial energy in the DM energy region. The result was f < 2.0×10 4. This ”rejection factor” was restricted by the e − backgroundneutrons in the surface laboratory. subtracted spectrum s 2s000 y y a a d d g/ g/ k k eV/103 1eV/500 k k nt/ nt/ u u o o c c 1000 102 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 keV Fig.4. Theenergyspectrameasuredwith(solid)andwithout(hatched)thegamma-ray source(left).Thebackground-subtracted(=solid-hatched) spectrum(right). 3. Summary We measured the performance of the µ-TPC and obtained the following results. • The detector is calibrated with α-particles. February2,2008 9:1 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in miuchi˙IDM2006 6 • The absolute efficiency is about 0.4% at 100keV. • The electronmiss-identificationprobabilityisless than2×10 4 in − the 100-400keV energy range. • The directiondependentresponseismeasured.After apilotrunin the surface laboratory,we will start an underground measurement in Kamioka Observatory in January, 2007. Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid in Scientific Research of the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Sports, Technology; research-aid program of Toray Science Foundation; and Grant-in-Aid for the 21st Century COE ”Center for Diversity and Universality in Physics”. References 1. P.Belli,R.Bernabei,A.Incicchitti,D.Prosperi,NuovoCimentoC15(1992) 475; R. Bernabei, P. Belli, F. Nozzoli, A. Incicchitti, Eur. Phys. J. C 28 (2003)203. 2. K.N.Buckland,M.J.Lehner,G.E.Masek,andM.Mojaver,Phys.Rev.Lett. 73 (1994) 1067. 3. M. J. Lehner, K. N. Buckland, and G. E. Masek, Astroparticle Physics 8 (1997) 43. 4. G.J. Alner et al., Nucl. Instrm. Methods A 555 (2005) 173; N Spooner, in theseproceedings. 5. H. Sekiya et al., Proceedings of IDM 2004”, Edinburgh, UK, 2004, edited by N.J.C. Spooner and V.Kudryavtsev,(World Scientific,2005), p.378. 6. D.N. Spergel, Phys. Rev.D 37 (1988) 1353. 7. T. Tanimori et al., Phys.Lett. B 578 (2004) 241. 8. 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