PHYSICAL REVIEWA 78, 055803 (2008); 79, 019902(E) (2009). Detection of quantum light in the presence of noise A.A. Semenov,1,2,3,∗ A.V. Turchin,1,2 and H.V. Gomonay2,3 1Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prospect Nauky 46, UA-03028 Kiev, Ukraine 2Institute of Physics and Technology, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, Prospect Peremohy 37, UA-03056 Kiev, Ukraine 3 Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vul. Metrologichna 14-b, UA-03680 Kiev, Ukraine (Dated: January 9, 2009) Detectionofquantumlightinthepresenceofdarkcountsandbackgroundradiationnoiseiscon- sidered. Thecorrespondingpositiveoperator-valuedmeasureisobtainedandphotocountsstatistics of quantumlight in thepresence of noise is studied. 9 PACSnumbers: 42.50.Ar,42.50.Lc,85.60.Gz,03.65.Yz 0 0 2 Photodetectors play a crucial role in all experimental photocounts is written as n investigations dealing with quantum optics, fundamen- a tals of quantum physics, and quantum-information pro- P =Tr Πˆ ̺ˆ . (1) J n n cessing. Thesedevicesareusedformeasuringthephoton 9 (cid:16) (cid:17) numberofradiationfields. Thetheoryofphotodetection Awell-knownresultofthephotodetectiontheory[1,2,3, ] has beendevelopedfor bothclassical[1, 2]andquantum 4, 5, 6] is the expression for the POVM of a single-mode h light fields [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. radiation field and for the detectors with losses, p Different kinds of losses are a serious problem in the nt- pabhloetoteeclehcntorliocgdieetseecntiaobnleofuqsutaongteutmthliegdhte.tePctrieosnenetffilycaievnacily- Πˆn =: ηaˆn†!aˆ ne−ηaˆ†aˆ :, (2) a (cid:0) (cid:1) near 0.9 and even more [7]. At the same time, attempts u q to improve it increase the dark counts rate [8]. Besides, where η is the efficiency of detection, aˆ† and aˆ are cre- [ inmanyapplicationsthebackgroundradiationnoisecon- ationandannihilationoperatorsofthefieldmode,corre- tributestothetotalstatisticsofphotocountssimilarlyto spondingly,and::meansnormalordering. Expression(2) 6 dark counts [9, 10]. playsa crucialrolein variousinvestigationsdealing with v In some models (see e.g. [11]) noise counts, origi- quantumopticalmeasurements;see,e.g.,[15,16,17]. We 9 4 nated from dark counts and background radiation, are generalizethis expressionfor the case of detection in the 9 describedbycouplingtheradiationfieldtoasinglemode presence of noise counts. 4 of the thermal bath. However, such a simple model has, Let us consider the normal ordered (Husimi-Kano) 0. atleast,twoseriousdrawbacks. First,itdoesnotpredict symbol [18] of the POVM, 1 Poissonianstatisticsusually[10]peculiartonoisecounts. Π (α)=hα|Πˆ |αi, (3) 7 Second, itdoes not considerthe presenceof other modes n n 0 of the thermal bath. Although some of these modes are v: not coupled to the mode of the radiationfield, they con- where |αi is a coherentstate. It is obviousthat Πn(α) is a probability to get n photocounts when the detector is i tribute to the total statistics of photocounts. Therefore, X irradiated by a coherent light with an amplitude α. The a more appropriate model should include a multimode operator form of the POVM can be obtained from the r noise. a explicit formofexpression(3) by replacingα with aˆ and Fortheclassicalfieldsasimilarproblemwasconsidered α∗ with aˆ† under the sign of normal ordering. in Refs. [9, 10]. At the same time, quantum radiation Aswasmentionedabove,noisecountsforrealisticpho- demonstrates many nonclassical properties such as sub- todetection should be described with a multimode heat Poissonianstatistics [12], quadrature squeezing [13], etc. bath. Finite detection time enables one to restrict con- Thesepropertiescanbe describedonly inthe framework sideration to a discrete set of modes for the radiation oftheconsistentquantumformalism,whichisthesubject field and, consequently, for the thermal bath. The num- of this paper. ber of thermal modes µ can be approximately evaluated According to the quantum measurement theory, see, as follows: e.g., [14], the process of photodetection is characterized by the positive operator-valued measure (POVM), Πˆn. µ≈∆ωT, (4) Forthequantumradiationfieldcharacterizedbytheden- sity operator ̺ˆ, the probability distribution P to get n once the bandwidth of heat bath ∆ω and detection time n T is known. For a sufficiently smalldetection time, the model with single-mode thermal noise [11] seems meaningful. How- ∗E-mailaddress: [email protected] ever, an account of an additional thermal mode may 2 significantly change the statistics of photocounts; see the POVM, cf. Eq. (5), is rewritten as [2, 19, 20]. We simulate the detection in the presence of noise counts by µ modes of the thermal bath coupled N¯nc n toν modesoftheradiationfield;seethebeam-splitterre- Π α;N¯ ,µ = µ (6) placement scheme in Fig. 1. The corresponding normal- n nc 1+(cid:16) N¯nc(cid:17) n+µ (cid:0) (cid:1) µ ordered symbol of the POVM is equal to the probabil- (cid:16) (cid:17) ity distribution of photocounts for mixture of the coher- η η ent and thermal fields. The analytical expressionfor the ×exp −1+ N¯nc |α|2!Lµn−1−N¯nc 1+ N¯nc |α|2. probability distribution of photocounts for the superpo- µ µ µ sition of the coherent and thermal light can be obtained (cid:16) (cid:17) under the assumption that all the modes of the ther- In the operator form, the POVM is written as malbathhaveanequalmeannumberofphotons,N¯ /µ, [21], nc N¯nc n Πˆ N¯ ,µ = µ (7) N¯nc n n(cid:0) nc (cid:1) 1+(cid:16) N¯µnc(cid:17) n+µ Π {α };N¯ ,µ = µ (5) (cid:16) (cid:17) n(cid:0) k nc η(cid:1) (cid:16)1ν+(cid:16) N¯µnc(cid:17)(cid:17)n+µ ×:exp −1+ηN¯µncaˆ†aˆ!Lµn−1−N¯µnc 1η+ N¯µnc aˆ†aˆ:. ×exp −1+ N¯nc |αk|2! Onecanprovethatintheframewor(cid:16)kofthec(cid:17)onsidered µ k=1 X model, Eqs. (6) and (7) can also be applied for the de- ν η tection of wideband quantum light even in the case in ×Lµn−1−N¯nc 1+ N¯nc |αk|2, which several modes of the heat bath are coupled to the µ µ Xk=1 radiationfield. In this case, the operator aˆ describes the (cid:16) (cid:17) corresponding nonmonochromatic mode. Therefore, we where α , for k =1...ν, is the complex coherent ampli- k conclude that the statistics of photocounts does not de- tude for the kth mode of the radiation field, N¯ is the nc pend on the number ν of thermal-bath modes coupled overall number of thermal photons (noise counts) in the to the signal and depends only on the total number µ of outputofthebeamsplitter,andLmn(x)isthegeneralized heat-bath modes. Laguerre polynomial. Inmostpracticalimplementations ofthe quantumop- tical schemes, one seemingly deals with a large num- ber of thermal modes. If, for example, the bandwidth of the heat bath includes the whole optical band, i.e., ∆ω ∼ 1015s−1, and the detection time is T = 10−9s, fromEq.(4)itfollowsthatthenumberofthermalmodes µ∼106. The limit of Eq.(6) for a largenumber ofnoise modes, Π α;N¯ = lim Π α;N¯ ,µ , (8) n nc n nc µ→+∞ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) can be easily obtained as n η|α|2+N¯ nc Π α;N¯ = exp −η|α|2−N¯ . n nc (cid:16) n! (cid:17) nc (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) (cid:17)(9) This equation determines the normal-ordered symbol of the POVM in the presence of noise that can be applied inmostpracticalsituations. Thecorrespondingoperator form of the POVM is represented as FIG. 1: The beam-splitter model for the detection in the presenceofnoise. Disanidealdetector,BSisabeamsplitter ηaˆ†aˆ +N¯ n with transmission coefficient √η; the operators aˆk, k = 1..ν Πˆn N¯nc =: nc exp −ηaˆ†aˆ−N¯nc :. n! and cˆl, l =1..µ describe the modes of the incident radiation (cid:0) (cid:1) (10) field and thermal bath,correspondingly. (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Couplingbetweenthenoisemodesandtheradiationfield is negligible as soon as For the sake of simplicity, we consider a single-mode radiation field, i.e., ν = 1. All the results can be gener- N¯ nc ≪1. (11) alized simply for the case of an arbitrary ν. In this case µ 3 Consider the variance of photocounts, ∆n2, has a threshold value, ∆n2 =n¯+η2 :∆nˆ2 : + N¯nc 2ηhnˆi+N¯ . (12) N¯nc =η hnˆi2−µh:∆nˆ2 :i−ηhnˆi, (17) nc µ q (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:0) (cid:1) startingfromwhichtheMandelparameterispositiveand In this expression, the corresponding statistics is super-Poissonian. In the ideal photodetection, the presence of n photons n¯ =ηhnˆi+N¯nc (13) isalwaysconvertedtothenphotocounts. Inotherwords, for the Fock-number state, |ni, the probability to get n is the mean number of photocounts, which includes the photocounts is always equal to 1. In the case of noisy mean number of photons, hnˆi, and that of noise counts, detection, the presence of n photons may result in a dif- N¯ . This means that noise counts contribute to the nc ferentnumberofphotocounts,m. Theprobabilitytoget shot noise of the detector. The second term in Eq. (12) m photocounts under the condition that n photons are describes excess noise caused by the stochastic nature of present is the light, and :∆nˆ2 : is the normal-ordereddispersion of photon number. P =hn|Πˆ |ni. (18) m|n m (cid:10) (cid:11) The third term in Eq. (12) corresponds to the excess The POVM is expanded into series, noisecausedbynoisecounts. Thisnoisedisappearswhen condition (11) is satisfied. Therefore, for the detection +∞ times Πˆ = P |nihn|, (19) m m|n N¯nc nX=0 T ≈ , (14) ∆ω and the probability to get m photocounts, Pm, is the statistics ofnoisecounts differsfromPoissonian,and +∞ the corresponding POVM is described by Eq. (7). This Pm = Pm|npn, (20) cantakeplace, e.g.,for the femtoseconddetectiontimes. n=0 X However, such an interesting case from the point of dif- where ferent applications cannot be implemented with modern technologies. In this case the contribution of N¯2 /µ into p =hn|̺ˆ|ni (21) nc n thethirdtermissignificantinanysituation,andanother contribution, 2ηhnˆiN¯ /µ, is significantonly in the case is the noiseless statistics of photocounts, i.e., the proba- nc inwhichthefieldsourceofnoisecountsiscoupledtothe bility that n photons are present. radiation field. For detection times sufficiently greater For the case of Poissonian statistics of noise counts, thanthatdefinedbyEq.(14),noisecountsobeythePois- the conditional probability, Eq. (18), is given by sonian statistics and contribute only to the shot noise of the detector, cf. Eq. (13). The corresponding POVM is Pm|n η,N¯nc =e−N¯ncN¯nmc−nηnmn!!Lmn−n N¯nc(ηη−1) described by Eq. (10). (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) (22) As an example, consider the light with sub-Poissonian for m>n and statisticsofphotocounts[12]. Thispropertycanbechar- aficnteedriazesdthbeyrtahteioMofatnhdeelexpcaersasm-neotiesre[a2n,d22sh],owt-hniocihseisvadrei-- Pm|n η,N¯nc =e−N¯nc(1−η)n−mηmLmn−m N¯nc(ηη−1) ations. The Mandel parameter in the case of Poissonian (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) (23) statistics of noise counts, form≤n. Wewillconsidertwoimportantlimitingforms of these expressions. :∆nˆ2 : Q=η , (15) The first limit corresponds to the detectors without h(cid:10)nˆi+ N¯n(cid:11)c noise counts, N¯nc =0, η P η,N¯ =0 =0 (24) m|n nc isamonotonicfunctionofN¯ /η. ForlargevaluesofN¯ , nc nc for m>n and (cid:0) (cid:1) the Mandel parameter slowly tends to zero. Otherwise, in the case of the detection time comparable with that n P η,N¯ =0 = ηm(1−η)n−m (25) given by Eq. (14), the Mandel parameter as a function m|n nc m of N¯ , (cid:18) (cid:19) nc (cid:0) (cid:1) for m≤n. Since in this case Eq. (20) presents the bino- :∆nˆ2 : + 1N¯nc 2hnˆi+ N¯nc mial transform, it can be analytically inverted, µ η η Q=η(cid:10) (cid:11) N(cid:18)¯nc (cid:19), (16) p = +∞ m 1 1− 1 m−nP , (26) hnˆi+ n n ηn η m η m=n(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) X 4 by replacing η with 1/η [17]. where 2F1(m,n;k;z) is the hypergeometric function. It Another limit corresponds to the detectors with noise can be checked by direct calculations that for µ ≫ N¯ nc counts, and with unit efficiency, η =1, this equation is transformed into Eqs. (22) and (23). P η =1,N¯ =e−N¯nc N¯nmc−n (27) In conclusion, we note that the appearance of dark m|n nc (m−n)! counts and background radiation noise can be ascribed (cid:0) (cid:1) to a heat bath of harmonic oscillators – thermal noise for m≥n and modes of different nature; eachof them is either coupled P η =1,N¯ =0 (28) or uncoupled to the signal. For the realistic situation of m|n nc a largenumber ofnoise modes, noisecounts are notcou- for m < n. This is the(cid:0)shifted Po(cid:1)isson distribution. For pled to the signal field and obey the Poissonian statis- this case, Eq. (20) can also be analytically inverted, tics. Their contribution is totally accounted for as the shot noise. In this case, nonclassicality of quantum-light p =eN¯nc n (−N¯nc)n−mP . (29) statistics disappears slowly as the total number of noise n m counts increases. (n−m)! m=0 X Equations (26) and (29) express in an explicit form the noiselessstatistics interms ofthe noisystatistics ofpho- tocountsfortwospecialcasesoncecharacteristicsofnoise are known. Ashasbeenmentionedabove,thePOVMhastheform ofEq.(7)forthesufficientlysmalldetectiontimesdefined by Eq. (14). In this case, the conditional probability, Eq. (18), is given by Acknowledgments N¯nc m 1+ N¯nc −η n P η,N¯ ,µ = µ µ (30) m|n nc (cid:16) 1(cid:17)+(cid:16)N¯nc n+m+µ (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) µ The authors gratefully acknowledge the Fundamental (cid:16) (cid:17) Researches State Fund of Ukraine for supporting this m+µ−1 η ×(cid:18) m (cid:19)2F1−n,−m;µ; N¯µnc 1+ N¯µnc −η , work. A.A.S. also thanks NATO for financial support. (cid:16) (cid:17) [1] L. Mandel, E.C.G. Sudarshan, and E. Wolf, Proc. Phys. (2006); M.G.A. Paris, Phys.Lett. A 289, 167 (2001). Soc. (London) 84, 435 (1964). [12] R.ShortandL.Mandel,Phys.Rev.Lett.51,384(1983). [2] L.MandelandE.Wolf,Optical Coherence andQuantum [13] R.E. Slusher, L.W. Hollberg, B. Yurke, J.C. Mertz, and Optics, (Cambridge UniversityPress, 1995). J.F Valley,Phys. Rev.Lett. 55, 2409 (1985). [3] R.J. Glauber, Phys. Rev. 130, 2529 (1963) 131, 2766 [14] P. Busch, P.J. Lahti, and P. Mittelstaedt, The Quantum (1963). Theory of Measurement, (Springer, Berlin, 1996). [4] R.J. Glauber, Phys. 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