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Detection of Non-Amplified Genomic DNA PDF

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Detection of Non-Amplified Genomic DNA SOFT AND BIOLOGICAL MATTER “Soft and Biological Matter” is a series of authoritative books covering establishedandemergentareasintherealmofsoftmatterscience,including biological systems spanning all relevant length scales from the molecular to the mesoscale. It aims to serve a broad interdisciplinary community of physicists,chemists,biophysicistsandmaterialsscientists. Pureresearchmonographsintheseries,aswellasthoseofmorepedagogical nature,willemphasizetopicsinfundamentalphysics,synthesisanddesign, characterization and new prospective applications of soft and biological matter systems. The series will encompass experimental, theoretical and computationalapproaches. Volumespublishedin this seriesare disseminatedboth in print and in elec- tronicformats,theelectronicarchivebeingavailableatSpringerLink.com SeriesEditors WenbingHu,NanjingUniversity,China RolandNetz,TechnicalUniversityBerlin,Germany RobertoPiazza,PolitecnicodiMilano,Italy PeterSchall,UniversityofAmsterdam,theNetherlands GerardC.L.Wong,UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,USA Proposalsshould be sent to one of the Series Editors, or directly to the managing editoratSpringer: Dr.MariaBellantone Springer-SBM vanGodewwijckstraat30 3311GXDordrecht TheNetherlands [email protected] Forfurthervolumes: http://www.springer.com/series/10783 Giuseppe Spoto • Roberto Corradini Editors Detection of Non-Amplified Genomic DNA 123 Editors Prof.GiuseppeSpoto Prof.RobertoCorradini DepartmentofChemicalScience DepartmentofOrganic UniversityofCatania andIndustrialChemistry Catania UniversityofParma Italy Parma Italy ISSN2213-1736 ISSN2213-1744(electronic) ISBN978-94-007-1225-6 ISBN978-94-007-1226-3(eBook) DOI10.1007/978-94-007-1226-3 SpringerDordrechtHeidelbergNewYorkLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2012941159 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaDordrecht2012 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped.Exemptedfromthislegalreservationarebriefexcerptsinconnection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’slocation,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer. PermissionsforusemaybeobtainedthroughRightsLinkattheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Violations areliabletoprosecutionundertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication,neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityfor anyerrorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,with respecttothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Preface The extraordinaryeffortin the sequencingof living organismgenomes, including the human genome project, is continuously providing new targets for the use of geneticinformationasspecificmarkersforanalysisofsamplesofbiologicalorigin; this process has prompted towards the developmentof new methodologiesfor an even more simpler, faster and cheaper detection of nucleic acids to be used for bothapplicativeandresearchneedsindifferentareas,includingclinicaldiagnosis, environmentalmonitoringandfoodcontrol. Most of the currently available methodologies to detect the DNA base se- quences exploit the recognition capabilities of nucleic acids and are based on the hybridization reaction between a probe oligonucleotide carrying a known base sequenceandthecounterpartpresentintheunknownDNAtarget.Mostoftheabove methodsrequiretheamplificationofthetargetspeciesasaconsequenceofthevery smallamountofDNAmaterialoftenavailableanddetecttheduplexformationby using indicators (labels) and transducers able to generate a detectable signal as a consequenceofthespecifichybridizationevent. Thepolymerasechainreaction(PCR)isthemostwidelyadoptedtechniqueused to amplifya targetDNA. Itamplifiesa single piece of DNA across severalorders of magnitude, duplicating millions or more copies of a particular DNA sequence, inorderto detectthegeneticmaterialmoreeasily.Real-timePCR ispresentlythe goldenstandardforquantitativeDNAanalysis. ThePCRamplificationofthetargetsequencesisusedsinceitenhancesboththe specificityandthesensitivityoftheassaybyincreasingthetargetconcentration. Suchenhancementisbalancedbytheneedtousecomplexreactionmixturesand bythe potentialcontaminationofthe geneticsample bothresultingin ambiguities and errors in the final DNA detection process. Moreover, PCR amplification methods suffer from drawbacks such as the difficulty in amplifying large target DNA molecules (more than about 10000 bases) and the possible amplification of DNAsequencesdifferentfromthetargetresultinginnon-specificsignals. Theconceptofamplificationhasalsobeenextendedtoothertypesofschemes, inparticularthoseworkingunderisothermalconditions. v vi Preface Sequence-specificityisoneofthemajorissuesinmodernDNA-baseddiagnos- tics. Single point mutations are very important markers of alterations linked to genetic diseases and tumour insurgence. Furthermore, the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs), variation of a single nucleotide in the genome sequence,isofgreatimportanceintheclassificationofbiologicalmaterial,allowing to discriminate between individuals, varieties and species. Identification of SNP is one of the major outcome of the modern massive sequencing technologies. Detection of SNP and point mutationsis not easily performedby PCR platforms, andspecializedtechniquesarecontinuouslybeingdevelopedtoallowbettersingle- baselevelrecognitionability. DNA detection is expected to be significantly improved by using simple and economic detection methods which require minimal DNA modifications and pro- vide enhanced signal amplification. In this perspective, the direct analysis of non-amplified genomic DNA is an excellent cost-effective alternative that can be achieved by using ultrasensitive DNA detection protocols, since extra labour and costsfromtheamplificationprocedurearereduced. Scientificliteraturepublishedoverthelast10yearshasshownthatnon-amplified DNAdetectioncanbeachievedbyadoptingdifferenttechniques.Suchtechniques haveallowedthecommercializationofinnovativeplatformsforDNAdetectionthat areexpectedtobreakintotheDNAdiagnosticmarketthatisexpectedtobevalued at $20.1 billion in 2013 with an annual growth rate of 13.7% between 2008 and 2013.In particular,new diagnostic assays for the PCR-free detection of DNA are expectedtointroduceanewsegmentthatwillcompetewiththe$9.5billionin2013 PCR-baseddiagnosticassaymarket. The enhanced sensitivity required when non-amplified genomic DNA is going to be detectedhaspromptedeffortsaimedat identifynew strategiesusefulforthe ultrasensitiveDNA detection.Itisclear todaythatultrasensitivitycanbe obtained bycombiningspecificmaterialswithspecificdetectiontools. Advanced materials play different roles in the ultrasensitive detection. For instance, nanostructures such as metallic nanoparticles have been widely inves- tigated and the specific optical properties of gold nanoparticles have prompted the developmentof new methods in DNA sensing exploiting the solutions colour changegeneratedby a controlledaggregationof the colloidalnanoparticlesor the specificdetectedopticalsignalenhancementgeneratedbymetallicsurfaceplasmon interferences.Cationicconjugatedpolymershavebeendeeplyinvestigatedfortheir abilitytoproduceamplifiedsignaluponinteractionwithdsDNA. Probe selection, surface composition and architecture play a fundamental role intheenhancedsensitivitydetectionofnon-amplifiedDNA.Someofthephysical processeswhichcanbeusedtogenerateasignalinsensorsarestronglydependent on the surface architecture and are greatly improved by the possibility to control distances between the captured DNA analyte and the surface with nanometer precision.Thisenablestodistinguishbetweenshort-andlong-rangeeffects,which is particularlyimportantin the case of opticaldetection based on plasmonics. For the generation of strong signals, the advantages offered by specifically designed probes such as peptide nucleic acids (PNA), locked nucleic acids (LNA), or Preface vii morpholinooligonucleotides(MO)canbeexploited.Inparticular,syntheticprobes offerimprovedselectivity and specificity in targetingcomplementarynucleic acid sequences that can be tuned by properly designing their structure. Pushing the analysisdowntoverylowdetectionlimitscanbeachievedonlyiftheprobe-DNA interactionissufficientlystrongtopreventdissociationatverylowconcentrations; thusenhancingtheperformancesof probesis oneoftheissues to becontrolledin order to design new ultrasensitive methods. PNA and LNA are particularlysuited forultrasensitivedetection,duetotheirhighDNAaffinity.Cationicpolythiophene polymershasbeenusedfortheultrasensitivedetectionofnon-amplifiedDNAsince their intrinsic fluorescence quenches as a result of the planar, highly conjugated conformation adopted by the polymers when complexed with a single-strand DNA probe but increases again after hybridization with the perfectly matched complementarystrand. Opticalandelectrochemicaldetectiontoolsareamongthemostwidelyinvesti- gatedfortheanalysisofnon-amplifiednucleicacids. Boththemethodshavebeen applied to the direct detection of genomic DNA and non-amplified RNAs from bacteria. Optical detection of genomic DNA has gained a new impulse in recent years after the advent of surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The SPR sensitivity in the direct detection of unamplified genomic DNA has been evaluated by using genomic DNA extracted from different living organisms. The limitation suffered bySPRintheparalleldetectionofdifferentprobe/targetinteractionsareovercome bySPRimagingwhiletheultrasensitivityisobtainedbyadoptingspecificmetallic nanoparticlesignalenhancementprotocols. Biosensors based on piezoelectric crystals have been also used to detect un- amplified genomic DNA. The immobilization of oligonucleotide probes on the piezoelectriccrystalsurfaceallowsthecombinationofthehighsensitivitytomass changesofthepiezoelectrictransducerwiththehighspecificityofthehybridization reaction between the probe and the nucleic acid targetand providesa tool for the labelfreedetectionofunamplifiedDNA. Finally, next generation sequencing technologies have been greatly improved, thanks to the 1000$ genome challenge, and modern platforms are very close to this goal. Thus redundant information on the genome of specific specimens is also a possibility becomingmore and more feasible at the point of care level and certainly the possibility to have the complete screen of genomic information at the nucleotide sequence level is going not only to offer new services, but also to substantiallychangesomeofoursocieties’fundamentalissues,suchashealthand foodmanagement. The brief description of the topic above makes it possible to understand just how heterogeneous the interests and the professional background of the people involvedare. In fact, chemists, biologists, biotechnologistsand physicistshave all devotedtheirattentiontothefieldofnucleicaciddetectionusingtheirowncultural background.Moreover,thewidespectrumofinformationprovidedhasestablished a multi-disciplinaryapproachbut,at the same time, hasexpandedthe information sourceswhicharetobeconsideredinthefield. viii Preface For all these reasons a book like this, where topics in the field of detection of non-amplified DNA are reviewed, is the result of multi-disciplinary contributors. The across-the-board relevance of the topics discussed in the book together with the even greater scientific and economic importance of new diagnostic tools for genomicanalysesaretwofundamentalreasonstoexpectahighlevelofinterestin the readers. The interest shown in the subject by academic departments, colleges andinstitutesinvolvedin thefield wouldappearto showthatthebookwouldalso haveeducationalpotential. The evolution of the topic discussed is itself a factor to be considered when evaluatingtheinterestitmaygenerate. The book starts with two chapter dedicated to the most important fields of application of the DNA-detection technologies, that is health and food, which account for the most important economic issues presumably enjoying the major advantages from the availability of new simplified, fast and reliable methods for massive detection of DNA sequences. Chapter 1 deals with the most important issueswhicharepresentlyatstakeinmedicalsciences,fromnewbornsafetyarising from pre-natal diagnostics to tumour progression evaluation and early diagnosis, andlisttheexpectationsinthisfieldwhichcanbeforeseenforthenextyears. Chapter2reportstheenormousprogressmadepossiblebyDNAanalysisinthe fieldoffoodsciences,withapplicationtofoodsafety,traceabilityandauthenticity. This field, being of huge social and economic relevance, offers the possibility to applynewDNA detectionschemesto the developmentof newandunprecedented services, which will be made easier to performby methodsdetecting unamplified genomicDNAwithouttheuseofcomplexapparata. Ofcoursethesedesideratacouldnotbesatisfiedifnewgenerationsofmaterials and detection schemes would not have been developed by chemists and material scientists. Thus, the next section deals with the materials and detection schemes neededforobtainingultrasensitivediagnostictechniques,whichareapre-requisite for unamplified DNA detection. Chapter 3 deals with the use of nanostructured materialssuchasnanoparticles,nanowiresandnanogaps,whoseavailabilitypaved the way for unamplified DNA detection. Chapter 4 deals with the molecular probes needed to obtain high fidelity of the DNA capture in sensory systems, and introduces the field of chemically engineered oligonucleotide analogs which allow to reach higher levels of sensitivity and selectivity, such as locked nucleic acids(LNA),morpholinooligonucleotides(MO)andpeptidenucleicacids(PNA), together with an explanation of how these molecules can be linked to the sensor and to other reporting groups for ultrasensitive detection. Molecular probes used to directly visualize the genomic DNA by optical methods are also described. Chapter5describescationicconjugatedpolymers(CCP)whichhavedemonstrated great potential as DNA-sensing materials and how their optical properties can be changed in the hybridization states. The application of these materials to direct genomicDNAdetectionisalsodiscussed. The technical advancements made in signal collection are also responsible for the crossing of the threshold needed to directly detect unamplified DNA. Thus in PartIII,a seriesof contributiondealingwith the analyticaltechniquesis reported. Preface ix In Chap. 6, the advances in DNA detection by optical techniques, including colorimetric, fluorescence, luminescence, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Raman scattering assays are reported, with up-to-date description of strategies andtechnologiesforultrasensitiveandunamplifiedDNAanalysis.Electrochemical techniques are another key point in modern DNA genosenors, and in Chap. 7 the most recent advances in this field are discussed, with a description of how newfabricationtechniquesandnanomaterialshaveimprovedtheabilitytoprovide rapid,multiplexedelectrochemicalDNAdetectionessentialforpointofcareclinical diagnostics. The third large class of mechanical sensors is described in Chap. 8 dealing with piezoelectric sensing. In this chapter, the detection principle and the approachesusedinDNA-basedsensingformicrosatelliteandtargetsequenceDNA detection will be presented and discussed, together with a useful discussion on sample treatment and probe chemistry. Surface plasmon resonance and related techniques are among the most useful tools for label-free bioanalysis, and this has allowed to more easily achieve PCR-free detection of DNA. In Chap. 9, the principlesof thesetechniquesandtheirmostrecentapplicationsto genomicDNA analysisarediscussed. ModerntechnologiesandsurfacearchitecturesallowtoperformDNAdetection inamultimodalapproach.Chapter10showsaninstructiveexampleofhowthese elementscan be combinedfor the ultrasensitive detection of DNA samples, using electrochemicalandsurfaceplasmonenhancedfluorescence. FormostscientistsinterestedinDNAsensing,themostimportantissuesarethe incredibleadvancesinsequencingtechnologies.Inthisfieldalso,non-amplificative techniques have become more and more competitive. Chapter 11 gives excellent and updated information about these next-generation sequencing techniques, and guides the reader into this complicated field, which represents some of the most advancedfrontiersofhumantechnologiessofarreached. We are really gratefulto all the qualifiedscientists, who arelisted in thelist of authors,fortheirpreciouscontributiontothisbook,bringingtheirexperiencesand know-how and sharing these with our readers. We are also indebted to Dr. Maria Bellantone,SeniorPublishingEditor,Springer,forherencouragement,supportand patience. Catania GiuseppeSpoto Parma RobertoCorradini

This book offers an overview of state-of-the-art in non amplified DNA detection methods and provides chemists, biochemists, biotechnologists and material scientists with an introduction to these methods. In fact all these fields have dedicated resources to the problem of nucleic acid detection, each
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