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Preview Detecting Hierarchical Ties Using Link-Analysis Ranking at Different Levels of Time Granularity

Detecting Hierarchical Ties Using Link-Analysis Ranking at Different Levels of Time Granularity Hend Kareem Lars Asker Panagiotis Papapetrou StockholmUniversity StockholmUniversity StockholmUniversity Stockholm,Sweden Stockholm,Sweden Stockholm,Sweden [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT attributesofusersbasedonthecharacteristicsofotherusers inthesamenetwork[10];ortheopposite,i.e.,extractingthe 7 Socialnetworkscontainimplicitknowledgethatcanbeused structure of a social network by using users’ characteristics 1 toinferhierarchicalrelationsthatarenotexplicitlypresent [1]. Anotherlineofresearchhasfocusedonlabelingtheties 0 in the available data. Interaction patterns are typically af- between actors in a network and measuring the strength or 2 fected by users’ social relations. We present an approach definingthedirectionsofundirectedties[18][9][3][17][19] to inferring such information that applies a link-analysis n [12]. Nonetheless, limited attention has been given to the ranking algorithm at different levels of time granularity. In a role that“time”plays in inferring implicit hierarchical ties J addition, a voting scheme is employed for obtaining the among a set of users in a network. hierarchical relations. The approach is evaluated on two 4 datasets: the Enron email data set, where the goal is to Contributions. The main contribution of this paper is to 2 infermanager-subordinaterelationships,andtheCo-author address the problem of inferring hierarchical ties in a so- dataset,wherethegoalistoinferPhDadvisor-adviseerela- cial network by employing link-analysis ranking at different ] I tions. The experimental results indicate that the proposed levels of time granularity. The proposed solution is com- S approachoutperformsmoretraditionalapproachestoinfer- pared against two real-world datasets showing competitive . s ring hierarchical relations from social networks. performanceagainstabaselinecompetitormethod. Ourso- c lution extends the work by Jaber et al. [7] as follows: (1) [ we employ a time-based technique that explores the social 1. INTRODUCTION graph at different levels of time granularity; (2) we explore 1 Social ties are useful for understanding the structure of both weighted and unweighted representations of the social v 1 a social network. They can be used for link prediction [2], graphs, and demonstrate the benefits of the latter. rating prediction, product recommendation [13], and com- 6 munitydiscovery[11]. Sometypesofsocialties,likefriend- 8 2. RELATEDWORK shiprelationsinFacebook,areexplicit,whileothersareim- 6 0 plicit. Furthermore,socialtiesmightbehierarchical,suchas An extensive amount of research has been performed on . manager-subordinate ties between employees in a company inferring the type and the strength of social ties in a net- 1 oradvisor-adviseebetweenco-authorsinascientificpublica- work. Sintos and Tsaparas [12] examine the problem of la- 0 tioncommunity. AccordingtoJaberetal. [7],inferringsuch belingconnectionsinanetworkdependingonwhetherthey 7 ties plays a vital role in classifying actors in a network and arestrongorweakusingonlythegraphstructureofthenet- 1 discoveringdifferentcommunities. Sometimesinfluentialac- work. Similarly,Xiangandcolleagues[17]estimaterelation- v: torsinanetworkcanalsobedetectedusinghierarchicalso- ships’ strength by considering interaction activity and user i cialrelationships. Thesehierarchicaltiescanbefurtherused similaritybasedontheHomophilytheoryinordertodevelop X tovalidatesocialandpsychologicaltheories,suchas”Opin- anunsupervisedmodelthatexhibitsthelatentpropertiesof r ion Leader”using a two-steps theory suggesting that ideas thenetwork. Adalietal. [3]utilizethestatisticalproperties a first flow to ”opinion leaders”and then to ”ordinary users” ofcommunicationpatternsamongactorstodeducethetype [7][14]. Furthermore, inferring advisor-advisee, for exam- and strength of links in a network. Backstrom and Klein- ple,canhelpinstudyingtheevolutionofresearchhistoryin berg[4]usetheunderlyingnetworkstructuretoidentifythe differentresearchcommunities’relationsandunderstanding most influential person in an actor’s social network neigh- the influence of a researcher in these communities [16]. borhood. Yang et al. [18] focus on the problem of labeling Muchresearchonsocialnetworkshasfocusedoninferring the edges in a social network as positive or negative based on the user behavior of decision-making. More recently, Zhang et al. [19] argue that not only the sign and strength are important when it comes to obtain- ing a better understanding of social network structure, but also the direction of the ties between the actors. Liebowitz [15]integratestheusageofananalyticalhierarchicalprocess with social network analysis on the organizational level to create a knowledge map. Moreover, Gupte et al. [5] adopt theprincipleofsocialstratificationintheirapproach,which refers to the categorization of people in society into ranked 1 groups based on their status, power, wealth or knowledge. for our problem by setting the root to be the actor whose By applying stratification on humans, they assumed that directhierarchicaltieistobeidentified. Thenodewiththe people who are higher up in the hierarchy tend to have a strongestconnectiontotherootreceivesthehighestRooted- higher status (ranking) in comparison to people who are PageRank score, and hence corresponds to the actor with lower in the hierarchy. Further, people at the top levels of the strongest direct hierarchical tie. This constitutes the thehierarchyarelesslikelytoconnecttopeopleatlowlevels baseline approach (proposed by Jaber et al. [7]). of the hierarchy. An algorithm has been suggested to find Time-based Approach. In this study, we investigate a thebesthierarchyinadirectednetwork. However,theyhave time-based solution using Rooted-PageRank. More specifi- not considered the time dimension in the problem. More- cally, the total time span [t ,t ] of the interactions in start end over, they study the problem at a network-level and not at thegraphisdividedintomequal-sizednon-overlappingtime an actor-level as in this study. slots. Foreachtimeslottk =[tk,tk],wedefinesubgraphG Finally,linkpredictionplaysanessentialroleindiscover- i j k = (V , E , W ), where V is the set of actors who interact k k k k ing interactions within social networks. Along this line, it with at least one other actor within time slot tk, E is the k draws an immense interest in the field of data mining and setofedgesbetweentheactorsattimeslottk,andW isthe k networks communication. The link prediction problem is vector of edge weights corresponding to that time slot. In oneoftheunderlyingproblemsinsocialnetworkevaluation. thisstudyweexploretwoversionsofRooted-PageRank: un- It has been used in different contexts, for instance, in com- weighted,whereedgeweightsarebinaryindicatingwhether paniestodiscovertheinteractionswithinsocialnetworks[8], twonodeshaveatleastoneinteractionduringtk (indicated even in security sector by monitoring terrorist networks [6] with a weight of 1), and weighted, where each edge weight ortobeusedinpredictionofmissinglinksinacommunity. correspondstothetotalnumberofinteractionsbetweenthe adjacent nodes during tk. 3. DETECTINGHIERARCHICALTIES Our method proceeds by applying Rooted-PageRank to In this study, we approach the problem of inferring hier- each subgraph Gk. The algorithm follows three steps: archical ties in a social network as a ranking problem. 1. Rank: For each node v ∈ G , we run Rooted- t Problem Formulation. More formally, a social network PageRank having set v as the root. This produces a can be represented as a graph G=(V,Ec,Es,W), with: setofscoresR(v)={RS(u )},u ∈V \v andRS(u ) i i k i denoting the Rooted-PageRank score of node u . • V = {v ,v ,...v }: the set of nodes representing the i 1 2 n actors in a network; 2. Sort: Each R(v) is sorted in descending order, re- • Ec: the set of edges corresponding to the interactions sulting in a sorted list Lk(v) for each v∈Gk. between the actors in a network; 3. Merge: For each node v ∈ G, i.e., each node in • Es ⊆ V ×V: the set of hierarchical relationships be- the original graph, the corresponding sorted lists are tween the actors in G. Each element (u,v) ∈ Es is a aggregated as follows: given an integer threshold p, pair of nodes, where u is the direct superior of v; theaggregatescoreofnodev isthenumberoftimesit appearsinapositionwithin1,p]inLk(v),∀k∈[1,m]. • W: is a vector of edge weights, with w v ∈ W being u the weight of the edge connecting nodes u,v. The final ranking is inferred by the resulting aggregation. The problem this study addresses is as follows: 4. EXPERIMENTALEVALUATION Problem 1. Given a social graph G(V,Ec,W) and a set of nodes Q, our aim is to infer the set of direct hierarchical 4.1 Setup ties of each node in Q using G (V,Es). output Experiments have been performed on two real datasets: For instance, given a set of e-mails exchanges between • Enron: includes more than 255000 emails sent be- employees in a company, or co-authored scientific papers, tween 87474 users. A subset was used consisting of thegoalistoinferdirecthierarchicaltiessuchas,manager- allemailssentbetweenanyofthe155emailaddresses subordinate, or advisor-advisee, respectively. of Enron employees, 146 of them having a known di- Solution. We approach the problem based on the“Opin- rect superior. The type of interaction is email, and ion Leader”theory, which is based on the assumption that thetypeofhierarchicaltietobeidentifiedismanager- in a social network ideas flow from opinion leaders to ordi- subordinate. Each record in the data set describes a nary users. Hence, opinion leaders are the most influential directed link in the network consisting of sender, re- membersandhavesignificantimpactontheotherusers[14]. ceiver, and the total number of emails from sender to One way of capturing this impact is by using link-analysis receiverperweekbetweenJanuary2000andNovember ranking [7]. Accordingly, opinion leaders will tend to have 2001. Thedatasetwasmodeledbothasanunweighted a higher ranking score, such as managers or advisors, than graph(edgeswereassignedwitheither0or1depend- ordinary users, such as subordinates and advisees. ing on whether there is at least one email sent from Baseline Approach. One solution is to employ Rooted- one node to the other) and as a weighted graph (edge PageRankasastandardlink-analysisrankingmethod. The weightsareproportionaltothenumberofemailsthat main idea behind Rooted-PageRank is to calculate the im- are sent between the corresponding pair of adjacent portancescoresofeachnodeinthegraphrelativetoaprede- nodes). Two different time slots were investigated for fined root node. Rooted-PageRank can be directly adopted this dataset, week and month. 2 • Co-author: includesmorethan1millionauthorsin- volved in 80000 papers between 1967 and 2011. The typeofhierarchicaltieofinterestistheadvisor-advisee, which is known for 2098 authors in this dataset. In contrastwithEnron,theco-authorrelationshipissym- metric, hence the graph is undirected. We have se- lected a subset consisting of 700 authors who are ad- visees, for which the advisor is known, while the first and last year of publication is in the range between 2001 and 2010, together with all co-authors, resulting in 2136 authors altogether. Bothversionsofourmethod,unweightedandweighted,are benchmarked against the competitor baseline in terms of recall, which is computed as follows: for each rank i we compute the percentage of nodes whose direct hierarchical tie appears in a rank equal to or higher than rank i. Figure 2: The comparison of the results for the 4.2 Results weighted RPR approaches for the Enron dataset. Y-axisshowsthepercentageofadvisorsthatappear Results on Enron. FortheEnrondatasetboththebase- within the rank given by the X-axis. lineapproachandthetime-basedapproachareassessed. For each approach, both weighted and unweighted graphs are studied. Finally,forthetime-basedapproachboththetime signed according what has been described above. These re- slot per week and per month are examined. sults indicate that the weighted RPR performs better than These results show that the weighted RPR approaches the unweighted PRP for the baseline approach where no outperform the unweighted RPR for all approaches with time is considered. andwithouttimeconsiderationandwithdifferenttimepre- FortheTime-Basedapproach,aseparategraphisbuiltfor cisions. Figures 1 and 2 show that the time precision per eachyearbetween2001and2010. Againthepositionofthe month performed better comparing to the time precision advisorsthatoccursmostfrequentlyistakenastheposition when the time slot is per week for both the weighted and suggested for the supervisor for the given advisee. For this the unweighted RPR algorithms. Further, the approaches approach both the unweighted and the weighted RPR are that take the time into consideration perform better than considered in order to be able to compare the performance thebaselinemethodwherenotimedimensionisconsidered. in terms of the recall. OverallComparison. Whencomparingtheresultsforthe weighted and unweighted approaches for both the baseline and the time-based it can be noted that the weighted ap- proachesoutperformtheunweightedmethods. Theresulted scatter plots are shown in Figures 3, 4, 2, 1. For the Co- author dataset, the time plays a crucial role in the task of inferring the advisor-advisee relationship for both the un- weighted and the weighted RPR. Figure 1: The comparison of the results for the un- weighted RPR approaches for the Enron dataset. Y-axisshowsthepercentageofadvisorsthatappear within the rank given by the X-axis. Results on Co-author. Both the baseline and the time- basedapproachesareevaluated. Foreachoneofthemboth theunweightedandtheweightedundirectedgraphsarebuilt. When it comes to the time precision, for this network only onetimeprecisionisconsidered,namelyperyear. Asstated Figure 3: Comparison of the results for the previously, for the baseline approach no temporal aspect is unweighted RPR approaches for the Co-author considered for the interactions. dataset. Y-axis shows the percentage of supervisors that appear within the rank given by the X-axis. For the Weighted RPR approach, the number of papers co- authored is taken into consideration, and the weights as- 3 Papapetrou, and Sven Helmer. Inferring offline hierarchical ties from online social networks. In Proc. of WWW Companion, pages 1261–1266, 2014. [8] David Liben-Nowell and Jon Kleinberg. The link prediction problem for social networks. In Proc. of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pages 556–559, 2003. [9] Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-L, and James Cook. 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