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Designing a Project Management Application for Agile Software Development PDF

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Designing a Project Management Application for Agile Software Development Ellinor Ro¨nn EllinorRo¨nn HT2016-VT2017 Masterthesis,30hp Supervisor:Ha˚kanGulliksson ExternSupervisor:IdamariaHarnesk Examiner:ThomasMejtoft MasterofEngineeringinInteractionTechnologyandDesign Abstract Agile software development has emerged as a response to the rapidly changing software environment and the need to anticipate late change ofrequirements. Animportanttoolformanyagilemethodsisaproject managementapplicationwithataskboardtokeeptrackoftheprogress. However, it can be difficult to find a project management application that is suited for a workplace where development teams use different methods. The aim of this master thesis was to develop a prototype of a project management application adapted to Codemill AB where development teamsusedifferentagilemethods. Toachievethis, theworkprocessof development teams were investigated, as well as existing project man- agementapplications,andthemostimportantfunctionalityandfeatures fromauseravailablepointofviewwereidentified. Twodesignconcepts were developed based on the users’ needs. Both concepts were tested andcomparedbyendusersinordertodeveloparefinedprototypewith thebestpartsfrombothconcepts. The results indicate that the development process in a workplace can varyalotbetweendifferentdevelopmentteamseventhoughtheirmeth- ods are inspired by the same framework. A project management appli- cationforagilesoftwaredevelopmentmustbeflexibleenoughtohandle these differences without becoming too complex and difficult to use. None of the investigated applications achieved this balance. This work aimedtodevelopaprototypeofanapplicationthatfillsthisgap,withthe users’needsinfocus. ThefindingsinthisthesisarebasedonCodemill’s needs, however, they could also be considered by others with similar needs. Acknowledgements IwanttothankCodemillandallemployeesthereforgivingmethisopportunityandforpar- ticipatinginsurveys,workshopsandtests. ExtrathankstomysupervisorIdamariaHarnesk and team Machine, You have been of great help and it has been a pleasure working with you. Furthermore,IwanttothankHa˚kanGullikssonforthehelpwiththereport. Finally,I wouldliketothankChristoferRya˚sforallhissupportduringthiswork. Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Aimandobjective 3 1.2 Codemill 4 1.3 Overviewofthework 4 2 Agilesoftwaredevelopment 5 2.1 Scrum 6 2.1.1 ScrumEvents 7 2.2 Kanban 7 3 Developmentteams 9 3.1 Method 9 3.2 Result 10 3.2.1 Sprintsanditerations 11 3.2.2 Taskboard 11 3.2.3 Projectmanagementapplications 13 4 Requirementanalysis 15 4.1 Method 15 4.1.1 Questionnaire 15 4.1.2 Userstoryworkshop 16 4.2 Result 17 4.2.1 Questionnaire 17 4.2.2 Userstoryworkshop 19 5 Competitoranalysis 21 5.1 Method 21 5.2 Result 22 5.2.1 Trello 22 1(97) 5.2.2 PivotalTracker 25 5.2.3 ScrumDesk 30 6 Prototype 37 6.1 Method 37 6.1.1 Designconcepts 37 6.1.2 Usabilitytests 37 6.1.3 Refinements 39 6.2 Result 39 6.2.1 Designconcepts 39 6.2.2 Usabilitytests 48 6.2.3 Refinements 54 7 Discussion 63 7.1 Limitations 64 7.2 Futurework 64 8 Conclusions 67 References 69 A Requirements 73 A.1 Requirements 73 A.1.1 Userstories 73 A.1.2 Questionnaireresult 75 B Comparisontest 83 B.1 Productbacklog,concept1 84 B.2 Productbacklog,concept2 85 B.3 Agileboard,concept1 86 B.4 Agileboard,concept2 87 C Sketchworkshop 89 C.1 Addingitemsinstorymap 90 C.2 SprintplanninginProductbacklog 94 2(97) 3(97) 1 Introduction Traditionalsoftwaredevelopmentmethods,suchasthewaterfallmodelandthespiralmodel, havewidelybeenusedformorethan40years[1]. Theysupportwelldefinedplanningand assumealargeamountofdocumentation[1–3]. It is common with a rapidly changing business environment, which introduces challenges to traditional development methods. Non-changing requirements produced in the begin- ning of the project may be outdated before the project is completed [4]. The changing businessenvironmentsandtheneedtoanticipatelatechangeofrequirementsrequirednew approaches,whicharenowcalledagilemethods[3]. Theaimofagilemethodsistoanswer theneedtodevelopsoftwarequicklyinanenvironmentwheretherequirementsarerapidly changing[5,6]. Acentralpartofseveralagilemethodsisuserstories,whichareshortdescriptionsofparts oftheworkauserdoeswiththesystem,formulatedineverydayorbusinesslanguageofthe end-user [7]. User stories are often used in requirement engineering, release and iteration planning, and for tracking the progress of a project [4]. When tracking the progress of a project, the taskboard isanimportant tooltothe agileteam [8]. Ataskboard isa chartof columns that is used to track the state of the tasks done in a project. One early method for thiswastouseanExcelspreadsheet[8]. Anotherearlymethodwastowritethestorieson index cards which can be displayed and arranged on a pin board. Today there are a great numberofsoftwaretoolsforthis,providingdifferentsetsoffeatures[4]. However, it can be difficult to find a project management application that is suited for a workplace where the development teams use different methods. If you start looking at differentapplicationsyoumaysoonnoticethatmanyofthemareeithertoosimpleforagile softwaredevelopmentortheyhavesomanypossibilitiesthattheybecometoocomplexand difficult to use. Other applications only allow one specific method that you have to follow strictly. This may, much like the too simple applications, force the development team to adapttheirprocessafterthetool,whichshouldbeavoided[9]. OnecompanythathasencounteredthisproblemisCodemillAB,wheretherearecurrently five development teams, using different methods. The teams are mainly using Trello [10] tokeeptrackoftheirprojectssinceitisthetooltheyhavefoundthatbestmeettheirneeds. However, they are not satisfied with any tool they have tried since they are not adapted to howtheywanttoworkatCodemill. 1.1 Aimandobjective TheaimofthisMasterThesisistodevelopaprototypeofaprojectmanagementapplication adaptedforCodemill,acompanyusingagilesoftwaredevelopment,withfocusontheusers need. Thefollowingobjectiveswereformulated:

2.1.1 Scrum Events. 7. 2.2 Kanban. 7. 3 Development teams. 9. 3.1 Method. 9. 3.2 Result. 10. 3.2.1 Sprints and iterations. 11. 3.2.2 Task board. 11. 3.2.3 Project management applications. 13 [9] H. Kniberg, Scrum and Xp from the Trenches : How We Do Scrum, 2nd ed. C4Media,. 2015. [10] “Trello.
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