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Design Theory and Data for Electrical Filters PDF

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Design Theory and Data for Electrical Filters J. K. SKWIRZYNSKI MARCONI SERIES La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) Fantomas Ping I\ La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) Chapter I LADDER NETWORKS AND COEFFICIENTS Ladder Structure The filters whose design data are tabulated numerically in this book form a compact and rigorously defined group. It will be convenient to specify pre cisely in this chapter their particular electrical structure. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, it is essential for the user of our Tables to develop a close familiarity with the network configurations which can be obtained by direct use of the numerical data provided. Secondly, since the possible specifications of filters tabulated here cover a very extensive range of practical requirements, the theoretical treatment can be limited to these cases without much ·1oss of generality; a logical description of this, somewhat restricted, insertion loss theory is most conveniently started with the structural aspects of resultant filters. Thus, ignoring for the present the wider aspects of electrical performance ··of filter networks considered here, these networks consist of reactive ladder structures operating between two resistances which, in the practical sense, represent the internal impedances of a generator and a load. Ladder structures are built up of successive connections of series and shunt branches; each branch contains one or more reactive components, capaci tances or inductances. One end of each of the shunt branches is connected to the common bas~ line (earth terminal), the other joins one or two neighbour ing series branches. A quick glance at Figs. 1.1 and 1.2 will explain the situa tion. The filters considered in this and the following five chapters are low-pass filters; the extension to band-pass, band-stop and high-pass filters will be made in Chapter 7. The branches of a low-pass filter network consist of one or at most two reactive compontnts. The resultant ladder structures, shown in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2 will be called standard ladders or, more precisely, stan dard low-pass ladders. Since the branch components of standard ladders, particularly the inductances, are assumed to be reactive, their effective Q factors are infinite. This idealization of the physical state of affairs is neces- . sary so far as the underlying theory is concerned; in fact it is impossible to develop an exact theoretical treatment of the insertion loss theory with La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) $ 1,-1' ""1 ""J ""1 rz.-1 !C 21f-I r 211-1 '£ 211+-I 1' _,l ---~ lJ-1 ~ 21 -+I l 111-I L Jii+I ' ' .b r > v, Ll 3 "2 L• 3 "• Lo3 "'o Lis ~Zs Lz..3 - vz. 0v <2i>r2 m clT c•T coj_ - - i" 6 c~T cl•T I - z --- I . 0 m I I I I -:E; I I I I 0 (o) TS ntuchttr. i" 7' 4>- "' > z } 1tcrioa ,.., 0 1,- ( .'Tl .'TI rls-1 !£ 2,+1 r2v-J !I1v+I 1' + - - - -'TITI'- +-+-il () LI L3 LI Lzs-1 lh+I L1 1•-I l211tl 0 m "TJ L~1~2 ~g "TJ v, () Ll ., L• ... Lb L >1 Llr .. vz m z l I"• "2. Iv I Jll -; c2 I~ C< I~ C0 ~T ----c-2, ~-- - -- c1., I~ c- Z_TL l"-'+l "' 6 I I I I o 1 I I I I i (b) TA U1uchu1 n Fig. 1.1 The reactive Ladder T structures. =:;- La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) - ~ I v-1 '2 '• Cb il ttcJis iI '2·-2 c Iv 1,~ - • - -- l' -Iz cJ ')J ) cT s 'J <:r s.J ~Lb-2c _l_ l2t- v, !I 1 ~ !JI ~!JJ ~·T • _" h~- 11!', ,/ ,1J~,!ii. , vl. h-1 ,. 1. .. , r 6 > I I I I I I I I 0 I I I m0 "' ns {o) 111uclu1t. Vl --l "' ,_, c ,. 'I2 c. Cb '1' , C2~-2 '1. -j-1tclion (-c-:)l: .. "' m I' 1••+1 l' 1,-+ ~-ll v1 - '2 _IL ·,. 'sT.J__" s lb _L :·1_j_ '2. _j_ '1..-2 - 2 - lkt2 v '1T !4' 'i !41 '1T~7_ "1.-1 '2"T~ :'_ '1•-T ",_, '1<1"2,., 1 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (b) nA nruclurc Fig. 1.2 The reactive ladder II structures. La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) I.ADDER NETWORKS AND COEFFICIENTS [Ch sufficient generality and clarity unless the filters are assumed to be purely reactive. The inclusion of resistances in the ladder branches, in order to account for finite Q-factors, can only be accomplished under certain special conditions within the general framework of the theory. The procedure adopted in such cases is essentially an approximation, but it is one which retains the expected agreement between imposed initial specifications and the resultant response; it is called the 'predistortion' technique and is developed in Chapter 8. Thus, the main design data in the numerical Tables are for purely reactive filters. On the other hand, graphical data are also provided for the design of 'predistorted' filters. For reasons of simplicity (see Chapter 8', pp. 156 et seq.), only filters with open-circuit (or short-circuit) tenninations are treated in this way. These graphical data may be used to produce reliable filters with inductances whose Q-factors are realizable in practice. The necessary dissipa tion resistances may also be utilized to relax the strict theoretical requirements for infinite or zero resistance termination ratios of these filters and to provide selective networks with large but finite termination ratios (see for instance Example 5, for the design of a narrow band-pass filter, not necessarily equally terminated, pp. 533 et seq.). In Figs. 1.1. and 1.2, the standard ladders are built up by successive con nection of series reactances !£ and shunt susceptances [fl: starting from the input end (from the left), the ladders may commence with a series reactance !!"1, as in Fig. l.l(a) and in Fig. l.l(b), wherej~1 :::ajwLi. or with a shunt susceptance !11, as in Figs. 1.2(a) and 1.2(b), wherej111 = jroC1. The ladders may finish at the output end (to the right) with a series reactance j!E ,+ 2 1 = jwL2v+ 1 in Fig. l.l(a) and j!E 2v+z = jruL2v+ 2 in Fig. l.2(b), or with a shunt susceptancej.112v+2 =j(J)C2v+2 in Fig. l.l(b) andj.912,+1 =jwC2,+1 in Fig. l.2(a). The parameter v is of of prime importance in the theory; it may be called the number of sections in a ladder. In Figs. 1.1 and 1.2 the ladders are con veniently subdivided into sections as indicated by broken lines. Such a divi sion of the ladder structure recalls the image parameter theory. It should be observed, however, and well remembered, that the filters considered in this book are designed as complete, indivisible entities; once the components of the branches are determined from the Tables of numerical data, the ladders cannot be broken in the middle (for instance) and a new section included there; similarly, once the filter is designed, a new section cannot be added at the input or output end without destroying the matching properties of the network and its specified response to signals. Such a procedure is perfectly justified in the image parameter theory where the concept of a section has a precise physical meaning. In the insertion loss theory the number of sections, v, indicates the complexity of a filter (e.g. the number of branches) and the identification of v with the number of sections does not imply in any waythe 6 La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) I) LADDER COEFFICIENTS tp- subdivision of a filter into separate entities matched together. This constitutes one of the main differences between the conventional image parameter and the modern insertion loss technique.\( The consequence of this 'l?a er :r a ue concept of sections in the present theory is that each reactance and each susceptance 11 (in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2) is specified by a single parameter, whereas in the image parameter theory the branch common to two adjacent sections (i.e. a series branch in the structure in Fig. 1.1 or a shunt branch in Fig. 1.2) is a combination of two similar re qtanc s. Thus, a reactanc_e _in . ol,.q_ Fig. 1.l,,£,~"a_.s:q.~ceptance in Fig. 1.2 cannot be regar e as split into two h11~e~~ '" each ~~TOilglrig to one of the two neigKSo'iifufg sections. · The terminology of the image parameter theory will be occasionally used here, without necessarily implying that all the corresponding properties of the 'h'grcr, given term as it is employed on this theory. This should cause no con fusion once it is remembered that these terms are used here as a convenient description of purely structural properties of a standard ladder. Thus, the . ladders in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2 may be called 'm-derived' structures, since they 'e~Ocfy"""resonant reactances (or susceptances) respectively, in shunt and series branches; however, no special meaning is attached to the quantity m. Similarly, a term 'constant-k' half-section may be used when these branches contain a single reactance only, again without attaching special meaning to the quantity k; in fact throughout this book, the quantity k denotes the selectivity factor of a filter which will be defined in the next chapter. To stress this symbolic use of these two terms they are put in inverted commas. Ladder Coefficients The standard low-pass ladder structure shown in Fig. l.l(a) can be con sidered as consisting of v :&rh6te 'm-derived' T sections, comprising together + 2v 1 branches. Such a Iiia<ie'r configuration will be called (recalling again the image parameter theory) a 'mid-series'( T-symmetrical/ structure and will be shortly denoted as a TS structure.WThe symmetry referred to here is of a purely structural nature and it does not necessarily iffipfythe symmetry of the values of components about the central series b~. The series branches in a TS structure contain inductive reactances j!£ ls-1,TS = j(J)Lls-1,TS (1.1) s = 1, 2, ... v+ 1 Ys-1 =1.:\-5,i. · ·- where oo = 2nf and f is the frequency. The second subscript, namely.TS, is ~ti on (IJ) mere!~ to J,ocate the reactan~es .1!._nd th~correg~onding inductances in appropriate IadJer configurations; in this case, in Fig. l.l(a). These suffixes inaybe conveiiieiilly dropped as~'Oif-as a particular structure 7 La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) LADDER NETWORKS AND COEFFICIENTS [Ch i:;J~ is considered and no confusion can arise. The branches in a TS struc ture consist of resonant susceptances ·,a _ jwC2s,TS (1.2) }l7il 2s,TS - --2---'-'-'-=--- l -W L1s,TsC2s,TS s = 1, 2, ... v which resonate at the tuning frequencies TRt!Q.\lEl'lc.y Of J l'lftl'll'i c LOSS (1.3) s = 1, 2, ... v infinit~~ Each of these frequencies will be called a frequency of since at such a frequency the corresponding shunt branch presents a short circuit to the signal, preventing it from appearing at the load terminals. Thus, when f = f 00s, for each of :J = 1, 2, ... v, the loss characteristic of a filter is said to have a pole or an infinity. The ladder configurati911 in Fig. l.l(b) is not symmetrical in the structural sense; it consists of v wb.'tffe, 'm-derived', 'mid-series' T sections plus one 'constant-.k' half-section. This latter configuration will be called a 'mid-· series' T-asymmetrical structure and will be shortly denoted as a TA structure. The addition of the single half-section at the output, rather than at the input end of the ladder, mermtandardizes the representation of a network; in !ifxes particular, it the numerical sequence of the branch reactances fl' zs-t and susceptances f!J 2 •• The ~l position of the generator and of the load can be interchanged under certain loading conditions as is explained in Chap ter 3; thus, the terminals 1-1' and 2-2' neecl not be considered as permanently tied to the generator and the load terminals respectively. On the other hand, the single half-section is in a sense degenerate since its shtint branch contains a single susceptance which does not resonate at any finite frequency; in tltjs sense it is a 'constant-k' half-section. This particular arrangement of la'tfcief components is caused by the fact that the numerical design data of filters with asymmetrical structures tabulated in this book are only for the cases where the pole of a loss characteristic at infinite frequency is double. This particular condition is fully explained in Chapters 3 and 5; it is necessitated by the re quirements of the underlying theory of filter synthesis. The series reactances of a TA structure [Fig. 1.I(b)] again become jfl' 2s-1,TA = jWLzs-1,TA (1.4) s = 1, 2, ... v+ 1 La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) 8 I) LADDER COEFFICIENTS while the shunt susceptances become }·;/;1o7) 2s,TA -_ j2wLC 2s,TAC (1.5) 1-w 2s,TA 2s,TA s = 1, 2, ... v and the last of these is jflzv+2,TA = jWC2v+2,TA (1.6) (J'.,Q,t"""' It is convenient to consider this last susceptance as consisting of a finite capacitance in series "'.ith an in~u~tance of zero value, so that the resul~ant I\ tuning frequency of this branch is mfinite.j It will nowT e possible to combine equations (1.1) to (1.6) into a general set of relations valid for any of the T structures considered here, whether TS or TA. The susceptance of the last shunt branch in the TS structure is as sumed (for the sake of generality) to be zer£2:£~~tt¥.;g.J.fil:.Toii~p"Qii<ling' tapacity to zero (open circuit). . Lz.-i or a genera struc ure ._rrm---o jfl' 2s-1,T = jWLzs-1,T (1.7) 'fl - -j(w-5C:2!_s,_T) 2 (1.8) } 2s,T - l Wcos s = 1, 2, ... v+ 1 where (1.9) and C2v+2,T = 0, for TS structure (1.10) L2v+z,T = 0, for TA structure The low-pass ladder structure shown in Fig. 1.2(a) consists of v whole 'm derived' II sections, again comprising 2v + 1 branches. Such a symmetrical configuration will now be called a ITS structure (II-symmetrical structure). The ladder in Fig. l .2(b) is furthermore terminated by a single 'constant-k' half-section and thus comprises 2v + 2 branches; hence, this configuration is called a IIA structure (II-asymmetrical structure). The shunt branches of a II • structure are capacitive susceptances jflzs-1,n = jwC2.-1,n (1.11) s = 1, 2, ... v+ 1 9 La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected]) LADDER NETWORKS AND COEFFICIENTS [Ch for both ITS and IIA structures. The series branches consist of resonant reactances ·~ _ jwL2.,n (1.12) J 2.r,n - -( w )2 1 -- Wcos s=l,2, ... v+l where 1 27r/cos = Wcos = -;::====- (1.13) .J L2s,nC2s,n and where, by analogy with the corresponding treatment of TS and TA struc- tures, i:=:::t I~ L2v+i,n = 0, for ITS structure (1.14) C2v+2,n = 0, for ITA structure The resonant reactances in the series branches (1.12) now present open . circuits at appropriate frequencies / ¥j~~ no power appears in the load 00., resistance terminating the filter. The loss characteristic of a II low-pass net-, work thus h~s Jl.Ol«~~t thei;_e Jreg~ncies.I It is not necessary to provide [ 00• with a special suffix'. T or II, as these fre uencies are iven b numerical de sign parameters tabulated in this book), a licable to both T and II ladders. e efimtion of ladder coefficients can be readily established from the ex pre~sions for reactances and susceptances of both T and II configurations wh'ct'fier symmetrical or asymmetrical. It is convenient to introduce now a variable n which is non-dimensional a g,roportional to frequency; it will e called the normalized frequency and is related to f by some convenient fre uency fB, which will be chosen on the basis of the properties of the re \\ quired loss response of a low-pass filter. Let then I £ n = = ~ (1.15) fB WB Analogously n = foos = (1)00!_ (1.16) cos fa (J)B so that the poles of a filter loss characteristic are related to this normalizing frequency. For a low-pass filter ~-~n ... > i (1.11) It will be convenient at this stage to introduce the complex normalized fre quency variable p =jil (1.18) to facilitate further theoretical treatment and to simplify the analysis. 10 La cultura è un bene dell'umanità ([email protected])

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