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Design School: Type: A Practical Guide For Students And Designers PDF

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Preview Design School: Type: A Practical Guide For Students And Designers

Design School type 001-011.indd 1 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 1 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 11 © 2017 Quarto Publishing Group USA, Inc. First Published in 2017 by Rockport Publishers, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, USA. T (978) 282-9590 F (978) 283-2742 QuartoKnows.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred ttyyppee and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. Rockport Publishers titles are also available at discount for retail, wholesale, promotional, and bulk purchase. For details, contact the Special Sales Manager by email at specialsales@ quarto.com or by mail at The Quarto Group, Attn: Special Sales Manager, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978 –1–63159–320-8 AA PPrraaccttiiccaall GGuuiiddee Richard Poulin Digital edition published in 2017 eISBN: 978–1–63159–439–7 ffoorr SSttuuddeennttss aanndd DDeessiiggnneerrss Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available Design: Poulin + Morris Inc. Printed in China 001-011.indd 2 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 3 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 2 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 3 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 2222 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 33 © 2017 Quarto Publishing Group USA, Inc. First Published in 2017 by Rockport Publishers, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, USA. T (978) 282-9590 F (978) 283-2742 QuartoKnows.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred ttyyppee and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. Rockport Publishers titles are also available at discount for retail, wholesale, promotional, and bulk purchase. For details, contact the Special Sales Manager by email at specialsales@ quarto.com or by mail at The Quarto Group, Attn: Special Sales Manager, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978 –1–63159–320-8 AA PPrraaccttiiccaall GGuuiiddee Richard Poulin Digital edition published in 2017 eISBN: 978–1–63159–439–7 ffoorr SSttuuddeennttss aanndd DDeessiiggnneerrss Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available Design: Poulin + Morris Inc. Printed in China 001-011.indd 2 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 3 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 2 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 3 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 2222 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 33 Table of Contents Introduction 7 1. Type Classifications 13 3. CChhaarraacctteerrss aanndd GGllyypphhss 113311 44.. Typographic Principles 159 Test your Knowledge 228 Answers Descriptions and Classifications 14 VVaarriiaattiioonnss iinn TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc FFoorrmmss 113333 Measurement 160 Humanist 16 CChhaarraacctteerr aanndd GGllyypphh TTyyppeess 113388 Spacing 165 Resources 231 Old Style 23 SSmmaallll CCaappss 113388 Letter Spacing 166 Transitional 29 FFiigguurreess 113388 Kerning 166 Bibliography 232 Modern 35 LLiiggaattuurreess 114400 Word Spacing 167 Slab Serif 40 F Frraaccttiioonnss 114411 Line Spacing 167 Index 234 Sans Serif 45 SSwwaasshh CChhaarraacctteerrss 114411 Alignment 169 Grotesque 46 NNoonn--TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc GGllyypphhss 114433 Readability and Legibility 173 Credits 240 Neo-Grotesque 51 PPuunnccttuuaattiioonn MMaarrkkss 114444 Emphasis and Hierarchy 176 Geometric 57 QQuueessttiioonn MMaarrkkss,, AAppoossttrroopphheess,, 114455 Test your Knowledge 181 Humanist 63 aanndd PPrriimmee SSyymmbboollss Glyphic 69 PPaarreenntthheesseess aanndd BBrraacckkeettss 114477 Script (Formal, Casual, 74 DDaasshheess aanndd HHyypphheennss 114488 55.. Selecting Typefaces 183 Calligraphic) TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc GGllyypphhss 114499 Decorative 78 IInntteelllleeccttuuaall PPrrooppeerrttyy GGllyypphhss 115500 By Context 184 Blackletter (Textura, Bastarda, 82 CCuurrrreennccyy GGllyypphhss 115511 For Visual Harmony 189 Fraktur, Rotunda) MMaatthheemmaattiiccaall GGllyypphhss 115511 Test your Knowledge 201 Test your Knowledge 87 OOtthheerr TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc CChhaarraacctteerrss 115511 BBuulllleettss 115522 DDiiaaccrriittiiccaall MMaarrkkss 115533 66.. Typography in 203 2. Terminology 89 EEnndd MMaarrkkss 115533 Practice IInniittiiaall LLeetttteerrss 115555 Type Anatomy 90 PPaarraaggrraapphh aanndd SSeeccttiioonn MMaarrkkss 115555 Serif Anatomy 98 SSttaannddaarrdd KKeeyybbooaarrdd FFuunnccttiioonnss 115555 Terminal Anatomy 100 TTeesstt yyoouurr KKnnoowwlleeddggee 115577 Key Typographic Terms 102 Test your Knowledge 128 001-011.indd 4 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 5 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 4 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 5 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 4444 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 55 Table of Contents Introduction 7 1. Type Classifications 13 3. CChhaarraacctteerrss aanndd GGllyypphhss 113311 44.. Typographic Principles 159 Test your Knowledge 228 Answers Descriptions and Classifications 14 VVaarriiaattiioonnss iinn TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc FFoorrmmss 113333 Measurement 160 Humanist 16 CChhaarraacctteerr aanndd GGllyypphh TTyyppeess 113388 Spacing 165 Resources 231 Old Style 23 SSmmaallll CCaappss 113388 Letter Spacing 166 Transitional 29 FFiigguurreess 113388 Kerning 166 Bibliography 232 Modern 35 LLiiggaattuurreess 114400 Word Spacing 167 Slab Serif 40 F Frraaccttiioonnss 114411 Line Spacing 167 Index 234 Sans Serif 45 SSwwaasshh CChhaarraacctteerrss 114411 Alignment 169 Grotesque 46 NNoonn--TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc GGllyypphhss 114433 Readability and Legibility 173 Credits 240 Neo-Grotesque 51 PPuunnccttuuaattiioonn MMaarrkkss 114444 Emphasis and Hierarchy 176 Geometric 57 QQuueessttiioonn MMaarrkkss,, AAppoossttrroopphheess,, 114455 Test your Knowledge 181 Humanist 63 aanndd PPrriimmee SSyymmbboollss Glyphic 69 PPaarreenntthheesseess aanndd BBrraacckkeettss 114477 Script (Formal, Casual, 74 DDaasshheess aanndd HHyypphheennss 114488 55.. Selecting Typefaces 183 Calligraphic) TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc GGllyypphhss 114499 Decorative 78 IInntteelllleeccttuuaall PPrrooppeerrttyy GGllyypphhss 115500 By Context 184 Blackletter (Textura, Bastarda, 82 CCuurrrreennccyy GGllyypphhss 115511 For Visual Harmony 189 Fraktur, Rotunda) MMaatthheemmaattiiccaall GGllyypphhss 115511 Test your Knowledge 201 Test your Knowledge 87 OOtthheerr TTyyppooggrraapphhiicc CChhaarraacctteerrss 115511 BBuulllleettss 115522 DDiiaaccrriittiiccaall MMaarrkkss 115533 66.. Typography in 203 2. Terminology 89 EEnndd MMaarrkkss 115533 Practice IInniittiiaall LLeetttteerrss 115555 Type Anatomy 90 PPaarraaggrraapphh aanndd SSeeccttiioonn MMaarrkkss 115555 Serif Anatomy 98 SSttaannddaarrdd KKeeyybbooaarrdd FFuunnccttiioonnss 115555 Terminal Anatomy 100 TTeesstt yyoouurr KKnnoowwlleeddggee 115577 Key Typographic Terms 102 Test your Knowledge 128 001-011.indd 4 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 5 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 4 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 5 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 4444 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 55 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn TTyyppooggrraapphhyy iiss tthhee ccrraafftt ooff eennddoowwiinngg hhuummaann llaanngguuaaggee wwiitthh aa dduurraabbllee,, vviissiibbllee ffoorrmm.. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style ype is the descriptive term used for letterforms—alphabet, numbers, and punctuation—that, when used together, create words, sentences, and narrative form. The term typeface refers to the design of all the characters referenced above, unified by common visual elements and characteristics. Typography is designing with type. Type is a unique element in the graphic designer’s vocabulary because it has dual functions. It can function on its purest level as any fundamental Type Foundry Catalog Title Page, 1935 visual element such as point, line, form, shape, J. M. Bundscho, Inc. Chicago, Il, USA and texture in a composition. However, its primary 7 001-011.indd 6 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 7 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 6 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 7 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 6666 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 77 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn TTyyppooggrraapphhyy iiss tthhee ccrraafftt ooff eennddoowwiinngg hhuummaann llaanngguuaaggee wwiitthh aa dduurraabbllee,, vviissiibbllee ffoorrmm.. — Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style ype is the descriptive term used for letterforms—alphabet, numbers, and punctuation—that, when used together, create words, sentences, and narrative form. The term typeface refers to the design of all the characters referenced above, unified by common visual elements and characteristics. Typography is designing with type. Type is a unique element in the graphic designer’s vocabulary because it has dual functions. It can function on its purest level as any fundamental Type Foundry Catalog Title Page, 1935 visual element such as point, line, form, shape, J. M. Bundscho, Inc. Chicago, Il, USA and texture in a composition. However, its primary 7 001-011.indd 6 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 7 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 6 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 7 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 6666 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 77 Introduction continued ffuunnccttiioonn iiss vveerrbbaall aanndd vviissuuaall——iitt iiss ttoo bbee rreeaadd.. WWhheenn telling our stories at any given time. As our world has ttyyppee hhaass aa rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp oonnllyy ttoo iittss vveerrbbaall mmeeaanniinngg,, iittss become more complex, so has the means by which we ccoommmmuunniiccaattiivvee cchhaarraacctteerr llaacckkss vviissuuaall iimmppaacctt.. WWhheenn communicate those stories in their many forms and ttyyppee rreefflleeccttss aa vviissuuaall ttrreeaattmmeenntt tthhaatt eennhhaanncceess bbootthh iittss media. The most universal means throughout history vveerrbbaall aanndd vviissuuaall mmeeaanniinngg,, iitt iiss ppeerrcceeiivveedd oonn mmuullttiippllee has been, and will continue to be, type. lleevveellss,, nnoott oonnllyy iinntteelllleeccttuuaallllyy bbuutt aallssoo sseennssuuaallllyy aanndd,, For more than five hundred years, type has been mmoorree iimmppoorrttaannttllyy,, eemmoottiioonnaallllyy.. an essential visual communicator that continues to TTyyppee,, ooff ccoouurrssee,, iiss aallll aarroouunndd uuss.. TThhee ggooaall ooff aannyy reflect civilization, culture, technology, and the human ggrraapphhiicc ddeessiiggnneerr iiss nnoott ttoo jjuusstt ppllaaccee ttyyppee oonn aa pprriinntteedd condition at any given time period. Its evolution follows oorr ddiiggiittaall ppaaggee,, bbuutt rraatthheerr ttoo uunnddeerrssttaanndd iitt aanndd uussee iitt the parallel developments of human communication eeffffeeccttiivveellyy iinn aallll aarreeaass ooff ggrraapphhiicc ddeessiiggnn.. TThhee sseelleeccttiioonn needs, print technologies from the rudimentary hand aanndd cchhooiiccee ooff ttyyppee,, aass wweellll aass iittss ssiizzee,, aalliiggnnmmeenntt,, ssttyyllee,, to mechanical printing, to the invention of typesetting ccoolloorr,, aanndd ssppaacciinngg aallll aarree ccrriittiiccaall ccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss ffoorr such as the Linotype and Monotype systems, to the tthhee ggrraapphhiicc ddeessiiggnneerr.. twentieth-century developments of phototypesetting SSiinnccee tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff mmaannkkiinndd,, wwee hhaavvee nneeeeddeedd and digital typesetting methodologies. ttoo ccoommmmuunniiccaattee oouurr lliivveess ttoo oonnee aannootthheerr.. AAfftteerr wwee Graphic design provides a means for you to lleeaarrnneedd ttoo ssppeeaakk vveerrbbaallllyy,, wwee tthheenn ssppookkee vviissuuaallllyy bbyy express your own imagination in ways that do not rely lleeaavviinngg ccrruuddee mmaarrkkss oonn wwaallllss aanndd ssuurrffaacceess.. FFrroomm ccaavvee solely upon spoken or written language. Every element ppaaiinnttiinnggss aanndd hhiieerrooggllyypphhiiccss ttoo RRoommaann iinnssccrriippttiioonnss aanndd used in graphic design, such as type, has the potential mmeeddiieevvaall ssccrriippttss,, ccoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg eexxppeerriieenncceess ttoo oonnee to express something specific. Although aannootthheerr hhaass bbeeeenn aa ccoommmmoonn hhuummaann ddeennoommiinnaattoorr ffoorr the explanation and ultimate use of design elements 8 INTRODUCTION 9 001-011.indd 8 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 9 7/21/17 10:07 AM 001-011.indd 8 7/21/17 10:04 AM 001-011.indd 9 7/21/17 10:04 AM JJJJoooobbbb::::00007777----777700000000444477776666 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee:::: RRRRPPPP ---- DDDDeeeessssiiiiggggnnnn SSSScccchhhhoooooooollll TTTTyyyyppppeeee JJoobb::0077--770000447766 TTiittllee:: RRPP -- DDeessiiggnn SScchhooooll TTyyppee (Text) DDDDttttpppp:::: 222222225555 PPPPaaaaggggeeee:::: 8888 (Text) DDttpp:: 222255 PPaaggee:: 99

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