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Design Report Appendix Friends of Aztalan State Park Visitor Center Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 Photography by: Daniel Seurer Table of Contents Page Numbers Project Description Design Team iv Special Design & Planning Issues 1 Building Program Space Tabulation 3 Site Program 4 Room Data Sheets 5 Design Concept / Basis of Design 13 Overall Architectural Design Concept Site Design Architectural Systems Plumbing and Fire Protection Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Electrical Sustainable Design 18 Sustainability Checklist Daylighting Standards Energy Conservation Measures Building Code Analysis 29 Budget Project Cost Estimate 31 Operating Cost Estimate 32 Project Schedule 33 Design Drawings: Renderings Survey Architectural Site Plan Civil Site Plan Landscape Plan Structural Architectural Mechanical Plumbing Electrical Outline Specifications Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix ii Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix iii Project Team Owner Friends of Aztalan State Park PO Box 855 Lake Mills, WI 53551 Architect: Dimension IV Madison Design Group 6515 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 120 Madison, WI 53719 Civil, Structural and Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises (OTIE) Mechanical Engineering: 5100 Eastpark Boulevard, Suite 300 Madison, WI, 53718 Electrical Engineering: Hein Engineering Group 319 West Beltline Highway Suite 111 Madison, WI 53713 Landscape Design: Kate Stalker Associates Madison, WI Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix iv Friends of Aztalan State Park: Visitor Center Preliminary Design Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 Design & Planning Issues 1) Site Conditions Aztalan State park has been managed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources since 2000 and is currently 172 acres. The park contains numerous archaeological features from the Middle Mississippian and Woodlands Native American cultures in addition to the park offers compatible modern-day recreational opportunities. The site has been designated as a National Landmark, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a human burial site. As identified in the park master plan, as adopted in June, 2003, the new Visitor Center will be located on approximately 2.3 acres of land on the current western edge of the park. This area has been previously disturbed and extensively sampled with test pits by prior archeological surveys and is believed to be “clean” of artifacts. By developing this area of the park, the Visitor Center will not obstruct the existing views from within the site, especially from atop the mounds. The location is however very visible from Highway Q and the Visitor Center will be a prominent feature when first entering the park. The proposed site presents some constraints in the placement of the building. The building has been sited between the current park drive and the proposed re-routed location, there is also a setback requirement from County Highway Q. In addition to the constraints of the roads, there are several large mature trees that are to be preserved. Great care is required to minimize disturbance to the trees with regard to grading the surrounding area and primary construction activities. A topographical survey of the area immediately surrounding the new building site has been accomplished. 2) Zoning The park currently falls under Jefferson County’s A-1 Exclusive Agricultural zoning ordinance. A formal variant may be required, including public hearings and final approval by the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Committee. 3) Utility Service There is no existing natural gas service to this area of the park. WE Energy has indicated that extending the existing main from the Town of Aztalan would be an expensive and un-economical endeavor. Therefore, if needed for mechanical systems, an onsite propane tank would be required. Water will be provided by an on-site domestic water well. A septic system will be utilized; a drain field system is preferable as a mound system could be perceived as having archaeological significance. Preliminary soil conditions seem suitable for a drainage field to the north although a percolation test to confirm these assumptions is pending. WE Energies will extend a 1-phase power line to the site along highway Q with a pole-mounted transformer and underground service to the building. 4) Historic Preservation The entire site had been designated as a National Landmark, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The site falls under both Wisconsin State Statues 44.40 – Historic Field Archaeological Act and 157.70 Burial Site Act. Therefore the design is to be reviewed by the State Historical Society and supervision by an archaeologist during excavation activities will be required. 5) Environmental Impact The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has classified this as a Type _____ project requiring . . . Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix 1 Friends of Aztalan State Park: Visitor Center Preliminary Design Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 6) Other Legal/Regulatory Issues The new Visitor Center is a project undertaken by and funded by the 501c3 private, non-profit Friends of Aztalan State Park (“Friends”). Once construction has been completed and the new Visitor Center occupied, the Friends will gift the building to the State of Wisconsin via acceptance by the Natural Resources Board. As a result, DOA/DFD standards must be met in the design and construction of the facility. As part of this on-going effort representatives of the WDNR have been involved in the preliminary design. 7) Schedule Issues The Friends’ group is in the midst of a capital campaign to generate funds for the cost of design and construction of the new facility. As part of this effort a Construction Manager (Maas Bros Construction, Watertown WI) has been contracted to perform tasks such as project cost estimating and eliciting competitive bids to ensure a successful, budget conscious project. Until their funding goals are met, no further design or production of construction documents will proceed. In addition to the funding restraints, it may be advantageous for construction to be scheduled to begin late summer- early fall. At a modest premium, construction could continue through winter, and would allow for occupancy of the building to be ready at the start of the visitor season. Furthermore the bulk of construction would happen outside the park’s peak visitor season and therefore minimize the disruption to the visitor experience. The proposed road work, as indicated in the park’s master plan, to divert the current park drive around the Visitor Center to the west would also complicate construction scheduling. Although the design would allow for the current road to remain for some time, it would be best for park operations if both projects could happen concurrently. This would minimize the cost of land rehabilitation and landscaping. Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix 2 Friends of Aztalan State Park: Visitor Center Preliminary Design Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 Space Tabulation The following is a tabulation of net area and occupant load of each space in the proposed Visitor Center: Room Name Net Square Feet Occupant Load Lobby/Exhibit 790 48 Multi-purpose Room 990 142 DNR Work Area 185 3 Friends’ Shop (Display) 260 9 Net Assignable (ASF) 2225 Table/Chair storage 270 1 Public Restrooms 290 Utility Room 120 1 Total: 197 Gross SF (GSF) 3155 Agency Method (ASF/GSF): 70% BOMA ((Usable+Common Area)/GSF) 96% Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix 3 Friends of Aztalan State Park: Visitor Center Preliminary Design Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 Site Program 1) Zoning Ordinance (cid:1) Zoned A-1 Exclusive Agricultural (cid:1) Height: 35 feet maximum. (cid:1) Front Setbacks: 85’ from centerline; 50’ from right of way. 2) Traffic/Parking/Pedestrian Access (cid:1) Bicycle parking. (cid:1) Barrier free accessibility. 3) Storm Water (cid:1) Sediment control for water quality from paved area run off. (cid:1) Capture “clean” roof water for irrigation (internal vault). (cid:1) Pervious surfaces at outdoor terrace. 4) Services (cid:1) Trash. (cid:1) Electrical transformer and Air conditioning condensers. (cid:1) Domestic water wellhead. (cid:1) Septic tank and drainfield with vent pipes. 5) Landscaping (cid:1) Inviting entry plaza. (cid:1) Simple and durable plantings (trees, shrubs, grasses and seasonal planting areas). (cid:1) Landscape buffers. 6) Lighting (cid:1) Building entrance and security lighting. (cid:1) Non-glare fixtures, down-lighting only. 7) Miscellaneous Amenities (cid:1) On-building sign facing Highway Q. (cid:1) Donor features (flagpole, benches or pavers). Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix 4 Friends of Aztalan State Park: Visitor Center Preliminary Design Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 AREA: LOBBY/EXHIBIT SIZE: 790 square feet. FUNCTION: Main access to library and Multi-purpose/Community Room Display and distribution area for information of interest to the public Access to public restrooms and drinking fountain Serves as a pre-function and break-out space for the Multi-purpose/Community Room Access to Janitor’s closet Possible access to a Friends store FINISHES: Floor: Polished/Stained Concrete Walls: Painted Gypsum Wallboard Ceiling: Wood T&G Paneling SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Double set of entry doors for delivery access. Doors should be accessible for patrons with strollers and individuals with handicaps automatic entry doors. Made of safety glass and metal frame Visitor Center can be closed, but access to lobby and community room can still be available. Electronic security control Provide a well-lit (overhead) area for patrons waiting for a ride FURNISHINGS: Electric water coolers: 1 pair at two heights as required by Code. Wall mounted bulletin board and racks for brochures and other literature. Display case: One wall mount and one floor (existing) Donor wall feature – recognition plaques and/ or floor tiles Sign: hours of service. Seating/ Bench Waste/recycling receptacles COMMENT: Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix 5 Friends of Aztalan State Park: Visitor Center Preliminary Design Aztalan, Wisconsin June 15, 2015 AREA: MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM SIZE: 990 square feet (142 Occupants @ 7 SF/person) FUNCTION: Provides an area for meetings for community organizations Provide space for the public to rent Provide a gallery space Storage room for nesting tables/chairs, etc. Provides storage for service clubs/ group to use FINISHES: Floor: Polished/Stained Concrete Walls: Painted Gypsum Wallboard Ceiling: Suspended ACT SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The meeting room should have easy access to parking, restrooms and kitchenette. Accessible during non-business hours Separate thermostat control from Visitor Center Future Movable wall partition should be installed to partition the room in to two areas 60% and 40%, with separate lockable entrances. Movable partition to have a high sound rating and sound seals. Space should be easily reconfigured Special attention should be made to acoustics/ soundproofing Dimmer switch for lights and light controls to permit a variety of lighting levels. FURNISHINGS: Chairs for 100 Tables to seat 8 12 tables total Coat storage Coat hooks/ racks Storage 270 square feet (100 chairs with dollies and tables) Lockable AV cabinet Ceiling-mounted LCD projector White wallboard suitable for projection with tray Sound system for microphones and audio equipment Room-darkening shades Tackable surface Podium Wall art hanging system Dimension IV Madison Design Group Design Report Appendix 6

result, DOA/DFD standards must be met in the design and construction of the facility. As part of this on-going effort representatives of the WDNR have
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