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Design of photovoltaic central power station concentrator array PDF

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Preview Design of photovoltaic central power station concentrator array

• CONTRACTOR REPORT SAND82 - 7148 Unlimited Release • UC-63a • Design of Photovoltaic Central Power Station • Concentrator Array • Martin Marietta Corporation Denver Aerospace Solar Energy Systems P.O. Box 179 • Denver, CO Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550 for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-76DP00789 • Printed February 1984 • • When printing a copy of any digitized SAND • Report, you are required to update the markings to current standards. • • • • • Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States • Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation. NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Govern ment nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty. ex press or implied, or aSBumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, prod uct, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, • does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, any agency thereof or any of their contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions expressed here in do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, any agency thereof or any of their contractors or subcontractors. Printed in the United States of America Available from • National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 NTIS price code. Printed copy: All Microfiche copy: AOl • • • • • SAND82-7148 Distribution Unlimited Release Category UC-63a • Printed February 1984 • Design of Photovoltaic Central Power Station • Concentrator Array • Martin Marietta Corporation Denver Aerospace Solar Energy Systems P.O. Box 179 • Denver, CO Under Sandia Contract No. 62-9142 • Abstract A design for a photovoltaic central power station using tracking concentra tors has been developed. The 100 MW plant is assumed to be located adjacent to the Saguaro Power Station of Arizona Public Service. The design assumes an advanced Martin Marietta two-axis tracking fresnel lens concentrator. The concentrators are arrayed in 5 MW subfields, each with • its own power conditioning unit. The photovoltaic plant output is connected to the existing 115 kV switchyard. The site specific design allows detailed cost estimates for engineering, site preparation, and installation. Collector and power conditioning costs have been treated parametrically. • • • • FOREWORD • This report presents the design and projected cost of a photovoltaic central power station utilizing concentrator arrays. The study was undertaken by the Solar Energy Systems Product Area of Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. Arizona Public Service and Stearns-Roger Services, Ltd. served as subcontractors. • • • • • • • • i • • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS They key project personnel of the study were: • 'Sandia Laboratories Dr. Gary Jones, Technical Monitor Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace • Matt S. Imamura, PV Array and System Engineering Dave Hughes, PV Array and Systems Engineering Lee Marshall, PV Array and Systems Engineering Armando Solorzano, Instrumentation, Control and Display Dr. Patrick Hardee, Instrumentation, Control and Display • Jerry Stephenson, Power Conditioning Khaled Sharmit, Array Electrical Design Bruce Heller, Financial and Cost Analysis Arizona Public Service • Eric R. Weber, Program Manager Thomas C. Lepley, Project Engineer Stearns-Roger Engineering Corporation William B. Lang, Program Manager • L.J. Dubberly, Project Engineer Don Parker, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Jim Walton, Electrical Engineering Jerry Harris, Electrical Engineering Jack Brock, Cost Analysis In addition, thanks are extended to John Oster of Burt, Hill, Kosar, Rittleman • Associates for array installation scenarios, and Joe King of UTC, Power Systems Division for advanced inverter capabilities. • • • ii • • Design of Photovoltaic Central Power Station • CONTENTS Page Foreword • i Acknowledgements ii Table of Contents iii List of Figures v • List of Tables • vi I. INTRODUCTION • 1 A. Scope and Objectives • 1 B. Design Guidelines/Ground Rules 1 C. Design Summary • 3 • D. Report Format and Acronyms 3 II. PLANT FEATURES AND DESIGN OVERVIEW 7 A. Photovoltaic Power System (PVPS) 9 1. Photovoltaic Array • 14 2. Tracking Structure • 25 • 3. dc Power and Signal Distribution • 28 4. Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) 30 5. Transformers/Switchgear 32 6. PVPS Grounding/Lightning Protection 32 B. ac Electrical System (acES) 35 1. System Configuration 36 • 2. Cabling 39 3. Switchgear. 41 4. Equipment Installation 41 C. Instrumentation, Control and Display System (ICADS) 41 1. RS-232C Interface 45 2. PCU Control Interface 45 • 3. AFC Control Interface 46 4. acES Control and Instrumentation Interface 47 5. Weather Instrumentation 49 6. ICADS Computer Equipment • 49 7. Software. 50 D. Plant F.acilit ies and Services (PFAS) 51 • 1. Services and Utilities • 51 2. Security and Access 57 3. Structures and Enclosures 58 Ill. DESIGN STUDIES AND TRADE-OFF ANALYSIS 60 A. Site Selection 60 • B. Photovo1taic Array • 62 1. Array Sizing • 62 2. Array Field Layout 63 3. Module Construction 64 4. Intermodu1e Cabling 64 5. Lightning Protection 66 • C. Automated Installation • 66 D. Power Conditioning Unit Design 67 E. Field Cabling/Energy Losses 68 F. Intermediate High Voltage Bus 68 iii • • APPENDIXES Page • A. Plant Construction Cost Estimate • A-I B. System Specification • B-1 C. Subsystem and C.om ponent Specifications C-l D. PV CPS Drawing . D-l E. Master PV CPS Equipment List E-l • F. Subfield Performance Simulations F-l • • • • • • • • • LIST OF FIGURES Page • IC-l Systems Block Diagram ••• 4 IIA System Block Diagram - PVPS 10 . . . . . . . . . . . IIA-l Second Generation Module " 14 • IIA-2 Photovoltaic Concentrator Array Assembly 18 . . . IIA-3 Inverter Efficiency Profile 21 IIA-4 Power Flow Diagram 22 • . . . . . . IIA-5 Source Circuit Wiring Schematic • 24 IIA-6 Wind Tunnel Test Results 26 IIA-7 Concentrator Array Installation .- 29 • IIB-l System Block Diagram - acES • 35 . . . . . . . IIC-l System Block Diagram - ICADS 41 IIC-2 AFC Interface Block Diagram 47 • . . . IID-l System Block Diagram - PFAS 51 IIIB-l Solar Angles and Shading Curves 65 • • • • v • • LIST OF TABLES ~ Page • . IIA-l Photovoltaic Module Characteristics · · · · · · 15 IIA-2 5 MWe Subfield Characteristic s 22 IIA-3 Cond it ions for Emergency Stow · · · · 27 • . . . IIA-4 dc Cable Power Losses · · 30 IIB-l ac Collection System Power Losses · · · · · · 39 IlC-l Measured and Calculated Data List · · · 43 . . . . • IlD-l Typical Well Analysis · · · · 55 IlD-2 Array Washing Concept Assumption 56 . . . IIlB-l Intermodule Cable Trade-Off · · · · · · · · · · 66 • IlIE-l ac Collection System Power Loss 68 . . . . IIF-l IHV Level Trade Study Results · • · · · · · · · · 69 • • • • • vi • I. INTRODUCTION A. Scope and Objectives • This document discusses the detailed design of a lOOMWe photovoltaic central power station (PV CPS) which uses concentrating collectors. This reference design formed the basis for a detailed plant construction cost estimate. The reference design and cost estimate were conducted at a specific utility power plant site, the Saguaro Power Plant owned and operated by Arizona Public Service (APS) Company. In a parallel effort, a similar PVCPS was designed using flat panel PV arrays. A plant capacity • of 100 MWe was recommended by APS. This size was recommended for the following reasons. 1) A CPS rated at 100 MWe ac output would represent approximately 2.2% of APS's ~eak generating capacity in 1986 and 2% in 1990. • 2) APS feels that 2% or more of the APS total output power capacity represents a significant amount of power which can be "felt" on the utilities high voltage transmission network. The objectives of this -study were to develop central station reference • design data that will enable future designers to evaluate potential system, subsystem, component and interface design options. The extent of this effort was su ff ic ient to allow detailing of all contributions' to the plant cost estimate (See Appendix A); specifications of power producing, distributing and conditioning equipment (See Appendices Band .C); structural designs, electrical schematics and fielg layouts (See Appendix • D); a complete breakdown of plant equipment (See Appendis E); and computer simulation of annual plant performance (See Appendis F). Attention was given to design of utility interface hardware and integration to ensure utility acceptance. Wherever possible, existing utility power plant design and engineering practices were used. • B. Design Guidelines/Ground Rules The following set of design ground rules was established with the technical monitor at Sandia Laboratories: o Make maximum practical use of the results from Bechtel's subsystem • tradeoff studies.l Therefore after a careful review of Bechtel's work and numberous technical interchanges with APS and others in the photovoltaic systems area, the following criteria were established as a baseline from Which to work: SMW array/inverter module subfield • + 1,000 V dc array bus voltage Flat plate array spacing of 2.S times panel slant height 34.S kV intermediate high voltage (IHV) ac bus 1 Stolte, w., Bechtel Group, Inc., "Subsystem Design Optimization and Tracie • Off Study", March 1982. -1- •

P.O. Box 179 A design for a photovoltaic central power station using tracking concentra- .. Intermediate Load Applications - 1981-JPL/15101-16l. 4 NEC. NEMA. NOC. NOV. MMDA. MWe l'lWh. MVA. MVAR. Maximum power .. packing of array assemblies (see DWG 849 PCPC 1127) provides a.
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