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Preview Design of LDPC Codes Robust to Noisy Message-Passing Decoding

1 Design of LDPC Codes Robust to Noisy Message-Passing Decoding Alla Tarighati, Student Member, IEEE, Hamed Farhadi, Member, IEEE and Farshad Lahouti, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—We address noisy message-passing decoding of low- is investigated in [13], where the simulations indicate the density parity-check (LDPC) codes over additive white Gaus- resulting substantial performance degradation. Quantization 5 sian noise channels. Message-passing decoders in which certain error is often modeled as an additive noise and is assumed 1 processing units iteratively exchange messages are common for Gaussian under certain conditions [14]. In [15], Varshney 0 decoding LDPC codes. The exchanged messages are in general 2 subject to internal noise in hardware implementation of these considerstheimpactofquantizationerroronmessagepassing decoders. We model theinternaldecoder noiseas additive white algorithm, and suggests a signal-independent additive trun- n u Gaussian noise (AWGN) degrading exchanged messages. Using catedGaussiannoisemodel.Morerecently,Leduc-Primeauet Gaussianapproximationoftheexchangedmessages, weperform J al. studied the impact of timing deviations (faults) on digital atwo-dimensionaldensityevolutionanalysisforthenoisyLDPC 1 LDPC decoder circuits in [16]. They model the deviations decoder. This makes it possible to track both the mean, and the variance of the exchanged message densities, and hence, to as additive noise to the messages passed in the decoder, and ] quantify the threshold of the LDPC code in the presence of show that under certain conditions the noise can be assumed T internaldecodernoise.Thenumericalandsimulationresultsare Gaussian. I . presentedthat quantifytheperformance loss dueto theinternal Loeliger et al. in [11] and Hagenauer and Winklhofer in s decoder noise. To partially compensate this performance loss, c [17] introduced soft gates in order to implement sum-product we propose a simple method, based on EXIT chart analysis, [ to design robust irregular LDPC codes. The simulation results modulesusinganalogtransistorcircuits.Theyhavealsoshown 3 indicate that the designed codes can indeed compensate part of thatbythevariationsofasinglebasiccircuit,theentirefamily v the performance loss due to the internal decoder noise. of sum-product modules can be implemented. Using these 3 circuits, any network of sum-product modules, in particular, 8 4 I. INTRODUCTION iterative decoderof LDPC codes can be directlyimplemented inanalogvery-large-scaleintegrated(VLSI)circuits.Inanalog 2 LOW-density parity-check (LDPC) codes – first discov- 0 decoders, the exchanged messages are in general subject to ered by Gallager [1] and rediscovered by Spielman et . additiveintrinsicnoise.Thepowerofthenoisedependsinpart 1 al. [2] and MacKay et al. [3], [4] – due to their outstand- on the chip temperature [18]. To capture this phenomenon,in 0 ing performance have attracted much interest and have been 5 [18] Koch et al. considered a channel that is subject to an studied extensively during the recent years. They have also 1 additive white Gaussian noise. This channel is motivated by been included in several wireless communication standards, v: e.g.,DVB-S2andIEEE802.16e[5],[6].Effectivedecodingof point-to-point communication between two terminals that are i embedded in the same chip. Therefore, the internal decoder X LDPCcodescan beaccomplishedby usingiterativemessage- noise may affect the communication of soft gates, and hence passing schemes such as belief-propagationalgorithm or sum r degrades the performance of the iterative analog decoder. a product algorithm [7]. Moreover, powerful analytical tools Since in practice digital or analog LDPC decoders are including EXIT chart analysis [8], [9] and density evolution subject to internal noise, the impact of this noise on the analysis [10] are developed for designing LDPC codes and performance of iterative decoding needs to be investigated. quantifying their performance limits. Performance analysis of noisy LDPC decoding has attracted The sum-product algorithm is based on elementary com- extensive interest recently (see e.g. [15], [19]–[23] and the putations using sum-product modules [11]. These modules references therein). The performance of a noisy bit-flipping can be implemented using digital circuits or analog circuits. LDPC decoder over a binary symmetric channel (BSC) is Thedigitalimplementationofsum-productmodulesforLDPC studied in [15]. In this setting, the decoder messages are decoding, e.g., the one presented in [12], is subject to noisy exchanged over binary symmetric internal channels between message passing due to the quantization of messages. The the variable nodes and the check nodes. It has been shown impact of quantization error on LDPC decoding performance that the performance degrades smoothly as the decoder noise A.TarighatiiswiththeACCESSLinnaeusCentre,departmentofsignalpro- probabilityincreases.Tabatabaeietal.studiedtheperformance cessing,KTHRoyalInstitute ofTechnology, Sweden(e-mail:[email protected]). limits of LDPC decoder when it is subject to transient pro- H. Farhadi is with the Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers cessor error [20], [21]. This research was further generalized University ofTechnology, Sweden(e-mail: [email protected]). F. Lahouti is with the Center for Wireless Multimedia Communications, in [22] by considering both transient processor errors and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, permanentmemoryerrors,usingdensityevolutionanalysisfor University ofTehran,Iran(e-mail: [email protected]). regular LDPC codes. Thematerialinthispaperwaspresentedinpartatthe6thIEEEInt.Symp. TurboCodesandIterative Inform.Processing(ISTC),Brest,France, 2010. In this paper, we analyze the performance of LDPC codes 2 v 1 c 1 u v ··· 2 ··· 2 u1 v1 v2 ··· c2 udv−1 u0 vdc−1 · v u · · · · · c K v N (a) (b) Fig.1. Tannergraphofaregular(3,6)LDPCcode,wheresquaresdenote Fig.2. Messageflowthroughavariablenode(a),andthroughachecknode checknodesandcircles denotevariable nodes. (b). transmitted over an AWGN communication channel, when sends the computed messages back. Similarly, each variable a sum-product decoding algorithm is employed in which node exchanges messages with its d neighbor check nodes. v exchanged messages are degraded by independent additive We consider the outputmessages of the variable and check white Gaussian noise. We first invoke a density evolution nodes as log-likelihood ratio (LLR) values, where the sign (DE)analysistotracktheprobabilitydistributionofexchanged of a variable node message specifies the bit estimate and its messages during decoding, and quantify the performance magnitude indicates the reliability of the estimation. degradationduetothedecodernoise.We computethedensity Accordingtothesum-productdecodingalgorithm,themes- evolutionequationsforbothregularandirregularLDPCcodes. sage at iteration l from a variable node to a check node, Also, we introduce an algorithm to find the EXIT curvesof a denoted by v(l), is noisydecoder.Finallywe proposeanalgorithmforthedesign of robust irregular LDPC codes using EXIT chart for noisy dv−1 decoders to partially compensate the performance loss due to v(l) = u(l−1), (1) i the internal decoder noise. Xi=0 Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.InSectionII,wepresent where u(l−1), i = 1,...,d 1, are incoming LLRs from the definitions and model for noisy message-passing decoder. i v − variable node neighbors at iteration l 1, except the check In Section III, we derive the density evolution equations for − node that is to receive the output message v(l), and u is the 0 thenoisymessage-passingdecoder.Next,numericalresultsof incomingLLRmessagefromthecommunicationchannel.The the density evolution analysis and simulation results of finite- messageu(l) froma checknodetoavariablenodeatiteration lengthcodesarepresented.InSectionIV,EXITchartanalysis l can be obtained as follows of the noisy decoder is presented. Using the EXIT charts, a method for designing robust codes for the noisy decoder tanhu(l) =dc−1tanhvj(l). (2) is presented in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the 2 2 jY=1 paper. Fig.2showstheschematicsofmessage-passingfora variable II. LDPC CODES AND NOISY MESSAGE-PASSING node and a check node. DECODING PRINCIPLES For a noisy decoder, the output messages of the variable and checknodesare subjectto additivewhite Gaussian noise. Consider a regular binary (d ,d ) LDPC code with length v c The conventional model shown in Fig. 2 can be extended to N. The code can be represented by a K N parity check matrix H with binary elements, where th×e weight of each the one in Fig. 3, where ni and νj denote the additive white Gaussian noise affecting the output messages of check nodes column and row of the matrix are d and d , respectively. v c and variable nodes, respectively. Hence, γ and µ are noisy There is a Tanner graph corresponding to the parity check j i matrix with N variable nodes and K , Ndv check nodes. versions of vj and ui, respectively. Therefore, the incoming dc messages to the variable nodes and the check nodes are Every variable node in the graph is connected to d check v Cnoodrreessapnodndeivnegrytochtheeckonnoesdeinisthceoncnoelucmtednstoanddc tvhaeriraobwlesnoofdHes,. µ(il) =u(il)+ni, (3) the variable nodes and the check nodes are connected to each γj(l) =vj(l)+νj, (4) other in the Tanner graph. Fig. 1 exemplifies a Tanner graph wheren andν areassumedtobeindependentandidentically for a regular (3,6) LDPC code with length N. Variable node i j distributed (i.i.d.), i.e., n ,ν (0,σ2). vi and check node cj are known as neighbors, if they are According to the sumi -pjro∼duNct algdorithm, at iteration l connected to each other. the decoding is performed based on the following updating Message-passing decoding algorithm can be represented as equations iterativeexchangeofmessagesbetweenchecknodesandvari- dv−1 ablenodesoftheTannergraph.Specifically,everychecknode v(l) =u + µ(l−1), (5) 0 i receives messages from its dc neighbor variable nodes and Xi=1 3 shift keying (BPSK) modulation. Thus, the LLR values re- ... u2 ... v2 ceived over an AWGN communication channel are Gaussian n u1 ν v1 distributed. The mean and the variance of the received LLR 2 2 ud−v1 −1 µ2 µ1 nu10 vd−c1 −1 γ2 γ1 ν1 wvahluereesσan2reisrtehsepecchtaivnenleylneoqiusealvatoriamnc0e[=7].σW2n2eaansdsumσ02et=hatσt4hn2e, −1 µdv v −1 γdc u random variables u, v, ui and vj are all Gaussian distributed. ndv νdc First, we check whether the messages of a noisy sum-product LDPC decoder are consistent. To this end, we consider the expected values of both sides of (3) and (5) and obtain (a) (b) m(l) =m +(d 1)m(l−1), (7) v 0 v− u where m(l) and m(l−1) denote the means of output messages Fig.3. Themodelof(a)avariable node(b)acheck nodeinnoisybelief- v u propagation decoder. of variable nodes and check nodes, respectively. The index i is omitted since u , i = 1,...,d 1, are i.i.d. Next, by i v − computing the variances of both sides of (3) we have u(l) dc−1 γ(l) tanh 2 = jY=1 tanh 2j . (6) σµ2i(l) =σu2i(l)+σd2. (8) Using (5), we obtain the variance of the variable node output In order to generalize these equations to irregular case one can follow the same steps as the one described in [7]. In the dv−1 dv−1 next section, we propose an approach for the performance σ2(l) =σ2+var µ(l−1) +2cov u , µ(l−1) , v 0 (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18) 0 i (cid:19) analysis of this noisy message-passing decoding algorithm. Xi=1 Xi=1 (9) where var(X) denotes the variance of random variable X, III. DENSITY EVOLUTIONANALYSIS OF NOISY DECODER and cov(X,Y) is the covariance of random variables X and In this section, using Gaussian approximation,we will find Y. Since µ , i = 1,...,d 1, are i.i.d. Gaussian random i v − the density evolution equations for the noisy decoder with variables, we have regular variable and check degrees. We further generalize the results to the irregular case, and finally use the derived var dv−1µ(l−1) =dv−1var µ(l−1) =(d 1)σ2(l−1). density evolution equations to evaluate the performance of (cid:18) i (cid:19) (cid:18) i (cid:19) v− µ Xi=1 Xi=1 noisy decoders. (10) The last term in (9) is zero, as the Tanner graph of the A. Gaussian Approximation and Consistency codeis assumedto be cycle-freeand u is independentof the 0 The density evolution analysis is an analytical method for noisy messages. Therefore, the variance of a variable node tracking the densities of messages in iterative decoders. This output message at iteration l can be simplified as follows can be used to predict the performance limits of an LDPC codemeasuredbycode’sthreshold[24]. The code’sthreshold σv2(l) =σ02+(dv −1)σu2(l−1)+(dv −1)σd2. (11) is the smallest (largest) communication channel SNR (noise To verify the consistency of the noisy decoder, we plug variance) for which an arbitrarily small decoding bit-error in σ2(l) = 2m(l) and σ2(l−1) = 2m(l−1) into (11) and probability can be achieved by sufficiently long codewords. v v u u compare it with (7). It is clear that as long as σ2 is non- For an AWGN communication channel and an LDPC sum- d zero, the two quantities are not equal and hence the noisy product decoder, the densities of the exchanged messages LDPC decoderis notconsistent.Therefore,it doesnotsuffice between the check nodes and the variable nodes can be to track only the mean values of the nodes’ output messages. approximated as Gaussian [7], [25]. Hence, these densities Instead, it is requiredto track both the mean and the variance may be characterized only with their mean and variance. A of nodes’ output messages. A similar situation has been Gaussian random variable whose variance is twice its mean shown in the simulation results of [26], when there is an is said to be consistent [15]. The consistency assumption incorrect estimation of the communication channel SNR at simplifies density evolution as a one-dimensional recursive a(noiseless)LDPCdecoder.However,sincethecodeislinear equationbasedonthemean(orthevariance)ofthemessages. andthe communicationchannelis symmetric,sendingall-one In [7], this assumption is used for the DE analysis of a codewordissufficientforstatisticalperformanceevaluationof noiseless LDPC decoder, and subsequently, quantifying the the code [26]. threshold of the code. The key assumption in the density evolution analysis of For an irregular LDPC code, the degree distribution of noise-freedecodersisthatthecodeblocklengthissufficiently variable nodes is λ(x) = Di=v2λixi−1 and that of the check large, based on which it may be assumed that the Tanner nodes is ρ(x) = Di=c2Pρixi−1, where λi and ρi are the graphoftheLDPCcodeiscycle-free.Sincethecodeislinear percentage of edgesPthat are connected to variable nodes and and the communication channel is symmetric, we consider check nodes of degree i, respectively. D is the maximum v the transmission of an all-one codeword using a binary phase degree of variable nodes and D is the maximum degree of c 4 TABLEI follows RELATIONBETWEENTHETHRESHOLDANDDECODERNOISEVARIANCE X f(m,σ2),E tanh , (cid:20) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19)(cid:21) σ2 SNR threshold SNR (σ ) (18) d th n th X 0 1.163 dB 0.8744 g(m,σ2),E tanh2 , (cid:20) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19)(cid:21) 1 2.835 dB 0.7215 2 3.635 dB 0.6580 where X (m,σ2). These equations can be used to 3 4.185 dB 0.6177 track m(ul) ∼andNσu2(l) in the decoding iterations of a regular (d ,d ) LDPC for given values of communication channel v c noisevarianceandinternaldecodernoisevariance.Becauseof non-linearity of the equations in (17), it is not easy to find a check nodes. In this case, by similar steps as the ones for the closed form expression for the mean and the variance at each regular LDPC codes, it can be shown that for the mean and iteration. As such, we resort to Monte-Carlo simulations to the variance of a variable node of degree i at iteration l solve(17)andadoptthesemi-Gaussianapproximationmethod m(l) =m +(i 1)m(l−1), (12) used in [27] and [19]. v,i 0 − u Similarly, for irregular LDPC codes, the message distri- σ2(l) =σ2+(i 1)σ2(l−1)+(i 1)σ2, (13) butions are approximated by Gaussian mixture [7]. For each v,i 0 − u − d check node of degree i at iteration l we have vwanahrdeiar(be1l3em)niv(otl,)idceaannodfbedσeiv2gn,rfiee(ler)reiadartethitatehtreathtimeonecaolnn,sraiesnstpdenectchtyieviesvlaynr.oiFatnrvocamelido(1ffo2a)r f m(ul,)i,σu2,i(l) =Dv λjf m(vl,)j, σv2,j(l)+σd2 i−1, (cid:16) (cid:17) Xj=2 (cid:16) (cid:17) the irregular case.   i−1 Dv g m(ul,)i,σu2,i(l) = λjg m(vl,)j, σv2,j(l)+σd2  , B. Density Evolution with Gaussian Approximation for Noisy (cid:16) (cid:17) Xj=2 (cid:16) (cid:17)   Message-Passing Decoder (19) In the case of a noisy LDPC decoder, we have shown that and from Gaussian mixture equations, the density of check consistency does not hold and we should track both the mean nodeiniterationl hasthefollowingmeanandvariancevalues and the variance of nodes’ output messages. In order to do this, we use the key equations(3)-(8) and(11). By computing Dc the expected value of both sides of equation (6), and noting m(l) = ρ m(l) , (20) u i u,i that γj(l), j =1,...,dc−1 are i.i.d., we have Xi=2 E(cid:20)tanhu2(l)(cid:21)=E(cid:20)djYc=−11tanhγ2j(l)(cid:21) (14) σu2(l) =XiD=c2ρi(cid:20)σu2,(il)+(cid:16)m(ul,)i(cid:17)2(cid:21)−(cid:16)m(ul)(cid:17)2 . (21) γ(l) dc−1 Therefore, the DE can be found by solving (19) for a check = E tanh , nodewithdegreeiandthedistributionofachecknodeisthen (cid:18) (cid:20) 2 (cid:21)(cid:19) found using (20) and (21), iteratively. where γ(l) is defined in (4) and has the following distribution γ(l) (m(l), σ2(l)+σ2). (15) C. Numerical Results of the Density Evolution Analysis ∼N v v d Next, by computing the expected value of squared tanh We solve the density evolution equations iteratively for a rule, we obtain the second major equation as follows (3,6)regularLDPCcodeconsideringm(u0) =0andσu2(0) =0 as initial conditions. This provides the mean and the variance E tanh2 u(l) = E tanh2 γ(l) dc−1. (16) ofchecknodes’outputsandallowsforthecomputationofthe (cid:20) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:20) (cid:18) 2 (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:19) thresholdforthegivenvariancesofinternaldecodernoiseand communication channel noise. The density evolution can be obtained by simultaneously solvingequations(14)and(16).Specifically,representingγ(l) Table I shows the relation between the threshold and the uDsEingeq(u1a5ti)onansdfomr (vclh),ecσkv2(nlo)dfersomas(f7o)llaonwds(11), we obtain the bineteorbnsaelrvdeedcothdaetrtnhoeisSeNvRartiharnecsehoσldd2SreNsuRltthin,g f(rNEomb0)t(h17in).crIetacsaens astheinternaldecodernoisevarianceincreases.Thisisinline f m(l),σ2(l) = f m(l), σ2(l)+σ2 dc−1, with a similar observation in [15] on the performance of bit- u u v v d (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) (17) flipping LDPC decoding in the presence of noisy message- g m(l),σ2(l) = g m(l), σ2(l)+σ2 dc−1. passing over BSC channels, where the performance deterio- u u v v d (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) ratesasthecross-overprobabilityoftheinternaldecodernoise The auxiliaryfunctionsf(m,σ2) and g(m,σ2) are definedas increases. 5 100 u 0 n ν 10−1bCrSuTr bCrSuT rSuTr rSuT rSuTr ruT ruT r u1 1 v1 1 rS or bC bC uT r ... VND v ... CND u r Er10−2 bC abilityof10−3 bC rS uT udv−1 ndvN−V1ND vdc−1 νdcN−1CND b bC o Pr σ2=0 bC d Fig.5. Modificationofdecodercomponents(VNDorCND)tonoisydecoder 10−4 rS σσd22==12 uT r components (NVNDorNCND). uT d r σd2=3 rS Algorithm 1 EXIT curve for NVND 10−5 bC 1: Input: IA, dv, σn2, σd2, N 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 SNR (dB) 2: Output: IE 3: X=1, [length N BPSK modulated codeword] Fig. 4. Error probability performance of (3,6) regular finite length code 4: for k =1:N do [compute decoder LLR inputs] withdecoder noisevariance σ2. d 2 Y(k)= (1+n ),n (0,σ2) σ2 c c ∼N n n Simulation results confirm that our analytical results accu- 5: end for rately predict the performance of finite-length codes as well. 6: for i=1:length(IA) do Fig. 4 depicts the simulation results for the performance of a σ =J−1(I (i)), finite-length (3,6) regular code with length N = 1008. It is A A evident that the threshold of this finite-length code is fairly where the same as our analytical threshold for various values of the ∞ internaldecodernoisevarianceσd2. One canuse (20) and(21) J(σ),1−Z−∞ √21πσe−(x−2σσ22/2)2 log2(1+e−x)dx to also track the density of irregular LDPC codes for noisy decoder. 7: for j =1:N do [compute a priori LLRs] In general, the presented analysis could be used to design σ2 irregular LDPC codes for noisy decoders. Since the problem AP(j)= 2A +n, n∼N(0,σA2) ofdesigningirregularLDPCcodesbydensityevolutionisnot 8: end for a convexproblem, finding a good degree distribution requires 9: [compute noisy variable node outputs using (5)] complex computations and extensive search [27]. Therefore, in the remaining sections after investigating the performance E=NVND d ,AP,Y,σ2 v d limits of the noisy decoder by means of EXIT chart, we (cid:0) (cid:1) 10: [Compute extrinsic mutual information using (22)] will introduce a simple and effective method to design robust LDPC codes for the noisy decoder. I (i)=I(X,E) E 11: end for IV. EXIT CHART ANALYSIS OF NOISY DECODER The EXIT chart analysis, first introduced in the pioneering work of ten Brink [28], is a powerful tool for analyzing the be computed using a J-function [8], which directly results performance of iterative turbo techniques. It is mainly based from the consistency assumption of the decoder. Since this on keeping track of the mutual information of channel input assumption is violated in the case of a noisy decoder, to bits and variable node and check node outputs. compute the a priori and extrinsic mutual information, we Let X be a binary random variable denoting the BPSK compute these values according to the definition of mutual modulated AWGN communication channel input which takes information. 1 values with equal probabilities. If f(y) is the probability ToobtaintheEXITcurvesforthenoisyLDPCdecoder,we ± density function (pdf) of the communication channel soft use Algorithm 1 and the empiricaldistributionscomputedby output Y, then, the mutual information of X and Y for a runningsimulationsforeachdegreeofvariablenodeandcheck symmetric channel [29], [30] is node. Specifically for each decoder component, we compute 1 ∞ f(y x) the extrinsic mutual information IE corresponding to a priori I(X;Y)= f(y x)log | dy. (22) mutual information I for the noisy variable (check) node 2xX=±1Z−∞ | (cid:18) f(y) (cid:19) decoder. To maintainAthe desired structure of the iterative In order to find the EXIT function of a noiseless decoder, decoder [8] for the noisy decoder, we modified the variable the variable node and the check node EXIT functions can nodes and check nodes as shown in Fig. 5. In fact, we have 6 1 1 1 1 C σ2=0 C σ2=1 C σ2 =2 C σ2 =3 A, d A, d A, d A, d I I I I ,0.6 ,0.6 ,0.6 ,0.6 V V V V E, E, E, E, I Checknode I Checknode I Checknode I Checknode Variablenode Variablenode Variablenode Variablenode 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 IA,V , IE,C IA,V , IE,C IA,V , IE,C IA,V , IE,C Fig.6. EXITcharts of(3,6)regularLDPCcoderesulting fromAlgorithm 1forSNR=3dBanddifferent decodernoisevariances σ2. d 0.25 0.09 σ2 = 0, there is an open tunnel between the curves, and d increasing σ2 to one makes the tunnel tighter. However, for d y) y) σd2 = 2 and σd2 = 3 the variable and the check EXIT curves ( ( cross each other. The EXIT charts in Fig. 6 illustrate that the f f SNR threshold of (3,6) regular LDPC code is less than 3 dB when σ2 = 0 and σ2 = 1 and is greater than 3 dB when d d −03 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −010−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 σd2 = 2 and σd2 = 3. This is in line with the results obtained y y from the density evolution analysis, as shown in Table I. Fig.7. Empiricaldistributionsofoutputsofcheck(left)andvariable(right) Fig. 7 depicts the empirical distributions f(y) for the nodesforIA=0.5,σd2=1andSNR=3dB. outputs of NVND of degree d = 3 and NCND of degree v d = 6, used in (22) to find the extrinsic mutual information c I . We observe that the distribution of the nodes’ outputs considered decoder noise as a part of variable (check) nodes E are light-tailed for the check node and normal-tailed for the and call them noisy variable (check) node decoders, NVND variablenode.Thismotivatesthe use of numericalintegration (NCND). in (22) by integrating over a limited integral domain. In Algorithm 1, the proposedmethodforfindingthe EXIT In the following section, we will use the EXIT curves curve of NVND is described. The procedure of finding EXIT resulting from Algorithm 1 to design robust LDPC codes for curvesfor the noisy check node is similar to that of the noisy noisy decoders. variablenode;however,forthechecknodethecommunication channeloutputisnotfedtothechecknode,i.e.,theonlyinput of the noisy check node is the vector of a priori LLRs from V. DESIGN OF ROBUST IRREGULAR LDPCCODES FOR variablenodes(AP).Thepresentedalgorithmisanextension NOISY DECODER of the algorithm 7.4 in [31] for Turbo codes. In this section, our goal is to design robust irregular LDPC Itisnoteworthythatforanoiselessdecoder,inputmessages codesfornoisydecoder.ThedesignprocedureofLDPCcodes to each decoder component (VND or CND) are modeled by isbasedonfittingEXITcurvescorrespondingtogivenvariable Gaussian random variables of mean µ and variance σ2 = A A andcheckdegreedistributions.In[8], fora noiselessdecoder, 2µ . Then the mutual information I of each input message A A right-regularLDPCcodesaredesignedfora fixedchecknode and the channel input X (a priori mutual information)can be degree of d , by fitting a weighted sum of the EXIT curves computed using c of variable nodes to the check node EXIT curve. In this I =J(σ ) . A A work, we design irregular LDPC codes and allow more than This relation implies a one-to-one mapping from each I to one degree for both variable nodes and check nodes. Our A a σ (and consequently µ ). However, for a noisy decoder benchmarkforcomparisonsareirregularLDPCcodeswiththe A A there is not such a one-to-one mapping and for each I sameratesdesignedforanoiselessdecoderin[29].We verify A different sets of (µ ,σ2) may be found. One way to tackle the performance of the designed codes by the simulations of A A this problem is to assume consistency for input messages to finite-length LDPC codes. the noisy components (NVND and NCND) as stated in step It is noteworthy that when the exchanged messages in the 6 of Algorithm 1, and calculate each a priori LLR as in decoder are not consistent, the weighted sum of the EXIT step 7. Then, the input messages to VND and CND are no chartcurvesofvariablenodeandchecknodearenottheexact longerconsistent(sincetheyarecorruptedwithdecodernoise). curves of the irregular code. However, our simulation results Since we simulate each decoder component separately, the indicatethatthisapproachisaccurateenoughforthecasewith assumption made does not affect the computation of EXIT a noisy decoder. curves for the other components, and as our experiments validate,the suggestedapproachprovidesveryaccurateEXIT A. Code Design Algorithm curves. Fig. 6 illustrates the evolution of EXIT charts of (3,6) Using the EXIT curves obtained from Algorithm 1, we regular LDPC code for different values of decoder noise propose a simple method for the design of irregular codes variance σ2 and for communication channel SNR 3 dB. For for the noisy decoder. Similar to the code design approach d 7 Algorithm 2 Robust LDPC code design aresatisfied.OnewaytodothisisforeachαtofindI A,NCND 1: Input: dc, Dv, r, σd2, ∆, S accordingto (23) andcheck if thereis a vector(λ2,...,λDv) 2: Output: code ∗ =(ρ(x)∗,λ(x)∗) for which the constraints in (25) are feasible. If so, we form C 34:: inσin2tia=liz(e2rSSNNRRthth)−1 bthye∆codanedCth=e (aρlg(oxr)i,thλm(x)d)o.eSsuabnsoetqhueernittleyr,awtioenr;eodtuhceerwSiNseR,tiht 5: for i=1:M +1 do terminatesandthe successfulcodefromthe previousiteration 6: α=S(i) is selected. 7: [compute EXIT curves of check nodes with degree TheEXITcurvesofachecknodedonotdependonSNR ; th 8: dc−1 and degree dc using Algorithm 1] By changing SNRth, the EXIT curves of variable nodes, and 9: [compute effective EXIT curve IA,NCND using ρ(x) consequently IE,NVND are affected. Using this fact, the com- 10: in (23)] plexity of the proposed algorithm may be further reduced by 11: [computeEXITcurvesofvariablenodeswithdegrees pre-computingI for each value of α once and storing A,NCND 12: dv =2 to dv =Dv using Algorithm 1] them before running the algorithm. In the following section, 13: [check if there is a λ(x) such that =(ρ(x),λ(x)) we will presentsome resultsillustrating the applicationof the C 14: satisfies the constraints in (25)] proposed algorithm in the design of robust LDPC codes for 15: if code exists then noisy decoders. C 16: SNRth =SNRth ∆ 17: ∗ = − C C 18: go to step 4 B. Design Examples 19: end if 20: end for From Table 1 of [29], for the maximum variable degree of four, the introduced code of rate one-half has two types of check nodes with degrees five and six. The threshold of this code is 0.8085 dB and has the following degree distributions proposed in [29], we restrict our attention to irregular codes with two consecutive check node degrees as λ(x)=0.384x+0.042x2+0.574x3, ρ(x)=αxdc−1+(1 α)xdc, (23) ρ(x)=0.241x4+0.759x5. − and variable node degrees as However, when the decoder is not perfect, the threshold and also the performance of this code degrade. For instance, in Dv λ(x)= λ xi−1. (24) noisy decoder the threshold has increased by about 1.7 dB i and 2.5 dB for decodernoise variancesσ2 =0.5 and σ2 =1, Xi=2 d d respectively. The effective EXITcurveof a noisy irregularcheck (variable) Considering the same constraints in check degree distri- node I (I ) is obtained by averaging over the A,NCND E,NVND bution and maximum variable degree, we have designed an EXIT curvesof check(variable)nodeswith constituentcheck irregular one-half rate LDPC code for the noisy decoder with (node) degrees [9]. σ2 = 0.5. Using Algorithm 2, we obtained code A with the Inthispaper,werefertoacandidatecode =(ρ(x),λ(x)) d C following degree distributions of rate r as a successful code for a given SNR, if it satisfies the following constraints λ(x)=0.453x+0.547x3, i) λ(1)=1, ρ(x)=0.451x4+0.549x5. ii) ρ(1)=1, Fig. 8 shows the performance of Code A and the designed 1ρ(x)dx (25) code in [29] for different decoder noise variances. When iii) r =1− R01λ(x)dx , σd2 =0.5(solidcurves),CodeAprovidesabetterperformance 0 comparedtothecodein[29].Byincreasingthedecodernoise iv) IE,NVNDR≻IA,NCND, variancetoσd2 =0.7(dashedcurves)CodeAstilloutperforms wherethelastconstraintimpliesthattheeffectiveEXITcurve the code in [29], while by decreasing the decoder noise of its variable node lies above the effective EXIT curve of its variance to σ2 = 0.3 (dotted curves) the codes show almost d check node. thesameperformance.ItisevidentthatCodeAperformswell For a given code rate r, we are looking for the code when the decoder noise power varies in the proximity of the ∗ =(ρ(x)∗,λ(x)∗) corresponding to the threshold SNR, designedvariance.It is noteworthythatin our simulationsthe C SNR ,i.e.,theminimumSNRforwhichthereisasuccessful Tanner graph of codes are free from cycles of length four. th code. In Algorithm 2, we set the check node degree d , the The maximum number of decoder iterations is set to 80, and c maximumvariablenodedegreeD ,anddesignrater.Inorder for each SNR, the error probability is computed after a total v tospeedupthedesignprocedure,weletαtakelimitedvalues number of 50 block errors occur. in S = [0 : 1/M : 1]. Then, for a given SNR , by varying As another example of code design, considering the same th α from zero to one, we check if there is a variable degree constraints on degree distributions, we have designed an distribution λ(x), as in (24), such that the constraints in (25) irregular code (Code B) for noisy decoder with σ2 = 1. The d 8 10−1 10−1 rSuT rSuT rSuT rS bC bCrS bC rS bC rS uT rS rS rS bC bC bC rSuT uT rSuT bC rS rS bC rS rS or10−2 uT or10−2 bC err rS err of of bC y y bilit rS uT bilit rS bC ba rSuT ba Pro10−3 uT rS Pro10−3 Codein[29],σ2=1.2 rS bC rS 10−4 rSuTrSuTrSuT CCCCCCooooooddddddeeeeeeAiAiAinnn,,,[[[σσσ222999ddd222]]],,,===σσσddd222000...===357000...357 rSuT uT rS 10−4 rSbCrSbCrSbC CCCCCooooodddddeeeeeBiBiBnn,,,[[σσσ22ddd22299]],,===σσ110ddd22..28==10.8 bC bC 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 SNR (dB) SNR (dB) Fig. 8. Errorprobability performances ofCode Aandthe code in[29]for Fig.9. Errorprobability performances ofCode Bandthe codein[29]for different decoder noisevariances, N =104. different decodernoisevariances, N =104. degree distributions of this code are decoding threshold SNR as a consequence of the internal λ(x)=0.4808x+0.5192x3, decoder noise based on a density evolution analysis. We also analyzed the performance of the noisy decoder using EXIT ρ(x)=0.553x4+0.447x5. charts. We introduced an algorithm based on the computed Fig.9showsthesimulationresultsofCodeBandthedesigned EXIT charts to design robust irregular LDPC codes. The codein[29]fordifferentdecodernoisevariances.Whenσ2 = designed codes partially compensate the performance loss d 1 (solid curves), Code B shows better performance compared due to the decoder internal noise. In this work, we modeled to the code in [29]. Similar observations are made when the the decoder noise as AWGN on the exchanged messages, decoder noise variance (dashed curves) increases to 1.2 or however, an interesting future step is to incorporate other decreases to 0.8 (dotted curves). noisemodelspossiblydirectlyobtainedfrompracticaldecoder In the abovedesigns, we consideredtwo consecutivecheck implementations. One may also use this research to design degreesfor a fair comparisonwith the codein [29]. 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