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Design for dying PDF

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W'^^ : A'X^'.-'- 1f :- LEA^Y TliVIOTHY M C T Y I l-i TIMOTHY LEARY IS DEAD. As the fringe guru himself put it, "Mademoiselle Cancel moved in to share [his] body." But in the days before he died, Leary never one to miss an opportunityfor a party- used his approaching death to create an Optimism, courage, joy, and were spirituality central to Leary'sfinal days and his death. Design for Dying I Pary' last book shows us how we too can make dying the high point of life. Irreverent /'s parting shot new ways for the living us to take contro! of jrmine when and how we plan for "directed Drchestrate to reflect continued on back flanl Design for Dying G^ ^D E S I FOR lOYING, 3 TIMOTHY LEARY WITH SIRIUS ^^JW R. U. Harper<^ge ^w Imprinto/HarperSanFrancisco DESIGN FOR DYING. Copyright 1997 by Futique Trust. All rights reserved. Printedin theUnitedStatesofAmerica.Nopartofthisbookmaybeusedor reproduced in anymannerwhatsoeverwithoutwritten permission exceptin the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York,NY10022. H2irperEdgeWehSite:http://www.harpercollins.com/harperedge HarperCollins, HarperSanFrancisco^'^, and HarperEdge^"^ are trademarks ofHarperCollinsPublishersInc. FIRSTEDITION DesignedbyLauraLindgren LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Leary,TimothyFrancis Designfordying/TimothyLearywithR.U. Sirius. 1sted. cm. p. PartsofthisbookareparaphrasedfrompreviouswritingsbyTimothy Leary. ISBN0-06-018700-X (cloth) ISBN0-06-092866-2 (pbk.) 1. Death. I. Sirius,R.U. II. Title. BD444.L415 1997 128'.5 dc21 97-6846 987654321 97 98 99 00 01 (RRD) 10 Contents Credits u vii INTRODUCTION byTimothyLeary u 1 INTRODUCTION byR.U. Sirius u 7 PART ONE: LIVING 1. WhatIs the MeaningofLife? u 13 2. Cybernautics: ModernAlchemy u 45 3. Language u 59 4. Drugs u 67 5. Psychology u 73 6. Mutation u 83 PART TWO: DYING 7. Dying? ThrowaHouse Party! u gg 8. One LastTaboo for the Road u 107 9. Design forApproaching Death u 121 10. Death Is the Ultimate Trip u 131 PART THREE: DESIGNER DYING 11. Picking anAlternative Tech(nique) from the EvolutionaryMenu u 143 12. The Cryonics Option u 153 13. Nanotechnology u I6I 14. The Twenty-firstCentury: Cyborgization and Postbiological ImmortalityOptions u 167 15. TimothyLeary's Final Escape u 175 addendum: TimothyLeary's Dying Performance as Remembered byHis Friends u i7g

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