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Design Construction And Performance Of Stick-Wood Fired Furnace 1979 PDF

36 Pages·1979·1.07 MB·English
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Preview Design Construction And Performance Of Stick-Wood Fired Furnace 1979

) ) DESICN, GONSTHIGTION AND PERFORMANCE OF STICK-WOON PIRED FURNACE FOR RESIDENTYAL AND SMALL COMMERCIAL APPLICATTON RLGEARD © SUEVERSETY | We oe oxona, MaDe . \ say 2 { | PHRLOD: SEPTWHER 1, 1977 0 Aust 31, 1979 DATE OF REPORT: cCTOBR: 1479 “PRNPANND PDK TUG C8. DAVAIIMKNT OF WWERGY: CONTRACT EC 77-: THIS REPORT {AS TREPASED AS AN ACCOCNT OF WORK STonsHRED BY THT ERITEM SEACES COVRUVEER?. NEITPHE TER ERLTED STAsES ROW ck UNETED STATS DEPARTMENT OF OF, NCR AY OP HET me¥S: EXPRESS OR IOPLIED. CR ASSUAES AMY LEGAL LIASTLETY OR RESPONS ZILIA voE THM ACCHRACY, CONPLRTRNESS, GC USRIJLWESS GE AMY SAWORDATION, APPARAT'S PRODUCT, Of PROCESS IISCLOSED, «lk REPFESENTS THAT 11S CSE KOULE NC TWERINGH PRCEAVELS OMEN aTORTS: conreieur worceg BY ACCEPTANGE OF THIS AR2ORT, THE PURLISHRR AND/OR REGIPTENT ACKNOW_SDNES THE. Se COUERUNENT'S RICHY TO RAIN 4 RORINCLSINE, ROYALTY ERE: THCENST ZW AND TO AGTY COPYH/SHT COVHETNG THIS RRPERT. Abezracz funding from ERDA and DOE sn espevivencal program waa condue=ed a> he Taiversicy of Maine al, Crono Lo develop 4 combustion sysiex Far reafdenttal furnaces tual aolves We Lraditional >reblen of vod busntoys tue""Lelener, aie pollution and hee hazzard the oroggam Ted Lo the esiym Una ore vow euveel Wy patent application and ave being manufactured by three coupanzest Dynont ingwatetes Monmouth, Mazne 68259 Vadazaska Kod Mumnace Gospamr 86 Conteal Servet Bangor, Yarn 91602 Banpton Technologies Corporation utd Bor 2277 Dh Richmond Servet thar attetnm, Prince Edvard celand, Canada CLA 818 chis report is sm abbreviated euasry of the alxtory, (he desten, the perforuonce, and the construction af pro-to-type 2roduetion units. < ATBTORY OF ties PRAT! Fist efforts leading ty the presuae vark were spzisared by the Axdaboa Soctety and Georgia Pacific Cospeny. current Conerace: FaLL and stater 1377-1978 - design and test varlous eonCigurations Lor Stlok-uaod casbuelien venenas. Sring snd cunmer 1975 = tacegrate lecigna into « heat exchanger and storage sryates, Fall and winter 19781979 — refine design ani construct sanple unis. ye and eal Ing. Spring and ssmmer 19/9 - contract oroductfon ney 11, a2 PRULEN OF SERNENE ROOD A savias of vary complex tine-and—nenpararure-dependene rhentcal reactions aecompany {he hurning oF woud. Ta supply shi corruo gronnl, oF ale te ddetdewlty to control ihe palpur to match w sartfeulas heating Load Le Ampossdble. This AiFieslty im exrbursstom and control ty eonnounded by dt?FlewLtiew An Agnddon dyrolivis eases gemergeed From hea? ing wood have an Tgnltion temerature heiween 12397" (methanol) and 1129° (eashon sonsxide), Since stove surface temiral yes do not operate in *his rauge, much of the gas distilled #vom wood is vented to the chimney wich sheee unhappy coueequence: 1. the Lose oF enezay 21 me pollution of the acuospaere 3L eMimey vondenration with enbrequent ive hazard. As stick wood is burned, heat {s tvansferzed vom the surfuce to the fnturior wilh @ counter flow of pyrolveis aaterial, Tae Maetics of the react‘on depund upont 1. syefaceto-volmua ratio of Ihe aldck 2) guzface tecpesalnre ae padiane ‘eld b. convection Zicld 3. wood medseuce 4. specte Ss aix supply ra = ash vemoved ivom the burning surface Glven Unis complenity, tlie only design approach 4 La cut aod ery, The only desiga cule is Lo keep the ebuburtion vume hut and turbulent Cor a auf ffctent Lle a complete the geaclion, AL Uke alarl o£ (he vrasanl work, several arraogeseala of al l-vefeactory combust ion chunbors wore teled withwut rel sugeurs, Regardless of bow the adr Was introduced or Uke wovd tacked, the rudiat-ve capacity of tke refractory would Toree earburetion Sroleuy tml saiuld sumed ones remit ‘a eaplosdons alroug enous to List a teenty-pound ease-refractary chatatng door: TIT. 4 DESERTETTCK Tun Piva, RETO The elements of 2 satistactory stick wood furnace sre shou in the achenatic kesh below ” Q S 4 \. Te Sorcad drat San supplies conbuetion air ae 2 inches of water abate Gabo Ayd,Fefave!, Nhe water jukat [tales she pyrolyals (a the refractory haw The 1500°F" Lonel provides mixing and ignition. Tie induad dzazt tan provides easy starting, smoke free leading and cowpact hast exchanger slesiga. Figure 2 Ahooa the ceufdguration of the final sletsn. 4 2, The Moreed orale Muwor and Aig Seprdy System Figure 3 slows the low-pressure characherdetion af che forced and nce Graft fone, The combustion of 23 pounds of dry wood per hour requiegs aout 130 1s DF adv per Nour at rave excess adv. The efficiency panaley at a 30°F arene fa only lean percentage potnes LF 75% axcens afr ta intrateed. Tals axtra alr assaves pelTutdon free comuscton, Henge abaur one naif che aly {2 inteodured sy Ese Sommer Dover, the vest is pitied in by che 1D fan chrough the secondary ai sort This secondary Foy tends ta be ef roguTating. AB Lhe combuerion rate Enerenses Cue vurume Foe rate tnerraurs, “he agseciated preseure drop throveh the systum forces the combustion checber preswure close to atzospreric, The result: Jews wacundiny ax and g tundency to stabilize the coxbustion rete ‘urfursance of Tarntund irate Induger manufacen rer Performance oF Spancez wae on AI ab NBIOLS voutex Slows - 1s Model 1 8% sie 5 aH kD soe) Yada! 0 6" nine ) Terr Ope rae oft vustor (a: Static press ° 108 20 a 110 ns Nave Clow rate Ib/lir Flow (czm | : 20 eo Volime flov rate (ef=) Nigere 3 >. The Refractory Syeten Figure shows the retractory base - i the wter Jacker Flys faside —— rhe sharse . hel bane one tne bases tae Hvaiiy the refznezary hase sewid savy Jew sant vagaedey see Tea Lbemcal, rise for quick onovelcee starts, terra lories wits these properties, Lavaver, ave coo 2oft to stand the abrasion of loading wood and the erosion of tigh velocity particles me worked well owing compromise has Couhustion none = 2" 2LIURSS 27 funnel = 1" 2ERCAS ¢ 2y ave of hewt exchanger ~ Duztasy Lal 20 A= (oe cntrance te tha tunnel, Is = the one. ines charge alz pips with oles: ocendet? ate dunt Kigere 4 Figure 5 shows the forme uned to caRh the cawhusl fn xoue raBeaccoryy the heat exchanger hase and the temal 4 ‘These nateria?s, by thenselves, vould ant provide the neneesary thermal aroluetion or raven tn-leakage of unanited ate, Therefore tee erichbly Ts cea im vermiculite cmercte cuvered with TA(KEUND t0 provide nrotectien. Ve “inished toll ds shows in Figura 2. Ay ash ¢Tesnoue pure ig sham usder the Seat exchanger; he forced atv pipe 42 shown an the “efr. ‘The properties af the vefractory an! ven tou2ice ave abou dn the Ampendia. 4. “be Huot, Pechenger apd Goubwetton, Ces 2 chivey-inch Length of 16" dissater schedule 19 pipe wes Fitted wirh two rose sheers and seven 21/2" fire tubes 20" long. The dase TurbolsLars shown tm Figuee 6 have extensions through the emake collar which ean be pulled while the unit is opereting to vewove dust, The. soubastion ean waz formed by welding « 16" <aneren Sipe diadde a 16" ddawelier pAe Figure 7 howe the hewt exchanger with ouoke pipe removed. Fly ash is ‘iacarnabie on the top ube shect, but ‘no condenaable combustables are prevent dn apite cf attexpts to burn 30-00, Parcont anisture (eet basis) ‘no. Figure 6 he hese exchanger and coukstdon fun nine connected te 3 SEaraye Systan Enraugn pipes Leese enough <a paenit eraztiy edrowlatiom, An apen=co-t lew Atnophere expansion tank x12 prevent, overpressurr. Plrsare 7 b. Incerseldpa sigh tyLleina Year Load he open too oF Plyuee 2 re comnuetad Lo (uo eross-coneeted 275 gal vil Lane. Figure # shows the agvenbly bevore the tanks were placed on legs and Connentdons made. dq oben expansion tank 42 installed above the highest raliation im the hetlelng. Standaed cdrectaror pomp anc Themmestaia zespend fr dud lilteg Toate The anil can he Cpe at Phe comvuntence: DF the aerator indleuendant af heat 2ng Load at the mument. A pound of wood wS1L dnerease the gystim eeyeraeurs about fone degre: Fe Tipore 8 fe Tha Chaeeal of Corrosion sn povnty of sadiun chromate or 2 nitefteborste aizture added te 1,000 ¥al af water jwovizes g202 earvosion procection for close? syecams. (2a comgetis, | hatewater het exchanger is used, provision aust be cace Eo pravent the ebrouate or nitrite fro being eyvhoncd into the yorsble suyply. | TW, PERFORIANCE | 1. Startup end Sutacoun Place aeven sounda of ery snctwood sticks (2x 4 ends ave good) mixed with sbace £80 pomile of vewspaper 4m the bottom of the ccubnetion cat. Start the TD faq. Drop a Lighted nevapaper into the can. A five will be eatablished at once.

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