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Preview Design Considerations for Ceramic Matrix Composite Vanes for High Pressure Turbine Applications

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20150007501 2018-12-24T11:31:46+00:00Z Proceedings of ASME TURBO EXPO 2013 GT2013-95104 June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA Design Considerations for Ceramic Matrix Composite Vanes for High Pressure Turbine Applications Robert J. Boyle Ankur H. Parikh N&R Engineering and Management Services N&R Engineering and Management Services Parma Heights, OH Parma Heights, OH Michael C. Halbig Vinod K. Nagpal NASA Glenn Research Center N&R Engineering and Management Services Cleveland, OH Parma Heights, OH ABSTRACT Silicon Carbide(SiC) fibers in a SiC matrix. Using CMC vanes in the firststage of the High PressureTur- Issues associated with replacing conventional bine(HPT) providesthe greatestbenefit in terms of re- metallic vanes with Ceramic Matrix Composite(CMC) duced coolant and reduced NOx and CO2 emissions. vanes in the first stage of the High Pressure Tur- However,vane pressureand thermalloads arealso ata bine(HPT) are explored. CMC materials have higher maximum in the first stage of the HPT. For the same temperature capability than conventional HPT vanes, rotor inlet temperature, T41, CMC vanes require less and less vane cooling is required. The benefits of less coolant than conventional metallic vanes. While most vane coolant are less NOx production and improved vane coolant is non-chargeable air, in that it is avail- vane efficiency. Comparisons between CMC and metal able to do work in the first stage rotor, vane efficiency vanesaremadeatcurrentrotorinlettemperaturesand increases as the amount of cooling air decreases. Hart- at an vane inlet pressure of 50 atm.. CMC materials sel[1] gave a correlation to estimate the improvement have directionally dependent strength characteristics, in vane efficiency due to reduced coolant. Increasing andvane designs mustaccommodate these characteris- vane efficiency increases cycle efficiency, and thus re- tics. The benefits of reduced NOx and improved cycle duces CO2 emissions and fuel consumption. From a efficiency obtainable fromusing CMC vanes. arequan- cycle standpoint reducing cooling air ejected from the tified Results are given for vane shapes made of a two vane trailing edge is even more important, since this dimensional CMC weave. Stress components due to air is generally considered chargeable air, and is un- thermal andpressure loads are shownfor all configura- available to do work in the first HPT stage. When T41 tions. The effects on stresses of: (1) a rib connecting is held constant, and vane cooling air is reduced, the vanepressureandsuctionsurfaces;(2)variationinwall combustor outlet temperature, T40, is reduced. Reduc- thickness; and (3) trailing edge region cooling options ing T40 reduces the combustor fuel-to-air ratio, and a are discussed. The approach used to obtain vane tem- small change in the fuel-to-air ratio has a dispropor- perature distributions is discussed. Film cooling and tionately large change in NOx production. trailing edge ejection were required to avoid excessive vane material temperature gradients. Stresses due to CMC vanes have been designed, fabricated, and temperaturegradientsaresometimescompressiveinre- tested,asdiscussedbyVerrillietal.[2],Vedulaetal.[3], gionswherepressureloadsresultinhightensilestresses. Brewer et al.[4], Watanabe et al.[5], and Nakamura et al.[6]. Marshall and Cox[7] discussed the use of ce- INTRODUCTION ramic textiles in gas turbine components. These refer- encesdiscussthedesirabilityofusingfilmcooling,since Ceramic Matrix Composite(CMC) vane and rotor current design maximum gas temperatures exceed the blades can significantly improve gas turbine efficiency, expected temperature capability of the Environmental duetotheirhighertemperaturecapabilitycomparedto Barrier Coating(EBC) used to shield the CMC. Cycle conventional metallic blades. The CMC consists of andemissionsbenefits ofCMCsaregreatestwhenthey are used in the first HPT stage. First stage vane pres- 0ThismaterialisdeclaredaworkoftheU.S.Governmentand sureloadsexceedthosetypicallyusedinpastCMCvane is not subjected to copyright protection in the United States. Approvedforpublicrelease: distributionisunlimited. designs. Turbine inlet pressures are expected to ap- 1 UTS MA754 proach 50 atm. in the near term. A film cooled vane 100 PL N24A - In plane - UTS has an internal pressure only slightly greater than the turbineinletpressure. Muchofthesuctionsurfacetyp- icallyseesanexternalpressureabouthalfoftheturbine inletpressure. Alongmuchofthevanepressuresurface h, ksi N24A - In plane - PL the differential pressure across the vane wall is signifi- gt n e 10 cantly lower than across the suction surface wall. Str Thisworkaddressesthebenefits andchallengesas- sociatedwithusingCMCvanestoreplaceconventional metallic vanes in the high pressure turbine. The work was undertaken in consultation with Honeywell Inter- N24A -Through thickness - UTS national Inc. personnel to insure that it is relevant to 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 industryneeds. Allresultsarepresentedusingthevane Temperature, oF geometry givenby Halila et al.[8]. It is recognizedthat a) load capabilities the trailing edge thicknes of a CMC vane may need to be greater than the relatively thin trailing edge of this metal vane. Aseriesofcaseswillbe examined. The firstcaseis 40 a vane with constant wall thickness, and a single open W/m/C csduaiffvcteitiroye.nntaiTanhldewpasrlelecstoshnuidcrkencsaeussresf,aiwcnehssee.rrteTsthaheertpihbriercsdosuncrnaeescesutiirnsfgafcoetrhiaes es30 Thermal conductivity, W/m/C T h erm al c o n d u ctivity, MCMAC754 thinner than the suction surface. The fourth and fifth erti Stiffness, X 10-3, ksi p cases examine the consequence of using trailing edge o pr20 ejection, where some of the cooling air is ejected from al tlaohsaewdvse,allnaaensdtsrtsartierlesinssesgessedddugueee.tooSnctloyrmestbosiensteeddmulpeoearodanstluywreitlolgbrpaerdegisievsnuetnrse., Materi10 Thermal expansion coefficient, X 106, oSFt-i1ffness, X 10-3, ksi Stressesduetoindividualloadsareshownbecause,ina Thermal expansion coefficient, X 106, oF-1 specific application, loads different than those used for the analysis are likely to be applied. For example, if 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 the inletpressurewashalfofthe 50atm. used,andthe Temperature, o F pressure distribution was similar, stresses due to pres- b) Material properties sure loads would be nearly halved. Two stress compo- nents, throughthickness and hoop, will be shown. The Fig. 1 Comparison of metal(MA754) & CMC(N24A) properties. strengthofwovenCMCmaterialsintheinterlaminaror through thickness direction is lower than the strength The thin EBC layer, described by Lee et al.[11], in the hoop or fiber direction. was assumed to have a temperature capability of ◦ ◦ 1483 C(2700 F). TheMA754propertieswereobtained from the Special Metals web site[12]. Figure 1a shows Benefits of Reduced Vane Coolant that the CMC material maintains its strength to a significantly higher temperature. In the plane of the Property comparisons. To evaluate the benefits weave the CMC has a proportional limit strength that of CMC vanes it is necessary to choose reference prop- is nearly the same as that for MA754, but MA754 erties for both the CMC material and the metal vane has a lower maximum temperature of approximately material. Figure 1 comparesproperties for the selected ◦ ◦ 2000 F(1094 C). MA754isanisotropicmaterial,while CMC material and for a metal, (MA754), commonly the CMC has an ultimate tensile strength that is sig- used for the first stage vane of the HPT. The proper- nificantly lower in the through thickness direction. It tiesoftheCMCmaterial(N24A),abalanced2Dweave, willbe shownthat, because ofthe lowerthroughthick- were obtained from Mital et al.[9]. As discussed by Di- nessstrength,thedesignofaHPTfirststagevanemay Carlo et al.[10]this is a fiber reinforced SiC/SiC mate- significantly differ from that of a metallic vane. ◦ ◦ rialwithanupperusetemperatureof1316 C(2400 F). 2 1600 The calculations shown in figure 2 were done using data from Reiss and Bolcs[13] for the leading edge re- 1500 Max EBC temperature 2700oF gionfilm effectiveness andheat transfer,andthe corre- 1400 lation developed by Boyle and Ameri[14] for film cool- C Max CMC temperature Max TBC temperature 2400oF ing effectiveness. Local film cooling effectiveness was oe, 1300 calculatedassumingsuperpositionfromupstreamcool- ur at1200 ing rows. The outer temperatures show a saw tooth mper Max metal temperature 2060oF pattern, and temperature minimums indicate the lo- e1100 T cation of film cooling rows. No suction surface film 1000 coolingrowsweredownstreamofthe vanethroat,since doingsocausesexcessiveaerodynamiclosses. Therela- 900 Pressure surface Suction surface tively thick barrier coatings resulted in the outer coat- 800 ingsreachingtheirmaximumtemperatures,whilemost -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Surface distance, m of the vane temperatures were less than their maxi- Fig. 2 Typical maximum vane and coating temperatures. mum values. Using a thick barrier coating lessened the vane through thickness temperature gradients, which 0.12 lowered vane thermal stresses. w2.5 Metal vane Figure 3 shows calculated vane coolant fractions, w / C (vane coolant-to-compressor discharge, (wC/w2.5) ra- n, 0.08 tio) for both the metal and CMC vanes. Comparisons o acti at constant rotor inlet temperature,T41, show that the nt fr CMC vane reduction in vane coolant when using CMC vanes is ola 0.04 nearlyindependentofT41. Thecalculatedcoolantfrac- o e c tionsincludedbothfilmcoolingandcoolingusingtrail- n Va ing edge ejection. The portion of the cooling air frac- 0 tionattributabletotrailingedgeejectionwasfoundus- 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Rotor inlet temperature,T o C ing internal heat transfer correlations and appropriate 41 pressure losses. Fig. 3 Vane coolant fractions for metal and CMC vanes. NOx reduction from CMC vanes. NOx is re- Figure 1b compares other properties of MA754 duced by reducing the combustor outlet temperature, and the CMC material. The thermal conductivity and T40. A constant specific heat energy balance shows coefficient of thermal expansion are both lower for the that: CMC than for MA754. The coefficient of thermal ex- pansionfor the CMC materialnear 2000◦F(1094◦C) is T40 =T41(1+wC/w40)−wC/w40T3 nearly 3.0×10−6 ◦F−1(5.4×10−6 ◦C−1). In terms of where T3 is both the compressordischarge and coolant thermal stresses these properties are somewhat offset- temperature, and wC/w40 is the coolant-to-combustor ting. A lower thermal conductivity increases thermal discharge flow rate ratio. wC/w40 is slightly greater gradients, but a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than wC/w2.5, the coolant to compressor discharge ra- reducesstressesforagiventhermalgradient. TheCMC tio. stiffness shownis inthe plane of the weave,andthe in- The fuel-to-air ratio,(f/a), is proportional to terlaminarstiffnesswas60%ofthevalueshowninfigure the combustor temperature rise, T40 −T3. Tacina et 1b. al.[15,16] correlated NOx production as a function of Figure 2 shows typical maximum temperatures f/a,andshowedthat, depending onthe combustorde- for the CMC and the protective low conductivity EBC sign, the exponent on f/a can range as high as 5.57. layer. These temperatures are the midspan outer tem- Figure 4a shows the percentage reduction in NOx for peratures of each layer. A surface distance of zero various correlations. For exponents greater than 4, a corresponding to the leading edge stagnation point. 5%reduction in coolantresults in more than a 20%re- Since CMC materials require an EBC, comparisons duction in NOx. Figure 4b shows that low exponents were made assuming that both the metal and CMC onf/aarenotassociatedwithlowabsoluteNOxlevels. vanes had prime reliant 0.25mm(10mil) Thermal Bar- Cycle benefits of CMC vanesImprovedthermo- rier Coatings(TBC). A relatively thick EBC or TBC dynamic efficiency has a direct benefit in terms of fuel layer, reduces the temperature gradients in the vane burn, and therefore CO2 emissions. Cycle efficiency is walls. The desirability of reducing the wall tempera- improved when vane coolant is reduced. While the ture gradient will be shown. 3 50 Most first stage HPT vane coolant is considered to be non-chargeable air. However, air that is injected intothemainstreamflowdownstreamofthevanethroat exp=5.57 is chargeable air, and is unavailable to do work in the 40 exp=4.63 HPTfirststagerotor. Calculationsshowedthatreplac- % ing metallic vanes with CMC vanes reduces chargeable , n 5% coolant air used for vane cooling by 1.2% of compressor dis- o i30 reduction charge air. Since the HPT drives the compressor, this t c 1.2% reduction in HPT first stage vane chargeable air u d exp=3.88 improves SFC by 0.6% for a highly efficient two stage e HPT with equal work splits, and an equal work split r20 x between the HPT and Low Pressure Turbine. O exp=1.688 Figure 3 shows that the vane coolant decreased by N nearly 5.5% of compressor discharge air, w2.5. Accord- 10 ing to Hartsel[1] and others, reductions in cooling flow reduce the vane pressure loss, since there is a mixing loss when the vane coolant mixes with the mainstream air. Calculations using the correlation given by Hart- 0 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 sel[1] showed that the 5.5% reduction in vane coolant w / w air increased the total pressure at the rotor inlet by c 40 0.86%. Even though this increase in total pressure is a) Relative NOx change less than 1%, the small increase in turbine output of 0.2%contributestoanincreaseincycleefficiencyofap- 100 proximately 0.4%. Reducing both trailing edge cooling exp=5.57 and overall cooling for the first stage vane of the HPT results in the cycle efficiency improving nearly 1%. If using CMC material reduces first stage HPT coolantrequirements,coolingcanbe eliminatedfor the el exp=1.688 OPR=50 second stage HPT vane. This also improves SFC. In u the design report of reference 8, the second stage HPT F - vane cooling flow was 1.85%, of which 0.75% was used g k for purge air. It is conservative to assume a 1.1% re- / g exp=4.63 ductioninstagetwovanecoolingairduetousingCMC , x vanes. While second stage air is chargeable air, it may O N OPR=30 come from an intermediate compressor stage, and thus EI is not fully chargeable air. On the other hand, accord- ing to Honeywell International Inc. personnel, in small engineapplications,itissometimesdesirabletoextract HPT cooling air for both stages from the compressor exp=3.88 exit. A1.1%reductionin secondstage HPT vane cool- 10 ing air improves cycle efficiency by 0.55%, when this 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 airis compressordischargeair. It is estimated that the w / w SFC improvement would be about 0.3% when second c 40 stage vane cooling air is extracted from and intermedi- b) Typical NOx production rate ate compressor stage. The Hartsel[1] correlation gives Fig. 4 Sensitivity of NOx to vane coolant ratio. only a small reduction in second stage vane pressure loss due to the elimination of cooling air. maximum reduction in Specific Fuel Consump- The maximum SFC improvement is achieved by tion(SFC) is achieved when both the vane and rotor maintaining the cooling fraction and raising the rotor bladesareCMCs,rotorbladesaresubjecttoadditional inlet temperature, T41. Without penalizing the rotor stresses. The primary focus of this effort is the SFC foradditionalcoolingair,raisingT41 implicitlyassumes improvement from the reduction in vane coolant. The both CMC vanes and rotors. Figure 5 shows cycle effi- evaluations are done assuming T41 is held constant. ciency for a representative set of conditions, and the 4 0.52 TableI.Descriptionofcasesanalyzed T =3500o F (2200o K) 41 Case Rib Wall CMC T.E. 0.5 T =3320o F (2100o K) Present Insulated Thickness ∆T Ejection 41 1 No - Uniform Uniform No y0.48 T =3140o F (2000o K) 1a No - Uniform Non-Uniform No nc 41 2 Yes No Uniform Non-Uniform No cle efficie0.46 TT4411==22976800oo FF ((11980000oo KK)) 334a YYYeeesss YYNeeoss DDDiiiffffffeeerrreeennntttiiiaaalll NNNooonnn---UUUnnniiifffooorrrmmm YNNeoos Cy0.44 5 Yes Yes Differential Non-Uniform Yes T =2600o F (1700o K) 41 0.42 1 0.4 20 30 40 50 60 70 0.9 Pressure surface Overall pressure ratio PT Fig. 5 Typical cycle efficiency, constant coolant fraction P / 0.8 o, ati 6 ure r 0.7 Suction surface ess 5 c pr 0.6 ati St m 4 0.5 c e, 0.20cm(80mil) c 0.4 n 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 sta Axial distance, x/CX di se 2 Fig. 7 External pressure distribution wi h c ◦ ◦ Pit 1 peraturer. T41 increased by 525 F(292 C) when the metallic vane was replaced by a CMC vane. 0 Stress Analysis of CMC Vanes -1-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Table I summarizes the five geometric variations Axial distance, cm whichwereanalyzed. Case1adifferedfromcase1,and case 3a differed from case 3 in that the CMC tempera- Fig. 6 Reference vane geometry tures were different between the pairs of cases. Case 1 assumption that rotor cooling flow fractions are inde- hadnoribconnectingthepressureandsuctionsurfaces. pendent of temperature. Higher gas temperatures are Case2haduninsulatedribsconnectingthepressureand achieved by improving the temperature capability of suction surfaces. Case 3 had a thinner pressure surface the vane and rotor materials. In reference 17, it was wallthanwasusedincases1and2. Thesuctionsurface shown that there is no improvement in cycle efficiency wall thickness was not changed throughout the analy- with increasing temperature for an ideal cycle, due to sis. Case 4 showed the effects of having trailing edge thespecificheatincreasingwithtemperature. However, ejection to controlCMC temperatures. Case 5 had the this is not the case when stage efficiencies are less than trailingedgeejectiontube exitingthe vaneonthepres- one. At the lowest T41, efficiency decreases for Overall sure surface, rather than on vane chamber line. For Pressure Ratio(OPR) beyond 45, but efficiency contin- all cases, except the first, film cooling was used, How- ues to increase with OPR for higher temperatures. ever, the total cooling fraction was significantly higher Analyses were also done for the increase in T41 without trailing edge ejection. when using CMC vanes. Maximum surface temper- Figure 6 shows the vane used for the analy- ◦ ◦ atures were 2700 F(1756 K) for the CMC vane and sis. The external vane shape is for the EEE vane of ◦ ◦ 2400 F(1589 K) for the metal vane. The vane coolant Halia et al.[8]. Three red circles are shown in this fraction was held constant at 10.6% of compressor dis- figure. The largest circle shows the leading edge re- charge air. Coolant air temperature was also held con- gion curvature. While the actual leading edge is ellip- stant. The rotor inlet temperature for the metallic ticalin shape,the leadingedge radiusis approximately ◦ ◦ vanewascalculatedtobe 2935 F(1886 K). Somewhat 0.3cm(118mil). The thickness of the suction surface surprisingly, the increase in T41 was greater than the was always 0.20cm(80mil), The effects of reducing the ◦ ◦ 300 F(167 C) increase in the maximum surface tem- thicknessofthe pressuresurfacefromthis value willbe 5 Fig. 8 Vane with two endplates a) Through thickness stress, psi discussed. A smaller circle of 0.076cm(30mil) radius is shown where the inner CMC surfaces come together. Stress analysis for uniform wall thickness cases were done assuming this radius where the inner suction and pressure walls join to form the fork region. The third circlewitharadiusof0.0535cm(21mil)isatthetrailing edge. The analysis was done using this radius, even though a thicker trailing edge is likely to be needed for a CMC vane. Throughout the analysis the same external pres- sure distribution was used, and it is shown in figure 7. This figureshowsthe localexternalstatic-to-inlettotal pressureratioasafunctionofaxialdistance. Whilethe pressure differential across much of the suction surface is nearly half of the inlet total pressure, the differen- tial across the pressure surface is much less. Inside the vane, the gas pressure was assumed equal to the inlet b) Hoop stress, psi total pressure, and this pressure was 50 atm. Because of the non-uniform strength characteris- Fig. 9 Case 1 component stresses due to pressure - tics ofCMC materials,directionallydependent stresses uniform wall thickness werecalculated. Figure8showsthegeometryanalyzed, determined using the ANSYS “as calculated” option. which consisted of a vane with two end plates. The This option yielded stresses in the local coordinate edges of one end plate were fixed, and the other end systems. A summary table of maximum component plate was free to move in the spanwise or radial di- stresses in through thickness, hoop, and spanwise di- rection. While both end plates have the same dimen- rections is given after all cases have been discussed. sions, this arrangement accurately represents a typical Uniform wall thickness and no connecting rib. A vane installation. Three stress components were calcu- primaryreasonfor undertakingthe stressanalysisis to lated,but onlythe throughthicknessandhoopcompo- identify useful approaches to mitigating peak stresses nentswillbediscussedindetail. Thethroughthickness infuture CMC vanedesigns. Therefore,stressesdue to stresses are in directions normal to the inner surfaces, pressureand thermal loads are shownseparately. Both including the rib surfaces. In the solid trailing edge re- loads are present in an actual engine operation. Stress gion,wherethereisnoinnersurface,thethroughthick- distributionswithbothloadspresentareshowninorder ness directionis normalto the outer surface. The hoop to see the interaction due to these loads. A somewhat stresses are normal to the through thickness stresses, arbitrary goal of this work was to have through thick- and are in the same spanwise plane. All stress analysis nessstressesbelow10.3MPa(1.5ksi)andhoopstresses wasdoneusingtheANSYScomputerprogram[18]. Be- below 117MPa(17 ksi), which were based on the struc- cause component stresses will be shown, stresses were tural capability of the N24A material. 6 Fig. 11 Temperature distribution for non-uniform ∆T a) Through thickness stress, psi a) Through thickness stress, psi b) Hoop stress, psi Fig. 10 Case 1 component stresses from uniform ∆T - uniform wall thickness Figure 9 showsthroughthickness andhoopstresses due to pressure loads. The portion of the vane near midspan is shown in these figures. While high through thickness stresses are confined to a very small region justaftofwherethesuctionandpressuresurfacemeet, the maximum stress is excessive. The maximum hoop stressoccursonthe innersurfaceattherearofthehol- lowvane,andtowardsthesuctionsurface,whichisnear the same location as the maximum through thickness stress. High hoop stresses occur only in a small region, but exceed the goal of 117MPa(17 ksi). Figure 10 shows the same two stress components when only a temperature loadis applied. For reference purposes a uniform temperature wasapplied to the ex- terior andinterior surfaces. The vane exteriorwall was b) Hoop stress, psi ◦ ◦ 83 C(150 F) hotter than the interior wall. The most striking feature of this case is that for both through Fig. 12 Case 1a component stresses from non-uniform ∆T - uniform wall thickness 7 thickness and hoop stresses regions of high and low stresses are very close together. For the through thick- ness stress, this occurs in the fork region, where pres- sureandsuctionsurfacesjoin. Forthehoopstress,high stresses are seen on the inner wall at the aft end of the cavity,andlowstressesareseenjustaftofthislocation. Figure 11 shows a non-uniform temperature dis- tribution for the vane. There are very low tempera- tures on the suction surface just upstream of the vane throat. These temperatures are very low because a large amount of coolant was required to film cool the suction side of the trailing edge region, in the absence of trailing edge ejection. Because of aerodynamic effi- ciency considerations, film cooling rows were not used on the suction surface downstream of the throat. The uniformdifferentialtemperatureacrossthevane wallis unlikely in actual turbine applications, since a uniform a) Through thickness stress, psi temperaturedifferenceisinconsistentwithfilmcooling. The temperature distribution shown in figure 11 is not likely to be present in an actual application. Without trailing edge ejection cooling, excessive film cooling is required,whichnearlynegatestheadvantageofaCMC vane compared with a metal vane. However, these dis- tributions are very useful for illustrating the effects of temperature gradients on vane stresses. Figure 12 shows similar results to those in figure 10,butwithnon-uniformtemperaturesonboththeex- terior and interior surfaces. The non-uniform temper- atures were determined from an analysis that included theeffectsoffilmcoolingrows. Justdownstreamofthe filmcoolingrow,wherethefilmeffectivenessishigh,the exterior and interior temperatures reach a local mini- mum. The stresses shown here do not include a stress concentration factor. High stresses are very localized, andinaspecificapplicationfilmcoolingrowscanbelo- cated where stress concentrations will not result in ex- b) Hoop stress, psi cessivestresses. Whilethegeneralshapeofthethrough thickness stress distribution is similar to that shown in Fig. 13 Case 1a component stresses from non-uniform figure 10a for a uniform ∆T, peak tensile stresses are ∆T and pressure - uniform wall thickness nearly 50% higher. Peak hoop stresses are also nearly thepeakthroughthicknessstressisnearlysixtimesthe 50%higherfor the non-uniformtemperature case. Fig- goalformaximumthroughthicknessstress,mostofthe ure12ashowsthatthe regionbehind the aftcavityhas vaneshowslowerstressesthanthe goalof10.3MPa(1.5 the maximum tensile stress close to where the through ksi). Thepeakhoopstressisnearlythreetimesgreater thickness stresses are compressive. The analysis given thanthegoalof117MPa(17ksi). Fortunately,excessive by Kaufman[19] for a metal vane showed that, as a re- hoop stresses are confined to a relatively small region sultofcreep,peak tensile stressesarelikely to be lower of the vane. thanarecalculatedbythe analysisusedforthecurrent work. The proportional reduction in peak stress is un- Uniform wall thickness and connecting rib. Figures likely to be the same for a CMC and metal vane. On 14 to 16 give component stresses when a rib joins the a relative basis the ranking of different configurations pressure and suction surfaces. Stresses were deter- is expected to be the same when the analysis includes mined for several rib locations, and these results are creepeffects. Thenearly50%highermaximumstresses for a rib location which significantly reduced pressure for the non-uniformal temperature case shows the de- stresses, and still left sufficient room in the rear cavity sirability of using multiple rows of minimum diameter for an impingement insert. Comparing figures 9 and film cooling holes. 14showsthattheribreducedmaximumthroughthick- Figure 13 shows that combining pressure and tem- ness stressesdue to pressureloadsby nearly a factorof peratureloadsresultsinveryhighpeakstresses. While three. With a ribthe maximum hoopstress wasnearly 8 a) Through thickness stress, psi a) Through thickness stress, psi b) Hoop stress, psi b) Hoop stress, psi Fig. 14 Case 2 stresses for ribbed vane- pressure only - Fig. 15 Case 2 stresses for ribbed vane - non-uniform uniform wall thickness ∆T & no pressure - uniform wall thickness halved, and perhaps more significantly the maximum Comparing figures 15 and 16 shows that adding hoop stress in the fork region was reduced by nearly a pressure loads to temperature loads has a very small factor of five. effect on either the maximum through thickness or the Comparing figures 12 and 15 shows the unde- maximum hoop stress. sirable effect that maximum thermal stresses increase Figure 16a shows that much of the pressure and when a rib is present. In the fork region, where the suction surfaces have relatively low through thickness both through thickness and hoop stresses were highest stresses. Film cooling holes cause local stress concen- for the no rib case(figure 12), stresses remained about trations. Filmcoolingholescouldbeinsertedovermost the same. The maximum thermal stresses occurred in of the vane surface without exceeding through thick- the rib-pressure surface junction region. This maxi- ness stress limits. Unfortunately, this is not the case mum was nearly 30% greater than the maximum ther- for hoop stresses, as it is seen in figure 16b that much mal stress without a rib, which occurred in the fork of the inner pressure surface has stesses in excess of of region. The temperature distribution was calculated 20ksi(138MPa). Since film cooling holes have a pitch assuming that the rib was cooled just like the rest of in the spanwise directionof three or less, the minimum the vane internal surface. The effect of insulating the area to resist hoop stresses is reduced by a third or rib, and thereby affecting the local temperature distri- more. Even without additional stress concentrations, bution, will be examined for a subsequent case. 9 a) Through thickness stress, psi a) Through thickness stress, psi b) Hoop stress, psi b) Hoop stress, psi Fig. 16 Case 2 stresses for ribbed vane - non-uniform Fig. 17 Case 3 stresses for ribbed vane - pressure only ∆T with pressure - uniform wall thickness - differential wall thickness theareareductionislikelytoresultinexcessivestresses surface, but decreased in the fork region. With the near film cooling hole rows. Spanwise stresses are less decrease in the pressure surface wall thickness the ra- affectedbyfilmcoolingholes,sincethefilmcoolingrows diusattherearoftheaftcavityincreasedsubstantially, are further apart. which resulted in lower stresses. The relative changes inmaximumhoopstressduetoathinnerwallwereless Differential wall thickness and connecting rib. Fig- thanthechangesinmaximumthroughthicknessstress. ure 17 shows stresses due to pressure loads for a differ- Twoassumptionsweremaderegardingheattransfer entialwallthicknesscase. Theriblocationisunchanged fromtherib,andtheseassumptionsleadtosignificantly fromtheuniformwallthicknesscase. Thepressuresur- differentstressesintheribregion. Thefirstassumption faceandleadingedgeregionwallthicknesswasreduced wasthat the rib was cooled, just like the rest of the in- to 1mm(40 mil), half that of the suction surface. De- ternalvanesurface,byimpingementcooling. Theother creasingthe suctionsurface below 2mm(80 mil) caused assumption was that the rib was insulated. Figure 18 averyrapidincreaseinalreadyhighmaximumstresses. shows the temperature distributions for these two as- Comparingfigures14and17showsthatthedifferen- sumptions. Figures19and20showthermalstressesfor tialwallthicknesshadvaryingeffectsonthroughthick- eachof these assumptions regarding heat transfer from nesspressurestresses. Themaximumthroughthickness the rib. stress increased where the rib joins the suction 10

uniform wall thickness determined using the ANSYS “as calculated” option. ATV-036. 18 Anon., 2009, “ANSYS Mechanical APDL, Release 12.1,”.
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