Andreas Könsgen Design and Simulation of Spectrum Management Methods for Wireless Local Area Networks VIEWEG+TEUBNER RESEARCH Advanced Studies Mobile Research Center Bremen Herausgeber | Editors: Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog Prof. Dr. Carmelita Görg Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter Das Mobile Research Center Bremen (MRC) erforscht, entwickelt und erprobt in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaft mobile Informatik-, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Als Forschungs- und Transferi nstitut des Landes Bremen vernetzt und koordiniert das MRC hochschulü bergreifend eine Vielzahl von Arbeitsgruppen, die sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung m obiler Lösungen beschäftigen. Die Reihe „Advanced Studies“ präsentiert ausgewählte hervorragende Arbeits - ergebnisse aus der Forschungstätigkeit der Mitglieder des MRC. In close collaboration with the industry, the Mobile Research Center Bremen (MRC) investigates, develops and tests mobile computing, i nformation and communication technologies. This research association from the state of Bremen links together and coordinates a multiplicity of research teams from different universities and institutions, which are concerned with the deve- lopment and application of mobile solutions. The series “Advanced Studies“ presents a selection of outstanding results of MRC’s research projects. Andreas Könsgen Design and Simulation of Spectrum Management Methods for Wireless Local Area Networks VIEWEG+TEUBNER RESEARCH Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at Dissertation Universität Bremen, 2009 Gedruckt mit freundlicher Unterstützung des MRC Mobile Research Center der Universität Bremen Printed with friendly support of MRC Mobile Research Center, Universität Bremen 1st Edition 2010 All rights reserved © Vieweg+Teubner Verlag | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2010 Editorial Office: Ute Wrasmann | Anita Wilke Vieweg+Teubner Verlag is a brand of Springer Fachmedien. Springer Fachmedien is part of Springer Science+Business Media. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, pho- toc opying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Registered and/orindustrial names,trade names,trade descriptions etc.cited in this publica- tionare part of the law for trade-mark protection and may not be used free in any form or by any means even if this is not specifically marked. Cover design: KünkelLopka Medienentwicklung, Heidelberg Printing company: STRAUSS GMBH, Mörlenbach Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-8348-1244-5 Für meine Eltern • For my parents (cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2) • For Ira Preface Wireless communication has become an integral part of daily life which results inanincreasingnumberofwirelessLANdevicesdeployedbothinbusiness,ed- ucationalandresidentialenvironmentsandthusinincreasingmutualinterference betweenthesedevices.Inaddition,therequirementsforthetransmissionplatforms areincreasing:voice-over-IPorvideotelephonyrelyonquality-of-serviceguaran- tees which have to be maintained even in case of concurrent access of multiple users. Thisworkdiscussespossiblesolutionsfortheabove-mentionedproblemsbased on research work which I did in two projects funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG): In CoCoNet, automated spectrummanagementbetweenneighbouringnetworkstoreducemutualinterfer- encewasinvestigatedwhileinXLayer,thefocuswastheresourceallocationofa wireless LAN base station which serves a number of mobile terminals with data flows. IthankProf.CarmelitaGörgforgivingtheopportunitytoperformthisresearch work under her supervision, and to Prof. Bernhard Walke, Stefan Mangold and Guido Hiertz, Aachen University of Technology, for the cooperation in the Co- CoNet research project and for providing the WARP2 simulator which was used asaworkingbasisinthisanalysis.FurtherthankstoProf.Karl-DirkKammeyer, University of Bremen, who co-supervised the XLayer project and was also a re- viewerofthiswork.Furthermore,IthankRonaldBöhnkeandAndreasTimm-Giel forthecooperationintheXLayerproject. I also thank the development community of Linux and various software tools, inparticulartheTEX/LATEXtypesettingsystem,whichwereusedtorunthesimu- lationsandeditthemanuscript. Finally,IwishtosaythankyoutomywifeIranganiforherendlesspatienceand mentalsupportduringtheyearsthatIworkedonthisresearchproject. AndreasKönsgen Abstract Wireless local area networks (WLANs) according to the IEEE802.11 standards haverapidlyemergedinrecentyears.Increasingdemandsforqualityofservicere- quireanefficientusageofspectrumresources.Optimisingtheworkingprinciples of WLANs is possible in different ways. The interference between neighbouring networks can be reduced by methods defined in the 802.11h standard: Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) can change the frequency channel during an ongo- ingconnection,whereasTransmitPowerControl(TPC)reducesthetransmission powertoaminimumwhichisrequiredtotransmitwithagivendatarate.Forthe data traffic inside a network, further optimisations are possible by centralised al- location of airtime by the access point so that each user is served at an optimum time;thisisdefinedin802.11e.Improvementscanalsobeachievedbyenhancing theradiotransmissionbymultiple-antennasystems(MIMO),whichisconsidered in802.11n. However, the standards only describe the signalling, for example to initiate a measurementortheassignmentofairtimetoacertainstation.Thedecisionmeth- odstoaccessradiochannelresourcessuchasallocatingtransmitpowerorairtime arenottreatedinthestandard. Thesedecisionmethodsforthespectrummanagementarethetopicofthiswork. The theoretical basics for the design of spectrum management methods are dis- cussed. Based on this, different spectrum assignment methods for decentralised and centralised networks are developed. In case of centralised channel access, a cross-layer approach between the media access layer and the physical layer is introduced which allows the assignment of channel resources both considering the quality-of-service requirements of the applications and the conditions of the MIMOradiochannel. FortheinvestigationofnetworkscomplianttotheIEEE802.11standard,asim- ulatorcalledWARP2isusedwhichisextendedbythespectrummanagementfunc- tionsmentionedabove. Theeffectsofthedifferentspectrummanagementalgorithmsontheinterference andthequality-of-serviceparametersofthethroughputandlatencyareevaluated. Itisshownthatbyspectrummanagementtheseparameterscanbesignificantlyim- proved;thebestresultsareachievedifthedifferentspectrummanagementmeth- ods are combined. An increase of the throughput also reduces the latency due to smallerqueueingdelaysandlesschannelcongestion.Incaseofcentralisedaccess