UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SUD 11 ECOLE DOCTORALE : INNOVATION THÉRAPEUTIQUE : DU FONDAMENTAL A L’APPLIQUÉ PÔLE : PHYSIOPATHOLOGIE MOLECULAIRE ET CELLULAIRE DISCIPLINE : Physiopathologie cellulaire et moléculaire ANNÉE 2011 - 2012 SÉRIE DOCTORAT N° THÈSE DE DOCTORAT soutenue le 24 novembre 2011 par Muhammad ZAHID Design and Optimization of Recombinant Antibodies Directed Against Platelet Glycoprotein VI with Therapeutic and Diagnostic Potentials Directeur de thèse : Professeur Philippe BILLIALD, EA4530, Université Paris-Sud 11 Co-directeur de thèse : Docteur Martine JANDROT-PERRUS INSERM U698 Composition du jury : Président du jury : Professeur Dominique PORQUET, Doyen de la Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris-Sud 11 Rapporteurs : Docteur Richard LE NAOUR, EA 4303, Université de Reims, Champagne-Ardenne Professeur Philippe NGUYEN, EA 3801, Université de Reims, Champagne-Ardenne Examinateurs : Professeur Philippe BILLIALD, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris-Sud 11 Professeur Delphine BORGEL, EA4531, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris-Sud 11 Docteur Martine JANDROT-PERRUS, Inserm U698, Hôpital Bichat, Paris ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to begin by thanking Professor Philippe BILLIALD for his super-human patience and valuable advice. Thank you for standing by me at all tough times and for being part of the great moments of my PhD. Thank you, for your vision and for teaching me the intricacies and the beauty of the recombinant antibody technology. Once again a very warm ‘thank you’ to gave a naive pakistani boy a chance to begin his journey through molecular biology, for introducing me to the world of science and for instilling in me the spirit of the free scientist. I have no appropriate words to manifest my feeling of respect, gratefulness and obligations for Dr. Martine JANDROT-PERRUS for providing constant guidance, useful and timely suggestions and encouragement throughout my research work. She really took great interest in my whole research work. Thanks, for your advice on a million things, for teaching me how to be pragmatic in research, for innumerable interesting discussions… I could go on. I am still waiting for my quiche! I thank Professor Dominique PORQUET and Professor Delphine BORGEL for accepting to be part of my jury. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to Professor Philippe NGUYEN and Dr. Richard LE NAOUR for their valuable comments and discussions on my thesis. I am thankful to Professor Jean-Baptiste MICHEL, Professor Cécile BERNARD and Professor Christian POÜS who opened their labs to me and who taught me that hard work does pay off! I am also greatly thankful to Professor Max GOYFFON for his valuable and thought provoking advices. Thank you Professor Isabelle DIMIER-POISSON for providing all the possible facilities in your lab during my master and Dr. Nicolas AUBREY for your help throughout my research work for especially recombinant antibody fragments purification. A successful thesis in biology is never accomplished alone. I have been extremely lucky to be surrounded by many bright and caring people. Stéphane LOYAU, you are one in a million. Thank you for holding my hand during my work in the lab, for teaching me the basics of laboratory life and for listening to my cribbing! Maxime BOUABDELLI, we started this long journey together, and now we are each heading in separate directions. Thanks for always staying beside me, through the good times and the worst! Thanks for helping me out in many experiments. Thanks Rana IFTIKHAR for many great moments, for being thoughtful and thanks for listening to my million cribs and for being an excellent roommate! Good luck for a great PhD. Thank you Marie Christine BOUTON, Véronique AROCAS, Véronique OLLIVER Laurence VENISSE, Claude YEPREMIAN and Magali NOIRAY for your advice on everything. Finally, I thank my loving family without whom I would not be here today. Lastly I would like to mention the name of my son Khizar ZAHID, whose sweet memories always remain in my heart. I thank everyone involved in the work presented in this thesis. Table of Contents PART A: STATE OF THE ART 1 Historical Development of Therapeutic Antibodies...........................................1 1.1 Antibodies Engineering...............................................................................6 1.1.1 Structure of Ig Immunoglobulin..........................................................6 1.1.2 Antibodies in Bodies............................................................................7 1.1.3 Murine Monoclonal Antibodies Production........................................8 1.1.4 Chimerization.....................................................................................10 !"!"# Humanization.....................................................................................12 1.1.6 Alternatives........................................................................................16 1.2 Fully Human Antibodies...........................................................................17 1.2.1 Human Monoclonal Antibodies.........................................................17 1.2.2 Different Approaches of Human Monoclonal Antibodies Prod........18 1.2.3 Human B Cell Hybridoma.................................................................18 1.3 Antibodies Selecting Methods..................................................................20 1.3.1 Exposure on the Surface of Phage (Phage Display)..........................21 1.3.2 Exposure on the Surface of a Ribosome (Ribosome Display)...........23 1.3.3 Exposure on the Yeast Surface (Yeast Display)................................24 1.4 Design of Novel Antibody Formats with Antigen-binding Activity.........24 1.4.1 Monovalent Antibody Formats..........................................................24 1.4.2 Polyvalent Antibody Fragments........................................................34 1.4.3 Armed Antibodies (Cancer/Immunoconjugates)...............................38 1.4.4 Antibody Fragment Expression System.............................................39 2 Platelets, Thrombosis and Anti-Thrombotics...................................................49 2.1 Hemostasis and Thrombosis......................................................................49 2.1.1 Major Types of Thrombosis...............................................................51 2.1.2 Different Phases of Thrombus Formation..........................................52 2.1.3 Stabilization Phase or Perpetuation...................................................53 2.1.4 Actors Involved in Thrombus Formation..........................................53 2.2 Platelets.....................................................................................................58 $"$"! Platelet Structure................................................................................59 I 2.2.2 Platelet Plug Formation......................................................................65 2.2.3 Other Functions of Platelets besides Hemostasis...............................70 2.3 Platelet Receptors: Structure and Function...............................................71 2.3.1 The GPIb/V/IX Complex and vWF...................................................71 2.3.2 Integrins.............................................................................................74 2.3.3 Collagen Receptors............................................................................76 2.3.4 G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)............................................78 2.3.5 Recently Identified Receptors Stabilizing Thrombosis.....................82 2.4 Antithrombotic Drugs...............................................................................84 2.4.1 Anticoagulants...................................................................................84 2.4.2 Antiplatelet Agents............................................................................86 2.4.3 New Class of Antiplatelet Agents in Clinical Trials..........................97 2.5 Adhesion : Target of the Future ?..............................................................99 2.5.1 Inhibiting Platelet Adhesion..............................................................99 2.5.2 GPIb-VWF Axis..............................................................................100 2.5.3 Integrin !2"1 and GPVI...................................................................105 2.6 GPVI, a Major Receptor of Collagen......................................................106 2.6.1 Nucleotide Sequence, Genomic Structure of GPVI and Polymorphisms..................................................................................................107 2.6.2 GPVI Ligands..................................................................................109 2.6.3 Structure of GPVI............................................................................111 2.6.4 GPVI Coupled Signaling Pathway...................................................116 2.6.5 GPVI Down-regulation....................................................................118 2.6.6 GPVI Deficiencies...........................................................................120 2.6.7 GPVI in Haemostasis and Thrombosis............................................123 2.6.8 GPVI and Inflammation...................................................................125 2.6.9 Strategies for Therapeutic Targeting of GPVI.................................125 PART B: EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES 3 Aim of the study.............................................................................................131 3.1 Design of Anti-GPVI scFv 9O12 with Diagnostic Potential..................133 3.2 Design of Anti-GPVI Recombinant Antibody Fragments with Therapeutic Potential .................................................................................................................135 II 3.2.1 Redesigning of a humanized Single-chain Fv Directed Against Human Platelets GPVI.......................................................................................137 3.2.2 Recombinant Antibody Fab Fragments...........................................138 PART C: GENERAL DISCUSSION AND PERSPECTIVES 4 General Discussion and Perspectives.............................................................143 REFERENCES 146 ANNEXES 179 Annexe 1: Scorpion antivenoms: Progresses and challenges. M. ZAHID, S. ADI-BESSALEM, J. MUZARD, M. JUSTE, M.F. MARTIN-EAUCLAIRE, N. AUBREY, F. LARABA-DJEBARI, P. BILLIALD. In J. Barbier, E. Benoit, P. Marchot, C. Mattei, D. Servent (Eds), E-Book Rencontres en Toxinologie 18 « Advances and new technologies in Toxinology ». Société française pour l'Etude des Toxines. 2010, pp 243-252. Annexe 2: Design and humanization of a murine scFv that blocks human platelt glycoprotein VI in vitro. J. MUZARD, M. BOUABDELI, M. ZAHID, V. OLLIVIER, J.J. LACAPERE, M. JANDROT- PERRUS, P. BILLIALD. FEBS Journal. 2009, 276, 4207-4222. III ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"#$%&% % '$"$(%)*%$+(%&#$% 1 Historical Development of Therapeutic Antibodies Among the marvels of scientific research which have distinguished our century, no achievements are more remarkable, nor of greater moment to the welfare of mankind, than those pertaining to the field of biology, pathology and therapeutic investigation. A glance at the history of therapeutic procedure in the prophylactic treatment of infectious diseases shows that the general principle underlying all later discoveries had been, though crudely, divined at a much earlier period than we are wont to suppose. It is known that the ancient Hindus and Persians, as well as the nomad tribes and caravans of farther Asia, practised inoculation of equine virus or horse-pox - the mammary pustule developed during early lactation in the horse, camel, cow and even in woman. The inoculation of human virus is of immemorial origin, probably coeval with the importation of variola from Asia into Africa by the Saracens. It is certain that as early as the tenth century the Arabs and Chinese adopted the custom of variolization (inoculation of small-pox). It was Jenner (1776), who started the systematic and exhaustive study of the subject destined to prove inestimably beneficial to mankind and then Pasteur who, in 1880, announced to the world the issue of his labors, touching the protective inoculation of animals and thus was the broken thread of pathogenic research taken up a new and the task of solving its mysteries resumed - be it said with more profound acumen and far more complete appliances than ever before. The French savant demonstrated that cultures of the bacilli of chicken-cholera, when thoroughly dried and long exposed to the air, lost their virulence and that fowls inoculated with the attenuated virus were rendered insensible to the attacks of more energetic micro-organisms. It was, mutatis mutandis, a modification or development of the Jennerian principle: "The history of vaccination constitutes the first step in a long series of labours inspired by the admirable discoveries originating in the genius of Pasteur. The principle is always the same - to diminish the strength of the virus and inject it into the animal which we wish to render immune "(Bernheim). Salmon and Smith, in 1886-87, showed conclusively that animals may be rendered immune against certain infectious diseases by inoculating them with filtered cultures containing the toxic products of pathogenic micro-organisms entirely free from the 1 living bacteria to which they owe their origin. By this process immunity against the bacillus of hog-cholera was attained in pigeons. Roux (1888), employing similar sterilized cultures, succeeded in protecting susceptible animals against the anthrax bacillus (Roux and Yersin, 1888); and then Behring and Kitasato (1890) have proved that immunity against the action of the tetanus bacillus may be conferred by the use of toxic products in solution free from the presence of active germs ( von Behring and Kitasato, 1890, von Behring and Kitasato 1991b). The significance of this discovery could hardly be over-estimated. By it the entire theory of causal phenomena- the protective force in which the immunizing property was supposed to reside - became modified. If not a living organism, but a chemical substance, proved to be the immunizing agent, then resistance to toxic influences must proceed from some source other than bacterial metabolism - some organic force inherent in the inoculated system. To ascertain the nature and operation of this bactericidal power and determine the rationale of acquired immunity now engaged the earnest attention of savants throughout the world. Despite use of the antitoxin, death rates from diphtheria were still high in the early 1900s and the need for a vaccine was clear. In 1913, von Behring had produced long lasting immunity in guinea pigs, monkeys and asses using a carefully balanced mixture of toxin and antitoxin ( Von Behring and Kitasato, 1913). This was used in the first vaccination studies on humans. A widespread immunization program followed the development of formalin-inactivated toxin by A. T. Glenny and Barbara Hopkins (Glenny and Hopkins, 1923) and Gaston Ramon in the early 1920s. The antitoxin was first used to treat a seriously ill girl in 1891, who subsequently recovered. Production of the antitoxin on a large scale was achieved in horses, with both the diphtheria serum and the antiserum being standardised using guinea pigs. Widespread use of the antitoxin followed and studies in rabbits showed that it had to be administered soon after infection to be effective (Zinsser, 1931). Anti-infectious serotherapy was used for the first time in humans in 1891, followed by the development of antivenom by Phisalix and Calmette (1894). The term antibody (antikörfs) was coined by Pfeiffer in 1898 later ‘magic bullet’ by Paul Ehrlich (1908). 2