Design and optimization of plasmonic-based metal-dielectric nanocomposite materials for energy applications 0 1 0 1,2J.Trice, 1,2C. Favazza, 3H. Garcia, 2,4R. Sureshkumar†, 5,6,7R. Kalyanaraman‡ ∗ 2 n a J 8 1DepartmentofPhysics,Washington University, St. Louis,Missouri63130, USA; 1 ] 2CenterforMaterialsInnovation, WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis,Missouri63130, USA; i c s - 3DepartmentofPhysics,SouthernIllinoisUniversity, Edwardsville, Illinois62026, USA; l r t m 4DepartmentofBiomedicalandChemicalEngineering, Syracuse,NY13203 . t a 5MaterialsScienceandEngineering, UniversityofTennessee,Knoxville 37996, USA m - d 6ChemicalandBiomolecularEngineering, UniversityofTennessee, Knoxville37996, USA n o c Abstract [ Metallic nanoparticles embedded in dielectrics permit enhanced capture of light at specific wave- 1 v lengths throughexcitation of plasmons, i.e. the quanta of coherentand collective oscillations of large 4 concentrationsofnearlyfreeelectrons. Inordertomaximizethepotentialofsuchenhancedabsorption 1 1 inusefultasks,suchasthegenerationofcarriersinphotocatalystsandsemiconductors,itisimportantto 3 beabletopredictanddesignplasmonicnanocompositeswithdesiredwavelength-dependentopticalab- . 1 sorption. Recently,amixingapproachformulatedbyGarciaandco-workers[Phys. Rev. B,75,045439 0 0 (2007)]hasbeensuccessfullyappliedtomodeltheexperimentallymeasuredbroadbandopticalabsorp- 1 tionforternarynanocompositescontainingalloysormixturesoftwometals(fromAg,AuorCu)inSiO 2 : v dielectric.Inthisworkwepresentthebroadbandopticalbehaviorofimportantopticalcoatingdielectrics i X (Si N andSiO )andphotocatalyst(TiO )containingvariousconfigurationofnanoparticlesofAl,Au, 3 4 2 2 r Ag,orCu. Thespectralbehaviorofvariouscombinationsofthemetallicspeciesinthedielectricswas a optimized to show either broadband solar absorption or strong multiple plasmonic absorption peaks. The applications of such nanocompositematerials in solar energy harvesting and spectral sensing are alsopresentedanddiscussed. [email protected] ∗ †[email protected] ‡[email protected] 1 1 Introduction The strong optical interaction seen when nanoscale metal-dielectric structures interact with light promise several applications, including optical manipulation well below the diffraction limit, high-speed informa- tion processing and integration of Si electronics with optics [1–4]. The strong interaction is a result of the resonantabsorptionofelectromagneticradiationbyplasmons,whicharecollectiveoscillationsoflargecon- centrations of nearly free electrons [5]. For nanoscale metallic structures, surface plasmons are primarily responsible for this interaction. Nanocomposites made from metal nanostructures embedded in or placed on dielectrics offer significant potential as materials showing enhanced or tunable light harnessing [6–9]. Forinstance, Schaadt andco-workers [7]haveshownthatincorporation ofAunanoparticles onthesurface ofaSiphotodiode results inenhanced photocurrent atspecific wavelengths that werecorrelated tothesur- face plasmon resonance. However, the fabrication of practically useful devices that utilize plasmonics to achieve a desired optical and/or electronic response requires the careful design and fabrication of nanoma- terialswithwelldefinedshape, sizeandmetal-dielectric composition. Recently, therehasbeentremendous activity in controlling the physical attributes of nanoscale metallic structures, such as the particle size and shape, through a variety of techniques, including ion irradiation [10–13], laser-assisted chemical vapor de- composition [14,15] and laser-induced dewetting [16–19]. However, the fabrication of metal-dielectric nanocomposites drivenbyaknowledge-based design ofoptical properties isveryimportant towardsrealiz- ingcost-effective meansformanufacturing suchnovelmaterials. Inthisworkwefocusonatheory-drivendesignandoptimizationofmetal-dielectricnanocompositesthat can show broadband optical absorption via plasmonic effects. The desire to achieve broadband plasmonic absorption comes from the various experimental results that show that nanoparticles and nanocomposite coatings on photovoltaic devices can give rise to a wavelength-dependent photocurrent enhancement that correlatestotheplasmonicresponsesoftheappliedmaterial[6–8,20]. Whileconsideration oftheeffectsof electromagnetic scatteringduetotheabsorbing-layer’s microstructureleadstofurtheroptimization[20,21], optimizingtheabsorptionofincidentsolarenergythoughjudiciousdesignofmetaltype,nanoparticleshape, itsvolumefraction, andthehostdielectric[6,22–24]islikelytobethefirststeptoanimproveddevice. Re- cently,ahomogenization procedurehasbeenproposedusingthetightlowerboundsoftheBergman-Milton formulationstocharacterizetheopticalpropertiesofternarynanocompositesconsistingofmetallicnanopar- ticles embedded invarious host dielectrics [25]. Usingthismodel, excellent agreement wasfound between the experimentally measured and theoretically estimated optical absorption for a variety of plasmonic sys- tems, including binary alloys, mixtures and core-shell structures. Based on this success, wehave extended the mixing approach and applied it to the case of quaternary metal-SiO nanocomposites, i.e. a system 2 containing three different metalsin SiO , topredict the broadband spectral response. Weshowed that aju- 2 diciousselectionofmetaltype,theirconcentration andparticlesizecanresultinbroadband plasmoniclight absorption [26],afeaturethatcouldbeverybeneficialinapplications thatneedtomaximizetheabsorption ofincident broadband solarradiation, suchasinsolarcellsandphotodetectors . Here we present calculations of the broadband optical properties of other useful dielectric material, including Si N and TiO . Si N is used in conventional solar cell technology asan anti-reflective coating 3 4 2 3 4 layer [27]. Wehave calculated the optical properties of binary and quaternary nanocomposites (NC)made 2 from different metals (Al, Cu, Ag, Au) in Si N and determined wavelength regimes of strong absorption. 3 4 Basedontheseresultswehavedesignedabroadbandabsorbingnanocomposite whoseabsorptionspectrais optimizedtomatchtheshapeofthe1.5AMincidentsolarradiation. Ourresultsshowthataquaternary NC containing Cu, Ag and Al in Si N shows extremely good broadband absorption spectra. In comparison, 3 4 similarbroadbandabsorptioninSiO requiresCu,AgandAunanoparticles. TiO isanessentialcomponent 2 2 indye-sensitized solar cells [28]anditsphotocatalytic properties have avariety ofuses, including inpaint, inself-cleaning glasses,andinmultifunctionalcoatings[29]. However,oneoftheoutstandingchallengesin TiO istoenhanceitsabsorptioninthevisiblespectrum. Towardsthisgoal,wehaveexploredtheplasmonic 2 absorptionofseveraldifferentmetals(Al,Cu,Ag,Au)inTiO . Ourcalculationsshowthatstrongabsorption 2 occursintherangeof670-700 nmbyCu,AgorAuwhileAlshowsbroadabsorption fromtheUVintothe visibletillabout500nm. Theresultsofthisworkshowthatitispossibletodesignandoptimizetheoptical behavior of metal-dielectric nanocomposites with desired optical response, including for applications in energy harvesting. The remainder of this paper is divided as follows. In Sec. 2 we discuss the basic ideas behind plasmonics and plasmonic absorption and present the homogenization scheme that permits a theoretical estimateoftheoptical absorption inmultimetal-dielectric nanocomposites. InSec. 3wediscuss potentialapplications resultingfromNCsthatshowabsorptioninbroadbandand/oratspecificwavelengths. We also discuss the computational optimization scheme based on the simulated annealing technique that permitstheoptimization ofananocomposite. Weconclude thepaperwithbriefdiscussions inSec. 4. 2 Homogenization Scheme The essential physics of the plasmonic properties of metals irradiated by electromagnetic radiation in the optical regime are captured by the Drude-Sommerfeld theory of metals, with corrections to the kinetics of the free electron Fermigasdue to energetic contributions from bound electrons [30]. When acollection of atomsarebrought together formingacrystalline lattice, onemustdetermine theenergy statesofthesystem ofvalence electrons astheir motionisinfluenced bythelattice ionsandmutual interaction. Inpractice, the wave functions of the valence electrons are not strongly concentrated about their original atomic position but spread widethrough the metalwith adistance comparable tothemean-free path of theelectrons ( 50 ∼ angstroms). Hence, the valence electrons form a sea filling the various electronic states of the system as a whole [31]. A plasma oscillation in a metal is a collection of longitudinal or transverse excitation of these freeelectrons. Aplasmonreferstothequantaofsuchanoscillationwhichmaybestimulatedbyanincident electromagnetic (EM)wave. Preferential coupling between an incident EMwave and aparticular plasmon mode can give rise to resonance phenomenon. At normal incidence, for EM wavelengths corresponding to this resonance frequency, the momentum of the plasmon will be negligible because the momentum of the reflected photon is virtually zero. Thus, excitation of the plasmon mode is localized at the surface of the medium. However, for certain angles, when requirements for energy and momentum conservation are met, a surface-plasmon polariton wave may be induced that propagates along the surface of the media. The existence of these self-sustaining collective excitations at metal surfaces was originally predicted by Ritchie [32].For the case of metallic nanoparticles, surface plasmonic effects are the dominate mechanism 3 dictating the interaction with EM energy. When metallic nanoparticles are embedded in a host dielectric, theprecisewavelengthwhereEMenergyandplasmonicmodescoupleatmetal-filminterfaceisdictatedby thedielectric coefficientfortheindividual phases. Theessential physicsofthischarge oscillation fordilute systemsofmetalnanoparticles(<10%)inadielectricmatrixiscapturedbythelowerboundfortheeffective dielectric coefficient proposed by Bruggeman [33] and Milton [34]. We have taken the binary dielectric mixingrulefromBruggemanandMiltonandextendeditsapplicationtomulti-metalnanocompositesystems viaahomogenization technique [25]. In the limit of long electromagnetic wavelength relative to the system microstructure, the technique of homogenization, where two or more constituent phases are blended together in such a manner that the resulting composite material appears as a continuous material, is an important tool in characterising the desired macroscopic responses of engineered materials. A large amount of research is dedicated towards placing bounds on the maximum and minimum values of the macroscopic dielectric coefficient that com- posite materials may take when only limited information is provided on features of the constituent phases including: volume fraction, average spacing, and/or spatial distribution [33–37]. Such models have been used in geological applications and are useful in predicting the behavior of natural occurring composites such as reservoir rocks [35] or ice [37], which may contain dilute concentrations of useful resources such as natural gas, water, or minerals. While many bounds are available in the literature, certain bounds are moreusefultowardsnarrowing downtherangeofpredicted macroscopic behavior foraparticular situation ofinterest [37]. Forexample,theWienerboundsaretheloosest, givingthemaximumandminimumvalues of the effective dielectric function independent of the type of mixture in question. For systems that are isotropic andwithuniformly distributed constituents, the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds, based on avariational formulation of the energy functional for the mixture, represents a tighter range of values than the Weiner bounds at the expense of the added assumptions [38]. In addition to the Hashin-Shtrikman approach, two other widely circulated bounds in the literature are the Maxwell-Garnett and Bruggeman formalisms [39]. However, these tighter approaches donotnecessarily yield physically realistic estimates incertain parame- terregimes[40]. Recently wehaveshownthatahomogenization procedure based onthetightlowerbound givenbyBergmanandMilton[34,36]isabletopredictopticaldataindilutenanocomposite materialswith- out the use of any fitting parameters [25]. In this procedure, the effective dielectric function for a binary metal-dielectric composite canbeexpressed asfollows: 1 f f 2f f (e e )2 − e (g )= a + h a h a− h (1) eff e e −3e e [e g +e (1 g )] " a h a h h a # − where f denotes the component’s volume fraction, e is the component’s dielectric function depending on the wavelength of the incident electromagnetic energy with subscripts a and h referencing the metal and hostmatrixrespectively. g isageometricalfactortakingintoaccounttheshapeofthemetalparticleswhich maypossesspatialdependence fornon-symmetricinclusiongeometries[37]. Forthepurposesofthispaper we are interested in spherical particles and accordingly choose g = 2(1 f ). Here, we also assume the 3 − a sphericalinclusionsaredistributedwithenoughuniformityinthehostmatrixthatsystemspatialdependence may also be neglected. Equation 1 represents the effective dielectric function for the two component case 4 of ametal particle embedded ina host dielectric matrix. Noteit iscustomary to let f =1 (cid:229) f where f h n n − corresponds tothemetalcomponents [37]. Ouranalysis madeuseofexperimentally measured optical data fromRef.[41]. InFig. 1theeffectiveabsorption coefficienta ,givenby 2√2p a = ( Re(e )2+Im(e )2 Re(e ))1/2 (2) l eff eff eff − q wherel isthewavelength ofincidentelectromagnetic energy, ofasinglemetalspecies(f =10%)embed- 1 ded in a Si N , TiO , or SiO matrix is presented. For the case of Al, Au, and Ag nanoparticles in Si N , 3 4 2 2 3 4 thecomposite system possesses avarysharpincrease inabsorption localize aboutaparticular wavelength ( 268 nm, 513 nm, and 633 nm for Al, Ag, and Au respectively) (Fig. 1a). Similar behavior is observed for Au,Ag,andCu(Fig. 1d)nanoparticles embeddedinTiO withlocalizedabsorptionenhancements712nm, 2 672 nm, and 701 nm respectively, all corresponding to photons with energies below the bandgap of TiO 2 (3.0 eV). Similarly, Ag and Au in SiO also exhibit strong absorption near their plasmonic responses with 2 respective absorption enhancements in the vicinity of 414 nm and 529 nm, respectively (Fig. 1b). Al in SiO shows strong absorption in the UV near the edge of the available experimental data (Fig. 1b). How- 2 ever, Cu inclusions in Si N and SiO exhibit a broadband response spanning from the UV to the visible 3 4 2 regime (Figs. 1band 1c). Near640 nm CuinSi N possesses avery strong absorption enhancement. Itis 3 4 ofinteresttonotethattheresonanceresponseofCu,Au,andAginSi N allcorrespond tophotonenergies 3 4 below the bandgap of Si N (4.5 eV). In addition, Al in TiO exhibits a broader response than the other 3 4 2 presented metals embedded TiO with an absorption enhancement ranging from the UV to a wavelength 2 500 nm (Fig. 1d). In Fig. 1(a), 1(b), and 1(d) the absorption spectrum of the dielectric material with ∼ no metal inclusions is also shown for comparison purposes. Note that the presence of metal nanoparticles greatlyenhances theabsorption predicted fromthatofthestandalone dielectric matrix. Wenow discuss theoptical behavior ofdielectric containing nanoparticles ofmultiple different metals. For the systems considered here, the analysis is limited to the dilute case (i.e. total volume fraction of metal versus dielectric 10%) because it is desirable from a practical standpoint of expense and fabrica- ≤ tion efficiency. An additional constraint we have placed is to set the minimum nanosphere diameter to be no less than 10 nm. Above this size regime, exotic quantum confinement effects may be neglected [42]. Furthermore, nanoparticles of size > 10 nm can be assembled on many dielectric substrates using robust manufacturing techniques such as those mentioned in the introduction. Figures illustrating the hierarchical mixing process for both 2- and 3-metal mixtures have been presented elsewhere [25,26]. The top level representstheeffectivedielectricfunctionforthetargetnanocomposite ofdesigninterest. Ateachlevel,the totalvolumefractionisconstrained suchthat f +(cid:229) f =1. Duringthemixingprocess,theaverageelectric h n field within the composite is held constant while the final effective permittivity is calculated using equal volumes at each level of mixing. As described in Ref. [25]: the effective permittivity of an N-component mixture can be determined by mixing N-1 binary mixtures, each comprising of ahost and a distinct metal, thehostbeingcommontotheN-1pairs. At the plasmonic resonance, the absorption is not infinite in extent and broadened absorption lines are observed due to the finite relaxation times of scattering [43]. For the case of spherical metal particles of 5 nanometer extent, finitesize corrections areintroduce through modification oftheimaginary portion ofthe effective dielectric coefficient. Eq. 3 quantifies the effective change in the electron relaxation time due to scatteringofelectronsonthemetal-dielectricinterfaceasaslightmodificationtothebulkelectronrelaxation time[44]expressedby: 1 1 n F = + (3) t t 2d eff bulk n wheret istheeffectiveelectronrelaxationtime,t isthebulkelectronrelaxation time,d corresponds eff bulk n to the particle’s diameter and n is the velocity of the electrons near the Fermisurface. Thevalues oft F bulk and n for the various metals examined in this study were taken from Ref. [30]. The size effect may be F incorporated inthemixingapproachthoughmodificationoftheimaginaryportionoftheeffectivedielectric coefficient[25]asfollows w 2 2d +n t Im(e )= p =Im(e bulk) n F bulk (4) a w 3t a 2d eff n (cid:18) (cid:19) where w is the plasmon frequency and w is the angular frequency of the incident electromagnetic energy. p By manipulating this nanosize effect, one is able to broaden the plasmonic peaks at the expense of their magnitude [25,26]. 3 Potential Applications and Optimization Scheme In Fig. 2, the optical absorption response obtained by the mixing approach are presented with specific applications inconsideration. Webeginbynotingthatithasbeenpreviously shownthatanabsorbing layer onaphotovoltaic devicecanexhibitphotocurrent enhancement correlating withtheplasmonicresponses of the layer [7,45]. This motivates the application discussion here. Fig. 2(a) presents a system configuration wherethespectral response isbroadband withabsorption peaks at264 nm,496nm,and609 nmduetothe respective interaction of Al, Ag, and Cu with Si N . The chosen configuration (6.0% Cu, 2.5% Ag, and 3 4 1.5%Alwithallspherical inclusions possessing adiameter of30nm)causes themaximumofthepeaks to occuratdifferentlocationsoverthespectralrange. Whileoptimizingthesizeandconcentrationcanresultin severaldifferentabsorptionprofiles[26],Fig. 2(a)illustratesanimportantdesignexample,i.e. oneinwhich absorption can besimultaneously maximized atseveral different and specific wavelengths. InFig. 2(b)we presentthedesignsolution foraCu:Ag:Al-Si N nanocomposite whoseabsorption coefficientisoptimized 3 4 to resemble the shape of the incident solar spectrum (1.5 AM)using a simulated annealing algorithm [46– 48]. Wedefine the “energy” to beminimized as E(f,d)=(cid:229) abs (s a (f,d)) with composite parameters i i | − | f=f ,f ..f and d=d ,d ..d . s and a represent the normalized solar spectrum data [49] and effective 1 2 n 1 2 n i i nanocomposite absorption atagivenwavelengthirespectively. Wedefinethis“energy”forispanningfrom 200 to 900 nm. Thischoice of E allowsfor the absorption profile that mostclosely resembles the shape of the solar spectrum to be determined. The algorithm begins by initializing the system to some initial state 6 Es(f,d). Aneighboring stateEn iscalledbyusingthecondition En(fn,dn)=Es(f+D f,d+D d) (5) whereD f= f xwithxbeingavectorofdimensionn=3witheachcomponenttakingarandomvalue max between 1,1 . f represents the maximum magnitude the volume fraction ofaparticular species may max {− } step. Similarly, D d=d x with d representing the maximum magnitude the diameter of the particles max max corresponding to a particular species may step. Here, values of f =0.1% and d =0.1 nm provided max max sufficientfinesseinmovingthroughthesearchspace. Next,theneighboring stateiscomparedwiththebest state encountered thus farEb (whereEb wasoriginally initialized tothesamestate asEs). IfEn<Eb then Eb issetequaltoEn. Then,thealgorithm mustdecideifthisneighbor statewillbecomethepreferred state forthesystem. Toaccomplishthis,aBoltzmann-typeprobabilityPanalogoustoclassicalstatisticalphysics iscalculated– namely (En Es) P=exp(− − ) (6) kT where T is the annealing parameter analogous to temperature and k is a constant used to refine the an- nealing schedule. Note that if P> 1 then P is simply reassigned to 1. P is then compared to a random number x between 0,1 . If x<P then En is accepted as the new system state and Es(f,d)=En(fn,dn). { } Notice from Eq. 6 that if En <Es, then the neighboring state is always accepted as the new system state. Theprocessofcallingneighborstatesanddecidingwhetherornottoacceptthemassystemstateisrepeated overC cycles. Thisrepresents arandom walkofC-steps through the f,d parameter space. Foroptimiza- { } tion calculations performed here, C was chosen to be 500 as for values greater than this no appreciable difference in the results was observed. At each iteration of the algorithm, only values in the dilute regime and outside the realm of quantum effects were accepted (i.e. (cid:229) f 0.1 and d 10 nm were enforced at n n ≤ ≥ each step). Inaddition, the maximum particle size wasconstrained tod 30 nm asmentioned above and n ≤ only physically realizable values of volume fractions were permitted (f 0). If the algorithm suggested n ≥ a neighbor state outside the allowable domain, a large value was assigned to the energy (En 108). This, ∼ by virtue of Eq. 6, gives a very low probability for such states to be accepted. Finally, T is reduced and the entire process repeated again. T is reduced according to a prescribed schedule until it is nearly equal to zero after N iterations. Notice that as T is slowly reduced the system begins to accept lower and lower energy configurations until the it is forced to into a (global) minimum. For calculations conducted here, the annealing schedule prescribed was T =(1 m )T where m =0.99 using N =1000 iterations. The N N 1 − − initial value of T was chosen so that the probability of the algorithm proceeding from a lower state to a higher state and vice versa was approximately the same. This ensured that the search space was relatively large during the initial stages of the anneal. A value of T = 100 with k = 0.1 was used for simulations here. Typically, f=<3.0%,3.0%,3.0% > and d=<15.0nm,15.0nm,15.0nm > was taken as an initial guess. When numerical parameters were determined such that different simulation runs yielded the same answer (within a tolerance of D E 10 7), different initial states where chosen and simulations ran again. − ∼ This was done to verify that the algorithm had, in fact, determined the system configuration yielding the global minimum. The optimum configuration was determined to be 5.45% Cu, 0.421% Al, and 4.11% Ag 7 in Si N with respective nanosphere diameters of 30 nm, 22.27 nm, and 10.0 nm. Thespectral response is 3 4 showinFig. 2b. Wenotethatconfigurationsofthistypedoexhibitsomeenhancementtothecomplexindex of refraction (N ) as compared to the index of the refraction of the stand-alone Si N matrix (e.g., Figs. eff 3 4 3(a) and 3(b) present the real and imaginary portions of e and N for a Cu:Al:Ag in Si N nanocom- eff eff 3 4 posite system respectively), leading toenhanced reflectivity atthis wavelengths lessening theenhancement oftheincreased absorption. However,itiscommonpracticetocompensate forthiseffectbyintroducing an anti-reflection layer on top of the solar absorption coating [45]. Similarly, the data for an optimized qua- ternary nanocomposite of Cu:Ag:Au-SiO from [26] is presented in Fig. 2(b). The optimal configuration 2 determinedinthatstudywas1.80%Cu,0.35%Ag,and6.40%Auwithrespectiveparticlediametersof10.1 nm, 29.6 nm and 10.0 nm. Both absorbing layers may have applications in enhancing the photocurrent of existingphotovoltaic devices. 4 Conclusions and Discussion Here we have applied the mixing rule developed by Garcia and co-workers [25] to model the composite electromagnetic behavior for configurations of Al, Au, Ag, and Cu metallic nanospheres embedded in di- electrichostsconsistingofSi N ,TiO ,andSiO . Thepresenceofmetalnanoparticlesgreatlyenhancesthe 3 4 2 2 absorption spectrum predicted from thatofthestandalone dielectric matrix. Certain combinations ofmetal and nanoparticle concentrations exhibited a broadband response (e.g. Cu in Si N , Al in TiO , and Cu in 3 4 2 SiO )while strong localized absorption waspredicted forother systems (e.g. Aginallmentioned host di- 2 electrics). Ofnote, theresonance absorption enhancement predicted forAu,Ag,andCuinSi N andTiO 3 4 2 all correspond to photon energies below the respective bandgaps of the host dielectric ( 4.5 eV for Si N 3 4 and 3.0 eV for TiO ). Such interaction may have application in carrier generation for the next generation 2 of photocatalysis and semiconductor devices. In addition, potential uses for spectral sensing and an opti- mizationapproachtofindpreferential systemcombinationsforsolarenergyharvestinghavebeenpresented and discussed. The use of such nanocomposite systems as absorbing layers on photovoltaic devices adds another degree of freedom for device tailoring and potential efficiency enhancement. 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