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Preview Design and Analysis of LDGM-Based Codes for MSE Quantization

MANUSCRIPT 1 Design and Analysis of LDGM-Based Codes for MSE Quantization Qingchuan Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Chen He, Member, IEEE, Abstract—Approachingthe1.5329-dBshaping(granular)gain y ∈Rn to a nearby codeword Q (y)∈Λ. The mean-square Λ limit in mean-squared error (MSE) quantization of Rn is im- quantization error, averaged over y, is given by portant in a number of problems, notably dirty-paper coding. 1 1 8 For this purpose, we start with a binary low-density generator- σ2 =limsup · ky−Q (y)k2 dy. (1) 0 matrix (LDGM) code, and construct the quantization codebook M→∞ (2M)n nZ[−M,M]n Λ 0 by periodically repeating its set of binary codewords, or them 2 mapped to m-ary ones with Gray mapping. The quantization The objective is to design Λ and a practical quantizer QΛ(·) algorithmisbasedonbeliefpropagation,anditusesadecimation such that the scale-normalized MSE G(Λ) = σ2ρ2/n is n procedure to do the guessing necessary for convergence. Using minimized,3 where ρ is the codeword density a the results of a true typical decimator (TTD) as reference, it is J shownthattheasymptoticperformanceoftheproposedquantizer ρ=limsup 1 |Λ∩[−M,M]n|. (2) 6 can be characterized by certain monotonicity conditions on M→∞ (2M)n 1 the code’s fixed point properties, which can be analyzed with In this paper we consider asymptotically large dimension- density evolution, and degree distribution optimization can be ality n. By a volume argument, it is easy to find a lower ] carried out accordingly. Whenthenumberof iterationsis finite, T bound G∗ = 1 for G(Λ). This bound can be approached the resulting loss is made amenable to analysis through the 2πe I introduction of a recovery algorithm from “bad” guesses, and by the nearest-neighbor quantizer with a suitable random . s the results of such analysis enable further optimization of the codebook e.g. in [2], whose codewords’ Voronoi regions are c paceofdecimationandthedegreedistribution.Simulationresults asymptoticallyspherical, butsuch a quantizerhas exponential [ show that the proposed LDGM-based quantizer can achieve a complexity in n and is thus impractical. The simplest scalar shaping gain of 1.4906dB, or 0.0423dB from the limit, and 1 quantizer Λ = Zn, on the other hand, has the 1.5329-dB significantly outperforms trellis-coded quantization (TCQ) at a 1 3v similar computational complexity. larger G1 = G(Λ1) = 112, which corresponds to the well- known1.53-dBlossof scalarquantization.Ingeneral,we call 2 Index Terms—granular gain, shaping, LDGM, source coding, 4 decimation, belief propagation, density evolution, performance- 10log10(G(Λ)/G∗) the shaping loss of a quantizer, and it is 2 complexity tradeoff also the gap of the granular gain and shaping gain defined 1. in [3], for source and channel coding respectively, toward the 0 1.53-dB limit. 8 I. INTRODUCTION MSEquantizerswithnear-zeroshapinglossesareimportant 0 THE mean-squared error (MSE) quantization problem of in both source and channel coding. In lossy source coding, : v Rn [2,Sec.II-C]canbeformulatedasfollows:1 letΛbe the shaping loss naturally dictates rate-distortionperformance Xi a discrete subset of Rn (the quantizationcodebook,or simply at high rates [3]. In channel coding on Gaussian channels, code)2 and Q : Rn → Λ be a quantizer that maps each MSE quantizerscan be used for shaping to make the channel r Λ a input closer to the optimal Gaussian distribution [4]. Basi- The authors are with Department of Electronic Engineering, cally, instead of transmitting the channel-coded and QAM- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China. E-mail: modulated signal u (each element of u corresponding to one {r6144,chenhe}@sjtu.edu.cn. This paper was supported in part by National symbol in the code block), we transmit x = u − a with Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No. 60772100 and in part by Science & Technology Committee of Shanghai Municipality Grant a = QΛ(u) ∈ Λ, which should be closer to Gaussian. u No.06DZ15013.Partofthematerial inthispaperhasbeenpresented in[1] and a are separated at the receiver side, and the shaping loss at IEEE Global Communications Conference, Washington, DC, November determines the achievable gap from channel capacity at high 2007. 1Notational conventions: Z and R are respectively the set of integers SNRs. Shapingisparticularlyimportantin dirty-papercoding and real numbers. k·k is the Euclidean norm. |A| is the cardinality of (DPC) [5] on the channel . set A. = denotes asymptotic equality, usually with respect to block length n → ∞. log(·), entropy and mutual information are computed in base-2, y =x+s+z, (3) while ln(·) and exp(·)are base-e. Bold letters denote sequences orvectors whose elements are indicated by subscripts, e.g. y = (y1,...,yn), and where x is the transmitted signal, s is the interferenceknown sub-sequences are denoted by yij = (yi,yi+1,...,yj) or yS = (yi)i∈S. only at the transmitter, and z is the “MMSE-adjusted” noise. Additionandmultiplicationonsetsapplyelement-by-element,e.g.U+2Zn= Using an MSE quantizer, arbitrarily large s can be pre- {isude+fin(e2dd1as,.th.e.,u2ndiqnu)e|eulem∈enUt,odfi(x∈−Z(}b.−xa)mZo)∩d[[aa,,bb)),a(nodrssiimmiplalyrly(xx)[ma,bo)d) cancelled without significantly increasing signal power by [a,b)nor(x)[a,b)n istheuniqueelementof(x−(b−a)Zn)∩[a,b)n.The transmitting unit“b/s”means“bits persymbol”. 2Ref. [2] assumes that Λ is a lattice, but in practice neither the trellis in x=u−s−a, with a=QΛ(u−s), (4) TCQnorthenon-binarycodebooksproposedherearelattices.Therefore,we allow Λtobeanydiscrete set,anddefinitions aremodifiedaccordingly. 3Thisagreeswiththedefinition ofG(Λ)forlattices in[2]. MANUSCRIPT 2 so that the received signal the minimum shaping loss achievable by this m-ary structure usingrandom-codingarguments.Althoughbinaryquantization y =u−a+z. (5) codes have significant random-coding loss, they are analyzed Again,thereceivermustseparateuanda,andtheshapingloss first due to their simplicity. In Section III, we present the determines the achievable gap from channel capacity. In this quantization algorithm for binary codes, which consists, like case,however,duetothelackofreceiver-sideknowledgeofs, [18], of BP and a guessing (“decimation”) procedure to aid theratelosscausedbynon-idealshapingismostsignificantat convergence. lowSNRsandcanbeasignificantfractionofchannelcapacity Like LDPC, degree distribution plays an important role in [6]–[9].Forexample,theshapingquantizerin [9]has0.15dB the performance of LDGM quantization codes, but the use shaping loss, corresponding to a rate loss of 0.025b/s, yet in of decimation makes direct analysis difficult. To solve this the0.25-b/sDPCsystemthisisalready10%oftherateandis problem,we proposethetypicaldecimator (TD)asa subopti- responsiblefor0.49dBofits0.83-dBgapfromcapacity.Apart mal but analytically more tractable version of the decimation from its obvious application in steganography[10], DPC and algorithm, and analyze first its use in the simpler binary its extension to vector channels (similar in principle to vector erasure quantization (BEQ) problem in Section IV, which precoding[11]butdoneinbothtimeandspatialdomains)are also forms the basis for the erasure approximationin [1]. We also essential in approaching the capacity of vector Gaussian find that the TD can obtain asymptotically correct extrinsic broadcast channels such as MIMO downlink, therefore the information for decimation, and a solution to BEQ can be design of near-ideal MSE quantizers is of great interest in found with such information, as long as the code’s extended these applications. BP (EBP) extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) curve [19] Currently, near-optimal MSE quantizers usually employ characterizing the fixed points of the BP process satisfies trellis-codedquantization(TCQ) [12], in which Λ=U+2Zn certain monotonicityconditions.For a given LDGM code,the or U +4Zn with U being respectively the codeword set of a most difficult BEQ problem it can solve is then parametrized binary convolution code or a 4-ary trellis code. The number by a monotonicity threshold Ithr, and the degree distribution c of required trellis states increases very rapidly as the shaping can be optimized by maximizing this Ithr. c gain approaches the 1.53-dB limit, and the computational In Section V, these arguments are extended to our MSE complexity and memory requirementare thus very high. This quantizationproblem,andsimilarmonotonicityconditionsare is particularlybadat the receiverside of DPC systems, where obtained,whichcanbecheckedbyquantizeddensityevolution the BCJR (Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv) algorithm must be run (DE).TheseDEresultscanbevisualizedwithmodifiedEXIT many times on the trellis in an iterative fashion to separate u curves, and a similar method to the BEQ case can then be and a [9], resulting in a time complexityproportionalto both used for degree distribution optimization. the number of trellis states and the outer iteration count. We have assumed iteration counts L → ∞ in the above Inspired by the effectiveness of Turbo and low-density analysis. In Section VI, we proceed to analyze the impact of parity-check (LDPC) codes in channel coding, it is natural finite L. We will show that a finite L causes “bad” guesses in to consider the use of sparse-graph codes in quantization. In decimation, and a recovery algorithm is sometimes required [13]Turbocodesare used in quantizationofuniformsources, for BP to continue normally afterwards. With recovery, the but convergenceissues make the scheme usable only for very loss due to finite L can be characterized by the delta-area A i smallblocksizesn,andtheshapinglossisthusunsatisfactory. betweentheEBPcurveandtheactualtrajectory,whichwillbe In [14]–[16], it is shown that low-density generator matrix usedinthe subsequentoptimizationofthe paceofdecimation (LDGM) codes, being the duals of LDPC codes, are goodfor as well as the degree distribution. lossy compression of binary sources, and practical quantiza- All these results are extended to m-ary codes (where m= tion algorithms based on belief propagation (BP) and survey 2K) in a straightforward manner in Section VII. Numerical propagation(SP)havealsobeenproposedin[17]and[18],but results on MSE performance in Section VIII shows that theseworksconsiderbinarysourcesonly.Practicalalgorithms LDGMquantizationcodesoptimizedwiththeaforementioned for the MSE quantization of Rn with LDGM codes have not methodshavetheexpectedgoodperformanceandcanachieve received much attention before. Even in the binary case, little shapinglossesof0.2676dBat99iterations,0.0741dBat1022 has been done in the analysis of the BP quantizer’s behavior and 0.0423dB at 8356 iterations, the latter two of which are and the optimization of the LDGM code for it. far better than what TCQ can reasonably offer and are also In[1],wehaveaddressedtheproblemofMSEquantization significantlybetterthantheresultsin[1].Indeed,aheuristical using LDGM-based codes of structure Λ=U+mZn, known analysisontheasymptoticloss-complexitytradeoffcarriedout as m-ary codes, where each u ∈ U is a codeword of a in Section IX indicates that LDGM quantization codes can binary LDGM code when m = 2, and is the combination achieve the same shaping loss with far lower complexitythan of two codewords, each from a binary LDGM code, by Gray TCQ. We conclude the paper in Section X. mapping when m = 4. The degree distributions of the codes are optimized under the erasure approximation, and shaping II. PERFORMANCE BOUNDS OFm-ARY QUANTIZERS losses as low as 0.056dB have been demonstrated. In this paper, we will improve upon the results in [1] by In this paper, we consider Λ with a periodic structure using better analytical techniques and more accurate methods Λ = U + mZn, where U is a set of 2nR codewords from for code optimization. We start in Section II by analyzing {0,1,...,m−1}n with each u = u(b) ∈ U labeled by a MANUSCRIPT 3 binary sequence b ∈ {0,1}nR. We call Λ an m-ary rate- Thisboundholdsfor anyt>0 andis foundto be tightestfor R quantization code. In this section, we will analyze the t satisfying H =logm−R (this t is hence denoted t (R)), t 0 achievable shaping loss by this periodic structure. when it becomes σ2 ≥P . H and P are defined as t t t Giventhesourcesequencey ∈Rn,foreachu=u(b)∈U the nearest sequence to y in u+mZn is x(b) = y−z(b), Ht =− pz(z)logpz(z)dz, (14) where z(b) = (y − u(b)) is the quantization error and ZI In I = [−m2,m2). The quantizer has then to minimize kz(b)k Pt = z2pz(z)dz, (15) over all b’s, or equivalently, to maximize ZI e−tz2 n p (z)= , z ∈I, y˜=z mod[0,1). (16) z qy(b)=e−tkz(b)k2 = e−t(yj−uj(b))2I (6) Qy˜ j=1 Y B. Achievable Quantization Error with Random Coding for some constant t > 0. The chosen b is denoted b , the y For asymptotically large n, we will see that the aforemen- corresponding quantization error is z = z(b ), and the y y resulting MSE (1) then becomes4 tioned lower bound is actually achievable by random coding, that is, with the 2nR codewords in U independently and σ2 = m1n · n1 Z[0,m)nkzyk2 dy = n1 Z[0,1)nDkzy˜+ak2E d(y˜7,) duunApiflogicramaintelysw)esaaanmsdspuulmesdiengyfrto∈hme[0n{,e0ma,r)e1ns,t,.-n.a.ne,idgmhsibn−ocre1qt}huneanM(tiazSlelEor.w1inkgz fko2r where h·i denotes averaging over a∈{0,1,...,m−1}n. is bounded for any y, we can consider only typical yn’s wyith respect to the uniform distribution on [0,m). Define A. Lower Bound of Quantization Error U = u∈{0,...,m−1}n k(y−u) k2 ≤nP (17) y In t Given Λ, for each source sequence y ∈[0,m)n, let n (cid:12) o as the set of possible codeword(cid:12)s that are “sufficiently close” Q = q (b). (8) to y, and we can compute 1(cid:12)log|U | with large deviation y y n y b∈{X0,1}nR theory.Ifitis largerthanlogm−R,with asymptoticallyhigh probabilityU∩U 6=∅,thussomex∈U+mZn canbefound y Since q (b ) ≤ Q , we can lower-bound the mean-square y y y whose MSE toward y is no more than P . Since this is true quantization error 1 kz k2 as t n y for most typical y, the average MSE σ2 cannot exceed Pt by 1 1 1 more than a vanishingly small value. nkzyk2 =−ntlnqy(by)≥−ntlnQy. (9) To compute n1 log|Uy| for a typical y, we define the type p (u) of a sequence u as the fraction of each u ∈ Now let y =y˜+a with y˜∈[0,1)n and a∈{0,1,...,m− y {0,1,...,m−1} at the positions in u whose corresponding 1}n, and average over a, then from Jensen’s inequality elements in y are approximately y. Denoting the number of 1 1 1 sequences u with this type as N[p (u)], we have kzy˜+ak2 ≥− hlnQy˜+ai≥− lnhQy˜+ai, (10) y n nt nt 1 . 1 m D E logN[p (u)]= H (u)dy, (18) where hQy˜+ai can easily be found to be n y m y Z0 hQy˜+ai= 2mnnR n Qy˜j, with Qy˜=m−1e−t(y˜+a)2I. (11) where Hy(u) is the entropmy−1 j=1 a=0 Y X H (u)=− p (u)logp (u), (19) y y y σ2 in (7) can be lower-bounded by integrating (10) over y˜. u=0 X Forasymptoticallylargen,weonlyneedtoconsider(strongly) and u∈U becomes the constraint y typicaly˜withrespecttotheuniformdistributionon[0,1),i.e. whosen elementsarenearlyuniformlydistributedover[0,1). 1 m m−1 (y−u)2p (u) dy ≤P . (20) We thus have m I y t Z0 u=0 ! X 1 σ2 ≥−nt lnhQy˜+ai dy˜ (12) According to large deviation theory, n1 log|Uy| is asymptoti- Z[0,1)n cally the maximum of (18) under the constraints (20) and . 1 1 = lnm−Rln2− lnQ dy˜ . (13) m−1 y˜ t (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) py(u)≥0, py(u)=1, y ∈[0,m). (21) u=0 4For large n, (7) is mostly just an average over strongly typical y with X This is a convex functional optimization problem over p (u) respect to the uniform distribution on [0,m), i.e. those whose elements are y approximately uniformly distributed over [0,m), and the rest of this paper (a function of both y and u), which can be easily solved with considerssuchyonly.InshapingandDPCapplications,ycanbeamodulated Lagrange multipliers. The maximizing p (u) is found to be signalthatdoesnotfollowtheuniformdistribution,andinsuchcasesitmay y bseequneencceessuarnyifotorm“lyditdhiesrtr”ibyutebdefionre[0,qmua)nntizaantidonknboywnadbdyintghetodeqituaantriaznedr,omin p (u)= e−t(y−u)2I, y˜=y mod[0,1), (22) y ordertoobtain theexpected MSEperformance. Q y˜ MANUSCRIPT 4 and the resulting B) 1.5 B) 1.5 d d 1 . ( ( nlog|Uy|=Ht. (23) oss oss l 1 l 1 tB0y(Rth)e,raarngduommenctodabinogvec,anasaclohniegveasσH2 ≤t >Ptlofgormas−ymRp,tio.tei.catl<ly coding 0.5 coding 0.5 large n. m m o o d d n n a a C. Marginal Distribution of Quantization Error R 0 R 0 0 0.5 1 0 1 2 From the p (u) result in (22), the marginal distribution of R(b/s) R(b/s) y an individual z =(y −u ) under random coding can also (a) binarycode(m=2) (b) 4-arycode(m=4) j j j I be obtained as Fig. 1. Random-coding losses of binary and 4-ary quantization codes. For 1 m m−1 binary quantization codes, the minimum loss is approximately 0.0945dB at p (z)= p (u)δ(z−(y−u) ) dy (24) t = 3.7 and R = 0.4130b/s. For 4-ary codes, the minimum loss is only z y I mZ0 u=0 ! 0.0010dBatapproximately t=2andR=0.9531b/s. X 1 m m−1e−tz2 = δ(z−(y−u) ) dy (25) I mZ0 u=0 Qy˜ ! some degree distribution that will be optimized below. Given X e−tz2 such a code, qy(b) in (6) can be represented by the factor = , z ∈I, (26) graph[20]inFig.2(a).5 Thec-nodes(shorthandforthefactor Q y˜ nodes c , j = 1,...,n) represent the relationship c = bG, j whereδ(·)istheDiracdeltafunctionandy˜=z mod[0,1)= whereaseach factore−t(yj−cj)2I in (6) is includedin the prior y mod[0,1). This is simply the pz(z) in (16), and Ht in (14) λcj on variable cj as andP in (15)are respectivelythe entropyandaveragepower t 1 of this distribution. λcj(c)= Q e−t(yj−c)2I =pz((yj −c)I), (27) y˜j D. The Random-Coding Loss whereQ (withy˜ =y mod[0,1))servesasthenormaliza- y˜j j j We have shown that a random quantization codebook tion factor. with the nearest-neighbor quantizer is asymptotically optimal The belief propagation algorithm (also known as the sum- among rate-R quantization codes of the form Λ=U +mZn. productalgorithm)canthenberunonthisfactorgraph.Unlike Therefore, its shaping loss represents the performance limit thecaseofLDPCdecoding,hereBPdoesnotusuallyconverge of such codes, and can be viewed as the cost incurred by the by itself.6 Instead, we rely on BP to generate “extrinsic period-m structure. probabilities”νb for each b aftera numberof iterations,with i i For asymptotically large n, the random m-ary quantizer whichharddecisionsaremadeonsomeb ’s(calleddecimation i has average MSE σ2 = P with t = t (R) and density following [17]). Subsequent BP iterations use these hard t 0 ρ=2nR/mn,sotheachievedG(Λ)=σ2ρ2/n =P (2R/m)2. decisionsaspriorsλb,andthe resultingupdatedνb’sare used t i i The shaping loss 10log (G(Λ)/G∗) can then be expressed for more decimations. This iterative process continues until 10 as 10log10(Pt/Pt∗), where Pt∗ = 2π1e(m/2R)2 is the power a definite b is obtained that hopefully has a large qy(b) and of a Gaussian with entropy H =logm−R. We called it the thus a small quantizationerror. This quantizationalgorithm is t random-codingloss, and it is plotted in Fig. 1 for m=2 and shownin Fig. 3, with a BP partanda decimationpartin each m=4. For large m and moderate R, Q in (11) approaches iteration. As is intuitively reasonable, each time we decimate y˜ a constant, p (z) is close to a Gaussian distribution, thus z Pt ≈Pt∗ and the random-codingloss is close to zero. no5dIens,thwehfilaectboiragnradpchj,sayrmebthoelsvsauricahblaessbthieamnsdelcvjesd.eNno·btjecv=arNiabjcl·bedaenndofteactthoer set of indices i for which there is an edge connecting bi and cj. In belief III. THEBINARY LDGM QUANTIZER propagation, λbi is the priors on variable bi, νib is the computed extrinsic As random quantization codes with the nearest-neighbor probabilities for bi, µbijc denotes a message from node bi to cj, and so on. The priors, posteriors and messages are all probability distributions [20], in quantizerare obviouslyimpracticalto implement,it is natural thiscaseover{0,1},andherewerepresentthembyprobabilitytuples(rather to look into sparse-graph codes as practical candidates for than L-values, which are equivalent). For example, λb is viewed as a tuple i achievingnear-zeroshapinglosses. In[14],ithasbeenshown (λbi(0),λbi(1)) satisfying λbi(0)+λbi(1) = 1 (the normalization is done implicitly), which corresponds to L-value ln(λb(0)/λb(1)). “⊙” and “⊕” that LDPC codes are unsuitable for BEQ but LDGM codes i i refertothevariable-node andcheck-node operations inLDPCliterature, i.e. work well, therefore we will also use LDGM codes in MSE (µ ,µ )⊙(µ′,µ′)=(µ µ′,µ µ′)(implicitlynormalized)and(µ ,µ )⊕ 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 quantization. We consider the simplest m = 2 case first, and (µ′,µ′) = (µ µ′ +µ µ′,µ µ′ +µ µ′). 0 = (1,0), 1 = (0,1) and 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 in Section VII we will look into codes with larger m that are ∗=(12,21)arerespectivelythe“sure-0”,“sure-1”and“unknown”messages. not as limited by the random-coding loss. H(µ)=−µ0logµ0−µ1logµ1 istheentropyfunction forµ=(µ0,µ1). 6Intuitively speaking, when doing LDPCdecoding with SNRhigher than We thusconsiderΛ=U+2Zn with U beingthe codeword threshold, the transmitted codeword is usually much closer to the received set of an LDGM code, i.e. each u ∈ U is of the form u = sequence(andthusmuchmorelikely)thananyothercodeword,allowingBP toconvergeit.InthecaseofquantizationwithLDGMcodes,thereareusually c = bG, where b ∈ {0,1}nb, nb = nR and the low-density alargenumberofsimilarlyclosecodewords tothesourcesequence,andBP generator matrix G =(gij)nb×n is randomly generated from cannotbyitselfmakeadecision amongthem. MANUSCRIPT 5 c1 c1 c1 ac˜11 a1 λλµcjbibijc(⇐c⇐)⇐∗∗,,ipi=z=((1y1,j,..−....,c,n)nIbb),,jj==11,,......,,nn,c=0,1{I=[−1,1)} b1 b1 c2 c2 b1 b1 c2 c˜2 rδEemp⇐aexa{t⇐1{,b20e,,li.Ie.bf.cp,⇐rnobp}0ag{atthioenseitteroaftiboints}notyetdecimated} a2 a2 forj=1tondo{BPcomputation atcj} µcjbi⇐λcj⊕ ⊕i′∈N·bjc\{i}µbi′cj ,i∈Njc·b endfor (cid:16) (cid:17) fori=1tonb do{BPcomputation atbi} bnb bnb cn cn bnb bnb cn c˜n enνdµibbifjco⇐r⇐⊙λjbi′∈⊙N(cid:16)·cib⊙µjcj′b′∈iN·cib\{j}µcjb′i(cid:17),j∈Nib·c an an Ib+c⇐1−(nbdb)−1 i,jH(µbijc){estimate newIbc} δ⇐0{amountofdecimation sofarinthisiteration} (a) original form (b) perturbed form Set∆Ibmcin according tPothedesiredpace(e.g.to(101)) ifIb+c<Ibc+∆Ibmcin then{little progress,dodecimation} Fig.2. ThefactorgraphofthebinaryLDGMquantizer.Circlesarevariable repeat nodes and black squares are factor nodes. The gray area contains random i∗⇐argmaxi∈Emaxbνib(b){bi∗ isthemostcertain bit...} b-to-c edges, and each edge from bi to cj corresponds to gij = 1 in the b∗⇐argmaxb∈{0,1}νib∗(b){...whoselikely valueisb∗} Sλgeecjnc(teciro)anto=Vr-mApza,(t(wriyxhjerG−e.y˜cW)I=e).myTomhsetolydequ[u0sie,v1at)lhenen,toa“ripg=eirnt(auylrbf−eodr”my˜)fo(marm)odw(ib2t)h∈itsh{eu0s,pe1rdi}onirns, δIb+⇐c⇐δ+Ib+c(−+l(ongbνdibb∗)(−b∗1)) j∈Nib∗c·H(µbi∗cj) andu˜=c˜=(c−a)mod2.Withyfixed,eachpriorλaj isaharddecision λbi∗ ⇐b∗,µbi∗cj ⇐b∗,jP∈Nib∗c· {decimate bi tob∗} aj.Sincez=(y−c)I =(y˜−c˜)I,theprioronc˜jisλ˜cj(c˜)=pz((y˜j−c˜)I). unEtil⇐δ>E\δ{mi∗a}x orIb+c≥Ibc+∆Ibmcin orE=∅ endif δmax⇐max(0.8δmax,1.25δ) the “most certain” bit bi∗, with Ibc⇐Ib+c untilE =∅ i∗ =argi∈mEaxb∈m{a0,x1}νib(b), (28) bci⇐⇐b0G(,reusp⇐.1)cifλbi =0(or1),i=1,...,nb and it is decimated to its most likely value zj =(yj−cj)I,xj =yj−zj,j=1,...,n b∗ =argmaxνb (b). (29) Fig. 3. The binary quantization algorithm. The throttled version is shown b∈{0,1} i∗ above,whiletheunthrottledversioniswithouttheδ>δmaxconditioninthe untilstatement.Thechoiceofi∗andb∗correspondstothegreedydecimator. This is called the greedy decimator (GD). Alternatively, for the convenience of analysis we will also look at the typical decimator, implementable but with worse performance in degree distribution and the choice of t in Sections IV and V. practice, in which the bit index i∗ to decimate is chosen randomly in E (the set of yet undecimated bits) with equal IV. DEGREEDISTRIBUTION OPTIMIZATION FORBINARY probabilities, and its decimated value b∗ is b ∈ {0,1} with probability νb (b). ERASURE QUANTIZATION i∗ The number of bits to decimate is controlled through the Like LDPC codes, LDGM quantization codes require op- estimated mutual information I in b-to-c messages (i.e. timized degree distributions for good MSE performance. The bc the µbc’s), which is made to increase by about ∆Imin in performance of LDGM quantizers has been analyzed previ- ij bc each iteration. This amount of increase ∆Imin, possibly a ously in [15] for binary sources, but this analysis, based on bc function of the current I and hence called the pace of codeword-counting arguments, is applicable only to nearest- bc decimation,makesthealgorithmterminatewithinL iterations neighbor quantization and not very useful for the above BP 0 if followedexactly,thoughthe actualiterationcountL can be quantizer.In[17]’streatmentofLDGMquantizationofbinary somewhatdifferent.Uniformpacingis usedin [1],i.e. ∆Imin sources, degree distributions of good LDPC codes in [21] are bc is a constant 1/L . In this paper, the pacing is optimized in useddirectly,inspiredbythedualitybetweensourceandchan- 0 Section VI-D to obtain somewhat better MSE performance. nel coding in the erasure case [14]. In our previous work [1], Increasing L also improves MSE performance, but more LDGM degree distributions are instead designed by directly 0 iterations would be necessary. fittingtheEXITcurvesundertheerasureapproximation(EA), Thedecimationalgorithmcaneitherbeunthrottledorthrot- alsoknownastheBEC(binaryerasurechannel)approximation tled. The unthrottled version used in most of our simulations [22].Bothmethodsperformwell,buttheyareheuristicintheir simply decimates until the increase of I in the iteration analysis of decimation, and may thus be suboptimal. bc reaches ∆Imin. In the throttled version introduced in [1], the In this and the next section, we will give a detailed anal- bc amount of decimation per iteration is instead controlled by ysis on degree distribution optimization of BP-based LDGM δ ,whichis smoothlyadapted,asshownin Fig.3, tomake quantizers that properly takes decimation into account, which max I increase eventually at the desired pace. shouldallowbetterMSEperformancetobeattained.Underthe bc More will be said on the decimation algorithm in Sec- erasure approximation, we are in effect designing an LDGM tion VI, butwe will first discuss the optimization of LDGM’s quantization code for the simpler binary erasure quantization MANUSCRIPT 6 problem and using it in MSE quantization.7 Therefore, we and otherwise there must be the same number of solutions will first focus on BEQ in this section, and in Section V the with b =0 and with b =1, making νb∗ =∗. i i i methods given here will be extended to MSE quantization, Without loss of generality, the typical decimator can be with or without the erasure approximation. assumed to decimate in the order of b ,b ,...,b . Decom- 1 2 nb posing p (b) into y A. Binary Erasure Quantization p (b)=p (b )p (b |b )···p (b |bnb−1), (33) y y 1 y 2 1 y nb 1 The binary erasurequantizationproblemcan be formulated each factor p (b |bi−1) is then the νb∗ after the decimation as follows [14]. The source sequence has the form y ∈ of bi−1 into byi−1i,∗.1We therefore consitruct the fictitious true {0,1,∗}n,where“∗”denoteserasedpositionsandoccurswith 1 1 typical decimator (TTD), which is just like the TD except probability ǫ. A binary code U consisting of 2nR codewords that decimation of b is done according to νb∗ rather than νb. u = u(b) ∈ {0,1}n, each labeled by b ∈ {0,1}nR, is i i i Moreover,the TTD shares the source of randomnesswith the then designed according to ǫ and the rate R. For each y, the TD,sodecimationisstilldoneintheorderofb ,...,b ,and quantizer should find a codeword u ∈ U such that y = u 1 nb j j each b is decimated to the same value except to account for or y = ∗ for all j = 1,...,n, i.e. u agrees with y on all i j thedifferencebetweenνbandνb∗.8TheTTDineffectsamples non-erased positions. The number of non-erased positions in i i ab∗ accordingtotheprobabilitydistributionp (b),soitmust y a giveny is denotedby n , which is approximatelyn(1−ǫ) ne yield a random solution b∗ ∈ B. If, for every i = 1,...,n , b for largen. Ideallyn =nR can be as small as thisn(1−ǫ), b theTDatthetimeofb ’sdecimationhasνb =νb∗,thenitwill i.e. R=1−ǫ, but in practice higher rates are necessary. i i i run synchronously with the TTD and yield the same solution Similar to (6), qy(b) can be defined as in B. Otherwise, e.g. if νb =∗ and νb∗ =0 for some i, then i i n 1 y =u or ∗, the TD might decimate bi to 1, which will eventually result q (b)= q (u (b)), q (u )= j j in a contradiction. Therefore, our first requirement for TD to y j=1 yj j yj j (0 otherwise, find a solution to (31) is that BP must compute the correct Y (30) extrinsic probabilities after enough iterations, which is hence and the quantizercan equivalentlyfind, fora giveny, some b called the extrinsic probability condition. such that qy(b)>0 (which then equals 1). How, then, to ensure the existence of solutions to (31) for When U is the codeword set of an LDGM code and u = any y ? We may define Q with (8) which, for each y , ne y ne c=bGasinSectionIII,qy(b)canbedescribedbythefactor gives the number of solutions to (31) and is 2nb−nr for 2nr graph in Fig. 2(a) as well, where each λcj(c) is a normalized yne’s and zero for the rest. Qy, if normalized by 2−nb, is version of qyj(c), i.e. λcj is 0, 1 or ∗ if yj is respectively 0, again a uniform distribution over these 2nr yne’s. We then 1, ∗. Apart from this difference in λcj, the algorithm in Fig. 3 require nr = nne, making Qy a uniform distribution over all withthetypicaldecimatorcanbeusedhereforthepurposeof 2nne possible yne’s, so that the BEQ problem have 2nb−nne analysis, though the recovery algorithm in Section VI-B will solutions for any y . This is the other condition for BEQ to ne be necessary for good performance in practice. be always solvable by the TD, hence called the equi-partition The BEQ problem may alternatively be viewed as a set of condition. linear equations For n→∞, the two conditions above are now suitable for bG =y (31) analysis with density evolution methods, which in the BEQ ne ne case can be accurately done with EXIT charts, as will be over the binaryfield GF(2)={0,1}, where G and y are ne ne discussed in the following subsections. the n columns of G and y that correspond to non-erased ne positionsof y. Denotingbyn therankof G , (31) thenhas r ne 2nb−nr solutions for 2nr of the 2nne possible yne’s, and for B. Fixed Points and EXIT Curves other yne’s there is no solution at all. We use b-regular,c-irregularLDGM codesforquantization We first assume that (31) has a set B of 2nb−nr solutions, as suggested by the LDGM-LDPC duality in [14]. Let d be b then py(b)=2−(nb−nr)qy(b) is a probability distribution for the right-degreeof allb-nodes,anddenotewcd as the fraction b that is uniformoverB. Using this py(b), similar to the BP- of c-nodes with left-degree d and vcd = dwcd/(Rdb) as the derived extrinsics νib, the true extrinsic probabilitiesνib∗ of bi corresponding fraction of edges. can now be defined as Assuming that the BEQ problem does have solutions for the given y, with the one found by TTD denoted b∗ and νb∗(b)=p (b =b|b =b∗ ), i=1,...,n , i y i F\{i} F\{i} b u∗ = c∗ = b∗G. Assuming additionally that our quantizer (32) based on TD has decimated a fraction I of the b-nodes which depends on the set F of decimated bits and their b and has so far maintained synchronization with the TTD in decimatedvaluesb∗.Notethatνb∗ canonlybe0,1,or∗:itis F i decimation decisions, b∗ is then consistent with the current b if all solutions with b = b∗ have b =b ∈{0,1}, F\{i} F\{i} i 8Forexample,theTDandtheTTDcanusethesamei.i.d.randomsequence 7In this paper we only consider codes chosen randomly, through random τ1,τ2,...,τnb in decimation with each τi uniformly distributed in [0,1), edge assignment, from the LDGM code ensemble with a given degree and each bi is decimated to 0 in the TD if τi < νib(0) and in the TTD distribution,thereforeonlythedegreedistributionissubjectedtooptimization, if τi < νib∗(0), and to 1 otherwise. In this way, the decimation results are andwewillnotdistinguishbetween codesanddegreedistributions. alwaysthesameifνb=νb∗,andarerarelydifferentifνbandνb∗areclose. i i i i MANUSCRIPT 7 1 1 1 bit) bit) bit) A2 ( 0.5 ( 0.5 ( 0.5 Ib,ext Ib,ext Ic=0.6000 Ib,ext A1 EBP Ic=0.5000 Ic=0.5176 BP Ic=0.3333 Ic=0.4375 MAP 0 0 0 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 Ib (bit) Ib (bit) Ib (bit) (a) EBPcurvesof(4,2)regularLDGMcode (b) EBPcurvesof(5,3)regularLDGMcode (c) ComparisonofEBP,BPandMAP Fig.4. TheEBPcurvesofsome(db,dc)regularLDGMcodes,inwhichallb-nodeshaveright-degreedbandallc-nodeshaveleft-degreedc.(a)The(4,2) regularcodehasrateR=0.5andmonotonicitythresholdIcthr=1/3.ForIcthr<Ic≤R,partoftheEBPcurveliesintheIb<0half-plane, althoughIb ismonotonically increasing onceitbecomespositive.Thisimpliesaviolation oftheequi-partition condition. ForIc<Icthr,themonotonicity conditions are satisfied.(b)The(5,3)regularcodehasrateR=0.6andmonotonicitythresholdIcthr=7/16=0.4375.WhenIc isreducedto0.5176,theEBPcurveno longerextendsintotheIb<0half-plane, butitisstillnotmonotonicuntilIc isfurtherreducedtoIcthr.(c)AcomparisonoftheEBP,BPandMAPcurves ofthe (5,3)regular codeat Ic =0.5, assumingthat the results in[19]remain true. Thearea A1 to theright ofthe MAPcurve represents the bi’s whose νb∗=b∗ butνb=∗andthusviolate theextrinsic probability condition. Thatis,thevalues ofthesebitsaredetermined byprevious decimation resultsbut i i i not available from BP at the time; they are apparently “guesses” until they are “confirmed” byan equal number ofequations encountered later represented byA2.Here A2 =A1, which intuitively means that all confirmations constrain earlier guesses rather than yne,sothe equi-partition condition is satisfied. Thisisnotthecasefore.g.the(4,2)regularcodeatIc=0.5in(a):theretheMAPandtheBPcurvesoverlapwiththeEBPcurveintheIb≥0half-plane butdoes notextend tothe left, andthe area between the EBPcurveand theIb =0axis represent “confirmations” that, havingnoearlier guesses, mustbe satisfiedbyyne,therefore theequi-partition condition isnotsatisfied. priors and can serve as the reference codeword: all µbc and isalwaysnon-negativeandmonotonicallyincreasingwithI , ij bc µcjbi’s, with bi decimated or not, must be either b∗i or ∗ and but Ib in (36) is not necessarily so. nevercontradictthe referencecodeword.Denotingby e.g. I Every crossing the EBP curve makes with a constant-I bc b the average mutual information (MI) in the µbc’s from the verticalline correspondsto a fixed point of BP at this I , and ij b previous iteration about their respective reference values b∗, whenthenumberofiterationsL→∞,itisclearthatBPwill i which in this case is simply the fraction of µbc that equals follow the minimum-I fixed point as I goes from 0 to ij b,ext b b∗,9 and using the usual fact that the factor graph becomes 1, forming the BP EXIT curve in [19]. The MAP (maximum i locally tree-like with high probabilityas n→∞, we can find a posteriori probability) EXIT curve in [19, Definition 2] is theEXITcurverelatingtheinputIbc forthec-nodesandtheir simply the relationship between the fraction Ib of decimated output I , hence called the c-curve, to be bitsandtheaveragetrueextrinsicMIintheνb∗’s,asisevident cb i from [19, Theorem 2], where the random vector b (currently Icb =Ic vcdIbdc−1, (34) taking value b∗) is the X in [19], the b-priors λb are the i Xd BEC output Y, and the c-priors λc (or y) are the additional j where Ic is the MI of the λcj’s, in this case 1−ǫ.The b-curve observation Ω. relating I and the output I from the b-nodes (denoted by cb bc Interestingly, our BEQ problem is now very similar to I+ as it refers to the next iteration) is likewise bc the LDPC decoding problem on BEC considered in [19], as Ib+c =1−(1−Ib)(1−Icb)db−1. (35) both involve a system of linear equations over GF(2) that has at least one solution (b∗ for LDGM-based BEQ and the Toanalyzetheextrinsicprobabilitycondition,itisnecessary transmitted codeword for LDPC-over-BEC) consistent with to look into the behavior of BP’s fixed points, which are all previous guesses.10 In particular, the area above the MAP characterized by the EBP EXIT curve first proposed in [19] curveisH(b|y)/n [19,Theorem1],withH(b|y)beingthe b for LDPC decoding over BEC. The EBP curve relates the a entropyof the aforementionedp (b); under the equi-partition priori MI Ib at fixed points (i.e. the Ib making Ib+c =Ibc), condition (31) should have 2nb−ynne =. 2nb(1−Ic/R) solutions, Ib =1−(1−Ibc)/(1−Icb)db−1, (36) so this area is 1−Ic/R, and the area below the MAP curve is I /R, while if the equi-partition condition is violated (31) c andtheextrinsicMIin theνib’s, i.e.the fractionofνib thatare willhavemoresolutionsforthecurrenty (andnoneformany b∗i rather than ∗, othery’s), andthe MAPcurvewill havea smaller areabelow Ib,ext =1−(1−Icb)db, (37) it. On the other hand, the area below the EBP curve can be computed directly from (36) and (37); this area is also I /R c as Ibc goes from 0 to 1 and Icb given by (34). Fig. 4 shows if v = 0, and when v > 0 it is defined as the total gray c1 c1 the EBP curves of some codes for example. Note that Ib,ext area in Fig. 5, which is smaller than but close to Ic/R. 9In this paper, all such MIs and EXIT curves are also averaged over the LDGM code ensemble with the given degree distribution. Assuming that 10The only difference is that the number of equations in BEQ, nne, is relevant concentration results hold, for n → ∞ we can also talk about the random whereas in LDPC decoding over BEC it is always the number of convergence behaviorofaspecificcodeusingtheseensemble-averaged MIs. checknodes.Thisshouldnotbeessential though. MANUSCRIPT 8 1 Wewillseebelowthatthemonotonicityconditionsaremore easily satisfied for smaller I , so for a given code, we can c definethemaximumI thatsatisfies themasthemonotonicity (bit)b,ext0.5 Z01(=1−IRcIb−)ddIdbbII,cbevcxct1dIbc twbhyhreitcshhheotThldeD,B.dTEenhQoetpesrdaombbleyemcpIectcrhfaron.r,Tmihnainsacniesaistsyhmeexpmpteoactxiticemdsuefnmosre(t,1hbe−egsǫro)elevfdeodyr I decimator, since in BEQ it is basically identical to TD. Itshouldbenotedthatthemonotonicityconditionsaresuffi- Ib,ext|Ibc=0=1−(1−Icvc1)db cientfortheextrinsicprobabilityandequi-partitionconditions 0 only in the sense that the fraction of violations approaches −0.5 0 0.5 1 zero as the block size n and the iteration count L go to Ib (bit) infinity. Therefore, in practice some contradictions will occur Fig.5. TheareaundertheEBPcurve(thethicksolidcurve)whenvc1>0. in the TD, and some equations in (31) will be unsatisfied. In In such cases the EBP curve does not start from (0,0), and we define the Section VI-B, we will propose a method to deal with such areabelowitasthetotalareaofthetwograyregions,whoserespectiveareas contradictions, such that the number of unsatisfied equations areshowninthefigure.Notethatthelowerarea1−(1−Icvc1)db issmaller than dbIcvc1, so the total area is smaller than Ic/R, but is very close to it remains a vanishing fraction of n. inthecodes wewillencounter sincedbIcvc1 isatmost0.03orso. C. Optimization of the Monotonicity Threshold If the results in [19] on the relationship between MAP, BP We can now optimize the degree distributionso that Ithr is c andEBPcurvesremaintrue,thesethreecurvesshouldbegiven maximized and approaches its ideal value R. byFig.4(c).Heuristicargumentsbelowthefiguresuggestthat From (36) and (34), it is easy to show that the condition the extrinsic probability and equi-partition conditions above (38) is equivalent to v = 0, i.e. there are no degree-1 c- c1 for the TD to solve the BEQ problem are satisfied, with a nodes. As for the second condition (39), differentiating (36) vanishing fraction of exceptionsas n→∞, if and only if the with respect to x=I gives (hence we denote y =1−I ) bc cb EBP curve satisfies the following monotonicity conditions:11 dI Ib|x=0 ≥0, (38) dxb =y−db y−Ic·(db−1)(1−x) (d−1)vcdxd−2 . ! dIb Xd (40) ≥0, x∈[0,1], (39) dx Making (40) nonnegative, we get where I is viewed as a function (36) of x = I . We now b bc 1 prove this using similar methods to [19]. Ic ≤ , x∈[0,1] (41) s(x) Necessity. The extrinsic probability condition means that νb =νb∗ forallbuta vanishingfractionofi∈{1,...,n }at where i i b anyI afterenoughiterations,whichimpliesthatthetwohave b s(x)= v xd−1+(d −1)(1−x) (d−1)v xd−2. (42) at leastthe same averageMI, i.e. the BP curvecoincideswith cd b cd d d the MAP curve, the area below which is in turn I /R under X X c Therefore, the monotonicity threshold is the equi-partition condition. Since the BP curve follows the minimum fixed points on the EBP curve, and the area under −1 the latter is at most Ic/R, the two curves must coincide as Icthr = max s(x) , (43) x∈[0,1] well, which immediately leads to (38) and (39). (cid:18) (cid:19) Sufficiency. Under (38) and (39), the BP curve obviously anditcanbemaximizedbysolvingthefollowingoptimization coincideswith theEBPcurve,andsince(38)impliesvc1 =0, problem over smax =1/Icthr and vcd, d=2,3,...: the area below them is I /R. BP can never give any infor- c minimize s max mation not implied by y and previous decimation results, i.e. subject to s(x)≤s , ∀x∈[0,1], for any i we have either νb = νb∗ or νb = ∗, so the MAP max i i i curve cannot lie below the BP curve and the area below it is vcd 1 (44) v =1, = , cd at least Ic/R. We have also shown that the area below the d d d Rdb X X MAP curve is at most I /R, thereforeequality must hold and c v ≥0, ∀d. cd the equi-partition condition is satisfied. Now that the MAP and BP curvesalso coincide,forany Ib the νib’s will have the Inpractice,the s(x)≤smax constraintisappliedto a number nearly the same average MI as the νb∗’s (with the difference ofdiscretex’s(1000valuesuniformlyspacedover[0,1]seem i vanishing after many iterations when n→∞), and since any to suffice), and the set of c-degrees is chosen to be the νb 6= νb∗ implies νb =∗ and νb∗ =b∗ and thus a difference exponential-like sequence i i i i i in MI, it can only occur for a vanishingly small fraction of D={d |k=1,2,...,|D|, d =2, d =⌈β·d ⌉}, i’s. Therefore the extrinsic probability condition also holds.(cid:3) k 1 k+1 k (45) 11Notethatthishasnothingtodowithmonotonicitywithrespecttoaclass where we set β = 1.1, and |D| is made large enough not to ofchannels, whichappears ofteninLDPCliterature [23]. affect the final result. Since s(x) is linear in vcd, (44) then MANUSCRIPT 9 TABLEI are respectively probability distributions over a and over b IMPACTOFdbINBEQ(R=0.4461b/s) conditioned on a, and db 6 7 8 9 10 11 n Ithr 0.4110 0.4294 0.4376 0.4416 0.4437 0.4448 QΣ = Qy˜+a =mnhQy˜+ai=2nb Qy˜j (49) c dmc ax 6 10 19 37 70 127 Xa jY=1 1 . =2nbexp n lnQy˜dy˜ (50) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) becomes a linear programming problem that is easily solved using (11) and the typicality of y˜. using usual numerical methods. The quantization of y =y˜+a is equivalent to finding a b In Table I we list the optimal Icthr achieved at different for a given a that (approximately)maximizes q(b;a). Again, valuesofdb aswellastheresultingmaximumc-degreedmc ax. we consider the typical decimator since the greedy decimator WeseethatIcthrapproachesitsidealvalueRexponentiallyfast is difficultto analyze,and the orderof decimation is assumed ewxipthontheentiinalclrye.aDseueoftodbt,hbeuptrtohbelenmec’sesssiamrypldicmcitayx,aitlsiosipnrcorbeaabselys teoxtbriensbi1c,pb2ro,.b.a.b,ilbintibeswνitbh∗oouftblosdseofifnegdenliekreali(t3y2.)Wacitchorthdeingtrutoe i i not difficult to prove this. p (b), the decomposition a p (b)=p (b )p (b |b )···p (b |bnb−1) (51) V. DEGREE DISTRIBUTION OPTIMIZATIONFOR MSE a a 1 a 2 1 a nb 1 QUANTIZATION again has each factor pa(bi =b|bi1−1 =b1i−1,∗) equaling the νb∗(b) when previous bi−1 has been decimated into bi−1,∗. It is well known that long LDPC channel codes can be i 1 1 The TTD is then the decimator similar to TD but using νb∗ effectively analyzed and designed using density evolution i insteadofνb,soityieldsdecimationresultb∗ withprobability methods, not only over BEC but also over general binary- i p (b∗), and the TD attempts to synchronize with it. input symmetric channels [21]. Such methods are also useful a In addition, a can be viewed as the product of a source for LDGM quantization codes, but their application is not as generator before quantization but after y˜ is determined. This straightforwardastheLDPCcase duetothestatefulnatureof can be shown more clearly on the equivalent factor graph decimation,itsuseofextrinsicprobabilities(whichisavailable Fig. 2(b). All priors on a and b , λa and λb, being ini- in DE only for the final iteration, at the root node of the j i j i tially ∗, the source generator first determines a ,...,a by tree-like neighborhood),and the lack of a “natural” reference 1 n settingλa toharddecisions,andthequantizerthendetermines codeword in quantization as is available in channel decoding. j b ,...,b . In the source generation process, BP can be run In Section IV, we have solved these problems in the BEQ 1 nb to yield the extrinsics νa, and the true extrinsic probabilities case byintroducingthe TTD:the resultof TTDis usedas the j νa∗ can likewise be defined with P(a). Similar to the TTD, reference codeword, with which decimation can be modeled j we define the true typical source generator (TTSG) as one by the priors λb with a single parameter I , and the extrinsic i b generating each a with probability P(a). Since probabilities at each decimation step can be analyzed sepa- rately. In this section, we will extend this TTD-based method P(a)=P(a )P(a |a )···P(a |an−1), (52) 1 2 1 n 1 to MSE quantization so that code optimization can likewise and each factor P(a = a|aj−1) is the νa∗(a) when aj−1 be carried out with DE. When the erasure approximation is j 1 j 1 has been determined,the TTSG simply sets each a =a with usedinDE,weobtainthesameoptimizeddegreedistributions j probability νa∗(a). In reality, all 2n possible values of a are for BEQ, but we can also avoid EA and do a more accurate j equallylikely tooccur,so we cansafelyassume thata comes optimization using the quantized DE method a la [21], [24]. from the TTSG if and only if P(a) is a uniform distribution, that is, each νa∗ must be ∗ when aj−1 has been determined. j 1 A. Density Evolution in MSE Quantization When both the TTSG and the TTD are used, each possible (b,a) is generated with probability p(b;a). Define u˜ = Withoutlossofgenerality,supposethesourcesequencey ∈ [0,m)n, whichcan, as in Section II, be decomposedinto y = (u(b)−a)modm, each u˜ then corresponds to 2nb (b,a)’s, y˜+a,wherey˜∈[0,1)n isassumedtobetypicalwithrespect all of which having the same totheuniformdistributionover[0,1),anda∈{0,1,...,m− p(b;a)= 1 e−tk(y˜−u˜)Ink2, (53) 1}n. For a fixed y˜, we may define, similar to (6), Q Σ q(b;a)=qy˜+a(b)=e−tk(y˜+a−u(b))Ink2, (46) and the total probability of generating u˜ becomes n 1 which can be regarded as a probability distribution over b p(u˜)=2nbp(b;a)= e−t(y˜j−u˜j)2I (54) Q and a after normalization. With Qy˜+a defined in (8), this jY=1 y˜j distribution can be decomposed into n n = p ((y˜ −u˜ ) )= p (z ) (55) z j j I z j q(b;a)=Q ·p(b;a)=Q ·P(a)p (b), (47) Σ Σ a j=1 j=1 Y Y where from (49) and (16), noting that z =(y−u)In =(y˜−u˜)In. P(a)= Qy˜+a, p (b)= q(b;a) (48) Eq. (55) shows that u˜j can be viewed as i.i.d. samples condi- QΣ a Qy˜+a tioned on y˜j with probabilitydensity p(u˜|y˜)=pz((y˜−u˜)I), MANUSCRIPT 10 so for n → ∞ u˜ will be strongly typical according to can, however, provide the following heuristic argument. For this conditional distribution with high probability, and the any number of iterations l, when n is sufficiently large, quantization error z is likewise strongly typical with respect a randomly selected node b will likely have a tree-like i to p (z), so the resulting MSE is P . neighborhoodin the factorgraphwithin depth2l. If DE hasa z t To achieve this P with the TD, again we have uniquefixedpoint,forsufficientlylargel themessage density t • extrinsic probability condition: νib must be close to νib∗ afterliterationsnolongerdependsmuchontheinitialmessage whendecimatingeachb ,sothattheTDcansynchronize density from the un-tree-like part of the factor graph, so the i with the TTD; resultingνib’s fromBP, which isaccuratefora tree-likefactor • equi-partition condition: P(a) must be a uniform distri- graph, should be mostly accurate here.14 As for the equi- bution so that the use of TTSG here matches reality and partition condition, when the fixed-point at Ib = 0 does not does not pick “easy” source sequences with large P(a) correspond to all-∗ messages, in Fig. 2(b) the νja∗ ≈ νja will too often. not be all-∗ when the TTSG determines the last elements of a, so P(a) will not be a uniform distribution. It may be interesting to note the relationship between the two Experiments show that these monotonicity conditions are conditions and the two inequalities in (10). more easily satisfied when t is small, but the resulting MSE Similar to the BEQ case, we assume that y is generatedby theTTSGanduseTTD’sfinalresultb∗ andthecorresponding Pt will be larger. We thus define the monotonicity threshold u∗ = c∗ = b∗G as the reference codeword, then each λb, tthr ofacodeasthemaximumtthatsatisfiestheseconditions. i As in BEQ, the above conditions are only sufficient in νb, µbc and µcb have reference value b∗ and each λc has i ij ji i j an asymptotic sense. In practice, even if t ≤ tthr, the TD reference value c∗, and DE can be carried out with respect j will desynchronize with the TTD due to the finite block to these referencevaluesto analyzethe abovetwo conditions. The density of λc (actually that of λc(c∗)) can be obtained lengthn anditerationcountL,andarecoveryalgorithmfrom j j j “incorrect” decimations is necessary to achieve acceptable from (27) using the strong typicality of z = (y − u∗) In performance with TD, though the greedy decimator usually with respect to p (z). Furthermore,assuming that the TD had z performs adequately without recovery. This will be discussed been synchronized with the TTD in all previous decimation in detail in Section VI-C. decisions, λb is then b∗ at the decimated positions (whose i i UnlikeBEQ,inwhichthemonotonicityconditionsmeanthe fraction is denoted I as before) and ∗ elsewhere. We thus b difference between being able and unable to find a solution have all the necessary information for DE. (allowing for a vanishing fraction of unsatisfied equations), In BEQ, we have found (38) and (39) to be sufficient and in MSE quantization the non-satisfaction of these conditions necessary for the equi-partition and extrinsic probability con- simply causes the asymptotic MSE to be higher than P , ditions to be satisfied with a vanishing fraction of exceptions. t which is dependent on t anyway. We will set t = tthr, According to the definition of the EBP curve, (39) and (38) so that we have an MSE P that is asymptotically (as correspond to two properties of the code and I in DE: tthr c the block length n and the iteration count L go to infinity) • Starting from any Ib ∈ [0,1], DE converges to a unique achievable and analytically tractable, and we can then design fixed point regardless of the initial message density, thedegreedistributiontomaximizetthr andmakeit approach provided that this initial density is intuitively “consis- its ideal value t (R), which corresponds to random-coding tent”, i.e. free of contradictions and not over- or under- 0 performance in Section II-B. However, further optimization confident;12 on the choice of t is possible. • The fixed point at Ib =0 is at Ib,ext =0, corresponding to both µbc’s and µcb’s being all-∗. ij ji B. The Erasure Approximation Weconjecturethattheseproperties,whichareagaincalledthe Similar to BEQ, the average MIs I , I , I , I and I monotonicityconditions,aresufficientandnecessaryforMSE b b,ext bc cb c can now be defined for the densities of respectively λb, νb, quantization as well. i i Proving this equivalence rigorously appears difficult.13 We µbijc, µcjbi and λcj, e.g.Ibc is the average1−H(µbijc) with H(·) defined in footnote 5. When the message densities satisfy the 12Forbinaryquantizationcodes,thisconsistencycanbedefinedrigorously symmetryconditioninfootnote12,thisisactuallytheaverage asthesymmetryconditionofamessagedensityin[21,Sec.III-D].InBEQ, mutualinformationbetweenthemessagesandtheirrespective symmetrywithrespecttob∗ ofe.g.thedensityofµbc meansthateachµbc ij ij reference values. iseitherb∗ or∗butnevertheopposite“sure”value(whichwouldindicatea i contradiction).InMSEquantization,itmeansthat,withµbijcbeingarandomly be obtained through DE, although its unstable branches may require tricks chosenb-to-cmessage,theprobability densityofµbc(b∗)atpandat1−p similar to [25, Sec. VIII] tofind; butwe no longer know the area below it. haveratiop:(1−p)foranyp∈[0,1].Allpriorshijaveisymmetricdensities Moreimportantly, the“erasure” relationship νib=νib∗ orνib=∗inBEQis whenusingbinarycodes,andthesymmetryoftheinitialmessagedensitywill nolongertrue, soitisdifficult torelate theaverage MIstothecloseness of thusbemaintainedthroughouttheDEprocess.Thesymmetryconditionisnot individual νib andνib∗’s,whichwasessential inourBEQanalysis. necessarilytrueinnon-binarycases,sowekeepusingtheterm“consistency” 14The un-tree-like part of the factor graph is apparently difficult to deal forgenerality. withrigorously.Arelatedproofis[25,Sec.X]ontheaccuracyofindividual 13TheMAPEXITcurvecanusebasically thesamedefinition[19,Defini- BP-extrinsic probabilities (represented by conditional means) when the BP tion2];theareatheorem[19,Theorem1]stillholdsbecauseonlytheΩthere and MAP generalized EXIT (GEXIT) curves match, which is based on the isdifferent,whiletheY there,correspondingtotheλb’s,canstillbeviewed concavity oftheGEXITkernel relating conditional means andthe“general- i awshBerEeCHo(ubtp|uyts).iTshtheeareenatrboeplyowofththeeMdiAstPribcuurtivoenispath(ebre),foarned1t−hisHa(rbea|iys)a/gnabin, ipzaerdtoefnttrhoepyfa”ctuosredgrabpyhG,iEtXisITn.otHcolweaervewr,hygiwveenhtahveefµac(itlo)r(sYi)n=theEu[nX-tire|eY-∼l(ilki)e] Ic/Rundertheequi-partition condition using(53).TheEBPcurvecanalso in[25,Lemma15].

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