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Design, Analysis, and Experimental Evaluation of a Double Coil Magnetorheological Fluid Damper PDF

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Preview Design, Analysis, and Experimental Evaluation of a Double Coil Magnetorheological Fluid Damper

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Shock and Vibration Volume 2016, Article ID 4184726, 12 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4184726 Research Article Design, Analysis, and Experimental Evaluation of a Double Coil Magnetorheological Fluid Damper GuoliangHu,FengshuoLiu,ZhengXie,andMingXu SchoolofMechatronicEngineering,EastChinaJiaotongUniversity,Nanchang,Jiangxi330013,China CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoGuoliangHu;[email protected] Received25May2015;Revised2September2015;Accepted2September2015 AcademicEditor:RafałBurdzik Copyright©2016GuoliangHuetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Amagnetorheological(MR)damperisoneofthemostadvanceddevicesusedinasemiactivecontrolsystemtomitigateunwanted vibrationbecausethedampingforcecanbecontrolledbychangingtheviscosityoftheinternalmagnetorheological(MR)fluids. ThisstudyproposesatypicaldoublecoilMRdamperwherethedampingforceanddynamicrangewerederivedfromaquasistatic modelbasedontheBinghammodelofMRfluid.Afiniteelementmodelwasbuilttostudytheperformanceofthisdoublecoil MRdamperbyinvestigatingsevendifferentpistonconfigurations,includingthenumbersandshapesoftheirchamferedends. Theobjectivefunctionofanoptimizationproblemwasproposedandthenanoptimizationprocedurewasconstructedusingthe ANSYSparametricdesignlanguage(APDL)toobtaintheoptimaldampingperformanceofadoublecoilMRdamper.Furthermore, experimentaltestswerealsocarriedout,andtheeffectsofthesamedirectionandreversedirectionofthecurrentsonthedamping forceswerealsoanalyzed.TherelevantresultsofthisanalysiscaneasilybeextendedtothedesignofothertypesofMRdampers. 1.Introduction these studies showed that damping performance of MR damperscanbesignificantlyimprovedviaoptimaldesignof The rheological properties of a magnetorheological fluid themagneticcircuitofthesystems. (MRF) can be continuously changed within several mil- Yangetal.[21]presentedanoptimaldesignofaparallel lisecondsbyapplyingorremovingexternalmagneticfields. diskvalvemodeMRdamperwithFEMmethodconsidering Theseuniquefeatureshaveledtothedevelopmentofmany differentstructuralparametersanddifferentmaterialsforthe MRF-baseddevicessuchastheMRdamper,MRvalve,MR cylinderandcoveroftheMRdamper,andtheresultsshow brake,andMRclutch.Amongthem,themostpopularMRF- that both the material and the fluid gap are key factors for based devices are MR dampers due to their long range MR circuit. Zheng et al. [22] designed a novel MR damper controllable damping force, fast adjustable response, and with a multistage piston and independent input currents; low energy consumption [1–4]. Till now, the MR dampers the multiphysics of the novel MR damper was theoretically have a huge applications in automotive industry including analysedandcarriedout,includingelectromagnetic,thermal off-road vehicles [5–7], and they are also widely used in dynamic, and flow mechanism. Zhang et al. [23] proposed naval gun controlling [8, 9], field of landing gear [10, 11], theuseoffiniteelementstoimprovethemagneticdesignof prostheticknees[12,13],washingmachines[14],highspeed anMRdamper.Khanetal.[24]usedfiniteelementsoftware trainsuspension[15–17],seismicvibrationcontrolofdifferent to simulate nine different configurations of the pistons for civilstructures[18–20],andsoon. an MR damper and investigate how these configurations As well known that the performance of MR dampers would affect and influence the maximum pressure drop. significantly depended on the activating magnetic circuit, Ferdausetal.[25]established2Dand3DmodelsofanMR thereforetheperformanceofMRdamperscanbeoptimized damperthatconsideredtheshapeofthepiston,theMRfluid by the optimal design of the activating magnetic circuit. gap,theairgap,andthethicknessofthedamper’shousing. Recently,somestudiesintheliteraturehavefocusedonthe The analytical results show that the single coil MR damper geometric optimization of MR dampers. The results from withlinearplasticairgap,topandbottomchamferedpiston 2 ShockandVibration end, and medium MR fluid gap has better performance. Parlak et al. [26] presented a method for optimizing the design of the target damper force and maximum magnetic Upper pin flux density of an MR damper; this new approach used an electromagnetic analysis of the magnetic field and a CFD analysis of MR flow together to obtain the optimal value Upper end cover of the design parameters. Nguyen and Choi [27] presented an optimal design of a passenger vehicle MR damper that I Damper cylinder was constrained in a specific cylindrical volume and an Damper rod advanced objective function that collectively included the damping force, the dynamic range, and an inductive time I 1 constant. Parlak et al. [28] investigated the geometrical Coil1 H optimization of an MR shock damper using the Taguchi experimentaldesignapproachbyspecifyingfourparameters Piston head (gap, flange thickness, radius of piston core, and current excitation) and by selecting the maximum dynamic range I2 Coil2 requiredasthetargetvalue.Parlaketal.[29]alsoevaluated II Floating piston the optimal solutions of the MR damper for the maximum dynamic range and the maximum damper force separately III Lower end cover usingtheTaguchiexperimentaldesignmethod.Goldaszand Sapinski [30] presented and verified a mathematical model Lower pin of a monotube MR shock absorber with an emphasis on leakage flow mechanisms and their impact on the damping output. In the study, the authors considered the impact of highspeedlosses,fluidchambercompressibility,cavitations, Figure1:SchematicconfigurationofthedoublecoilMRdamper elastic deformation of cylinder, fluid inertia, floating piston withannulargap. inertia,gaschamberpressure,andCoulombfrictionbetween damper components and the cylinder to make the model double coil MR damper. There are three chambers in the moreaccurate. damper cylinder; chamber I and chamber II are filled with Asmentionedabove,thoughthemagneticoptimaldesign MR fluid, and chamber III compensates for the changes methodscandecreasethecostandthemanufacturingperiod in volume induced as the piston rod moves is filled with and improve the performance of the MR dampers, many pressurized nitrogen gas. As the damper piston rod moves, factors are needed to consider in developing MR dampers theMRfluidflowsthroughtheannulargapbetweenchamber to obtain optimal designs, that is, how to find significant I and chamber II. Moreover, there is a double coil of wire geometricaldimensionsandconfigurationsofMRdampers insidethepistonheadusedforwindingthatisheatresistant to obtain maximum output mechanical performance, such and electrically insulated. When a direct current is applied asdampingforceordynamicrange,whichmakestheprob- tothedoublecoil,amagneticfieldoccursaroundthepiston lemverychallengingwhenusingconventionaloptimization head.Itisnotedthatthedirectionofthecurrentappliedonto methods. the double coil can be the same or the reverse, which can In this study, a double coil MR damper with annular enlarge the maximumdampingforceorthedynamic range gap was developed and prototyped; the damping force and tosomeextent. dynamic range were also derived. A finite element model was built to investigate the performance of the double coil MR damper by considering seven damper pistons with 2.2. Magnetic Circuit and Control Model of the Double Coil differentconfigurations.Anoptimizationprocedurewasthen MRDamper. Figure2showsthesimplifiedmagneticcircuit constructed with the ANSYS parametric design language of the double coil MR damper with an annular gap at both (APDL) to obtain the optimal parameters of the double ends of the flanges and in the middle of the flange, where coil MR damper. Finally, a series of dynamic experimental the flux lines are perpendicular to the flow direction and tests,especiallytheeffectsofthesamedirectionandreverse generate a field-dependent resistance to the fluid flow. The direction of the currents on the damping forces, were also doublecoilMRdamperisshapedtoguidethemagneticflux carriedout. axially through the damper cylinder, across the length of the flange of piston head and the gap at one end and then throughthefluxreturnandacrossthegapandtheflangeof 2.DesignConsiderationsfor theDoubleCoil pistonheadattheoppositeend.Thevolumeoffluidthrough MRDamperwithAnnularGap whichthemagneticfieldpassesisdefinedasanactivevolume, and the MR effects only occur within the active volume. 2.1. Principle of the Proposed Double Coil MR Damper. The most effective MR dampers have a high magnetic flux Figure 1 shows schematic configuration of the proposed density passing through a large active volume, but a lot of ShockandVibration 3 L V𝑝 (𝑞 = 𝐴𝑝V𝑝).𝜏𝑦1 and𝜏𝑦2 aretheyieldstressesoftheMR fluidintheendflangeandmiddleflange,respectively.𝑐1and Rh 𝑐2arecoefficientswhichdependedontheflowvelocityprofile andhaveavaluerangingfromaminimumvalueof2.07to h I1 I2 a maximum value of 3.07. The coefficients 𝑐1 and 𝑐2 can be R1 approximatelyestimatedasfollows: Rc 12𝑞𝜂 𝑐 =2.07+ , 1 12𝑞𝜂+0.8𝜋(𝑅 +0.5ℎ)ℎ2𝜏 1 𝑦1 (4) 12𝑞𝜂 Wc 𝑐 =2.07+ . R 2 12𝑞𝜂+0.8𝜋(𝑅 +0.5ℎ)ℎ2𝜏 1 𝑦2 Asshownin(1),thefirsttermiscalledthecontrollableforce because it varies with the applied field, whereas the sum L L L L L 1 c 2 c 1 of the latter two terms is referred to as the uncontrollable forcebecausetheygenerateaconstantforceaccordingtothe Figure2:SimplifiedmagneticcircuitofthedoublecoilMRdamper. velocityofthedamperpiston. Thedynamicrange𝐷isdefinedastheratioofthetotal dampingforcetotheuncontrollableforce,anditisgivenby magnetic coils are needed to produce large magnetic fields. 𝐹 +𝐹 +𝐹 𝐹 Anoptimizedcircuitwouldmaintainabalancebetweenthe 𝐷= 𝜏 𝜂 𝑓 =1+ 𝜏 . (5) 𝐹 +𝐹 𝐹 +𝐹 fieldproducedandthepowerrequiredbythemagneticcoils. 𝜂 𝑓 𝜂 𝑓 Whencurrents𝐼1and𝐼2wereappliedoncoil1andcoil2, respectively,themagneticfluxdensitywillbeproducedinthe Here, the dynamic range 𝐷 was introduced to evaluate the resistance gaps between the inner damper cylinder and the performance of the double coil MR damper. Normally, it outerpistonheadaccordingtotheelectromagneticinduction is better to keep the dynamic range as large as possible to principle.TheviscosityoftheMRfluidintheresistancegaps maximisetheeffectivenessoftheMRdamper.Thedynamic willincreasewiththeincreaseofthemagneticfluxdensity.So, rangeisproportionaltotheshearforceandisafunctionof thedampingforcewillbegeneratedtoo.Duetothedouble thesizeofthegap.Thewidthoftheannulargapℎisinversely coil design of the MR damper, the damping force can be proportional to the controllable force, so a small gap width controlledwithinawiderangethroughregulatingthevalues willincreasetherangeofthecontrollableforce,butwhenthe anddirectionsofthecurrentsthatappliedonthedoublecoil. gapℎislessthan0.5mm,theviscousforce𝐹𝜂ismuchfaster Some of the important dimensions of the double coil thanthecontrollableforce𝐹𝜏;thisreducesthedynamicrange. MRdamperarealsolistedinFigure2.Dampergeometryis Again when the gap becomes wider, both 𝐹𝜏 and 𝐹𝜂 fall, so characterizedbythelengthofthepistonhead𝐿,thelength finding an optimal width gap that maximises the dynamic oftheendflange𝐿1,thelengthofthemiddleflange𝐿2,the range is very important. Moreover, parameters such as the length of the coil winding 𝐿𝑐, the thickness of the damper lengthoftheflange𝐿1 and𝐿2,theradiusofthepistonhead cylinder𝑅ℎ,thewidthoftheresistancegapℎ,theouterradius 𝑅, the yield stress 𝜏𝑦1 and 𝜏𝑦2, the thickness of the damper of the damper cylinder 𝑅, the internal radius of the piston cylinder 𝑅ℎ, and the internal radius of the piston core 𝑅𝑐 core𝑅𝑐,andthewidthofthecoilwinding𝑊𝑐. willalsoplayanimportantroleinsearchingfortheoptimal The total damping force 𝐹 generated by the double design. coil MR damper consists of three components: the field- dependentforce𝐹𝜏duetothemagneticfield,theviscousforce 3.ModelingandOptimalDesignof 𝐹𝜂duetotheviscouseffects,andthefrictionalforce𝐹𝑓: DoubleCoilMRDamperUsingFinite 𝐹=𝐹 +𝐹 +𝐹 , ElementMethod 𝜏 𝜂 𝑓 (1) The magnetic field in an MR damper is produced by an where electromagnet. Here in the ANSYS simulation model the 6𝜂𝐿𝑞𝐴 𝑝 excitationcoilisconsideredtobetheelectromagnet,andthe 𝐹𝜂 = 𝜋(𝑅 +0.5ℎ)ℎ3, (2) magnetic field provided by this excitation coil is needed to 1 energize the MR fluid. By varying the current through the 𝐿 𝐿 𝐹𝜏 =2𝑐1 ℎ1𝐴𝑝𝜏𝑦1sgn(V𝑝)+𝑐2 ℎ2𝐴𝑝𝜏𝑦2sgn(V𝑝), (3) excitation coil, the magnetic flux density can be varied and theMRfluidisenergizedaccordingly. where𝐴𝑝isthecross-sectionalareaofthepistonheadand𝜂is theplasticviscosity.𝑞istheflowratethroughthedoublecoil 3.1.MagneticPropertiesofMRFluidandSteelUsedintheDou- MRdamper,anditcanbecalculatedfromthepistonvelocity bleCoilMRDamper. TheMRfluidwithtypeofMRF-J01T 4 ShockandVibration Table1:PerformanceindexofMRfluidwithMRF-J01T. 3.0 Project Parameters 2.5 3 Massdensity 2.65g/cm T) SOVhipseecarorassttiitroyenswsail(t5the0om0u0pteGmrsaa)tgunreetricanfigeeld(𝛾=10/s,20∘C) −>4005.8∼0P1K3aP0⋅sa∘C Bdensity ( 21..05 x u fl c 80 eti 1.0 n g a M 0.5 60 a) 0.0 kP 0 100 200 300 400 ( 𝜏ess 40 Magnetic field intensity H (kA/m) d str Figure4:𝐵-𝐻curveofsteelmaterial(number10). el Yi 20 stressdataasafunctionofmagneticfluxdensity;here𝛼0 = 0.0182kPa,𝛼1 =−48.4644kPa/T,𝛼2 =865.3901kPa/T2,and 00.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 𝛼3 =−984.2742kPa/T3. Figure4showstherelationshipbetweenthemagneticflux Magnetic flux density B (T) densityandthemagneticfieldintensityofthesteelmaterial (a) Relationshipof𝜏and𝐵 (number 10) used in the damper cylinder and piston head, 1.4 respectively. 1.2 3.2. Modeling of Double Coil MR Damper Considering Dif- T) B ( 1.0 ferent Piston Configurations. To investigate how the shape y ofthedamperpistonaffectstheperformanceofdoublecoil nsit 0.8 MRdamper,sevenmodelswithdifferentshapedpistonswere e x d designed,asshowninFigure5.Model1pistonwasdefinedas flu 0.6 havingaplainend,Model2pistonwasdefinedashavingeach c eti endofthepistonchamfered,Model3pistonwasdefinedas n 0.4 g havingaradiusoneachend,Model4pistonwasdefinedas a M havingchamfersonthetop,atthebottom,andinthemiddle, 0.2 Model5pistonwasdefinedashavingaradiusonthetop,at thebottom,andinthemiddle,Model6pistonwasdefinedas 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 havingbothendschamfered,andModel7pistonwasdefined Magnetic field intensity H (kA/m) ashavingaradiusoneveryedge. Table 2 and Figure 6 show the results of the magnetic (b) Relationshipof𝐵and𝐻 flux densities between the seven different models when the Figure3:SpecificationoftheMRfluidtypeMRF-J01T. appliedcurrentvariesfrom0.1Ato1.0A.Herethemagnetic flux densities decreased with the number of chamfers on the damper piston, the maximum density of magnetic flux provided by the Chongqing Instrument Material Research appeared in Model 1, which means that this piston had InstituteinChinawasusedinthefollowingsimulationsand theoptimalgeometricalshape.Moreover,themagneticflux experiments. Table 1 summarizes the performance index of density in the model with a radius was greater than the theMRfluid,anditsfield-dependentpropertiesareshownin chamferedmodel;thereasoncanbefoundinFigure7which shows that the distribution of magnetic flux lines along Figure3. the resistance gap in Model 1 was more even than that in ByobservingFigure3(a),thedynamicyieldstressofthe Models6and7.Thedamperpistonwithchamfershadlarger MRfluidintheannularresistancegapcanbeapproximated reluctances at its core because the core was larger and the by cross-sectionalareathroughwhichthemagneticfluxpassed 𝜏𝑦 =𝛼3×𝐵3+𝛼2×𝐵2+𝛼1×𝐵+𝛼0, (6) decreased,whichinturncausedthemagneticfluxdensities inthefluidresistancegaptodecreaseaswell. where𝛼0,𝛼1,𝛼2,and𝛼3 arepolynomialcoefficientsthatare Figure 8 shows the dynamic range of the proposed determinedbytheleast-squaresfittingofthedynamicyield MR damper under different piston configurations when ShockandVibration 5 Table2:Magneticfluxdensitycomparisonamongdifferentmodels. Current(𝐼) 𝐵forModel1 𝐵forModel2 𝐵forModel3 𝐵forModel4 𝐵forModel5 𝐵forModel6 𝐵forModel7 0.1 0.072 0.070 0.071 0.066 0.069 0.063 0.066 0.2 0.145 0.140 0.142 0.132 0.137 0.124 0.132 0.3 0.212 0.204 0.208 0.193 0.200 0.182 0.193 0.4 0.273 0.264 0.268 0.250 0.259 0.234 0.249 0.5 0.331 0.319 0.325 0.302 0.313 0.284 0.302 0.6 0.382 0.370 0.375 0.350 0.363 0.330 0.351 0.7 0.428 0.414 0.421 0.394 0.408 0.373 0.395 0.8 0.471 0.456 0.464 0.434 0.450 0.412 0.436 0.9 0.510 0.495 0.502 0.473 0.489 0.448 0.475 1.0 0.543 0.529 0.536 0.508 0.524 0.483 0.511 (a) Model1 (b) Model2 (c) Model3 (d) Model4 (e) Model5 (f) Model6 (g) Model7 Figure5:Simulationmodelswithdifferentpistonshapes. 0.6 the pistons increased, and so too did the damping perfor- mance. Moreover, the dynamic range in the model with a radius on the edges was greater than the model with chamfered edges. When the current varied from 0.1A to 0.4 1.0A,thedampingforcesteadilyincreasedandthenstabilised when the current was close to 1.0A due to the magnetic T) saturation of MRF in the resistance gap. From Figure 6 B ( to Figure 8, Model 1 with square ends had the maximum 𝐵 value under different currents, while the damping force 0.2 and dynamic range was also better in Model 1 than in the othermodels.So,Model1withthepistonwithsquareends was selected as the optimal geometry for the proposed MR damper. 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 I (A) 3.3.OptimalDesignofDoubleCoilMRDamper. Afterdeter- miningtheoptimalconfigurationofthedamperpiston,the Model 1 Model 5 FEMusingtheANSYSparametricdesignlanguage(APDL) Model 2 Model 6 tool is used to obtain the optimal geometric dimensions Model 3 Model 7 Model 4 of the MR damper. For vehicle suspension design, the ride comfort and the suspension travel are the two conflicting Figure6:Magneticfluxdensityofdifferentmodels. performanceindices.Inordertoreducethesuspensiontravel, ahighdampingforceisrequired,whileconsideringtheride the applied current varied from 0.1A to 1.0A. Here the comfort, a low damping force is expected, and thus a large dynamic range decreased as the number of chamfers on dynamic range is required. Considering these effects, the 6 ShockandVibration (a) Model1 (b) Model6 (c) Model7 Figure7:Distributionsofmagneticfluxlinesofdifferentmodels. 12 chosen depending on each specific suspension system. For unevenorunpavedroad,alargedampingforceisrequired. Thus,largevaluesof𝛼𝐹and𝛼𝐵arechosen.Ontheotherhand, 9 alargevalueof𝛼𝐷isusedinthedesignofsuspensionsystems forflatroads. InordertofindtheoptimalsolutionofthedoublecoilMR D 6 damper,ananalysislogfileforsolvingthemagneticcircuitof thedamperandcalculatingtheobjectivefunctionisbuilt.In the analysis log file, the resistance length of the end flange 3 𝐿1 andtheinternalradiusofdampercore𝑅𝑐 areselectedas thedesignvariables(DVs),andinitialvalueswereassigned tothem,respectively.Theprocedurestoachievetheoptimal 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 designparametersusingthefirst-ordermethodareshownin I (A) Figure9.StartingwithinitialvaluesoftheDVs,themagnetic fluxdensity,dampingforce,anddynamicrangearecalculated Model 1 Model 5 byexecutingthelogfile.TheANSYSoptimizationtoolthen Model 2 Model 6 transformstheoptimizationproblemwithconstrainedDVs Model 3 Model 7 to an unconstrained one via penalty functions. The dimen- Model 4 sionless,unconstrainedobjectivefunction𝑓isdenotedas Figure8:DynamicrangeofMRdamperunderdifferentcurrents. 𝑛 OBJ 𝑓(𝑥)= +∑𝑃 (𝑥), 𝑥 𝑖 (8) OBJ0 𝑖=1 𝑖 objective function used in the optimization can be defined where OBJ0 is the reference objective function value that is as selectedfromthecurrentgroupofdesignsets.𝑃𝑥𝑖istheexte- riorpenaltyfunctionforthedesignvariable𝑥𝑖.Fortheinitial 𝐹 𝐷 𝐵 iteration(𝑗 = 0),thesearchdirectionofDVsisassumedto OBJ=𝛼𝐹 𝐹𝜏𝑟 +𝛼𝐷 𝐷𝑟 +𝛼𝐵 𝐵𝑟, (7) bethenegativeofthegradientoftheunconstrainedobjective 𝜏 function, and a combination of a golden-section algorithm and local quadratic fitting techniques are used to calculate where 𝐹𝜏𝑟, 𝐷𝑟, and 𝐵𝑟 are the referenced field-dependent newvaluesofDVs.Ifconvergenceoccurs,thevaluesofthe damping force, dynamic range, and magnetic flux density, DVs at this iteration are the optimum. If not, subsequent respectively; 𝛼𝐹, 𝛼𝐷, and 𝛼𝐵 are the weighting factors for iterations will be performed. In the subsequent iterations, the field-dependent damping force, dynamic range, and the procedures are similar to those of the initial iteration magnetic flux density, respectively; and the sum of 𝛼𝐹, 𝛼𝐷, exceptthatthedirectionvectorsarecalculatedaccordingto and𝛼𝐵is1.However,thevaluesoftheseweightingfactorsare thePolak-Ribiererecursionformula[27].Thus,eachiteration ShockandVibration 7 Initial values of design parameters (DV) Magnetic field density Run log file Damping force Calculate equivalent unconstrained Dynamic range Initial objective function f(x) iteration Find DV direction vector (negative of the gradient of f(x)) Calcuate new values of DV (golden-section algorithm) Run log file Yes Convergence Stop No Calcuate new values Calcuate equivalent unconstrained of DV (golden-section objective function f(x) Optimal solution algorithm) Find DV direction vector (Polak-Ribiere recursion formula) Figure9:FlowchartforoptimaldesignofthedoublecoilMRdamper. iscomposedofanumberofsubiterationsthatincludesearch Table 3: Physical dimensions of the proposed double coil MR directionandgradientcomputations. damper. Figures 10 and 11 show the results of magnetic flux Initial density and damping force between the initial design and Optimal Parameters Symbol value optimal design, respectively. It is obviously seen that the value(mm) (mm) magneticfluxdensityandthedampingforcewithanoptimal Totallengthofdampercylinder 𝐻 235 235 design were greater than the initial design, although the differencebetweenbothofthemimprovedsignificantlywhen Maximumstrokeofthedamper 𝑆 40 40 theappliedcurrentexceeded0.5A. Resistancegap ℎ 1 1 Outerradiusofdampercylinder 𝑅 30 31 4.ExperimentalEvaluationof Internalradiusofthepistoncore 𝑅𝑐 13 14 DoubleCoilMRDamper Lengthofthepistonhead𝐿 𝐿 80 80 Thicknessofthedampercylinder 𝑅ℎ 8 8 4.1.PrototypingoftheDoubleCoilMRDamperandtheTest RigSetup. Figure12istheprototypeoftheproposeddouble Lengthoftheendflange 𝐿1 10 11 coilMRdamper.Here,thedamperpistonwithsquareends Lengthofthemiddleflange 𝐿2 20 22 wasmanufacturedforthepistonhead.AndTable3listssome Lengthofthecoilwinding 𝐿𝑐 20 18 parametersofthedamper. Widthofthecoilwinding 𝑊𝑐 9 8 Figure13showsthetestrigforthedampingperformance of the proposed double coil MR damper. The INSTRON 8801testmachinewasusedtosupplytheexternalfrequency and displacement amplitude; and two power supplies were 4.2.DampingForceundertheSameDirectionCurrentsApplied adoptedtosupplycurrentsoncoil1andcoil2,respectively; on the Double Coil. Figure 14 shows the damping force of thecontrolmonitorwasusedtodisplayandsavethedataof thedoublecoilMRdamperunderthedifferentdisplacement thedampingforces. amplitudes and different currents with the same direction. 8 ShockandVibration 0.6 0.5 0.4 T) B ( 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 (a) Parts (b) Assembly I (A) Figure12:PrototypeoftheproposeddoublecoilMRdamper. Optimal Initial Double coil Figure 10: Comparison of magnetic flux density between initial MR damper designandoptimaldesign. 5 INSTRON machine 4 3 Power supply N) K F ( 2 Controller monitor Figure13:ExperimentaltestrigforthedoublecoilMRdamper. 1 0.3 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 I (A) 0.2 Optimal Initial 0.1 Figure11:Comparisonofdampingforcebetweeninitialdesignand N) K 0.0 optimaldesign. F ( −0.1 Here,thetestmachinewassetatasinusoidalloadingwitha −0.2 frequency of 0.5Hz and displacement amplitude of 2.5mm and 5.0mm, respectively. It can be seen that the viscous dampingforceequalsabout100Nwhentheappliedcurrents −0.3 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 𝐼1 and 𝐼2 are zero, and the maximum damping force can S(mm) reach220Nwhentheappliedcurrents𝐼1and𝐼2are0.25A.In addition,thedampingforcewithdisplacementamplitudeof S=2.5mm,I1=I2=0A 5.0mmisgreaterthanthatof2.5mm,andthedampingforce S=2.5mm,I1=I2=0.25A increases to 50N, which denotes that the viscous damping S=5.0mm,I1=I2=0A forceisaffectedbythedisplacementamplitude. S=5.0mm,I1=I2=0.25A Figure 15 shows the damping force of the double coil Figure 14: Damping force under different currents and different MR damper under the different loading frequencies and displacements. ShockandVibration 9 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 N) N) K 0.0 K 0.0 F ( F ( −0.2 −0.4 −0.4 −0.8 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 S(mm) S(mm) S=2.5mm,f=0.5Hz S=2.5mm,f=1.0Hz S=2.5mm S=7.5mm S=5.0mm,f=0.5Hz S=5.0mm,f=1.0Hz S=5.0mm S=7.5mm,f=0.5Hz S=7.5mm,f=1.0Hz Figure16:Dampingforceunderdifferentdisplacements. Figure15:Dampingforceunderdifferentfrequenciesanddifferent displacements. 1.5 1.0 different displacement amplitudes. Here, the test machine wassetatasinusoidalloadingwithafrequencyof0.5Hzand 0.5 1.0Hz,respectively;anddisplacementamplitudesof2.5mm, 5.0mm,and7.5mmwerealsoloadedseparately.Meanwhile, N) tinhethapepslaiemdecudrirreecnttiso𝐼n1,aanndd𝐼t2hienvthaeludeoiusb0le.5cAoi.lAwsersehaopwpnlieind F (K 0.0 the figure, the greater the loading frequency is, the bigger −0.5 thedampingforceisunderthesamedisplacementamplitude. Furthermore, the greater the displacement amplitude is, −1.0 the bigger the damping force is under the same loading frequency. −1.5 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 4.3. Damping Force under the Reverse Direction Currents S(mm) Applied on the Double Coil. Figure 16 shows the damping 0.00A 0.75A forceunderdifferentamplitudedisplacementsfrom2.5mm 0.25A 1.00A to 7.5mm. Here, the test machine was set at a sinusoidal 0.50A loadingwithafrequencyof1.0Hz,andtheappliedcurrents Figure17:Dampingforceunderdifferentappliedcurrents. 𝐼1and𝐼2inthedoublecoilswereappliedthereversedirection withavalueof0.7A.ObservingFigure16,thedampingforce increasedwiththeincreasingofthedisplacementamplitude, and the maximum damping force reaches 0.7KN at the big though the trend is the same. The reason may be the displacementamplitudeof7.5mm. thickening effect of the used MR fluid, while the Bingham Figure 17 shows the damping force under the applied fluid model used in the simulations did not consider this current changed from 0A to 1.0A. Here, the test machine effect. Another possible reason may be the enhanced yield wassetatasinusoidalloadingwithdisplacementamplitude stressphenomenonprocesswhichoccurswhenseveralsingle of10mmandafrequencyof1.0Hz,whiletheappliedcurrents chainstructuresofmagneticparticlesjointogetherandform 𝐼1 and 𝐼2 in the double coils were applied in the reverse athickcolumn,whichmakethesaturatedyieldstressvalue direction. As expected, the damping force increased from in the simulation bigger than the experimental conditions 0.33KN at 0A to 1.21KN at 1.0A, and the dynamic range [31,32]. nearlyequals4. Figure19showsthechangeinthedampingforceunder Figure 18 shows the comparison of simulation results differentdisplacementamplitudesandappliedcurrentdirec- andexperimentalresultsofthedampingforceattheapplied tions. Here, the test machine was set at sinusoidal loading currentof1.0A.Itcanbeseenthatthemaximumsimulated with a frequency of 0.5Hz and displacement amplitude of dampingforceisabout4.0KN,whilethemaximumexperi- 5.0mmand7.5mm,respectively.Theappliedcurrents𝐼1and mentaldampingforceisonly1.21KN.Thedeviationisalittle 𝐼2inthedoublecoilsweresetto0.5Awiththesamedirection 10 ShockandVibration 5.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 N) N) K 0.0 K 0.0 F ( F ( −2.5 −0.5 −5.0 −1.0 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 S(mm) S(mm) Simulation I2=0.5A I2=0.8A Experiment I2=0.6A I2=1.0A Figure18:Comparisonofsimulateddampingforceandexperimen- Figure20:Dampingforceunderdifferentcurrentsinthedouble taldampingforceattheappliedcurrentof1.0A. coil(𝐼1=0.5A). 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.2 N) N) K 0.0 K 0.0 F ( F ( −0.2 −0.5 −0.4 −0.6−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 −1.0−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 S(mm) S(mm) S=5.0mm,I1=I2=0.5A I1=0.5A I1=0.8A S=7.5mm,I1=I2=0.5A I1=0.6A I1=1.0A S=5.0mm,I1=−I2=0.5A S=7.5mm,I1=−I2=0.5A Figure21:Dampingforceunderdifferentcurrentsinthedoublecoil (𝐼2 =0.5A). Figure 19: Damping forces under different displacements and differentcurrentdirections. varied applied current 𝐼1 and the fixed applied current 𝐼2. Here, the test machine was set at a sinusoidal loading with and reverse direction, respectively. The figure shows that amplitudedisplacementof10mmandafrequencyof1.0Hz. the damping forces with the currents in a reverse direction Asshowninbothfigures,thedampingforceincreasedwith weremuchgreaterthanthosecurrentsinthesamedirection. the increase of the applied currents 𝐼1 and 𝐼2, respectively, Moreover,thedampingforceincreasedasthedisplacement though the other exciting coil’s applied current was fixed. amplitude increased because the increased velocity of the Furthermore, the damping force under the fixed current 𝐼1 damperledtoanincreaseintheviscousdampingforcein(2), equalsthatunderthefixedcurrent𝐼2whenthetotalapplied sothedampingforcealsoincreasedtoo. currentisofthesamevalue. 4.4.DampingForceunderCurrentAppliedonOneoftheCoils. 5.Conclusions Figure20showsthechangeofthedampingforceunderthe variedappliedcurrent𝐼2andthefixedappliedcurrent𝐼1,and A double coil MR damper with annular gap was proposed; Figure21showsthechangeofthedampingforceunderthe the damping force and dynamic range were also derived. A

ANSYS parametric design language (APDL) to obtain the optimal damping prosthetic knees [12, 13], washing machines [14], high speed.
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