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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 100(1). 1998. pp. L'i4-159 DESCRIPTIONS OF MICROMYRMEX DARLINGTONl, N. SP., FROM JAMAICA AND MICROMYRMEX SPATVLATA, N. SP., FROM HISPANIOLA (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE: OTIDOCEPHALINI) D. S. SlKES AND M. A. IVIE (DSS) Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, U-43, University of Con- necticut, Storrs, CT 06269, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (MAI) De- MT partment ofEntomology, Montana State University, Bozeman, 59717, U.S.A. (e-mail: @ mivie montana.edu). — Abstract. Micromyrmex darlingtoni, n. sp. from Jamaica and possibly from Haiti, and Micromyrmex spatulata, n. sp. from the Dominican Republic, are described and illustrated. This represents the first record of the tribe Otidocephalini from Jamaica. Mi- cromyrmex darlingtoni is distinguished from other described Micromynnex by the orange- red elytra that contrast with the shining, black body. All other described Micromynnex have black elytra. Micromynnex spatulata is distinguished by the presence of spatulate setae on the elytra, which are lacking in all other described Micromyrmex. Key Words: Curculionidae, Otidocephalini, Micromyrmex. new species. West Indies, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Haiti The genus Micromynnex Sleeper was re- chael A. Ivie Collection (MAIC), Bozeman, defined by Ivie and Sikes (1995) and en- MT, U.S.A. larged from five to ten species. Weevils in Micromyrmex darlingtoni Sikes and Ivie, this genus are known from the Greater An- new species tilles, the Bahamas, Central America and (Figs. 1-5) the North American Mainland (O'Brien and — Diagnosis. The adults of this species Wibmer 1982, Ivie and Sikes 1995). No can be differentiated from all described Mi- species of the tribe Otidocephalini was pre- cromyrmex by their orange-red elytra; black viously known from Jamaica. We take this pronotum. head, annulae of antennae, basal opportunity to describe two new species tarsomere; lack of femoral teeth on the from the West Indies, one of which is meso- and metafemora; and by the presence known from Jamaica. and shape of the large tubercle on ventrite In the descriptions below, we follow the I of the male (F—ig. 3). descriptive terminology of Ivie and Sikes Description. Holotype male. Length (1995). Collection acronyms are as follows: (elytral apex to anterior pronotal margin) Museum ofComparative Zoology (MCZC), 2.9 mm, width across humeri 0.8 mm. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Head, annulae of antenna, basal tarsomere U.S.A.; Barry D. Valentine Collection and pronotum shining black; antennal (BDVC), Columbus, OH, U.S.A.; H. and A. scape, mandible, and remainder oftarsi yel- Howden Collection (HAHC), Ottawa, Can- low; thoracic sterna, legs, and abdominal ada; Charles W. O'Brien Collection sterna rufus; elytra orange red, eyes silver; (CWOB), Tallahassee, PL, U.S.A.; and Mi- all setae and scales white. VOLUME NUMBER 100. 1 1?5 Micromyrmexdarlingtoni n. sp. Figs. 1—5. Micromyrmex darlingtoni, holotype male (scale = 1.0 mm). 1. Dorsal view. 2, Lateral view. 3, Posterior apical view. 4-5, Aedeagus (.scale = I.O mm), length 0.82 mm. 4. Dorsal view. 5, Lateral view. Head (Figs. 1, 2): Upper mid-portion teriorly; coarsely punctate; row offine setae coarsely punctate, lacking setae, separated at lateral-anterior margin. from lateral portion by a weakly defined su- Meso- and metathoracic dorsal surface praocularsulcus. Eyes large, dorsal, separated (Figs. 1, 2): Elytra with length 1.7X greater dorsally by approximate width of antennal than width, widest near middle, with 10 club; margined above and below with long, punctate striae, punctures surrounded by fine setae. Rostrum stout, curved in profile; disk-like darkened regions; humeri rounded width subequal to diameter ofeye; fine setae and smooth; 2 setigerous punctures in basal throughout, not obscuring surface; scrobe lat- % of 2nd interstria, 2 others on suture near eral, directed below eye. Antenna (Fig. 2) apex; smaller setigerous punctures on mar- with scape reaching anteriorVs ofeye, funicle gin of apical 'A, flange along left elytral su- 7-segmented, first segment stouter and more ture fitting beneath right elytron, causing setose than remainder; club ovate, annulate, asymmetrical extreme apex (Fig. 3). Scu- length subequal to that oflast 4 funicularseg- tellum covered by dense white setae. Me- ments combined. tathoracic wings fully developed. Pronotiim (Figs. 1, 2): Elongate, 1.25X Ventral surface: Prostemum thickly set longer than wide, globose anteriorly, widest with radiate-pectinate scales before, be- just before middle, broadly constricted pos- tween and behind coxae. Mesosternum 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON fringed posteriorly and mesepisternum Type material.—HOLOTYPE. i: Whit- completely covered with radiate-pectinate field Hall; Blue Mts; nr 4500 ft.; Aug. 13- scales. Metasternum fringed posteriorly 20/ Jamaica; 1934; Darlington [MCZC]. with radiate-pectinate scales; metepister- PARATYPES (5): 1 d, 1 9 [MCZC], 1 S num completely covered with radiate-pec- [MAIC]: same data as holotype. 1 i tinate scales; remainder of metasternum [HAHC] and 1 9 [CWOB]: JAMAICA, with scattered fine setae. Abdomen with 7400'; Blue Mt. Peak; VII. 27-28. 1966; large tubercle on intercoxal process of ven- Howden & Becker. — trite I, tubercle subequal to length of anten- Additional material examined. Four fe- nal club (Fig. 3); line of radiate-pectinate males from Furcy, Haiti, collected at 4000' scales behind coxae on ventrite I; ventrites on VII-9-56 [9 July 1956] by B & B Val- I and II appear fused, and together equal entine while sweeping bushy roadsides, are length of ventrites III-V combined, ventrite not included in the type series [BDVC & II with long, fine setae posterolaterally, ven- MAIC]. These four agree in all respects trite V with scattered, long, fine setae. with the Jamaican type-series, but the lack Legs: Procoxae subcontiguous; meso- of males leaves their identity in doubt. coxae separated by width of funicle; meta- More material, particularly, males from coxae widely separated. Pro- and mesocox- Haiti is requir—ed to establish their identity. ae with radiate-pectinate scales; dorsal sur- Etymology. The species is named in face of femora sparsely covered with long, honor ofone ofthe collectors, Philip J. Dar- coarse setae. Profemur with distinct tooth at lington, Jr. apical V4; meso- and metafemora unarmed; protibia narrow, parallel-sided, minutely Micromyrmex spatulata Sikes and Ivie, dentate internally in apical V2; meso- and new species metatibiae rugose interiorly in apical Vi. — (Figs. 6-9) Tibiae with long, moderately dense setae, Diagnosis. The adults of this species densest internally and thickly covering in- can be differentiated from other described ternal apices, mucro buried within setae of Micromyrmex by the presence of spatulate internal apices. Tarsi thickly padded with setae on the elytra (Figs. 6, 7) (shared by setae; claws with quadrate teeth basally. no other known Micromyrmex), their color, Aedeagus (Figs. 4, 5): Strongly curved (only three described species have red-or- in profile; numerous setae on broad apex; ange head/prothorax and black elytra), their length 0.82 mm; internal sack bearing sin- size (only one ofthe three bicolored species gle large s—clerite. is as small), and the total lack of femoral Female. Lacking tubercle on the inter- teeth (two of the bicolored species display coxal process of abdominal ventrite I, femoral teeth). (showing only a slight swelling in its This species most closely resembles Mi- place). Eyes smaller, more widely separated cromyrmex piilicarius (Boheman), but dif- than of male—. fers in the lack ofelytral punctures and stri- Variation. The type series ranges in ae, and in the p—resence of spatulate setae. length from 2.8—3.0 mm, and the width Description. Holotype male. Length across the humeri from 0.8-0.9 mm. The (elytral apex to anterior pronotal margin) setae on the 2nd elytral interstria and su- 2.9 mm, width across humeri 0.7 mm. Head tural margins vary in number and place- (exclusive ofrostrum), pro- and mesocoxae, ment. Two paratypes collected at 2256m prothorax, pro- and mesosterna rufus; legs, (7400') on Blue Mountain, Jamaica, have rostrum, annulae of antenna and elytra much darker coloration, particularly the el- black; antennal scape orange; eyes silver; ytra which have the orange-red replaced by all setae and scales white. a dark mahogany. Head (Figs. 6, 7): Upper mid-portion VOLUME 100. NUMBER 1 157 Micromyrmexspatulatan. sp. Figs. 6-9. Micronnnnex spatulala. composite of temale paratypes (scale = 1.0 mm1. 6. Dorsal view. 7. Lateral view. 8-9. Aedeagus (scale = LO mm), length =1.1 mm. 8. Dorsal view. 9. Lateral view. weakly punctate, lacking setae, separated twice size of and more setose than each re- from lateral and posterior portion by a maining segment, setal density increasing strong declivity becoming a deep supraocu- towards segment VII; club ovate, annulate, lar sulcus. Supraocular sulcus undercutting dense setae obscuring surface, length sub- dorsal and lateral margin ofeyes, with a bi- equal to that of last 6 funicular segments evaginational bridge at middle of eye, pos- combined. terior edge of channel curving caudally to- Pronotiim (Figs. 6, 7): Elongate, 1.43X ward pronotal margin before turning me- longer than wide, globose anteriorly, widest dially as shallow groove joining groove at middle, broadly constricted posteriorly; from other side across vertex. Eyes sepa- densely, coarsely, shallowly punctate; with rated dorsally by width of antennal club; fine setae at anterio-lateral and posterio-lat- ringed by long, fine setae along medial mar- eral margins. gins. Rostrum stout, curved in profile, Meso- and metathoracic dorsal surface: width 1.25X diameter of eye, widest at Elytra 1.5X longer than wide, widest just apex; elongate fine setae throughout, not behind middle, with weakly punctate, al- obscuring surface; scrobe lateral, directed most obsolete striae, humeri evident, round- below eye. Antenna (Fig. 7) with scape cla- ed and smooth; large spatulate setae on in- vate, reaching anterior margin of eye; fu- terstriae 2, 4, and 6. On holotype, 4 setae nicle 7-segmented, first segment stouter, ca. are indicated on interstriae 2 and 1 setaeach 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON on interstriae 4 and 6; 4 to 5 elongate, ces. Tarsi thickly padded with setae, claws thickened (not spatulate) setae per elytron, with quadrate teeth basally. bordering inner and outer elytral margins Aedeagus (Figs 8, 9): Large in propor- near apex, flange along left elytral suture tion to body size, length 1.10 mm; median fits beneath right elytron, causing extreme lobe long and slender, apex acute, glabrous; apex of elytral suture to be asymetric (see internal sack bearing numerous small scle- Fig. 3). Scutellum covered by dense white rites, 4 large sclerites posterior, 2 centrad. setae. Type Material.—HOLOTYPE. 6: DOM. Ventral surface: Prostemum thickly set REP, Peravia; 36km. NW. SanJose; de Ocoa, with radiate-pectinate scales. Mesostemum Aug. 9; 1979 C. W. O'Brien [CWOB]. fringed with radiate-pectinate scales along PARATYPES (3). 2 9 with same data as ho- posterior margin and on intercoxal process; lotype [HAHC, MAIC]. 1 9: DOM. REP, mesepistemum completely covered with ra- LaVega; 18km. E. EI Rio, Aug. 10, 1979 diate-jDectinate scales. Metastemum withscat- crest, cloud for—est C.W.O'Brien [CWOB]. tered simple setae and fringed anteriorly with Etymology. The specific epithet refers radiate-pectinate scales, metepistemum com- to the autapomorphic spatulate setae ofthis species. pletely covered with radiate-pectinate scales. — Remarks. The description of these spe- Ventrites I and II appear fused, suture obso- cies brings the number of possible aposemat- lete, and togetherequal length ofventrites II- V ic Micromyrtnex to eight ofeleven described. combined, with surfaces bearing scattered The discovery that the larvae of Micromyr- setae in line posterior from coxae, glabrous mex asclepia Ivie and Sikes feed within the medially and laterally. Ventrites HI and IV stems of Asclepias nivea L. (Ivie and Sikes equal in length, with evenly scattered setae over entire surface. Ventrite V just longer i1m9a9l5s)msaugygessetqeudesttheerhcyaprodtehneosliisdetshatfotrhecsheemain-- than combined length of ventrites III and IV, cal protection. The greatly developed supra- with scattered setae, setae shorter and less ocular channels of M. spatiilata are hypoth- dense than on previous ventrites. esized to be associated with possible repug- Legs: Procoxae contiguous; mesocoxae natorial exudations and aposematism (Ivie separated by width of funicle, metacoxae and Sikes 1995). Micromyrtnex darlingtoni widely separated. Procoxae set with radiate- has supraocular sulci that are less distinct pectinate scales intermixed with simple se- than those of M. asclepia, and M. spatiilata. tae; mesocoxae and metacoxae with sparse but the distinctly contrasting coloration ofthe radiate-pectinate scales; metacoxa with individuals collected near 4,500' supports the dense fringe of radiate-pectinate scales prediction that adults ofthis species are either along posterior surface. Foretrochanter with Batesian mimics or are themselves unpalata- few radiate-pectinate scales, all trochanters ble to some degree. The series of females with sparse setae. Femora lacking indica- from HaiU that might be M. darlingtoni were tion of teeth; profemur weakly clavate, me- collected from bushes along roads and were sofemur less so, metafemur almost parallel- from the same collection event in which sev- sided; pro- and mesofemora with evenly en M. asclepia adults were captured. Because scattered long setae; metafemour with long it is known that M. asclepia uses West Indian setae crowded on ventral surface, with lat- milkweed as a host it is worth noting that we eral surfaces subglabrous and dorsal surface have at least some evidence, albeit circum- stantial, that these possible M. darlingtoni with dense fringe of stout, almost clavate adults may also use mUkweed as a host plant. setae. Tibiae parallel-sided, very minutely dentate internally in apical Vi, with evenly Acknowledgments spaced setae, densest on internal apices, We thank the follow persons and insti- mucro buried within setae of internal api- tutions for assisting with this research. VOLUME 100. NUMBER 1 159 A&M Charles W. O'Brien (Florida Univer- This is contribution J-5159 of the Montana sity, Tallahassee). Anne T. Howden (Carle- Agricultural Experiment Station. ton University, Ottawa). Phil D. Perkins Literature Cited (Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cam- bridge). Barry D. Valentine (The Ohio State hie. M. A. and D. S. Sikes. 1995. Description ofMi- University. Columbus). James K. Pakaluk cromynnex asclepia new species, with a redefin- ition of the genus and life history notes (Curcu- (Systematic Entomology Laboratory. U.S. lionidae: Otidocephalina). Coleopterists" Bulletin Department of Agriculture. Washington 49:235-248. D.C.). and Lee Herman (American Museum O'Brien, C. W. and G. J. Wibinen 1982. Annotated of Natural History. New York), loaned ma- checklistofthe weevils(Curculionidaesensuliilo) of North America. Central America and the West terial. Earlier versions of the manuscript Indies (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). Memoirs of were reviewed by C. Seibert. J. Littlefield. the .American Entomological Institute No. 34, ix P. Denke, R. Anderson and C. O'Brien. + 328 pp.

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