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Preview Description Sub title Page Nos. FOREWORD 7 SYSTEM MAP 8 ABBREVIATIONS USED 9 TERMS ...

INDEX Description Sub title Page Nos. FOREWORD 7 SYSTEM MAP 8 ABBREVIATIONS USED 9 TERMS OF REFERENCE 10 Chapter 1 DISASTERS – AN INTRODUCTION 11 to 12 1.0 Definition .. 1.1 Types of Disaster causing interruption to train services .. 1.2 Levels of Disaster causing interruption to train services .. 1.3 Declaration of a Railway accident/situation as a Disaster .. Chapter 2 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS- AVAILABILITY OF 13 to 15 RESOURCES 2.0 Introduction .. 2.1 Resource Unit- I .. 2.2 Resource Unit- II .. 2.3 Resource Unit- III .. 2.4 Resource Unit- IV .. Chapter 3 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS – ARMEs/ARTs 16-17 3.0 Accident Relief Medical Equipment Van .. 3.1 Accident Relief Train .. 3.2 ART/ARME/MFD of adjacent zones .. 3.3 List of tunnels and location of ART/ARME/MFD on either .. sides Chapter 4 SHARING OF RESOURCES WITH STATE 18-19 GOVERNMENT AND OTHERS 4.0 Introduction .. 4.1 Relief Commissioners .. 4.2 Telephone Nos. of Senior Officers of Maharashtra Govt. .. 4.3 Air Force/Army/Navy Assistance .. Chapter 5 DISASTER RESPONSE –OVERVIEW 20-21 5.0 Golden Hour .. 5.1 Disaster Syndrome .. 5.2 Three Different Phases of Disaster Response .. Chapter 6 DISASTER RESPONSE – INSTANT ACTION TEAM 22-29 6.0 Instant Action Team (IAT) .. 6.1 Instant Action Team composition .. 6.2 Pre-accident checklist of preparation of Members of Instant .. ActionTeam 6.3 Duties of Guard, Driver, Train Superintendent/Travelling .. Ticket Examiner, AC Mechanic/Attendant and RPF/GRP Staff 6.4 Railway staff travelling on the accident affected train .. 6.5 Duties of Site Officer- Immediately after the accident .. 6.6 Formation of Group comprising members of Instant Action .. Team 6.7 Duties of on board Railway staff immediately after the .. accident 1 6.8 Duties of members of Instant Action Team – Till arrival of .. Divisional Officers 6.9 Duties of Instant Action Team – In case of fire .. 6.10 Duties of Site Officer – Till arrival of Divisional Officers .. Chapter 7 DISASTER RESPONSE – FIRST RESPONDERS 30-34 7.0 Duties of First Responders – Railway staff -- 7.1 Help to be sought from Local people .. Chapter 8 DISASTER RESPONSE – OFFICERS AT DIVISION & HQ 35-47 8.0 General .. 8. 1. Intimation of Accident – Divisional Control Office .. 8. 2. Intimation of Accident – Railway Doctors .. 8.3 Intimation of Accident – Head Quarter’s Emergency Control .. Office 8.4 Informing Non-Railway Official by the Division .. 8.5 Divisional Officers required to go to site .. 8.6 Supervisors required to go to site .. 8.7 Head Quarter’s Officers required to go to site .. 8.8 Operating Department .. 8.9 Safety Department .. 8.10 Public Relations .. 8.11 Medical Department .. 8.12 Formation of two teams .. 8.13 Duties of Team ‘A’ .. 8.14 Duties of Team ‘B’ .. 8.15 Commercial Department .. 8.15.1 Transportation of men and material to accident site .. 8.15.2 Helpline Enquiry Booths at stations .. 8.15.2(a) General .. 8.15.2(b) Accident details to be available .. 8.15.2(c) Information regarding running of trains .. 8.15.2(d) Refunds .. 8.16 Mechanical Department .. 8.17 Security Department .. 8.18 Electrical Department .. 8.19 Signal & Telecommunication Department .. 8.20 Engineering Department .. Chapter 9 DISASTER RESPONSE – CO-ORDINATION CENTRES 48-52 9.0 Introduction .. 9.1 Rushing of ARMEs & ARTs to accident site .. 9.2 Diversion, Regulation, Short termination, Cancellation and .. Rescheduling of Mail/Express/Passenger trains 9.3 Running of Special trains .. 9.4 Sequence of movement of ARMEs and ARTs into the .. accident affected block Section 9.5 Setting up of Emergency Cells in Divisions .. 9.6 Setting up of Disaster Management Cell and Emergency .. Cells in Head Quarter 9.7 Manning of Divisional/Head Quarters’ Emergency Cells in .. shift duty 2 9.8 Liaison with Railway Board .. 9.9 Duties of Additional Divisional Railway Manager .. 9.10 Hiring of Helicopter .. Chapter 10 DISASTER RESPONSE – ASSISTANCE FROM 53-54 ADJOINING DIVISIONS/ZONES 10.0 Necessity of assistance from adjoining Divisions/Zones .. 10.1 Assessment of assistance from adjoining Divisions/Zones .. 10.2 Scale of assistance from adjoining Divisions/Zones .. 10.3 Assistance from Defence & Para Military Forces .. 10.4 Departmental assistance from adjoining Divisions/Zones .. Chapter 11 SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN – I 55-60 11.0 Introduction .. 11.1 Main Site Office (MSO) .. 11.2 Site Office (SO) .. 11.3 Passenger Assistance Centre (PAC) .. 11.3.1 Need for setting up of Passenger Assistance Centre .. 11.3.2 Formalities required to be completed by relatives of .. passengers 11.3.3 Problems encountered by relatives .. 11.3.4 Passenger Assistance Centre (PAC): Details .. 11.4 First Aid Posts .. 11.5 Setting up of MSO, SO and PAC .. 11.6 Collection and Dissemination of Information- Channels of .. Communication Chapter 12 SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN – II 61-75 12.0 Introduction .. 12.1 Members of the Disaster Management Team .. 12.2 General .. 12.3 Duties of Operating Department .. 12.4 Duties of Safety Department .. 12.5 Duties of Medical Department .. 12.6 Duties of Commercial Department .. Chapter 13 SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN – III 76-82 13.0 Duties of Mechanical Department .. 13.1 Duties of Security Department .. 13.2 Duties of Electrical Department .. 13.3 Duties of Signal & Telecommunications Department .. 13.4 Duties of Engineering Department .. 13.5 Duties of Personnel Department .. 13.6 Duties of Accounts Department .. 13.7 Staff matters Chapter 14 PASSENGER CARE 83-86 14.0 General .. 14.1 Hospitalisation of the injured .. 14.2 Facilities to be made available in hospital .. 14.3 Communication .. 14.4 Arrival of relatives .. 14.5 Taking care of relatives .. 14.6 Single window clearance .. 3 14.7 Stay of relatives of dead and injured .. 14.8 Performance of last rites .. 14.9 Departure of relatives of dead and injured .. Chapter 15 MEDIA MANAGEMENT PLAN 87-90 15.0 Objective .. 15.1 Duties of PR Organisation .. 15.2 Spokes person .. 15.3 Information to be relayed to Press and Electronic Media .. 15.4 Casualty figures .. 15.5 Press Briefings at accident site .. Chapter 16 FIRE AND OTHER ACCIDENTS 91-97 16.0 Introduction .. 16.1 Main causes of fire in trains .. 16.2 Action to be taken in case of fire in train .. 16.3 Fire Fighting .. 16.4 Other Accidents .. Chapter 17 TRAINING AND MOCK DRILL 98 17.0 Introduction .. 17.1 Training .. 17.2 Full Scale Mock Drill .. Chapter 18 CHECK LIST FOR OFFICERS AND SUPERVISORS (DO’s 99-103 & DON’Ts) 18.0 Responsibilities of first Railway Official reaching the Site .. 18.1 Duties of Senior Most Officers/Site Manager at Site .. 18.2 Duties of Station Manager .. 18.3 Duties of Controllers .. Chapter 19 NATIONAL DISASTER RESPONSE FORCE (NDRF) 104 ANNEXURES CONTACT NUMBERS, DMPs and MOUs State Level Relief Commissioners For seeking Air Support in case of Railway Disaster Senior officers of Maharashtra Hiring of Helicopter Important telephone numbers from Pune District Disaster Management Plan120 List of Ambulances Blood Banks Telephone Nos. of State Transport Authorities District Level Relief Commissioners list of NGOs Important telephone numbers of adjoining Railways & Armed Forces ART/ ARME of adjacent Divisions Emergency contact phone & fax numbers on C.Rly. Central Railway Headquarters Officers Important telephone numbers of Railway Board Chief Commissioner / Commissioner of Railway Safety Telephone numbers of Divisional Headquarters Data Bank (District Collectors, Superintendent of Police and Stations) 4 Address and telephone numbers of National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC), Central Management Group (CMG) Members, and Nodal Officers of various Ministries167 Copy of MOU signed between CMD C.Rly. and Secretary/Health, Maharashtra Govt. Formats for Reporting Accidents Proforma for reporting train accident from site1 Proforma for reporting unmanned level crossing accident Format for reporting accident to Headquarter Format for maintaining affected passengers information at accident site System Map of C.Rly. and maps of all Divisions of C. Rly. Location Map of ARMEs & ARTs of C.Rly. & adjoining Rly. 5 “ For the benefit of departmental use” मम(cid:2)(cid:2)यय ररेेलल CCCCEEEENNNNTTTTRRRRAAAALLLL RRRRAAAAIIIILLLLWWWWAAAAYYYY पणु ेमंडल PUNE DIVISION आपदाूबंधनयोजना DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN ( Reviewed edition based on Indian Railways Disaster Management Plan incorporating updated guidelines of National Disaster Management Act 2005 dovetailed with Zonal Disaster Management Plan of Central Railway) 6 JJJJAAAANNNNUUUUAAAARRRRYYYY ---- 2222000011111111 FOREWORD 1. This Edition of “Disaster Management Plan” brought out by the Safety Department of Pune Division is an improved edition over earlier edition of 2010 as it covers areas not included in earlier editions. Efforts have been put in to collect and compile District wise information in coordination and consultation with various organizations of State/District Autorities, Army, NGOs etc with Rail cum road map which is very useful and hence praiseworthy. 2. This plan for Disaster management aims to include all the requirements of Railways by identifying specific duties of officers and staff of all concerned departments. Though one never wishes to have disaster, one can never rule out the possibility in an organization like Railways and hence has to be ready for any eventuality. 3. The expectations of people in the present day circumstances have grown and anything short of quick relief, rescue and restoration activity by well established organization like Railways raises several eyebrows and attracts criticism in print and visual media. Hence we must endeavour to adhere to certain planned activities as stated in this book 4. All officers and staff must familiarize themselves with the guidelines included in the plan. ( Prabhat Sahai ) Divisional Railway Manager PUNE, Central Railway 7 8 Abbreviations DOD Department of Ocean Development EMS Electronic Messaging System ESF Emergency Support Function GSI Geological Survey of India HM Home Minister HS Home Secretary IMD India Meteorological Department IOC Integrated Operation Centre INCOIS Indian National Centre for Oceanic Information Services IS Internal Security IR Indian Railways ITWC Interim Tsunami Warning Centre MHA Ministry of Home Affairs MOS Minister of State NDMA National Disaster Management Authority NIOT National Institute of Ocean Technology PMO Prime Minister Office SOP Standard Operating Procedure 9 TERMS OF REFERENCE Railway Board’s Safety Directorate vide their letter No. 2003/Safety-I/6/2 dated 29th September 2003 had laid down the requirement of Zonal Railway’s Disaster Management Plan and Divisional Disaster Management Plan as follows. 1. Disaster Management Plan – All Divisions and Zonal Railway Head quarters (including Metro Rail Corporation) must devise their disaster management plan, if not already done, taking into consideration the resources available with them, their neighboring divisions/Zonal railways, civil authorities, industrial units and armed force bases located in their territory. This would enable the divisions/Zonal railways to muster the entire local resources in case of a major disaster /natural calamity. Zonal Railways Disaster Management Plan should integrate all divisions and also take into consideration adjacent railway’s framework. 2. Preparation of Disaster Management Plan – The Disaster Management Plan must inter- alia include who is responsible for what activities in detail. Accordingly the Zonal Railway and this division has nominated the following departments/officials by designation for the activities shown against each:- i) Preparation and implementation of disaster management plan is the responsibility of concerned General Manager/ Divisional Railway Manager. ii) Authority to order ART/ARME/Break down train with or without crane- Chief Mechanical Engineer/Chief Motive Power Engineer (Running & Loco)/Sr Divisional Mechanical Engineer/ Divisional Mechanical Engineer, etc. iii) Senior most railway officer at the site of the accident shall be the designated Site Manager. iv) Management of rescue operations - Primarily Mechanical and Medical departments. Assistance to be provided by all railway-men (irrespective of their department) as needed. v) Relief operations including care for the dead- Commercial, Medical & RPF departments. vi) Communication network –Telecom department. vii) Crowed control and law & order at site – security i.e RPF. viii) State police clearance for restoration – security i.e RPF ix) Restoration operations-Rolling stock-Mechanical Department Fixed infrastructure like track, Over Head Equipment, Signaling system, etc-departments concerned. x) Maintenance of SPART/ART & ARME rolling stock/break down cranes including rail- cum-road and road mobile emergency vehicle etc.- Mechanical department xi) Maintenance of equipment kept in SPART/ART/ARME for rescue and restoration operations –departments concerned. xii) Media management at site- (a) Site Manager shall be the Chief spokesman at site and can be assisted by the branch officer concerned, if needed. (b) Public relation/Commercial department to look after the media needs at site. xiii) Check list for the officers & supervisors must be issued in the form at a pocket booklet indicating Do’s & Don’ts for the benefit of a) First official reaching the site of accident. b) Senior most officer at the site. c) Divisional/HQ control organization d) Station Manager/Station Master The Disaster Management Plans must be reviewed and updated in the month of January every year. 10

Duties of Signal & Telecommunications Department .. 13.4. Duties of FIRE AND OTHER ACCIDENTS. 91-97. 16.0. Introduction .. 16.1. Main causes of fire in trains .. 16.2. Action to be taken in case of fire in train .. 16.3 . track, Over Head Equipment, Signaling system, etc-departments concerned.
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