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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 101(2). 1999. pp. 337-346 DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES OF AMBLYCERUS THUNBERG (COLEOPTERA: BRUCHIDAE) WITH A PROBABLE STRIDULATORY MECHANISM ClBELE S. RlBEIRO-COSTA Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Parana, C. P. 19020, 81.531-990, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Amblycerus atypicus, new species, and A. ischiodontus, new species, are described and illustrated. The former has an area with overlapping scales in part of the external elytral margins and the inner distal portion of the hind femur with fine transverse striation. Amblycerus ischiodontus has an area transversely striate on the metepisternum and an apical tooth on the ventral margin of the hind femur. The areas on the elytra and metepisternum probably act as a file and the striate area or the tooth of the hind femur as the scraper The elytro-femoral method of stridulation is postulated for the first time in Bruchidae and is shared with Amblycerus cistelimis (Gyllenhal), A. jatayensis (Pic), A. sosia Ribeiro-Costa and Kingsolver, A. whiteheadi Kingsolver and A. guazumicola King- solver and Johnson. The other kind, involving the metepisternum and hind femur, has already been described for three other Amblycerus species: A. eustrophoides (Schaeffer), A. pollens (Sharp), and A. stridulator Kingsolver, Romero N., and Johnson. A key for the bruchid species with modified body areas probably involved in stridulation is presented. Key Words: Amblycerus, stridulation, taxonomy, Bruchidae Kingsolver (1970) first recorded the pres- tion of the hind femur The other new spe- ence of areas of the integument probably cies, Amblycerus ischiodontus (Brazil), has involved in stridulation in Bruchidae. He the metepisternum and hind femur with ar- indicated the presence of a fusiform node eas transversely striate, similar to those with transverse striations on the metepister- mentioned for A. eustrophoides, A. pollens, num and the presence of an apical blunt andA. stridulator. These areas foreach spe- tooth on the ventral margin of the hind fe- cies are in contact when the hind leg is mur for Amblycerus eustrophoides (Shaef- moved, and, even though no sound emis- fer), which has a distribution restricted to sion has been perceptible from dead speci- North America. Kingsolver et al. (1993) no- mens, it is possible that they form a strid- ticed the same stridulatory areas forA. stri- ulatory mechanism. Since males and fe- dulatordescribed from Mexico, Costa Rica, males of both species have these areas, I and Venezuela and for A. pollens (Sharp) hypothesize that the mechanism probably is recorded from Belize, Costa Rica, and Bra- not related with courtship behavior zil. The type of stridulation in A. atypicus Amblycerus atypicus, n. sp. (French Gui- can be characterized as the elytro-femoral ana), has an area with overlapping scales on method, established by Dumortier (1963). the external margins of the elytra and fine The area with overlapping scales on the el- transverse striation on the inner distal por- ytron would be the "pars stridens" (file) — 338 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON and the striate area of the hind femur, the abdominal sterna with white setae gently "plectrum" (scraper). Dumortier (1963) condensed into round patches. cited the presence of the elytro-femoral Frons slightly flat, evenly punctate ex- method for the Coleopteran families Scar- cept on frontal carina. Eyes moderately fac- abaeidae, Lucanidae, Cerambycidae, Cicin- eted (3 ommatidia), protruding laterally; oc- delidae, Tenebrionidae, and Carabidae. This ular index 3.9; ocular sinus 1/3.8 diameter method of stridulation is hypothesized for of eye in lateral view; postocular lobe 1/9.5 the first time in Bruchidae and is shared times largest length of eye in lateral view. with the following Amblycerus Thunberg Antenna (Fig. 5) serrate from fourth to species: A. cistelinus (Gyllenhal), A. jatay- tenth segments, all gently longer than wide ensis (Pic), A. sosia Ribeiro-Costa and (1.1 times); last segment elliptical. Prono- Kingsolver, A. whiteheadi Kingsolver, and tum trapezoidal with lateral margins slight- A. guaziimicola Kingsolver and Johnson. ly arched in dorsal view, cervical sulcus The methodology used for the descrip- present in lateral third, a sulcus outlining tions follows Ribeiro-Costa (1997). the emargination of basal lobe; long lateral carina, nearly reaching apex of pronotum, Amblycerus atypicus Ribeiro-Costa, not forked anteriorly; surface densely punc- new species tulate, lateral one-third on either side also (Figs. 1-10) coarsely punctate. Prostemal process wide, margins sulcate, apex subacute, moderately Description. Measurements (pronotitm expanded exceeding fore coxae and fitting + elytra): Length 8.17-8.83 mm; width into sulcate mesosternum. Scutellum (Fig. 4.83-5.17 mm. 2) about 1.9 times as long as wide, with Integument: Antenna dark red. Dorsal tridentate apex. Elytra slightly convex in surface (Fig. 1) dark red with scattered cross section along elytral suture, with an black spots on elytra, two on basal one- area with overlapping scales in part of the third, four at middle one-third and two on external margins (Fig. 9), truncated apically apical one-third. Lateral margins of elytra and with striae strongly impressed. Mete- gently darker. Undersurface and legs dark pisternum with some punctures moderately, red. Pygidium with large, ovate, central, sparsely coarser; transverse axis of mete- dark brown spot (Fig. 4). pistemal sulcus (Fig. 3) strongly divergent Vestiture: General coloration on dorsal from metapleural suture, very short longi- surface golden yellow (Fig. 1). Pronotum tudinal axis, less than half metepisternal with white setae forming six small, round length, not modified in a fusiform node spots arranged in triangle in middle lateral with transverse striations (Fig. 3). Hind and scattered patches along basal lobe (Fig. coxa with punctures moderately coarse and 1). Scutellum usually white. Elytra (Fig. 1) slightly dispersed, except in basal third. with white setae in scattered patches along Hind femur (Fig. 6) 2.8 times as long as basal margin and around scutellum, often in wide; apical tooth on ventral margin absent; a few small, irregular spots on median and internal face on distal portion with trans- external margins, in lines along interstitial verse striations (Figs. 6, 10). Hind tibia margins and strial sulci, and condensed into (Fig. 6) with coronal teeth approximately of a few, very small irregular patches on re- same size; lateral spur 2.9 times length of mainder of elytra. Pygidium (Fig. 4) with median, first hind tarsal segment about 1.2 large, ovate, velvety dark brown spot, bor- times as long as lateral spur and 3.6 times dered with dense white setae and with two median spur; ventral face slightly convex small patches of dark brown pillosity in an- with inconspicuous lines of punctures and terolateral areas. Undersurface gently mot- setae in margins. Male pygidium vertical in tled brown and white. Lateral margins of lateral view, female oblique; male eighth VOLUME NUMBER 101, 2 339 ^,JDark red integumait siislGolden yellowhairs Black integument Golden yellowhairs I Dark red integument I Whitehairs I Dark brown integument IDark brown hairs I mm 1 Figs. 1-6. Amblycenis atypicus. 1, Dorsal habitus. 2, Scutellum. 3, Lateral view of head and thorax 4 Pygidium. 3, Antenna. 6. Hind leg. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 340 Figs. 7-8. Ambhcents atypicus. 7, Male terminalia. median lobe. 8, Same, tegmen and lateral lobes. tergite acute. Fifth visible abdominal ster- basal area; ventral valve moderately long, num of female longer than that of male at acute apically, with straight lateral margins; middle, margin in both sexes entire. dorsal valve rounded. Basal area of internal Male terminalia (Figs. 7, 8): Eighth ter- sac (Fig. 7) without anterior and median gite acute apically. Median lobe (Fig. 7) sclerites; a pair of posterior tooth-like scler- with length 4.2 times its largest width in ites. Median region of internal sac (Fig. 7) — VOLUME 101, NUMBER 2 341 with two central, long laminar scleriteseach Amblycerus ischiodontus Ribeiro-Costa, with angulate apical portion and each one new species with one or two teeth near base, one sub- (Figs. 11-18) basal and two on median portion; pair of Description. Measurements (pronotum sclerites laterad to laminars, longer than + elytra): Length 4.48 mm; width 2.72 wide, each with one small curved tooth di- mm. rected upward; unpaired median sclerite, Integument: General coloration, dark 0.3 times as long as laminars, slightly sin- red. Eyes, legs and undersurface of thorax uate in lateral view, with one side serrate. darker. In apical area of internal sac (Fig. 7) one Vestiture: Head, appendages and ventral sclerite with long stems among many den- area of thorax and abdomen, flavous; met- ticles. Tegmen with shallow emargination epistemum in part, golden yellow. Prono- among enlarge—d lateral lobes (Fig. 8). tum (Fig. 11) golden yellow rarely with Discussion. Romero et al. (1996) estab- small brown patches. Scutellum flavous. El- lteilsihmeids,thAe. csiosstieal,inaunsdgAr.ougpiiianzculmuidcionlgaAm.aciins-- yintrarar(eFigi.rre1g1u)lagrolpdaetcnheyselalonwd;fblravoowuns hhaaiirrss ly considering both the integument and pu- in lines along interstitial margins and strial bescence pattern on the dorsal surface, not sulci. Pygidium (Fig. 11) golden yellow mentioning the presence of areas on elytra with two small central, brown patches. or hind femur possibly involved in stridu- Frons slightly flat, evenly punctuated, lation. Amblyceriis atypicus (French Gui- frontal carina absent. Eyes moderately fac- ana), A. jatayensis (Brazil) and A. white- eted (7 ommatidia), protruding laterally; oc- headi (Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Co- ular index 3.8; ocular sinus 1/5.0 diameter lombia), probably will be included in this of eye in lateral view; postocular lobe 1/6.7 group (revisionary study currently under- times largest length of eye in lateral view. way) because they share characters cited by Antenna (Fig. 16) serrate from fourth to Romero et al. (1996) and also the areas on tenth segments, all perceptibly longer than the external margins ofthe elytra with over- wide (1.4 times), last segment subelliptical. lapping scales (Fig. 9) and transverse stri- Pronotum trapezoidal with lateral margins ation on the inner distal portion of hind fe- moderately arched in dorsal view, cervical mur (Fig. 10), which are apparently strid- sulcus in lateral thirds and a sulcus outlin- ulatory in function. ing basal lobe; long lateral carina, nearly Amblyceriis atypicus is clearly separated reaching apex of pronotum, not forked an- from all the other Amblyceriis species and teriorly; surface densely punctulate, lateral especially from those in the cistelinus group one-third either side also coarsely punctate. by the form, number and arrangement of Prostemal process wide, not sulcate, apex sclerites in the male internal sac (Fig. 7). subacute, moderately expanded between an- Types.—Holotype 9. FRENCH GUI- terior coxae and fitting into sulcate meso- Wm ANA: Maroni River; Collection sternum. Scutellum (Fig. 12) about 1.8 Schaus, deposited in the National Museum times as long as wide, apex strongly triden- Natural of History, Smithsonian Institution, tate on rounded base. Elytra slightly convex Washington, D.C. U.S.A. One paratype 6 in cross section along elytral suture, sub- with same label deposited in the Colegao truncated apically and with striae strongly de Entomologia Pe. Jesus S. Moure, Curi- impressed. Transverse axis of metepister- tiba, Brazil. — num (Fig. 13) moderately divergent from Etymology. The species name refers to metapleural suture; transversely striate and the atypical elytro-femoral method of pos- strongly curved area running with longitu- sible stridulation in Amblyceriis. dinal axis, apparently being a modification PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 342 Figs. 9-10. Amhlycenis atypicus. 9, Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) ofthe external margin ofelytron showing "tile." 10, SEM of the inner distal portion ofthe hind femur showing "scraper." VOLUME 101, NUMBER 343 'iV'i' Dark red integument "»..V'i."".i'i; Golden yellowhairs Darkred integument Brownhairs I Dark red integument Flavoushairs mm 1 Figs. 11-16. Amblycems ischiodontiis. 11, Dorsal habitus. 12, Scutellum. 13, Metepisternum. 14, Hind leg. 15, Ventral margin of hind femur showing the tooth. 16, Antenna. of it (Fig. 13). Hind coxa with coarse punc- distal region without transverse striations. tures slightly denser in distal half. Hind fe- Hind tibia (Fig. 14) with coronal denticles mur (Fig. 14) 2.3 times as long as wide and approximately of same size; lateral spur 2.4 with tooth pronounced in distal portion of times length ofmedian, first hind tarsal seg- ventral margin (Fig. 15); internal face on ment 1.2 times as long as lateral spur and 344 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 17-18. Amblycenis ischiodoiitiis. 17, Male terminalia, median lobe. 18, Same, tegmen andlateral lobes. 2.8 times median spur; ventral face mod- in basal area; ventral valve moderately erately convex with inconspicuous lines of long, acute apically, with concave lateral punctures and setae in margins. Male py- margins; dorsal valve subtriangular with gidium vertical, round apically. Fifth visible straight lateral margins and rounded apex. abdominal sternum not emarginate in male. Basal area (Fig. 17) of internal sac without Female unknown. anterior and median sclerites; a pair ofpos- Male tenninalia (Figs. 17, 18): Eighth terior thin sclerites, prolonged and with a tergite rounded apically. Median lobe (Fig. tooth sub-basally on one side. Median area 17) with length 3.8 times its largest width of internal sac (Fig. 17) with a pair of lam- — . VOLUME NUMBER 101. 2 345 inar sclerites, sinuous, serrate sub-basally, Erwin, Montgomery et al. collectors; de- teeth approximate; unpaired sclerite in fork posited in the National Museum Natural of form 0.6 times as long as laminars, with History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- moderately separate stems. In apical area of ton, D.C., U.S—.A. internal sac (Fig. 17) one sclerite with very Etymology. The name of the species long stems. Median and apical areas of in- refers to the presence of a tooth on the ven- ternal sac with denticles near apical sclerite. tral margin of the hind femur. Tegmen (Fig. 18) with moderate emargi- nation in "V" between enlarged lateral Key to Amblycerus Species with lobes. Areas of Integument Probably Discussion. Amblycerus ischiodontus Involved in Stridulation shares with A. eustrophoides, A. pollens, 1 External margins ofelytra partly with an area and A. sthdidator an area ofthe metepister- withoverlappingscales(Figs. 3,9); innerdistal num with transverse striations (Fig. 13) and portion ofhind femur with fine transverse stri- an apical tooth on the ventral margin of the ation (Figs. 6, 10); usuallyscatteredblackspots metafemur (Fig. 15). The study of all char- on elytra (Fig. 1); pygidium with large, ovate, acters together did not show great affinity - Evleyltvreatyadnadrkhibnrdowfnemspuort w(iFitgh.ou4t) integumental 2 among the mentioned species. Differences modifications; patterns of coloration on elytra are easily recognized in the patterns of pu- and pygidium otherwise 7 bescence, form of the striate area, and the 2. Elytra with white hairs vaguely mottled; very sclerites in the male internal sac. coarse punctures on lateral third of pronotum; Kingsolver et al. (1993) commented that omnaeleutnepramiirneadliascwleirtihtefourpairs ofsclerites and A. pollens is more similar to A. eustrophoi- Amblycerus giiazmnicola (Kingsolver and des when compared with A. strididator. Johnson) Romero et al. (1996) included A. eustro- - Elytrausually with well marked white inegular phoides in the alternatus group along with spots on median and external margins and small irregular patches on remainder ofelytra A. serieguttatus, A. alternatus, and A. schwarzi and stablished the stridulator (tFhiigr.d 1o)f; mpordoenroattueml;yncouamrbseerpuonfctsucrleersitoens lianterianl- group only for A. stridulator. ternal sac ofmale terminalia otherwise 3 Revisionary studies on Brazilian species 3. Male internal sac with three pairs of sclerites under way indicate that A. pollens and A. and one unpaired sclerite (Fig. 7) ischiodontus are members of two distinct Amblycerus utypicus, new species - Male internal sac with two pairs of sclerites species groups, respectively. and one unpaired sclerite 4 According to Arrow (1904) the body area 4. Pair of laminar sclerites in male internal sac where the stridulatory mechanism is placed with tooth 5 in Coleoptera can be the same in non-relat- - Pair of laminar sclerites in male internal sac smooth Amblycerus whiteheacU Kingsolver ed groups, as it can be different in different 5. Male internal sac with basal pair of sclerite members of the same group. According to spine-shaped 6 him, there are Coleoptera with the two - Male internal sac with basal pair ofsclerite Y- types of stridulatory mechanism placed in shaped Amblycerus cistelinus (Gyllenhal) different parts of the body. 6. Male internal sac withunpaired median sclerite serrate basally along one side Amblycerus ischiodontus is easily sepa- Amblycerus sosio Ribeiro-Costa and Kingsolver rated from all otherAmblycerus by its char- - M.a.le. internal sac with unpaired mediansclerite acteristic form and disposition of sclerites with serration only on base in the ma—le internal sac (Fig. 17). Amblycerusjatayensis (Pic) Type. Holotype 6. BRAZIL: Amazo- 7. Metepisternum with striate area transverse to nas, Parana do Xiboreninho, 03°15'S- metepisternal sulcus, apparently being a mod- ification of metepisternum; apical portion of 06°00'W; 5 Aug. 79; mixed water; Canopy ventral margin ofmetafemurfinely striate,with Fogging Project TRS#05, Tray 326 Adis, conspicuous tooth; pygidium with median line 346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON . . . Amblycerus stridiilator Kingsolver, Romero from Departamento de Zoologia, Universi- N., and Johnson dade Federal do Parana. - Metepisternum with striate area running with longitudinal axis of metepisternal sulcus, ap- Literature Cited parently being a modification ofit; apical por- Arrow, G. H. 1904. Sound production in the lamelli- tion ofventral margin ofmetafemur with con- corn beetles. Transactions of the Royal Entomo- spicuous or inconspicuous smooth tooth; py- logical Society of London 4: 709-750. gidium with or without median line 8 Dumortier, B. 1963. Morphology of sound emission 8. Apical portion ofventral margin ofmetafemur apparatus in Arthropoda, pp. 277-345. In Busnel with one inconspicuous tooth; posteriorend of R. G., Acoustic Behavior of Animals. Elsevier - AmpeitceaplisptoertrinounmofstrveanitgrhatAlmombnalrysgctireinrautoesfapmroeeltalaefn.se.m.(u.Srharp) KingsPoulbvle.r,CoJ...MN.ew19Y7o0r.k.A9s3y3noppps.is of the subfamily Amblycerinae Bridwell in the West Indies, with with one conspicuous tooth; posterior end of descriptions of new species (Coleoptera: Bruchi- metepisternum curved on striate area 9 dae). Transactions ofthe American Entomological 9. Posterior end of metepisternum gently curved Society 96: 469-497. owinthstrniaatreroarweam;esdciuatnellliunmetridentate; pygidium Kingsolver, J. M., N. J. Romero, and C. D. Johnson. 1993. Files and scrapers: circumstantial evidence Amblycerus eiistrophoides (Schaeffer) - Posterior end of metepisternum strongly for stridulation in three species of Amblycerus, one new (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Pan-PacificEn- curved on striate area (Fig. 13); scutellum tri- tomologist 69(2): 122-132. dentate on round base (Fig. 12); pygidium oth- erwise Amblycerus iscliiodontus. new species Ribeiro-Costa, C. S. 1987. Descri(j6es de oito novas . . . especies de Amblycerus Thunberg (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 14(3): 629-648. Acknowledgments Romero,J.,C.D. Johnson,andJ. M. Kingsolver. 1996. I thank Dra. Dilma Solange Napp and RSteavtiessioanndofMtehxeicgoenu(CsolAemobpltyecrae:ruBsruocfhitdhaee:UniAtme-d Dra. Catherine N. Duckett forreviewing the blycerinae). United States DepartmentofAgricul- manuscript. This is Contribution No. 1049 ture Technical Bulletin No. 1845, 166 pp.

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