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Description of the last instar larva of Hemistigma albipuncta (Rambur, 1842) and comparison with other Brachydiplactinae (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) PDF

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Preview Description of the last instar larva of Hemistigma albipuncta (Rambur, 1842) and comparison with other Brachydiplactinae (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)

Odonatologica28(4): 433-437 December I, 1999 Description of the last instar larvaof Hemistigmaalbipuncta(Rambur, 1842)and comparisonwithotherBrachydiplactinae (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) G.Whiteley1,M.J. Samways,M. Di Domenico² andG.Carchini² 'Invertebrate Conservation ResearchCentre, School ofBotanyand Zoology, University ofNatal, Private BagX01, Scottsville 3209,SouthAfrica 2Dipartimentodi Biologia,Universita degliStudi di Roma“Tor Vergata”, ViadellaRicerca Scientifica,1-00133,Roma,Italy ReceivedDecember 7, 1998/ ReviewedandAcceptedMarch 16, 1999 The morphologyofthe last instar larva ofthe AfricanH. albipunctais illustrated and described.Acomparisonis thenmade withthe SouthAmerican Elga leptostyla and Nephepeltiaphryne. INTRODUCTION Hemistigma Kirby, 1889is anAfricangenuswith onlytwo species (DAVIES & TOBIN, 1985). H. albipuncta (Rambur, 1842)is widespreadfromKwaZulu-Natal to eastern andwestern equatorial Africa, whileH.affinisRambur, 1842occurs in Madagascar. Very fewofthe25 generaofBrachydiplactinae havedescribedlarval morphol- ogy. Here,thelarvalmorphology ofH. albipuncta is compared with thatoftwo Brachydiplactinae species ofthe generaElga Ris, 1909and Nephepeltia Kirby, 1889. TheVenezuelanspecies Elga leptostyla and Nephepeltia phryne were de- scribedby DE MÄRMELS(1990). METHODSANDTERMINOLOGY Thelarvaedescribedherewerecollectedinthefieldandrearedthroughtoadultemergence inthe laboratory. Species determination wasfromthe teneral imago. Exuviae werestored in 75% ethyl alcohol anddrawnusingastereomicroscopeand acameralucida(50Xmagnification).Allmeasure- mentsweretothenearest 0.02mmusingamicrometric eyepiece. The followingmeasurementswere made:total body length,abdomen width, distancebetweenapicesofpostero-lateralanglesatS8 and 434 G.Whiteley,M.J.Samways,M.DiDomenico &G.Carchini S9, epiproct width, anal pyramid width,antennae length,distance be- tween antennae insertions in dorsal view, abdomen length,prementum length, mask length and width (after beingcutatthe postmentumlevel and laid out,but not flattened)in ventral view,epiproctand cercilengthinlat- eral view. CORBET’s (1953)termi- nology forthelabium was adopted. Abdominal segmentsareindicated as SI...S10. MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION Material. — 6 3 and 4 9, Charter’s Creek Nature Reserve, Mtubatuba, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (28°14’S, 32021’E), 16-X- -1994, 10-1-1995, 19-IV-1995, G. Whiteley leg.; 31-X-1996, G. Whiteley&J.Bannatyneleg. Habitus like Sympetrinae (Fig. 1). Headlarge andtrans- verse. Eyes prominent. Head withdarkW-shaped Fig. 1. Hemistigmaalbipuncta, final instarexuviae. bandsandspotsbetweenthein- sertionsoftheantennae. Post-ocularregion withvery smallspots, eachbearing a very small spiniform seta(Figs I, 2b,c). Antennae7-segmented, the3rdandthe7th being the longest. lsl, 2nd, part ofthe 3rdand6,h segments dark (Fig. 2c). Mask elongated, longerthanwide,withsmallcircularspotsand dark,irregularareas, the latteronly evidentinlateralview(Figs2b,c,d). Prementumwithspiniform setaeon distalmargin.Lateralmargins withapairofspiniform setae nearinsertionofpalpi (Fig.2d). Prementalsetae 12+13.Palpi withdistalandinnermargins weakly cre- natedand with many long, strong spiniform setae. Small spiniform setae near premental insertion. Palpal setae 10&10. Movablehook sharp, not longer than palpalsetae.Articulationbetweenprementumandpostmentumreaching mesocoxae (Figs 2b,c). Mask spotted on both anteriorand posterior surfaces (Figs 2b,c,d). Mandiblesstout,notably dark,especially alonginnerborder.Eachmandiblebears two large distalteethandtwo smallerproximal teeth.(InFig. 2aonly oneofthe distalteethvisiblein right mandible). Thorax and wing-sheaths darkened.Mesosternumwitharow ofsetae just behindthearticulationbetweenprementumandpostmentum(Fig.2b). Wing-sheaths extend to themiddleofS6(Fig. 1). Legs long, with rows ofspiniform setae and Larva ofHemistigmaalbipuncta 435 Fig. 2. Hemistigmaalbipuncta: (a) mandibles (ventralview);- (b)head and partofthorax (ventral view);- (c) head and partofthorax (lateralview);- (d)mask; - (e)abdomen (ventralview). dark bandsonfemora(Fig. 1). ArticulationbetweenmetafemoraandtibiaeatS8 (Fig. 1).Ventral surfaceoftarsianddistalendoftibiaewithadoublerow ofsimple spine-like setae. Tibiaealsowith smallspine-like setae. Abdomen ovoid, withS6 thewidestsegment. Colour very variable,uni- formly pale brownto fairly dark.Dorsal surface ofabdomencovered by small, dark, irregularly-spaced spots, eachbearing a very small spiniform seta. Central 436 G.Whiteley, M.J.Samways, M. DiDomenico&G. Carchini Table I dorsal line with a pale Summaryofdimensions of 10exuviae ofHemistigmaalbipuncta light stripe, and with no hooksnorcarinae(Fig. 1). Character Range(mm) Mean(mm) Ventral surfacewith dark Total body length 12.90- 15.90 14.17 markings, the extent to Antennae length 1.97- 2.20 2.05 which variesamongspeci- Distance between antennae mens. Fringes ofsetae on insertions 1.20- 1.36 1.28 thelateralmargins ofS6- Prementum length 3.32- 3.91 3.53 Mask length 4.10- 4.47 4.43 -S9and verylong setaeon Mask width 2.79- 3.28 2.97 the distal margin of S9. Abdomen length 7.20- 8.80 8.04 SmalllateralspinesonS8 Abdomen width 4.84- 5.43 5.14 andS9 (Figs 1, 2e). Anal Distance between tips of pyramid small, about as postero-lateralanglesatS8 3.90- 4.43 4.13 Distance between tips of long as S9.Epiproctum as postero-lateralanglesatS9 1.90- 2.62 2.38 long as paraprocta. Cerci Analpyramid width 1.15- 1.35 1.22 length two thirds the Epiproct length 0.79- 0.91 0.84 lengthofepiproctum(Fig. Epiproct width 0.75- 0.81 0.79 1). Cerci length 0.50- 0.63 0.58 Fordimensions, seeTa- bleI. DISCUSSION TheBrachydiplactinae appearstobea very heterogeneous group,asthedescribed larvaehavevery differentfeatures. Theydifferinshape andrelativedimensionof the eyes, head, shape ofthe borders ofpalpi, length oflegs, presence ofdorsal hooks,and dimensionsofthe analpyramid(Tab.II).No morphological characters are commontoallspecies,exceptthatallarerelatively small-sizedandbearlateral spines on SB and S9, but this is a common libellulidcharacter. Overall, Elga leptostyla is distinctly differentfrom Hemistigma albipuncta and Nephepeltia phryne. Foracomparison ofthemainfeatures ofthe three species, seeTableII. Table II Comparisonof selectedcharacters betweenBrachydiplactinaespecies CChhaarraacctteerrss HHeemmiissttiiggmmaaaallbbiippuunnccttaa EEllggaalleeppttoossttyyllaa NNeepphheeppeellttiiaa pphhrryynnee TToottaallbbooddyy lleennggtthh 1144,.1177mmmm** 1111..55mmmm 1100..66mmmm EEyyeess pprroommiinneenntt ssmmaallll pprroommiinneenntt PPaallppaallccrreennaattiioonnss sshhaallllooww ddeeeepp sshhaallllooww DDoorrssaall hhooookkss aabbsseenntt SS33--SS99 aabbsseenntt LLaatteerraallssppiinneess SS88--SS99 SS88--SS99 SS88--SS99 AAnnaall ppyyrraammiidd aasslloonnggaassSS99 aasslloonnggaassSS99 lloonnggeerrtthhaann SS99 (*)Final instarexuviae Larva ofHemisligmaalbipuncla 437 BoththelarvaeandadultsofH. albipuncta areassociatedwiththickly-vegetated reedbeds, andoften,shallow, warmwateroftemporarymarshes.PINHEY (1981, 1985) mentionsthat inMozambique itis common in woodlandor forest,and in theseitmaybelocally dominant.Ourobservationssuggest,along withDiplacodes lefebvrii (Ramb.), itmay attimesbesemi-aquatic initslastlarvalinstar.Wehave seen a groupofmore than20 teneral individualsofthesetwo species in sunny forestclearings adjacent to driedout marshesinKwaZulu-Natal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wewish tothank the Italian M.U.R.S.T., programme “Popolamentoanimale del Mediterraneo occidentale” andtheItalian C.N.R.(toG.Carchini) andtheSouthAfricanFoundation forResearch Developmentforfinancialsupport. MrsTESSAHEDGE(Durban Natural ScienceMuseum)provided invaluable systematic literary research, and Ms PAMELA SWEETkindlyprocessedthe manuscript. REFERENCES CORBET,P.S., 1953. Aterminologyforthe labium oflarval Odonata. Entomologist83: 191-196. DAVIES,D.A.L. & P.TOBIN, 1985. The dragonfliesofthe world: a systematiclistoftheextant Odonata,Vol. 2.Anisoptera. Soc.Int.Odonatol.,Utrecht. DEMARMELS, J., 1990.Ninenew Anisoptera larvae fromVenezuela (Gomphidae,Aeshnidae, Corduliidae, Libellulidae). Odonatologica19(1): 1-15. PINHEY, E.C.G. 1981. Checklist ofthe Odonata ofMozambique.Occ. Pap. natn. Mas.Rhod. (B.) 6(8): 557-631. PINHEY, E.C.G., 1985.Asurvey ofthe dragonflies(Odonata) ofSouthAfrica.Part 2.Anisoptera.J. ent.Soc.sth.Afr.48(1):1-48.

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