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Description of the last instar larva of Agriocnemis f. falcifera Pinhey, 1959 (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) PDF

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by  DomenicoM Di
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Preview Description of the last instar larva of Agriocnemis f. falcifera Pinhey, 1959 (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

Odonatologica25(3): 297-301 SeptemberI, 1996 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Description of the last instar larva of Agriocnemis f. falcifera Pinhey, 1959 (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) M.Di Domenico¹,M.J. Samways² and G. Carchin¹i 1 Dipartimentodi Biologia,University “Tor Vergala”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica,1-00133 Roma, Italy 2 Invertebrate Conservation Research Centre, DepartmentofZoology and Entomology, University ofNatal, P/Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, Pietermaritzburg,South Africa Received October 12, 1995/ReviewedandAccepted January 15, 1996 Ultimate instar larva ofboth sexes, from Pietermaritzburgand Durban,South Africa, is for the firsttime described, illustrated and comparedwith the African and Asiatic congeners. INTRODUCTION ThegenusAgriocnemis is widely distributedthroughAfrica,AsiaandAustralia. Seventeenspecies occurinAfrica(DAVIES &TOBIN, 1984),althoughthesystem- atic status of some oftheseis controversial.Five species areknown fromSouth Africa: A. exilis S61ys, 1872,A.falcifera Pinhey, 1959,A. gratiosa Gerstaecker, 1891,A.pinheyi Balinsky, 1963,andA.ruberrimaBalinsky, 1961(PINHEY, 1984). A.pinheyi is theonly South African species whoselarval morphology is well known(CARCHINIetal., 1995).Among theotherAfricanspecies, thereis only a poor description of A. pygmaea(Rambur, 1842)from the Seychelles (PINHEY, 1974)andfromIndia(KUMAR, 1973).DUMONT(1991)has illustratedthepalpus of.A.sania(Nielsen, 1959),probably fromIsrael.However,A. saniaisconsidered byPINHEY(1974)andDAVIES&TOBIN(1984) tobeasubspecies ofA.pygmaea. Even among theAsian species, very fewoftheirlarvae havebeen described: A. femina (Brauer, 1868) by LIEFTINCK (1962) and by CHOWDHURY & MIAH (1990); A. corbetiKumar & Prasad, 1978by KUMAR & PRASAD (1978); A lacteolaSelys, 1877by CHOWDHURY &MIAH(1990). A.falcifera occurs instillwatersonly inSouthAfrica.A.f.falciferaFinney, 1959 isknownfromKwaZulu-NatalandA.f. transvaalicaPinhey, 1974fromTransvaal 298 M.Di Domenico, M.J. Samways& G. Carchini (Mpumalango). Themorphology ofthelast instarlarvaofA.f.falciferais describedhere forthefirsttime. METHODS The larvae were collected inthe field and reared through to emergence in the laboratory. Species determinationswere fromtheteneralimago. Exuviae were stored in 75% ethyl alcohol, and drawn using a microscopeand camera lucida (up to 100 x mag- nification). All measurements were to the nearest 0.1 mm, using a micrometric eyepiece. CORBET’S (1953) terminology for, the labium was adopted, and abdominal segments are indicated as S1...S10. MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION Material. - I last instar 3 larva. National Botanical Gardens, Pietermaritzburg, 12-III-1992; - 1 lastinstar 9 larva, Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve, Durban, 29-XII-I992,Gael Whiteley leg. Fig. 1. Agriocnemisf.falcifera: exuviae Body as typicaloftheAgriocnemidinae (Fig. 1), i.e. similar to the other Coenagrionidae, but smaller. Surface of body smooth, glabrous, pale brown, yellowish intheexuviae, withno bands, spots or other colourpatterns. Head pentagonal, with postocular lobes rounded,andlarge eyes. Antenna7- -segmented, the third segment being the longest. Seventh segment shorter than halfthelength of thesixth (Fig. 2a). Prementumpentagonal in shape. Premental setae 5+5.Arow of6-10spiniform setae on thedistalhalfofthelateraledges of prementum, notreaching the articulationwithpalpi. Distal margin ofprementum finely crenulated (Fig. 2b). Palpus typical ofthe family. Palpal setae5&5or5&4.Movable hook stout and short, not longer than the palpal setae. Distalmargin ofpalpus with 6 strong, rounded teeth, the internal one being the long- Fig. 2. Agriocnemisffalcifera: (a) antenna;- (b) mask; - est.Distal halfoftheinternal (c) palpus. Larva ofAgriocnemisffalcifera 299 edge ofpalpus crenulated(Fig. 2c). Thorax glabrous, wing sheath reaching the halfofS4. Legs long, withvery smallspines andfew long, thinsetae onfemurandtibia.Pecti- nateandtridentatesetaeontarsusand distalend oftibia, the pectinate se- tae moreabundantontarsus. Abdomen conical, witharow of spiniform setae on the lateral carinaofsegments S5-S9(Fig. 3a). Ovipositorwell developed,reaching thehalfofS10,witharow ofspines ontheventraledge. Strongspiniform setae on distal margins and dorsal surface ofthe last abdominal seg- Fig. 3. Agriocnemisf.falcifera: (a) abdomen;— ments. Cerci short yet distinctive (b) last abdominal segments, lateral view; - (c) (Fig. 3b). Caudal lamellaelong and lateral lamella. pointed, wider in the distal half. Principal tracheae slightly decentralised and straight, secondary tracheaewide,ramified, emerging fromthefirstwith anangle near to90°intheproximal third,acute more distally(Fig. 3c). Abreaking lineon lamellaeinsertiononS10. Nospotsor transverse bands on lamellae. For measurements see Table I. DISCUSSION Wehavecompared themorphol- Table I Measurements (in mm) ofa male and a female speci- ogy of A.f.falcifera withthe de- menofAgriocnemisf.falcifera scribedAfricanandAsianspecies. A.f.falcifera shows most ofthe Character 6 2 characteristic featuresoftheother Agriocnemidinae. Its dimensions Total body length 9.2 9.2 Head width 2.4 2.9 are very small (body length 9.2 Distance between antennaeinsertions 0.8 0.8 mm), intermediatebetweenthestill Antenna length 1.7 1,7 smaller A. lacteola(8.4 mm) and Wing-sheath length 2.5 2.5 thelarger A.femina (11.03). Inits Hind femur length 2.2 2.6 even colourpattern, A.f.falcifera Hind tibia length 1.8 2.3 Hind tarsus length 0.8 0.8 differsfrombothA.pygmaeaand Mask length 2.0 2.0 A. pinheyi, which both have dis- Mask width 1.6 1.6 tinctlongitudinal stripes along the Median lamella length 5.7 5.7 body. Lateral lamella length 6.2 6.2 The shape of the head, with 300 M.DiDomenico, M.J. Samways &G. Carchini roundedpostocular lobes issimilartothoseofall otherspecies, withexception of A. corbeti. which haspostocular lobesthat are pointed andtriangular in shape. Theeyes, as wellas themaskandthenumberofthepremental setae,are similar in all thedescribed species. Thepalpal morphology is also similar in allspecies, withtheexception ofA.saniafromIsrael, whosepalpusshows a verylong internal toothand a much shorter movable hook (DUMONT, 1991). This feature distin- guishes A. saniafrom all the otherAgriocnemis spp. larvae sofardescribed, in- cludingA.pygmaeafromtheSeychelles (considered conspecific by PINHEY(1974) andDAVIES&TOBIN (1984)). The pectinate setae on tarsi andtibiaeofA.f.falcifera are unusual. The same featureoccurs inA.pinheyi (CARCHINI etal., 1995), inA. corbeti(KUMAR & PRASAD, 1978) and in A. pygmaea (KUMAR, 1973), yet they have not been describedfromotherAgriocnemis larvae. Thismay possibly bebecause thevery smallsizeofthese setae,whichare only visiblewith a goodstereomicroscope. ThecaudallamellaeofA.f.falcifera havestrong andnumerous tracheae, as in Ischnura sp.,andclosely resembling thoseofA.femina andA. lacteola,butnotA. pinheyi. A.pinheyi alsohasnobreaking lineatthelamellaeinsertionsasdoesA./ falcifera.Also, A.f.falciferahasnospotsor stripes onthelamellae,thus differing from some Asian species such as A. lacteola, A. corbetiand Agriocnemis sp. (KERDIPIBULE etal., 1979). Inconclusion, thestripedpattern alongthebody, thetransverse bandsacross the lamellae and the shape ofthe postocular lobes appear to be the only characters really helpful fordiscerning thedifferentspecies, although nooneoftheAgriocne- misspecies so fardescribedshow allofthethreecharacters, andnooneofthelatter is exclusiveofone species. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study was financed by grants from the Italian M.U.R.S.T. (Programma: Popolamento Animale del Mediterraneo Occidentale) and C.N.R, (to G. Carchini) and the Foundation for Research Developmentandthe UniversityofNatal Research Fund (toM.Samways). Ms PAMELA SWEET kindly processed the manuscript. REFERENCES CARCHINI, G., M.J. SAMWAYS & M. DI DOMENICO, 1995. Description ofthe last instar larvae of Agriocnemispinheyi Balinsky, 1963 (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonato- logica 24: 109-114. CHOWDHURY, S.H. & M.I. M1AH, 1990. Descriptions of four zygopteran larvae from the Chittagong University Campus, Chittagong Univ. Stud. (II) 14(1): 127-136. CORBET, PS., 1953. A terminology for the labium oflarval Odonata. Entomologist83: 191- -196. DAVIES, D.A.L.& P. TOBIN, 1984. The dragonfliesofthe world:asystematic listofthe extant speciesofOdonata, Vol. 1: Zygoptera, Anisozygoptera.Soc. Int. Odonatol.,Utrecht. Larva of Agriocnemisf.falcifera 301 KERDIPIBULE, V, S. NICHARAT & S. SUCHARIT, 1979. Description of Odonata nymphs from Thailand. SlheaslAsian J. trap. Med. public Health 10(4): 540-547. KUMAR, A., 1973. Description ofthe lastinstarlarvae of Odonata fromthe DehraDunValley (India), with notes onbiology. 1. Suborder Zygoptera Oriental Insects 7; 83-118. KUMAR, A. & M. PRASAD, 1978. On a newspecies ofAgriocnemis S61ys, 1869 (Coenagriidae: Odonata)withdescription ofits larva from Dehra Dun Valley, India. J. Bombaynat. Hist. Sac. 75: 174-179. LIEFTINCK, M.A., 1962. Odonata. Insects Micronesia 5(1): 18-37. PINHEY, E„ 1974. A revision ofthe African Agriocnemis Selys and MortonagrionFraser. Occ. Pap. natn. Mas. Rhod. (B) 5: 171-278. PINHEY, E„ 1984. A survey ofthe dragonfliesofSouth Africa. I. Zygoptera J. ent. Soc. slh. Afr. 47: 147-188.

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