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Description of the larva of Pseudagrion decorum (Rambur, 1842) from central India (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) PDF

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by  BabuB Suri
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Preview Description of the larva of Pseudagrion decorum (Rambur, 1842) from central India (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

Odonatologica27(4):473-477 December I,1998 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Descriptionof thelarva ofPseudagriondecorum (Rambur, 1842) from centralIndia (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) B. Suri+Babu Forensic ScienceLaboratory,Police Control Room,Jagdalpur-494001(M.P.), India ReceivedNovember 17, 1997/Revisedand AcceptedMay 20, 1998 The finalinstarlarva is described and figured,based onexuviae andlarvae from Sagar, MadhyaPradesh. Briefnotes on itsbiologyareprovided. INTRODUCTION ThegenusPseudagrion Selys, 1876is widely distributedintheOriental, Ethio- pian and Australianregions and, within Indianlimits, 11 species havebeen re- corded(PRASAD& VARSHNEY, 1995). Pseudagrion decorum(Ramb.) is dis- tributedthroughout continentalIndia,Burma,SriLanka(FRASER, 1933;KUMAR & PRASAD. 1981)andNepal (ST. QUENTIN, 1970).FRASER(1919)described thelarvaofP.hypermelasSel.andP. microcephalum (Ramb.)fromMadhyaPradesh, India.KUMAR (1973) describedthefinal instarlarvaofP. rubriceps Sel.and P. laidlawiFraser fromDehra Dun Valley, India.Thepresentpaperprovides some basic informationon themorphology ofthefinalinstarlarvaofP. decorum. MATERIALANDMETHODS 18 S and22 9finalinstar larvaeofP.decorumwerecollected from thelittoral zoneofSagarLake, Sagar(M.P.)Indiaon30-VIII-1982 andreared inthelaboratorytoemergence.Speciesdeterminations weremadefromteneralimagos.Bothexuviaeandlarvaepreservedin70%ethyl alcohol anddifferent parts oflarvae and exuviae weregentlywarmed in 5% aqueousKOHsolution for 10to 15minutes, washed inwater, dehydratedand stained with picro-indigo-carmine.The material wasleftovernight in cedarwoodoilforclearance andmountedin Canadabalsam. Microphotographsweretaken with a stereomicroscope and illustrations weredrawn with the helpofslides andphotographs.Measure- ments were takenusing anocularmicrometer andwithaC.Reichert micrometer.Terminologyused for thelabiumisadoptedfromCORBET(1953), for caudal gillsfrom MacNEILL(I960), and for 474 B.SuriBabu tibialcombs fromMacNEILL (1967). Fieldobservations werecarriedoutthroughoutthe year 1982- -83. THESITE Alllarvae werecollected fromthe littoral zoneofSagar Lake, which is situated inthe heart of Sagar,M.P.Indiaat23°52’N and 78°45’Eat about533 mabovemeansealevel.Itissurroundedby a number ofhouses, astony fencing wall, ametalled road oneastern, western, northernsides respec- tively andonthe southern side by anopencultivated field.The eutrophicrain-fedlake coversanarea of81hectares with acatchmentareaofabout 1410hectares. Thelakereceives domesticsewagefrom acity bus-stand.There isaweironthe western side ofthe lake whichregulatesthe outflow andwater level ofthelake. Apartfrom domesticsewage, pollutionofthe lakealso occursdue tobathing,clothes washingandwallowingofcattle.ThecommongrassesParsicumproliferum,Oryzasativa, Paspalidium germinatumandHydrorhiza aristata and somesedgeslike Scirpuslittoralis, Eleocharis palustrisand Cyperusindicus weregrowingonthe banks ofthe lake. Hydrillaverticiliata, Potamogetoncrispus,P. natans, P.pectinatus, Vallisneria spiralisare commonrooted submergedplants, Nymphaea stellata andEichhornia crassipes form thefloating vegetation.Thepracticeof cultivatinghydrophytes of economic valuelike Trapabispinosa,Nelumbo nuciferaiscommon.Asampleofwater wastakenand analyzedonthesamedate asthelarval collection and theresultsofchemicalanalyses were:airand watertemperature26.5°Cand25°Crespectively.Secchitransparency 40cm,pH 8.5,freecarbondioxide nil,bicarbonates 84 ppm, carbonates 20 ppm, total hardness 118ppm, dissolved oxygen 7.2 ppm, percent oxygen saturation 81.67%. DESCRIPTION Measurements (meanof30larvae,in mm): - Bodylength(excludingantennaand caudal lamella): 13.16; — headwidth:3.05; - antenna;2.84; — prementum, length:2.47; — width:2.02; —palpi;0.90;—wingsheath4.5;—prothoracicleg(femur-tibia-tarsus):2.2, 2.6,1.6;—mesothoracic leg:2.7, 3.2, 1.4; — metathoracic leg: 3.1,3.8, 1.5; — median lamella:6.4; — laterallamella:6.5. Theground colouris deep brown, some larvaegreenish brown with significant Pseudagrion colourpattern ofcaudallamellae. Head. — Anteriormargin round,posterior margin slightly concave, lateralside bulging, posterolateral sides markedly narrow and beset with small setae. Eyes prominent, colourgreyto blackish brown.Threeocelliprominently present. Antennaefiliform(Fig. 1),7 segmented, pedicel abouttwiceas long as scapus, allsegments besetwithpiliform setae. Prementum (Fig. 2) extending posteriorly up to the base ofthe middlecoxae, convexly roundeddistallyandprovidedwithafewsmallclaviformsetae.Prementum provided with 1+1 premental setae and 6 scattered microsetaepresentnear the baseofeachpremental seta.Arow ofspiniform setae presentonthelateralsidesof prementum.Palpal setae 4+4.Distalendofpalpus(Fig. 3) dividedintotwo lobes, theouter denticularregionpossessing fourteethandtheinnerlobeproduced intoa curvedendhook. Movablehook slenderand sharp andabouthalfofthe length of palpus. Mandibleas showninFigure 4. LarvaofPseudagriondecorum 475 Thorax. — Hindwing sheaths reaching notably uptotheposterior halfofthe fourthabdominalsegment. Proximaland distalparts offemoraandproximal part ofthe tibiaofeachlegbanded withdarkbrown colour. Tibial comb(Fig. 5) con- sists ofanumberofscatteredtridentateandafewunidentatesetae,whiletheinner sideoftarsibeset withpectinate setae. FigsI-8.LarvaofPseudagriondecorum(Rambur):(I)antenna; —(2)labiuminnerviewofprementum; —(3)rightlabialpalpofprementum; — (4)rightmandible, dorsal view;— (5)tibialcomb andtarsi; — (6)female gonapophysis,ventral view; — (7)malegonapophysis,ventral view; — (8)median(a) and lateral (b)caudal lamella. 476 B. SuriBabu Abdomen. — Femalegonapophysis (Fig. 6) comprising two pairs oflong valvularprocesses arisingfromtheposterior margin oftheeighth abdominalseg- mentandextending uptotheendofthetenthsegment. Innervalveis smallerthan outer valve. Malegonapophysis (Fig. 7) consists ofapair ofequal-sized conical processes presentonthe9th abdominalsegment. Caudal lamellawith distinctpigmentation. Duplex nodate type, nodidistinctly indicatedby atransverse line, apices rounded,postnodal region ofboth lamellae possessing piliform setae. Tracheationwell developed. Thereis amediantrachea fromwhich secondary andtertiarybranchesarise. Median lamella(Fig. 8a), dorsal antenodal region possessing 25-28, ventral antenodalregionbearing 6-8,andmediantracheapossessing 15-17spiniformsetae. Laterallamella(Fig.8b),dorsalantenodalregionpossessing 5-7,ventralantenodal region with 26-30andmediantracheapossessing 22-24spiniform setae. NOTES ON BIOLOGY The larvaeof P. decorumwere collectedfrom thelittoralzone ofSagar Lake, perennial ponds andtemporary monsoonponds ofSagardistrict(M.P.), India.Lar- vae remainattached tothe submerged vegetation. The associatedzygopteranlar- vae were Ischnura senegalensis, I. rufostigma, Ceriagrion coromandelianum, Enallagma parvumandCercion malayanum. Emergence occurred throughout the yearexcept inextreme winter(water temperature 17-18°C)i.e.DecembertoFeb- ruary. Endophytic oviposition takes place during theemergenceperiod. This is a multivoltinespecies withfourgenerations in a yearin SagarLake. DISCUSSION KUMAR (1973)describedthefinalinstarlarvaofP. rubriceps and P.laidlawi. Hereportedpalpalsetal formulaforbothP. rubricepsandP. laidlawias4+4.Palpal setal formulaforthelarvaofP. decorumisalso4+4.Hementionedpremental setal formulafor P. rubriceps as 1+1 and did not mentionthe numberofmicrosetae, whichas hementionedforthelarvaofP. laidlawiis I/4+4/1.The premental setal formulaforP. decorums 1/6+6/1.KUMAR(1973) foundlarvaeofP. rubriceps in temporarymonsoonponds,slow-running marshy streams,amongtheaquatic veg- etation near thebanks of large rivers and P. laidlawiin slow-running perennial streamsandnearthebanks oflarge rivers inDehraDunValley, India.LarvaeofP. decorum were found only in still-waterbodies like Sagar Lake,perennial ponds and temporarymonsoonponds in Sagar district (M.P.), India.LIEFTINCK etal. (1984) reported larvaeof P. microcephalum living in stagnantand slow-flowing waters of various kind in Taiwan. KUMAR (1985) recorded P. rubriceps as a multivoltinespecies withthreegenerations, whereasSURIBABU(1986)reported P. decorum as a multivoltinespecies with four generations, two in the summer Larva ofPseudagriondecorum 477 season, oneintherainy seasonandoneprolonged generation inthewinterseason. It is concludedthat larvaeof Pseudagrion species flourish in a wide variety of biotopes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes tothank Dr B.K.SRIVASTAVA, Sagar,Indiafor criticallyreviewinganearly draftofthe manuscript, Dr P.S.CORBET,Cornwall,U.K. for encouragement and literature,and Dr M.PRASAD, ZoologicalSurvey ofIndia, Calcutta,forthe identification ofimagoes. REFERENCES CORBET, P.S., 1953.Aterminologyforthe labium oflarval Odonata. Entomologist86: 191-196. *FRASER, F.C., 1919. DescriptionofnewIndian Odonata larvaeand exuviae. Rec. IndianMus. 16: 459-467. FRASER,F.C., 1933. ThefaunaofBritish India, includingCeylonand Burma, Odonata, Vol. I. Taylor&Francis, London. KUMAR,A., 1973. Descriptionofthelastinstar larvae ofOdonata from theDehraDunValley(India) withnotes onbiologyI.(Suborder:Zygoptera). OrientalInsects7(1): 83-118. KUMAR,A., 1985.Areviewonthebio-ecologyoflndian dragonflies.Proc. 1stIndian Symp.Odonatol., pp. 73-92. KUMAR,A.&M.PRASAD, 1981.Fieldecology, zoogeographyand taxonomyofOdonataofWest- ernHimalaya,India. Rec. zool. Surv.India (Occ. Pap.)20: 1-118. LIEFTINCK,M.A.,J.C. LIEN& T.C. MAA, 1984. CatalogueofTaiwanese dragonflies(Insecta: Odonata). AsianEcol. Soc.,Taichung,Taiwan. MacNEILL, N., 1960.Astudy ofthe caudal gillsofdragonflylarvaeofthesuborderZygoptera.Proc. R. Irish Acad 61: 115-140. MacNEILL,N., 1967.Pedalcombsofthelarvae ofthe dragonflies.Proc. R. Irish Acad 65(19): 391- -406. PRASAD, M. & R.K. VARSHNEY, 1995. A check-list ofthe Odonata ofIndiaincluding data on larval studies. OrientalInsects 29: 385-428. SURI BABU, B.,1986.Ecologicalstudiesonodonatelarvaeand theirrote inthebiologicalcontrol. PhD.thesis,GourUniv.,Sagar(M.P.), India. *ST.QUENTIN,D., 1970.Odonata ausNepal.KhumbuHimal3(3):389-411. *=Originalpapers notconsulted.

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