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Description of Neurobasis daviesi sp. n. from Palawan, with taxonomic notes on other species of the N. chinensis group (Odonata, Calopterygidae) PDF

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Preview Description of Neurobasis daviesi sp. n. from Palawan, with taxonomic notes on other species of the N. chinensis group (Odonata, Calopterygidae)

MATTI HÄMÄLÄINEN DepartmentojAppliedZoology, UniversityojHelsinki DESCRIPTION OF NEUROBASIS DAVIESISV. N. FROM PALAWAN, WITH TAXONOMIC NOTES ON OTHER SPECIES OF THE CHINENSISGKOXJ? (ODONATA, A^. CALOPTERYGIDAE) Hämäläinen, M. 1993. DescriptionofNeurobasisdaviesisp.n. fromPalawan,with taxonomie notesonotherspeciesoftheTV. chinensisgroup (Odonata,Calopterygidae).-Tijdschriftvoor Entomologie 136: 133-136, figs 1-4. [iSSN0040-7496]. Published 10December 1993. Neurobasisdaviesisp.n. (holorypemale,Brooke'sPoint,S. Palawan) isdescribedinbothsexes. Thenewspecies isclosestto theBornean A^. longipesHagen, 1887,which isconsideredtobe specificallydistinctfromA^. chinensis(Linnaeus, 1758).Akeyforbothsexestothethreerecog- nizedspeciesoftheA^. chinensisgroupispresented. M. Hämäläinen, P.O. Box53, FIN-02151 Espoo, Finland. Keywords.—Nenrobasis;Palawan;newspecies;key. Aswell pointedoutbyLieftinck (1949, p. 13-15), In males the breadth ofthe wings and the relative the definition ofthe limits ofeach species in the ge- size ofthe metallic area in the hind wing and in fe- nus NeurobasisSelys, 1853 has always been difficult males the presence or absence as well as the size of and subject to considerable personal interpretation. pseudopterostigma and the size ofthe whitish nodal Thisapplieswellalsotothepresentassessmentofthe spots are subject to considerablevariationwithin the taxonomie status of a new Neurobasis taxon from vastrangeofthespecies. Documentationofthisvari- Palawan, work on which necessitated a reconsidera- abilityand revealingitsnatureisworthofathorough tion ofLieftinck's (1940, 1954) view ofrecognizing study. three subspecies in Neurobasis chinensis (Linnaeus, Resultsofthisstudywouldalso beuseful in decid- 1758), viz. chinensis, florida Hagen and longipes ing on the taxonomie status oftheJavanese popula- Hagen. tions, which indeed differ most from the topotypical In myopinion it is difficult to regard longipesand Chinese populations. Lieftinck (1940, 1954) consid- florida to have an equal status as 'subspecies of ered theJavanese populations to represent a distinct chinensis'. Whereas the Javaneseflorida comes quite subspecies-floridaHagen, 1854. Healsopointedout near to the continental forms, the Bornean longipes the very confusing usage ofthe nameflorida in the differs markedly from them and represents a distinct early literature and concluded that the original de- goodspecies. scription oifloridaapplies to theJavanese specimens only. However, the correct citation to the author of floridashouldhçHagen inWalker, 1853. Neurobasischinensis(Linnaeus, 1758) (figs. 1-2). NeurobasislongipesHugen, 1887stat. n. A'^ chinensisis awidelydistributed insect in South and South-EastAsia. It is known to extend from NE (fig. 3). PakistaninthewesttoSouthChinaSeaintheeast.In This species is universally distributed in Borneo the western part of its range it spreads from NE and itoccurs in lowlandstreams inforestedareas. Pakistan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and The following briefcomparison with chinensisex- NepalinthenorththroughwholeIndiatoCeylon. In plains my decision to consider longipes as a distinct the eastern part its area extends from Fujien and species. In longipes Yunnan provinces in China southwards to the - the size is smaller and the whole appearance is '- Malaya Peninsula, Sumatra (& Simalur and Nias) slimmer' andJava. - legs are proportionally longer in both sexes; espe- 133 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume i36.iy')3 Figs. 1-4.Wingsofmales(notinscale).- \, N. chinensis.NorthThailand;2,N. chinensis{ssp.florida).WestJava;3, A^. lon- gipes, Borneo,E.Sabah;4,TV.daviesisp.n.,Palawan (pararype). cially the anterior femora are very long, in male as nensis the dorsum ofsegments 3 and 4 is similarly longand in female longer than the length ofthe 3rd shining metallic green as on segment 2; the metallic abdominalsegment (in chinensismuchshorter) colourgettingdarkergreen moreapicad - in the male hind wing the opaque colouring is - whitish nodal spots and pseudopterostigma are muchmorereducedatbase(Fig. 3); insubcostalfield lackinginallwingsofthefemale. startingatthelevelofca. 10thantenodalandbelowat thelevelofapicalendofquadrangle The species was originally described by Hagen -inmaletheshapeofhindwingsisdifferent(Fig. 3), (1887) as 'Abart' oichinensison the basis ofa single thebroadestpointissituatedusuallybeyondthemid- male specimen from Mindai. Hagen's contribution dleofits length; forewingbasewithonly2complete remained unnoticed by other authors, like Kirby rows ofcells between the lowest sectoroflA and the (1890), de Selys Longchamps (1897) and Förster wingborder (1897), who treated the genus in detail. Lieftinck -femaleisdifferentlycoloured; metallicgreencolour (1940), who had studied a series ofspecimens from onthoraxhasastrongcopperytintinsteadofemerald differentpartsofBorneo, reintroducedthename lon- metallic green in chinensis. In abdomen the shining gipestoapplytoall Borneanspecimensandpresented metallic green colour on dorsum is restricted to seg- acompletelistofearlyreferenceson thistaxon. ments 1 and 2, the rest beingdark brownish; in chi- 134 Hämäläinen: Nenrobasisdaviesisp. n. Neurobasisdaviesisp. n. Wings hyaline with yellowish tint; as in longipes, (fig. 4). thehindwingsonlyslightlymoreheavilytinted than Type material. - Holotype 6: Philippines, Palawan, the forewings. As in longipes, no trace ofpseudopte- Brooke'sPoint,(325m), l.viii. 1980,Leg. R.B. Rodriquez; rostigma or whitish nodal spots in fore and hind in Museum Leiden (rmnh). - Paratypes: 16, locality and wings. date as in the holotype (rmnh); 56, Philippines, S. Measurements. Forewing38.5-39 mm, hindwing P(arlmanwha)n;,19B(r5o,ok4e9',sPPhoiilnitp,pine1s9,82P,alaLweag.n,RM.ataB.lanRgoadoriRqiuveezr 40-41 mm, abdomen47.5-48.5 mm. [between Roxas and Port Barton], 21.xii.l975, [collector datalost, probablyR. B. Rodriquez] (coll. D.A. L. Davies, Etymology. - The new species is named after Dr Cambridge, U.K. ;6d,29 incoll. M. Hämäläinen). D. A. L. Davies (Cambridge, U.K.) to appreciate his diligent efforts to search for dragonfly rarities in dif- Description ferentcornersoftheglobe. Instead ofa detailed description, I prefer to high- lightthecharactersbycomparison ofthenewspecies Discussion.-Inspiteofthestrikingsizedifference, with A^. longipesandN. chinensis. N. daviesiisasome- daviesiseemstobenearerto longipestha.nto chinensis. what larger insect than chinensis and very distinctly Thisisapparentespeciallyfromthefemalecharacters: largerthan longipes. longlegs,absenceofnodalspotsandpseudopterostig- Male. - Colouring ofhead resembles that ofchi- main allwingsandbrownishcolouringofabdomen. nensis. However, the yellow colour on labrum is re- However, thecolouringofthoraxisslightlydifferent. stricted to form two widely separated spots. Thorax Males show more 'intermediate' characters between brilliant metallicgreen as in the relatedspecies. Sides chinensisand longipes. of thorax showing, however, a slight coppery hue. IthinkthatitisbettertototreatN. daviesiasadis- Legslong;anteriorfemoraproportionallylongerthan tinctspecies,ratherthanasubspecieso^longipes. Both in chinensis, butshorterthan in longipes; shorterthan taxahavewell defined separate ranges in different is- the length ofthe 3rd abdominal segment. Abdomen lands,althoughseparatedonlybythenarrowBalabac metallic green with pale markings on sides of seg- Strait. ments 1-2 as intheotherspecies. It is remarkablethat N. daviesiis missingfrom the Wings. Theshapeofhindwingis closerto that in large dragonfly collection amassed by Roland A. longipes than in chinensis (Fig. 4). Opaque metallic Müllerand his coworkers from manylocalities (even area in hind wing extends more basad than in lon- fromMatalangao River) indifferentpartsofPalawan gipes, but base ofhind wing distinctly less coloured in 1985-1992. TV. daviesiis either avery rare species than in chinensis. Hindwingborderatbaseasbroad- or(mostlikely) itsflyingperiodisconfinedtothead- ly hyaline as in the Javanese specimens of chinensis vanced rainyseason. The bulkofMiiller's specimens (ssp.ßoridd),butthelinewiththeopaquepatchmuch havebeen collectedatthebeginningoftherainysea- less distici. As in the otherspecies the hind wing re- son in May-Juneorduringthedryseason in March. flectsbrilliantmetallicgreenorbluecolouraccording to angle ofview; the apical third with violaceous re- KeytothespeciesofNeurobasischinensisgroup flections. The intensity ofthe metallic reflections is less pronounced than in chinensis, thus theouterline Males ofthemetallicpatchlookslesssharp. 1. Hind wing broadly hyaline at the base; opaque Measurements. Forewing35.5-37 mm, hindwing patch starts at the level of the apical end of 33.5-35 mm; abdomen48-49 mm. quadrangleatthecentralpartofthewing. Infore wingonlytwocompleterowsofcellsbetweenthe Female.-Ratherrobustinsect.Thoraxlessshining lowestsectoroflAandthewingborder.Anterior metallicgreen than in chinensis. Thecolouringofab- femoraaslongasthelengthofthe3rdabdominal domen resembles that of longipes, metallic green segment longipes colouring being restricted to dorsum of segment 1 - Hyaline area in hindwingbase less extensive. In and the basal 4/5th ofsegment 2. Rest ofthe abdo- forewingatleast3 rowsofcellsbetweenthelow- men brown, darkerbrown on dorsumofsegments6- estsectoroflAandthewingborder. Anteriorfe- 10. Dorsal carina narrowly yellow broadening to a morashorterthan the length ofthe 3rd abdomi- typical bandonsegments 8-10. nalsegment 2 Legs very long, proportionally longer than in chi- 2. At hindwing base thewhole subcostal and cubi- nensis. Anterior femoraas longas the 3rd abdominal tal fields opaque and reflecting strong metallic segment. Hindfemoraextending(inenvelopedspeci- colour (only 1-2 basal cells ofcubital field hya- mens) beyond halfofthe 3rd abdominal segment as line) chinensis in longipes. - Several hyaline or subhyaline cells in subcostal 135 . TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 1.%.1993 References and cubital fields at base; metallic reflections very slightatwingbase daviesi Förster, F., 1897. Contributionsalafauneodonatologique Indo-Australe.-AnnalesdelaSociétéEntomologiquede Females HagBeenl,giquHe.,41:1280847-.2U1e1b.er Neurobasis und Vestalis. - 1 Allwingswith (moreorlessdistinct)whitish no- Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft dalspots.Abdominalsegments3-4predominant- inWien37:647-648. lyshiningmetallicgreenondorsum chinensis Kirby, W. F., 1890.AsynonymiecatalogueofNeuroptera - No whitish nodal spots present on wings. Ab- Odonataordragonflies.With an appendixoffossilspe- dominal segments 3-4 predominantly brownish cies.-Gurney&Jackson,London. ondorsum 2 Lieftinck,M.A., 1940. DescripnonsandrecordsofSouth- 2. Anteriorfemoraclearlylongerthan thelength of Lieefatsitncaks,iaMti.cOA.d,on1a9t49a.(ITIh).e-dTrrageounbfilaie1s7:(O3d3o7n-a3t9a0).ofNew the 3rd abdominalmsmegment. Small species, hind Guineaandneighbouringislands.PartVII.Resultsofthe winglessthan 35 longipes Third Archbold expedition 1938-1939 and of the Le - Anterior femora as long as the length ofthe 3rd Roux Expedition 1939 to Netherlands NewGuinea (II. abdominal segment. Large species, hind wing Zygoptera).-NovaGuinea(N.S.) 5: 1-271. over37mm daviesi Lieftinck, M.A., 1954. HandlistofMalaysian Odonata.A catalogue of the dragonflies of the Malay peninsula, Sumatra,Javaand Borneo, includingthe adjacentsmall Acknowledgements islands.-Treubia(Suppl.)22:i-xiii+ 1-202. SelysLongchamps,E.de, 1897.CauseriesOdonatologiques I am intebted to DrsJan van Tol (rmnh, Leiden) No 10. - Annales de la Société Entomologique de and Dr D. A. L. Davies (Cambridge, U.K.) for the Belgique41:427-432. loanofthenecessaryspecimensandforvaluablecom- mtheanntkssoanreaanlseoardluieertvoerMsironMaotfttiheViimtaansuasacrriipatn.dMMyr RReevciesievdedve1rsSieopntaecmcbeeprte1d99134October1993 ReinoTyyneläforthewingphotographs. 136

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