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Description of Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of the Endangered Nightingale Reed-Warbler on Saipan, Micronesia PDF

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Preview Description of Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of the Endangered Nightingale Reed-Warbler on Saipan, Micronesia

THE WILSON BULLETIN A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OL ORNITHOLOGY Published by the Wilson Ornithological Society VOL. 114, NO. 1 March 2002 PAGES 1-152 Wilson Bull, 114(1), 2002, pp. 1-10 DESCRIPTION OL NESTS, EGGS, AND NESTLINGS OE THE ENDANGERED NIGHTINGALE REED-WARBLER ON SAIPAN, MICRONESIA STEPHEN M. MOSHER* 23,5 ^ND STEVEN G. FANCY'^ — ABSTRACT. We describe the first verified nests, eggs, and nestlings ofthe Nightingale Reed-Warbler {Ac- rocephalus luscinia), an endangered species endemic to the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Nestcomposition, nest dimensions, and eggs were studied on the island ofSaipan. Nests were located within three habitattypes: upland introduced tangantangan (Leucaena leucocephala) forest, a native mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) wetland, and a native reed {Phragmites karka) wetland. Nesting substrates included five native and two introduced tree species and one native reed species. Nests were composed primarily ofdry vine stems, needle-like branchlets of ironwood {Casuarina equisetifolia), and tangantangan petioles. Nests were compact to bulky in construction and were secured to a forked arrangement of branches or stems. The background color of eggs ranged from white to cream to ivory-buff. Eggs were spotted, speckled, and blotched with gray, brown, black, and rust colored markings. Clutch size was 2-4, with a mode of two. Hatchlings were altricial with closed eyelids and devoid of natal down with dark gray to black skin. Nestlings examined prior to fledging resembled the adult plumage, except for the lack of the yellow supercilium found in adults. The nests and eggs have some charac- teristics similar to those ofother Acrocephaline warblers found throughout Micronesia and Polynesia. Received 29 September2000, accepted 18 March 2002. The breeding biology of most endemic pas- bier (Acrocephalus luscinia luscinia) on the serines in the Northern Mariana Islands is island of Saipan is no exception. The lack of poorly known and the Nightingale Reed-War- reproductive information about the Nightin- gale Reed-Warbler hinders the development of ' uses Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, management practices for conserving this spe- P.O. Box 44, Hawaii National Park, HI 96718-0044, cies on Saipan. The reasons for this lack of USA. vital life history information is, in part, due to ^College of Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife Dept., Univ. ofIdaho, Moscow, ID 83844-1136, USA. relatively few field investigations going be- 3Current address: USGS Brown Treesnake Project, yond presence/absence surveys ofbird species P.O. Box 8255, MOU-3, Dededo, GU 96929-8255, in the Northern Mariana Islands. Some excep- USA. tions to this were Craig (1989, 1990, 1992), Currentaddress: USDINational ParkService,Nat- who studied the foraging ecology of Bridled ural Resource Information Div., 1201 Oak Ridge Dr., Suite 200, Fort Collins, CO 80525-5589, USA. White-eyes (Zosterops conspicillatus) and ^Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected] Golden White-eyes {Cleptornis marchei), as FRONTISPIECE. Nightingale Reed-Warbler {Acrocephalus luscinia) nestlings at 14 days of age on the island ofSaipan, Northern Mariana Islands, 11 February 1998. Nest constructed ofdry exotic vine species and placed in introduced Leucaena leucocephala. Photograph by SMM. 1 2 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 114, No. 1, March 2002 Urocos • *Moug 20’- Asuncion 0 Agrihon P Pagon 0Alomogan -Guguon Sorigon . ^Anotahan MARIANA -Forallon d« Medmillo ISLANDS (f Soipan QTinian •Aguijan ^ Rota Cowrrorifcnoith 0* Northern Moriofto Isiond* Territory Guom Guam 0 50 60 Scon(“i60Mi FIG. 1. Map ofthe Mariana Islands. well as territoriality and habitat use of Night- The Nightingale Reed-Warbler is a long- ingale Reed-Warblers, and Stinson and Stin- billed, Old World warbler currently found on son (1994), who studied breeding ecology of the islands of Saipan, Alamagan, and Aguijan Golden White-eyes. Of the 16 native forest within the Marianas archipelago (Pratt et al. bird species found in the Mariana Islands ar- 1987, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1998; chipelago, only hve have been subjects ofnat- Fig. 1). The reed-warbler has become extinct ural history or ecological investigations (Rod- on the islands of Guam and Pagan during the da et al. 1998). latter half of the Twentieth Century (Reichel Mosherand Fancy • NIGHTINGALE REED-WARBLER ON SAIPAN 3 et al. 1992) and prehistorically on the island We conducted re.search between mid-January 1997 of Tinian (Steadman 1999). The current pop- and mid-July 1998 in the Marpi region, Naftan Pen- ulation estimate for Nightingale Reed-War- insula, Chalan Lao Lao region, and American Memo- blers in the Mariana Islands is approximately rsieaalrcPhaersk.ofNkesntowsnearrecehdi-nwgarwblaesrcteornrdituocrtieesdthbryouagchtoiuvte 4,572-4,577 individuals: 1-6 on Aguijan, 346 the year and with the aid ofradio marked birds at the on Alamagan, and 4,225 on Saipan (U.S. Fish initiation ofthe study. Nests were examined and mea- and Wildlife Service 1998, Commonwealth of sured after fledging or failure to obtain detailed de- the Northern Mariana Islands-Div. of Fish scriptions. Eggs were measured and weighed using and Wildlife 2000). At this time there is no electroniccalipersandaPesolascale.Nestlingdescrip- information on the breeding ecology of reed- tions were obtained by viewing into the nest with a warblers on Alamagan and Aguijan. Here we nmeisrtrloirngpsolperiaorndtobfilneodcguilnagr.sWaendredcuorridnegdtmheeabsaunrdeimnegntosf present the first detailed description of Night- ofmass, unflattened wing chord,exposedculmen, cul- ingale Reed-Warbler nest structure and com- men, tail length, and tail feather count for nestlings position, and the first recorded descriptions of prior to fledging. eggs and nestlings for this species. We also include additional information on nest sub- RESULTS strate and placement. Nesting behavior.—A total of 100 reed- STUDY AREA AND METHODS warbler nests were located on Saipan between mid-January 1997 and mid-July 1998. We lo- Saipan (15° 10' N, 145°45' E) is located in thecen- cated 84 nests in upland introduced tangan- tral region of the 15-island Mariana archipelago. The tangan forest, 15 in a native mangrove wet- Marianas form a north-south chain of islands about midway between Japan and New Guinea in the west- land complex and one in a native reed wet- ern Pacific. Saipan is the second largest island in the land. Fifty-one of these nests were active Marianas with a land area of 123 km^. The island is when found (four during building, 12 prior to oflimestone and volcanic origin approximately 22 km egg laying, 26 during incubation, and nine long and 6 km wide (Fig. 1), with a maximum eleva- during brooding). We found no reed-warblers tmieoannoft4em7p4erma.tuTrheeocfli2m8a.t3e°iCs.trTohpeicahlumwiidtihtyaniasnnhuiaglh nesting in native limestone forest even when with monthly means between 79 and 86%. Mean an- their territories included limestone forest frag- nual rainfall is about 213 cm. Saipan has a dry season ments or were adjacent to limestone forest. from Decemberto June and a wet season from July to Reed-warblers that inhabited the reed wetland November (Young 1989). Typhoons can occur during were not found to nest outside ofthe reed bed any month, but are most frequent from August to De- in the wooded area surrounding the wetland. cember, with amean ofone typhoon peryearaffecting We observed reed-warblers carrying nesting the Mariana Islands (Young 1989, Mueller-Dombois and Fosberg 1998). material into the reed wetland on several oc- This study focusedonthreehabitattypes utilizedby casions. Juvenile reed-warblers were heard reed-warblers: upland introduced tangantangan {Leu- making begging calls within the dense reeds, caena leucocephala) complexes, a tall native reed but no active nests were located. (Phragmites karka) wetland, and a native mangrove Two peak nesting periods were observed (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) wetland. Upland tangantan- gan habitats were dominated by monotypic stands of during the study, one from January through tangantangan with no understory, as well as tangan- March and the other from July through Sep- tangan/sword grass {Miscanthusfloridulus) and/or el- tember. Active nests were located during all ephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) mosaics. Some months, except November and December. stands of tangantangan had a dense understory of in- Twenty-seven ofthe active nests were located troduced lantana (Lantana camara) and others had during January through March (dry season) scatterednative shrubs. Thetall reedwetlandconsisted ofa dense monotypic stand ofPhragmites with a mo- and 20 during July through September (wet saic of native and introduced tree and shrub species season). This study covered two dry season surrounding the wetland. The mangrove wetland con- nesting periods and one wet season nesting sisted of small stands ofmangroves, dense thickets of period. Reed-warblers had a principal nesting sea-hibiscus {Hibiscus tiliaceus) and rosewood {Thes- area within a given territory, where several pesiapopulnea), scattered standsoftallironwoodtrees nests from previous nesting attempts some- (Casuarina equisetifolia), and other native and intro- ducedtree and shrub species. The amountofundersto- times were found in close proximity to one ry vegetationvariedthroughoutthemangrovewetland. another. Locating the principal nesting area of 4 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 114, No. 1, March 2002 TABLE 1. Materials used in Nightingale Reed- The cup lining of nests found in upland tan- Warbler (Acrocephalus luscinia) nests in two habitats gantangan forest were almost exclusively on Saipan, 1997-1998. Valuesare numberofnests (%) composed of tangantangan petioles, while in which the listed material occurred. nests in the mangrove wetland had a larger amount of ironwood branchlets incorporated Uplandtangantangan Mangrovewetland (n = 67nests) (n = 9nests) into the cup lining. Ironwood branchlets were Material Outer Lining Outer Lining incorporated into the nest structure when iron- Vines^ 67 (100) 4 (6) 9 (100) 0 (0) wood trees were located nearthe nest site. The Dry grass blades'’ 15 (22) 1 (1) 1 (11) 0 (0) one nest found in the native reed wetland had Dry bark strips'’ 15 (22) 0 (0) 1 (11) 0 (0) an outer structure of dry vines, dry coarse Spider web cas- reed blades, and one spider web casing, and a ings 7 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) cup lined with reed panicles. — Petioles'’ 4 (6) 66 (99) 0 (0) 2 (22) Nest structure. Nests were of two forms: Branchlets'' 3 (4) 8 (12) 8 (89) 9 (100) (1) tightly woven compact nests, or (2) larger TLweiagf^ 11 ((11)) 00 ((00)) 00 ((00)) 00 ((00)) tightly woven nests with bulky outer material. Nests had open cups that were circular to ^*’MPeonmnoirsdeitcuampchuarrpaunrteiaumanadn/do/rorPausnsikfnloorwanfoseptpi.da. ovoid in shape. In some nests the inner rim ^Leucaenaleucocephala. was tightly woven to form an overhanging lip, Casuarinaequisetifolia. which may aid in keeping eggs in the nest during high winds. We measured 66 nests a reed-warbler pair facilitated future search ef- from among the three habitat types studied. forts. Outer nest diameter was 106 mm ± 10, 83- Females gathered nesting material and con- 127 mm (mean ± SD, range), and height was structed the nest while the male sang from a 90 mm ± 20, 57-177 mm. Cup diameter was nearby perch. On a few occasions we ob- 65 mm ± 6, 46-86 mm, and cup depth was served males carrying nesting material to the 45 mm ± 7, 29-58 mm. Rim width at the lip nest, whereupon the female received and was 20 mm ± 4, 12-28 mm, and rim width placed the material. One male was observed at base of the cup was 28 mm ± 6, 17-48 attempting to place nesting material into the mm. The nest found in the native reed wetland nest, but upon unsuccessful placement re- was a loose compact nest with an outer di- turned to singing from an adjacent perch. We ameter of 1 17 mm, height of 98 mm, cup di- observed two nests that were constructed di- ameter of 56.5 mm, cup depth of43 mm, rim rectly on top ofold deteriorating nest material. width at lip of25 mm, and a rim width at base On three occasions nests in the beginning of 32 mm. — stages ofconstruction were dismantled and re- Nest placement. Reed-warblers used sev- constructed with the same nesting material in en tree species as nesting substrates. In upland a nearby tree. We never observed a nest used habitat 79 (94%) of the nests were found in more then once. introduced tangantangan trees, four (5%) in — Nest composition. We examined 73 nests native lipstick trees {Ochrosia mariannensis), to determine the composition ofthe outer nest and one (1%) in an introduced madras thorn structure and cup lining, including nests from tree {Pithecellobium dulce). We found 15 upland tangantangan forest (/? = 67), a man- nests in the mangrove wetland forest includ- grove wetland (/? = 9), and a reed wetland (/? ing six (40%) in native ironwood trees, four = 1). Table 1 summarizes the nesting material (27%) in native sea-hibiscus, three (20%) in found in nests from upland tangantangan for- mangrove, one (7%) in rosewood, and one in est and a mangrove wetland forest. Dry vine madras thorn. The nest found in the reed wet- stems and tendrils of introduced bitter melon land was attached to reed stems. Vegetative {Momordica charantia) and wild passionfruit cover above, below, and around nests varied {Passiflora foetida) consistently were the pri- among substrates. mary component used to form the outer struc- Nest placement within tangantangan con- ture. The only exception to this was a nest sisted of nests being attached to the main found in the mangrove wetland, which was stem/trunk and several lateral branches with constructed entirely of ironwood branchlets. at least one branch supporting the bottom of Mosheram! Fancy • NIGHTINGALE REED-WARBLER ON SAIPAN 5 FIG. 2. Placement and structure of Nightingale Reed-Warbler {Acrocephahis liiscinia) nests, Saipan, Feb- ruary 1997 to July 1998. (A) Typical nest placement within introduced Leucaena leiicocephala. (B) Typhoon- damaged Leucaena leiicocephala trunk with lateral placement ofthe nest. (C) Nest placement in fork ofnative Ochrosiamariannensis. (D)NestattachedtodroopingbranchofindigenousCasuarinaequisetifolia.Photographs by SMM. the nest (Fig. 2a). Some nests located in tan- wood trees were attached to high drooping gantangan were constructed on the top of ty- branches that extended away from the main phoon-damaged trunks supported by regrowth trunk (Fig. 2d). The one exception to the branchlets (Fig. 2b). Nests found in native lip- above placement types was a nest located at stick trees were supported by the main trunk the terminal end of a lateral branch of a man- and 3-5 branches that forked from the center grove tree. The nest found in the reed wetland of the tree (Fig. 2c). Four of six nests in iron- was supported by three vertical reed stems and 6 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol 114, No. 1, March 2002 mm two leaning stems, which supported the bot- size from pinpoints to one that was 2.3 tom of the nest. in diameter (Fig. 3). The depth of the mark- Nests were securely attached to support ings was variable within the cuticle. Egg sur- branches/stems with vines either looping face was smooth and nonglossy, with a slight- around supports or weaving around the sup- ly granular appearance. Mean egg length {n = port and concealing the support branch/stem 50) was 23 mm ± 1.2, 21.0-25.8 mm and within the structure of the nest. In all sub- width was 16.9 mm ± 0.5, 15.9-18.0 mm. strates used for nesting, there always was a Mean egg mass {n = 49, age unknown) was branch or stem supporting the base ofthe nest. 3.1 g ± 0.5, 2-3.8 g. Clutch size was 2.5 ± We measured 83 nest trees. Mean nest 0.7, 2-4, with a mode of 2 {n = 20 nests). height was 4.3 m ± 1.3, 2.3-10.0 m and nest Nestlings.—Nestlings hatched with closed tree height was 6.1 m ± 3.4, 3.4-25.0 m. Di- eyelids, dark gray to black skin, and totally ameter (dbh) of nest trees was 60.7 mm ± devoid ofnatal down, with bright yellow gape 59.7, 17.7-318.3 mm. Mean number of sup- flanges. Prior to fledging, nestlings {n = 43) port branches for 76 nest trees was 3.9 ± 1.2, were almost completely feathered, except 2-8 with a mode of four. Diameter of support around the eyes, ears, chin, and throat (Fig. branches, including the main stem, was 8.0 4). Plumage was brown on all dorsal surfaces mm ± 4.6, 1.8-30.5 {n = 282 supports). The with thin buff edges around primaries, sec- nest found in the reed wetland was 2.2 m high ondaries, and on the tips of the rectrices. The m and 0.8 below the tops of the reeds. breast, belly, vent, thighs, and undertail co- — Eggs. Eggs were subelliptical and varied verts were light yellow to cream, with the from dull white to cream to ivory-buff. Eggs flanks brownish yellow to buff. The maxilla were spotted, speckled, and blotched with ir- was grayish black with broad yellow edges, regularly shaped markings usually well dis- while the lower mandible was fleshy pinkwith tributed over the entire shell, commonly with broad yellow edges. Three rictal bristles were a heavier zone of overlapping markings visible on each side of the mouth above the around the broader end. Markings were gray, gape flanges. The palate was reddish pink and brown, black, and rust in color, and ranged in the tongue yellow with two oblong brown EIG. 3. Nightingale Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus luscinia) eggs, Saipan, 1998. Photograph by SMM. Mosherand Fancy • NIGHTINGALE REED-WARBLER ON SAIPAN 7 FIG. 4. Nightingale Reed-Warbler {Acrocephalus luscinia) nestling at day 12, Saipan, 7 October 1997. Photograph by SMM. spots just below the tongue spurs. Legs and likely a native reed wetland where reed-war- toes were grayish blue and foot pads yellow- blers commonly were found by early observ- ish, with strong well-developed claws black ers on Guam (Baker 1951, Reichel et al. above and yellowish below. The iris was 1992). Oustalet’s nest measurements were brownish. The egg tooth was still present on similar to the one nest found during this study the tip of the bill 2-3 days prior to fledging. in a reed wetland on Saipan. Our Saipan nest Nestlings lacked the pale yellow supercilium was similar in width to his Guam nest, but and black lores present in the adult plumage. was 48 mm taller. There was no mention by We measured 42 nestlings prior to fledging Oustalet of how the nest was placed and se- at an age ofapproximately 14 ± 2 days. Mean cured. The difference in nesting material ew2m2xia.pns9ogssmeocmfdho,nrcedusctluwlmliaemnsngesn5w0waw.as3assm1278m1..074.4±mgmm4±.m9,2±.±73,91.-027.54,98,-31m855..m41g,--, fbwlioatudhnedssoinvmeetrhsreeeseGdupbralemaddonemesisnti,antrteuhlseyhSasditrpeyamnsvinanenesdt,sgtmreaamsyss 11.6 mm, and tail length was 13.3 mm ± 4.0, reflect differences in the availability or selec- 4.0-20.5 mm. The mean number oftail feath- toinocneoffounnedstoinngGmuaatemriaalnsd btheetwoeneens tphreesebnitrldys ers for 41 nestlings was 10.2 ± 0.8, 9-12, with a mode of 10. on Saipan. Engbring et al. (1986) described a nest they DISCUSSION found in 1982 as a large bulky nest ofgrasses. fouPnrdiorthneesftirdsetscprrieptsiuomnes.d—NMi.ghtAilnfgraeldeMaRrecehde- Ttahnegannesttreweas6 lmocaatbeodveintthheegfrooruknodf. aThteangnaens-t Warbler nest in June 1887 in a wetland on was not collected because of the presence of Guam (Oustalet 1895). It was a laterally com- a young fledgling begging near the nest. The pressed oval cup, with a height of50 mm and nest found by Engbring et al. (1986) fits the an outer diameter of 120 mm, and was con- nest placement profile of a reed-warbler nest structed ofrush stems and grass blades rough- in upland tangantangan forest, but their de- ly woven together. There was no mention of scription that the nest was composed ofgrass- how the nest was determined to be that of a es does not follow the findings of this study. reed-warbler. The nest was found in awetland. It is possible the nest was composed primarily 8 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 114, No. 1, March 2002 of vines that were mistakenly identified as been observed in the Tahitian Reed-Warbler grasses. (A. caffer), Tuamotu Reed-Warbler (A. aty- R. J. Craig (unpubl. data) found an empty phus), and the Marquesan Reed-Warbler (A. nest in 1988 within a known reed-warbler ter- mendanae; Bruner 1974), as well as the Eu- m ritory, approximately 4 above the ground ropean Reed-Warbler (A. scirpaceus; Brown in a 4.6-m tangantangan tree. In a drawing by and Davies 1949). Building and dismantling Craig (unpubl. data), the nest appears to be newly constructed nests and then rebuilding attached to upper canopy branches with at them with the same material in a different lo- least three small diameter support branchlets. cation has been observed frequently in the Eu- Craig’s drawing of the nest depicts the same ropean Reed-Warbler (Brown and Davies structure, placement, and attachment in the 1949). — fork of a tangantangan tree, as was found in Nest composition. Of the other reed-war- this study. Craig mentioned that the nest was blers recognized in the Pacific, only the Line constructed of fine and coarse material with Island Reed-Warbler, Tahitian Reed-Warbler, strands offibers hanging below the nest, a de- Marquesan Reed-Warbler, and Tuamotu Reed- piction resembling the appearance of a nest Warbler are known to use vines in the outer composed ofdmrymvine stems. He estimated the nest structure (Tristram 1883, Holyoak 1973, nest was 150 in height with an outer di- Bruner 1974). Coconut fibers and grasses are ameter of 150 mm. His height estimate was the most common nesting materials docu- wthiethniensttshewreanmgeeasoufrveadr,iabtiuotntwheeofuotuenrdnaesmtondig- mented among eight of the 1 1 other Pacific mm Island reed-warblers (Tristram 1883, Hartert ameter was about 23 wider than the larg- 1900, Kirby 1925, Yamashina 1932, Gallagher est nest we found. — 1960, Williams 1960, Brandt 1962, Holyoak Nesting behavior We found reed-warblers . 1973, Bruner 1974, Schreiber 1979, Graves nested primarily from January through March 1992, Brooke and Hartley 1995, Buden 1996, and again from July through September. This Morin et al. 1997). Pacific Island reed-war- is consistent with prior observations of terri- blers appear to be generalists in their selection torial behavior (Craig 1992). Male reed-war- of nesting materials, using the most common blers are highly territorial and defend territo- materials available within their respective ries by singing (Craig 1992). Craig (1992) ob- habitats. served an increase in occupied territories dur- ing January through February and during May The Nightingale Reed-Warbler also is op- with a subsequent decline in territory occu- portunistic in its use of nesting materials. Dry pancy by September, which he attributed to a stems of bitter gourd and wild passionfruit constituted the bulk of nesting material found decline in breeding activity. Furthermore, sur- veys conducted by Craig (1996) during Jan- in most nests. These two plant species were uary and July of 1991 and 1992 revealed an common ground and understory flora within increase in the number of singing males dur- the three habitat types studied. Neither species ing those months. of vine is native to the Mariana Islands, with The small numberofnests found in wetland bitter gourd native to tropical or subtropical habitats compared to upland tangantangan Asia and Africa and wild passionfruit native habitat probably does not reflect low densities to tropical America (Whistler 1994). of reed-warblers, but rather the relative diffi- The reed Phragmites karka is found in fresh culty in locating reed-warblers and their nests and brackish water marshes and is indigenous in dense wetland vegetation. Close proximity to the Mariana Islands and the western Pacific of several nests from a breeding pair’s sepa- (Stemmermann 1981). The only nest that con- rate attempts also has been observed in other tained a large amount ofgrass blades and pan- Pacific reed-warblers: Acrocephalus syrinx of icles incorporated into the nest body and cup the Caroline Islands (Finsch 1881), A. aequin- lining was the nest located in the reed wetland octialis of the Line Islands (Schreiber 1979) where these two components were abundant. and A. taiti of Henderson Island (Graves Brown and Davies (1949) found that Euro- 1992). Construction of the nest by the female pean Reed-Warbler used dry Phragmites pan- with little or no help from the male also has icles almost exclusively for lining nest cups Mosherand Fancy • NIGHTINGALE REED-WARBLER ON SAIPAN 9 and to a lesser degree in the outer nest struc- vestigations into the breeding biology on the ture. island of Alamagan in the Mariana Islands The use of spider webs for securing nests would be another important step toward the to substrates, as well as for binding nesting future recovery of this species. materials together is found in a number of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS species within the families Tryannidae and Muscicapidae (Baicich and Harrison 1997). Funding for field work was provided by the U.S. However, the function of spider web casings Fish and Wildlife Service and USGS Pacific Island in the outer structure of Nightingale Reed- Ecosystems Research Center. We thank R. Seman and Warbler nests is unclear, as they did not ap- S. VogtoftheCommonwealthofthe Northern Mariana pear to aid in binding nesting material togeth- Islands Div. ofFish and Wildlife and C. Sayon ofthe er or in securing the nest to the substrate. American Memorial Park (U.S. National Park Service) GuEagmgsbyandMarnecshtelinigns.—18T8h7e cnoensttaifnoedundthroene fNMo.argCnlhouegsil,sgtriCec.n,suNpJi.psohFriotds.at,eWr,eanNde.spJJ.eociThoanllslloynf,torhMa.tnhkeLiSru.ainBnguvlraulneuh,aabmDl,.e eggs, but they were not described because field assistance in nest searching and monitoring. We they were rotten upon reaching their final des- alsothank D. Murray fortranslationofOustalet(1895) tination (Oustalet 1895). The three-egg clutch and J. Fujimoto for translation of Yamashina (1932). in Marche’s nest was within the range found J. M. Scottprovidedhelpfulcommentsonearlierdrafts on Saipan during this study (2-4). The clutch of this paper. size of the Nightingale Reed-Warbler falls in LITERATURE CITED the middle among Pacific Island reed-warblers with one egg in the Cook Islands Reed-War- Baicich, P. J. and C. J. O. Harrison. 1997. A guide bler (A. kerearako) and up to five in the Hen- to the nests, eggs, and nestlings of North Ameri- derson Island and Marquesan reed-warblers can birds. Academic Press, San Diego, California. (Bruner 1974, Holyoak 1980, Brooke and Baker, R. H. 1951. The avifauna of Micronesia, its origin, evolution, and distribution. Univ. Kansas Hartley 1995). Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. 3:1-359. The background color ofNightingale Reed- Brandt, J. H. 1962. Nests and eggs ofthe birdsofthe Warbler eggs was consistently dull white to Truk Islands. Condor 64:416-437. ivory buff, whereas most other Pacific Island Brooke, M. De L. and I. R. Hartley. 1995. Nesting brivereeo.dw-nSwpaoortrbsl,belrascepkge)gcskalreresa,nfgoeaunnfddroobmnlopetagclghesesbolfu(euasltluoaPloall-y- BrowacHnone,ainlditPa.etiirtEois.n)osasntniundRdeaiMee.sddt-bGawb.yalreDDbahNlvaeiAbreisstf.ait(n?A1g9ecAr4rp9uor.ckienRpte1ihe1nad2gl-::uW7sua7nr-rv8bea6ll.ueagrthse-:d cific Island reed-warblers (Tristram 1883, Har- an introduction to their breeding-biology and be- tert 1900, Yamashina 1932, Williams 1960, haviour. Foy Publications, East Molesey, Surrey, Brandt 1962, Pearson 1962, Bruner 1974, United Kingdom. Schreiber 1979, Holyoak 1980, Brooke and Bruner, P. L. 1974. Behavior, ecology, and taxonomic Hartley 1995, Morin et al. 1997). status ofthree southeastern Pacific warblersofthe genusAcrocephalus. M.Sc. thesis, LouisianaState Nestlings prior to fledging (2-3 days) had Univ., Baton Rouge. similar plumage characteristics as adults on Buden, D. W. 1996. Reptiles, birds, and mammals of most dorsal (brownish) and ventral (yellow- Ant Atoll, eastern Caroline Islands. Micronesica ish) surfaces (Baker 1951). Plumage around 29:21-36. the eye was one of the last tracts to be feath- Commonwealth oethe Northern Mariana Islands- ered. This resulted in a lack ofthe adult’s pale Div. OF Fish and Wildlife. 2000. Wildlife and vegetation surveys: Alamagan 2000. Div. Fish yellow supercilium and black lores among Wildl. Tech. Rep. #4. Saipan, Commonwealth of fledglings. Most passerines have 12 tail feath- the Northern Mariana Islands. ers (Gill 1995), but the significance ofthe var- Craig, R. J. 1989. Observations on the foraging ecol- iation in the number of tail feathers of Night- ogy and social behaviorofthe BridledWhite-eye. ingale Reed-Warbler nestlings, nine to 12 with Condor 91:187-192. a mode of 10, is not understood. Craig, R. J. 1990. Foraging behaviorand microhabitat use of two species of White-eyes (Zosteropidae) Additional information collected on Night- on Saipan, Micronesica. Auk 107:500-505. ingale Reed-Warbler nesting behavior and Craig, R. J. 1992. Territoriality, habitat use and eco- success, as well as nest site selections, will be logical distinctness of an endangered Pacific is- the focus offuture publications. Ecological in- land reed-warbler. J. Field Ornithol. 63:436-444. 10 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 114, No. 1, March 2002 Craig, R. J. 1996. Seasonal population surveys and Reichel, j. D., G. j. Wiles, and P. O. Glass. 1992. natural history ofa Micronesian bird community. Island extinctions: the case of the endangered Wilson Bull. 108:246-267. Nightingale Reed-Warbler. Wilson Bull. 104:44- Engbring, J., F. L. Ramsey, and V. J. Wildman. 1986. 54. Micronesian forest bird survey, 1982: Saipan, Ti- Rodda, G. H., E. W. Campbell, III, and S. R. Der- nian, Agiguan, and Rota. U.S. Fish and Wildlife RiCKSON. 1998. Avianconservationresearchinthe Service, Honolulu, Hawaii. Mariana Islands, western Pacific Ocean. Pp. 367- Finsch, O. 1881. Ornithological letters from the Pacif- 381 in Avian conservation: research and manage- ic, no. 6: Ponape. Ibis 5:109-115. ment (J. M. Marzluff and R. Sallabanks, Eds.). Gallagher, M. D. 1960. Bird notes from Christmas Island Press, Washington, D.C. Island, Pacific Ocean. Ibis 102:489-502. ScHREiBER, R. W. 1979. The egg and nest ofthe Bok- Gill, F. B. 1995. Ornithology, 2nd ed. W. H. Freeman, ikokikoAcrocephalusaequinoctialis. Bull. Br. Or- New York. nithol. Club 99:120-124. Graves, G. R. 1992. The endemic land birds ofHen- Steadman, D. W. 1999. The prehistory ofvertebrates, derson Island, southeastern Polynesia: notes on especially birds, on Tinian, Aguiguan, and Rota, natural history and conservation. Wilson Bull. Northern Mariana Islands. Micronesica 31:319- 104:32-43. 345. Hartert, E. 1900. The birds of Ruk in the Central Stemmermann, L. 1981. A guide to Pacific wetland Carolines. Novit. Zoologicae 7:1-11. plants. U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, Honolulu, Holyoak, D. T. 1973. Notes on the birds ofRangiroa, Hawaii. Tuamotu Archipelago, and the surroundingocean. Stinson, C. M. and D. W. Stinson. 1994. Nest sites, Bull. Br. Ornithol. Club 93:26-32. clutch size and incubation behaviorin the Golden Holyoak, D. T. 1980. Guide to Cook Islands birds. D. White-eye. J. Field Ornithol. 65:65-69. T. Holyoak. Tristram, H. B. 1883. On the position of the Acro- Kirby, H., Jr. 1925. The birds ofFanning Island, cen- cephaline genus Tatare, with descriptions of two tral Pacific Ocean. Condor 27:185-196. new speciesofthegenusAcrocephalus. Ibis 1:38- Morin, M. P, S. Conant, and P. Conant. 1997. Lay- 46. san and Nihoa Millerbird (Acrocephalusfamiliar- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Recoveryplan is). No. 302 in The birds of North America (A. for the Nightingale Reed-warbler, Acrocephalus Poole and F Gill, Eds.). Academy ofNatural Sci- luscinia. U.S. Fish andWildlife Service, Portland, ences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Amer- Oregon. ican Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C. Whistler, W. A. 1994. Wayside plants ofthe islands: Mueller-Dombois, D. and F. R. Fosberg. 1998. Veg- a guide to the lowland flora ofthe Pacific islands. etation of the tropical Pacific Islands. Ecological Isle Botanica, Honolulu, Hawaii. studies vol. 132. Springer, New York. Williams, G. R. 1960. The birds of the Pitcairn Is- OuSTALET, M. F. 1895. Les mammifereset lesoiseaux lands, central south Pacific Ocean. Ibis 102:58- des lies Mariannes. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. 70. Paris 7:141-228. Yamashina, Y. 1932. On a collection of birds’ eggs Pearson, A. J. 1962. Field noteson the birdsofOcean from Micronesia. Tori Bull. Ornithol. Soc. Jpn. 7: Island and Nauru during 1961. Ibis 104:421-424. 393-413. Pratt, H. D., P. L. Bruner, and D. G. Berrett. 1987. Young, F. J. 1989. Soil survey ofthe islands ofAgui- A field guide to the birds of Hawaii and the trop- jan. Rota, Saipan, and Tinian, Commonwealth of ical Pacific. Princeton Univ. Press,Princeton,New the Northern Mariana Islands. USDA Soil Con- Jersey. servation Service, Washington, D.C.

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