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Description of Metacirolana agujae n. sp., and redescription of M. agaricicola Kensley, 1984, from the Caribbean Sea of Colombia (Isopoda: Cirolanidae) PDF

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Preview Description of Metacirolana agujae n. sp., and redescription of M. agaricicola Kensley, 1984, from the Caribbean Sea of Colombia (Isopoda: Cirolanidae)

Bijdragentotde Dierkunde, 61 (1) 17-30 (1991) SPB Academie Publishingbv, The Hague Description of Metacirolana agujaen. sp., and redescription of M. agaricicola Kensley, 1984, from the Caribbean Sea of Colombia (Isopoda: Cirolanidae) Hans-Georg Müller InstitutfürAllgemeine undSpezielle Zoologie derJustus-Liebig-Universität, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 29, 6300 dessen, Germany Keywords: Colombia, CaribbeanSea, Metacirolanaagujae n. sp., Metacirolanaagaricicola, taxonomy Abstract gin. Thesecond species, however, proved difficult to identify. Metacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984 from the Caribbean While examining Colombian specimens, some Sea of Colombia is redescribed, with particular reference to features in disagreement with the original descrip- its sexual dimorphism. Metacirolana agujae n. sp., known tion ofM. agaricicola (see Kensley, 1984:33, Figs. only from Colombia, is decribed. The interspecific affinities 21-22) could be found. Females from Colombia ofboth species are discussed and notes on their habits are given. bear several denticles on the posterior margins of pereonites 4-7 and allpleonites. Few denticlesare presentontheposteriormargins ofpleonites4-5in the male. Propodi, carpi, and meri ofpereopods Zusammenfassung 1-3bearsometoothliketubercles on theirposteri- ormargins. Moreover, nosexualdimorphism inthe Metacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984 wird, basierend auf body form was mentionedinthe original descrip- MaterialvonderKaribischen KüsteKolumbiens wiederbeschrie- tion (Kensley, 1984: 36). ben, unter ausführlicher Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts- dimorphismus.Metacirolana agujaen.sp.ausdemgleichenGe- However, re-examination of one male, six fe- biet wird beschrieben. Die zwischenartlichen Beziehungen males and two immature adultparatypesfrom Be- beiderArtenwerden diskutiert,mit Anmerkungenzuderen Ha- lize (National Museum of Natural History, bitatpräferenz. Washington, coll.no. USNM 211261) revealedthat allthesefeatureshavebeen overlookedormisinter- preted intheoriginal description. Theneglect ofthe Introduction pereonal and pleonal denticulationsin the Belizean materialmay be duetotheconditionofthemateri- Thiscontributioncontinuestheexamination ofthe al. It seems that thespecimens havebeen deposited marineisopod faunafrom theSantaMartaarea at for a whilein an acidiferous preservative, making the CaribbeanSea of Colombia. it difficult to observe delicatestructures. Staining The genus Metacirolanais represented by two of one femalewith "Serva Blue R" showed these species, Metacirolana agaricicola Kensley, 1984, denticulationsmore distinctly (Fig. 8). It may be previously known only from Belize (Kensley & possible that the numberof pereonal and pleonal Schotte, 1989: 154) and a species new to science, denticlesis lower inthe Belizean material. Metacirolanaagujae n. sp. The new species was easily recognizable by the Specimens are deposited intheZoological Muse- characteristic shape ofthe distalpleotelsonic mar- um, Amsterdam(ZMA), the NationalMuseumof 18 H.-G. Mtiller- Description ofMetacirolanaagujae n. sp, Figs. 1-2.Metacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984,from Colombia: 1,dorsal view ￿; 2, dorsal view ￿. Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- Metacirolanaagaricicola Kensley, 1984 ington, D.C. (USNM), thecollection of the Insti- (Figs. 1-30) tuto deInvestigaciones Marinas de PuntadeBetin Material. - Belize: 1 cr,6 9 9,2immature adults,paratypes (INVEMAR) in Santa Marta and in the author's (USNM211261), onAgariciasp. coral onfore reef, 15.2m. collection. Colombia: Punta deBetin, Santa Marta: 1 9 (coll. Müller), Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 61 (1) - 1991 19 coralrubble,22-23 m, 19 June1985; 1immatureadult (ZMA), midlengthofsecondpalp article, with3fringed dis- coralrubble,6m, 4August1985; 1 er (coll. Müller),coralrub- tal setae andcoupling hookon medialmargin; palp ble, 20-22m,26 January1986;5 ercr ,9 99,1 immatureadult article 3 much broader and longer thanother arti- (coll.Müller),coral rubble,30m, 10February 1986.IslaMorri- cles. todeSantaMarta:3 cr cr,7 9 9 (2 gravid)(USNM),coralrub- ble,30m, 18February 1986.IslaMorroGrande deSanta Marta: Pereopods 1-3 (Figs. 18-20) short and robust; 1 9 (ZMA), coral rubble,25m, 18September 1985;3 aa,7 pereopods increasing in length from 4-6 (Figs. 9 9 (2 gravid) (ZMA),coral rubble, 18m, 9 October 1985; 5 21-23); pereopod 7 (Fig. 24) slightly shorterthan cr cr, 16 9 9 (2 gravid)(ZMA),coral rubble,30m, 19March 1986. PuntaAguja,about5km E.ofSantaMarta: 1 9 (ZMA), pereopod 6. Pereopod 1 shortest, propodus oval, coral rubble, 17-20 m, 7 December 1985; 1 Cf, 1 9 (INVE- posterior margin with 2 toothliketubercles and 3 MAR),coralrubble, 17-19m,9 January1986. BahiaConcha, serrate compound spines; carpus triangular, about 10km N.E. of Santa Marta: 1 immature adult (ZMA), posterior margin with pair of toothliketubercles coral rubble, 1.5-5m, 7 January 1986. Bahia Chengue,about 15 km N.E. ofSanta Marta: 1 cr, 1 9 (ZMA), coral rubble, and a single serrate compound spine; posterior 15-17 m,21 January 1986. Bahia Guachaquita, about 35 km margin ofmerus with 3 serrate compound spines; N.E. ofSanta Marta: 1 cr, 1 9 (ZMA),coral rubble,13 m, 28 mesial margin of ischium with single compound February1986. Arreçifes,PuntaelDiamante,about40kmN.E. of Santa Marta: 3 99 (ZMA), from algae, hydroids, and spine; basis longer thancarpus, merus,andischium bryozoans onrocks, 6-10 m,26 September 1986. together. Pereopods 2 and 3 more slender than pereopod 1, anterolateral margin of merus pro- Description. - Male:Body about3timesas long as duced. wide, with scattered brown pigment patches and Pleopod 1 (Fig. 26), basis with 3 retinaculaand reticulations, total length 2.0-2.8 mm (Fig. 1). pair of laterodistal fringed setae; endopodite Cephalon with median rostral process; eyes very roughly parallel-sided, 2.3 timeslonger thanwide, large, darkly pigmented. Coxae of pereonites 2-7 distal margin with16plumose setae; exopodite dis- withdistinctfurrow, visible inlateralview (Fig. 3). tally widening, distalmargin with19plumose setae, Lateral margins of pleonites not markedly pro- 1.6timeslongerthanwide.Pleopod 2 (Fig. 27), en- duced horizontally. Pleotelsonslightly wider than dopodite two times longer than wide, copulatory long; posterior margin (Fig. 15) serrated, provided stylet articulating at inner base, slightly reaching with 14-16short, plumose setae, each seta within beyond ramus; distal margin of ramus with 14 serration.Cephalon withfrontallaminabroadened plumose setae; exopodite 2timeslonger thanwide, anteriorly and clypeus projecting anteroventrally distal margin with 19plumose setae;retinaculaand (Fig. 4). Penes relatively short(Fig. 5). fringed setae of basis as in pleopod 1. Pleopod 3 Antenna1(Fig. 6) peduncle of3articles, article3 (Fig. 28), basis with3retinaculaandpairoffringed less than halfas long as article2; flagellum of9 ar- setae; endopodite 1.7times longer thanwide, with ticles;twoproximalarticles withabout8-10aesthe- 14 distal plumose setae; exopodite broadly oval, tascs, remaining articles withsingle aesthetasc.An- withsuture line at about midlength; distal margin tenna 2(Fig.7)with5peduncular articles, distalone with22plumose setae. Pleopod 4 (Fig. 29), retina- subequal to thirdand fourthtogether; flagellum of culaand setae ofbasis as in pleopod 3; endopodite 13setose articles, setae longest on terminalarticle. 1.7 times longer than wide, distal margin with 12 Mandible(Fig. 11), second palparticleas long as plumose setae; exopodite broadly oval with trans- first and third together; second and third article verse suturelineand25plumose setaeindistalhalf. with some spines in distal half; incisorof 4sclero- Pleopod 5 (Fig. 30), basis with 3 smallretinacula; tized cusps, spine-row of 7-8 spines. Maxilla 1 innerdistalmargin withshort, simpleseta; endopo- (Fig. 12), narrow endopodite with 3 distal, feebly dite 1.8 times longer thanwide, bare of any setae; plumose spines; outerramus with 9-11, partly ser- exopodite broadly oval withtransverse suture line, rate spines. Maxilla2 (Fig. 13), innerramus with6 distal margin with 21 plumose setae. (N.B.: All distalspines, innermostlong andfringed; innerand plumose setae on rami of pleopods are drawn as outerlobeofouterramus with3 distalspines. Max- simple setae.) illiped (Fig. 14) slender, endite extending beyond Outerdistal marginof uropodal sympodite pro- 20 H.-G. Miiller- Description ofMetacirolanaagujae n. sp. Figs. 3-10.Melacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984,from Colombia: 3, lateral view ￿; 4, clypealregion ￿;5,penes ￿; 6, antenna 1 ￿;7, antenna2 ￿; 8, ￿paratype from Belize (USNMcoll. no.211261),denticles onposterolateralmarginsofpleonites3 and 4; 9, antenna 1￿ ; 10,antenna2 ￿. Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 61 (1) - 1991 21 Figs. 11-17. Metacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984,from Colombia: 11,mandible ￿; 12,maxilla 1 ￿; 13,maxilla2￿ ; 14,maxilliped ￿; 15,posterior marginofpleotelson￿ ; 16,uropod￿; 17,uropod and pleotelson￿ . 22 H.-G. Miiller- Description of Metacirolanaagujae n. sp. Figs. 18-22.Meiacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984, ￿,fromColombia: 18,pereopod 1;19,pereopod2;20,pereopod3;21,pereopod 4; 22,pereopod5. Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 61 (1) - 1991 23 Figs.23-25.Metacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984,fromColombia: 23,pereopod6￿;24,pereopod7 ￿;25,pleopod2￿ (plumosity of setaein pleopodomitted). duced into elongate-triangular lobe with distal 2.3 times longer than wide, its margin with strong plumose seta; endopodite somewhat widened dis- indentations and plumose setae set within these tally,withserrate margin; plumose setae set within marginal teeth(Fig. 16). serrations; dorsal surfacenear outer marginwith 7 Female: Body (Fig. 2) about2.5 times longer than featheredsensory setae; exopodite narrow, about wide, thereforemorerobustthanmale, totallength 24 Hans-Georg Miiller- Description ofMetacirolanaagujae n. sp. Figs. 26-30. Metacirolana agaricicolaKensley, 1984,￿ , from Colombia: 26, pleopod 1;27, pleopod2; 28,pleopod 3;29,pleopod 4;30, pleopod 5. (Plumosityofsetaenot drawn.) Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 61 (1) - 1991 25 2.0-2.7 mm. Pigmentation as in male. Cephalon Paratypes,from Colombia: PuntaAguja,2 99,1postman- withmedianrostralprocess; darkly pigmented eyes ca(ZMA),coralrubble,17-20m,7December 1985.BahiaCon- slightly smaller than in male. Pleotelsonnarrower cha,about 10km N.E. ofSanta Marta,3 9 9 (coll. Müller), than in male, slightly longer than wide; posterior coral rubble, 1.5-5m, 7 January 1986. margin with fewer serrations, provided with 10 Diagnosis. - Metacirolanawithoutorwithsparsely shortplumose setae; each seta set withinserration. developed pigment reticulations. Pereon and Posterior margins of pereonites 4—7 and allpleo- pleonites 2-5withshallowlateralserrations. Distal nites with many denticles. pleotelsonic setae short, separated by 2-4 den- Antenna 1 (Fig. 9), inner distal margin of first ticles. peduncular articlewith 1,ofsecondpeduncular ar- ticle with2 feathered sensory setae; distal sensory Description of female. - Body relatively robust, seta ofsecond articlevery long, extending beyond twice as long as wide (Fig. 31). Holotype without 5th article of flagellum; flagellum of6-7 articles, any pigment pattern;paratypesfromBahiaConcha articles 3-5 with single aesthetasc; terminalarticle with sparsely developed pigment reticulations.To- withlong, featheredsensory seta. Flagellum of sec- tal length 1.65-2.1 mm. Cephalon with shallow ond antenna (Fig. 10)shorter than inmale, of8 se- median rostral process; eyes large and well-pig- tose articles. mented, situatedlaterally. Coxaeofpereonites 2—7 Anterior margin of basis in pereopods 5 and 6 withdistinct furrow, visibleinlateralview(Fig. 32). with some denticles (not drawn). Pleopod 2 (Fig. Lateral margins of pleonites not markedly produc- 25), endopodite 2.1 times longer than wide, distal ed horizontally. Pleotelson 1.5 times wider than margin with 10 plumose setae; exopodite broadly long; posterior margin withdenticulationsinchar- rounded, 1.6times longer thanwide, distalmargin acteristic arrangement:8 short, simple setae sepa- with 18 plumose setae (drawn as simple setae). rated by 2-4 denticulations, as figured (Fig. 34). Uropods (Fig. 17) similar to male, with fewer Cephalon withfrontallaminabroadenedanteriorly marginal indentationsandfarfewerplumose setae. and clypeus (Fig. 33) projecting anteroventrally. Remarks.- Metacirolanaagaricicola appearstobe Antenna 1, peduncle of 3 articles (Fig. 35); sec- closelyalliedwithM. agujaen. sp. describedbelow. ondarticleaboutas longas firstandthirdtogether; Females ofboth species are similar ingeneral habi- flagellum of6 articles (Fig. 36); 4th article with 2, tus and shape oftheir appendages. M. agaricicola 5th article with single aesthetasc. Antenna2 (Fig. is easily distinguished fromthat species by the ar- 37) of 5 peduncular articles, distal one as long as rangementof denticulationsand setae ofthedistal thirdand fourthtogether; flagellum of9setose ar- pleotelsonic marginandthe denticlesattheposteri- ticles. or pereonal and pleonal margins. Most specimens Mandible(Fig. 38), second palparticlesomewhat of M. agaricicola are larger than M. agujae and longer than first and third together; second and have more strongly developed pigment reticula- thirdarticle with some spines in distal half; incisor tions. of4sclerotized cusps, spine-row of6spines. Maxil- M. agaricicola is asubtidalspecies, known from la 1 (Fig. 39), narrow endopodite with3 distal, fee- depths ofabout 1 to 30 m. Oftenit hasbeenfound bly plumose spines and 2 short, simple setae; outer associated with coral rubble. ramus with 9 partly serrate spines. Maxilla2 (Fig. Distribution.- Belize, CaribbeanSeaofColombia. 40), innerramus with 4 short distal spines; inner and outer lobeof outer ramus with 3 distalspines. Maxilliped (Fig. 41) slender, endite extending be- Metacirolanaagujae n. sp. yond midlength ofsecondpalparticle, with3 distal (Figs. 31-53) simple setae, and a longer, feebly plumose seta; a Material. - Holotype, from Colombia: Punta Aguja,about 5 single coupling hook on mediodistalmargin of en- km E. of Santa Marta, 1 9 (ZMA), coral rubble, 17-19 m, 9 dite; thirdarticle of palp longest. January1986. Pereopods becoming more slender posteriorly. 26 H.-G. Miiller Description of Metacirolanaagujae n. sp. Figs. 31-37. Metacirolana agujaen.sp., ￿: 31,dorsal view;32,lateral view; 33, clypealregion; 34,posteriormarginofpleotelson; 35,peduncleandfirstflagellararticleofantenna 1;36,flagellumofantenna 1;37,antenna2.(Fig. 36drawn from ￿ paratype, others from holotype.)

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