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А description of a new water mite species of the genus Albaxona Szalay, 1944 (Acariformes: Aturidae) from the Far East of Russia PDF

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Preview А description of a new water mite species of the genus Albaxona Szalay, 1944 (Acariformes: Aturidae) from the Far East of Russia

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 20(2): 177–185 25 DECEMBER 2011 А description of a new water mite species of the genus Albaxona Szalay, 1944 (Acariformes: Aturidae) from the Far East of Russia Описание нового вида водяных клещей рода Albaxona Szalay, 1944 (Acariformes: Aturidae) из водоёмов Дальнего Востока России P.V. TUZOVSKIJ П.В. ТУЗОВСКИЙ P.V. Tuzovskij, Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Province 152742, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] A new water mite, Albaxona orientalis, based on male, female and deutonymph from running waters of the Far East of Russia is described with illustrations. Иллюстрированное описание нового вида водяного клеща Albaxona orientalis (самец, самки, дейтонимфа) из проточных водоемов Дальнего Востока России. Key words: Far East of Russia, water mites, Acariformes, Aturidae, Axonopsinae, Albaxona orientalis, male, female, deutonymph, new species Ключевые слова: Дальний Восток России, водяные клещи, Acariformes, Aturidae, Axo- nopsinae, Albaxona orientalis, самец, самка, дейтонимфа, новый вид INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS The genus Albaxona Szalay, 1944 in- The examined materials was collected cludes two subgenera: Albaxona Szalay, by T.S. Vshivkova in rivers of the Primor- 1944 and Vietsaxona Motaş et Tanasachi, skiy Kray of Russia. The specimens were 1947 (Cook, 1974; Viets, 1987); however fixed in 3% formalin solution. Most speci- Pešić and Gerecke (2003) suppose that mens not were dissected, thus preserving Vietsaxona should be regarded a synonym the natural shape of the body. For several of Albaxona. No species of the genus Albax- females and males the gnathosoma was ona from the territory of the former USSR mounted in a position that allowed investi- had been recorded (Sokolow, 1940) before gating chelicerae and pedipalps in a lateral a single member of this genus, A. (Viet- view. All specimens were mounted in the saxona) intermedia Tuzovskij, 1986, was Hoyer’s medium. Terminology of idiosomal recorded in Russia comparatively recently setae and lyriform organs follows Tuzovskij (Tuzovskij, 1986). Investigations of the (1987): Fch – frontales chelicerarum, Fp – water mites fauna of the Russian Far East frontales pedipalporum, Vi – verticales have revealed that there is an undescribed internae, Ve – verticales externae, Oi – oc- species of this genus. The aim of the present cipitales internae, Oe – occipitales exter- paper is to present a description of a male, nae, Hi – humerales internae, He – hume- a female and a deutonymph of the new spe- rales externae, Hv – humerales ventralia, cies, Albaxona orientalis sp. nov., from the Sci – scapulares internae, Sce – scapulares Far East of Russia. externae, Li – lumbales internae, Le – lum- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 178 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST bales externae, Si – sacrales internae, Se – on soft integument between ventral shield sacrales externae, Ci – caudales internae, and acetabular plates. Deutonymph: dorsum Pi – praeanales internae, Pe – praeanales with soft integument without dorsal shield externae; i1–i5 – slit organs. Besides, the or platelets; sclerites, bearing seta and glan- following abbreviations are used: P–1–5, dularium Hi, larger than other sclerites, pedipalp segments (trochanter, femur, genu, bearing idiosomal setae and glandularia; tibia and tarsus); I–Leg. 1–6, first leg, seg- bases of setae Oi located on small circular ments 1–6 (trochanter, basifemur, telofe- sclerites; anterior ends of acetabular plates mur, genu, tibia and tarsus) i.e. III–Leg. 4 pointed and fused to each other; excretory is the genu of the third leg; ac. 1–3, genital pore surrounded by sclerotised ring. acetabula (anterior, median, posterior), n – Description. Both sexes. Idiosoma oval, number of specimens measured. The length compressed dorso-ventrally, dorsal and ven- of the appendage segments was measured tral shields present. Dorsal shield elongate, along their dorsal side. All measurements covering nearly all dorsal surface, bearing are given in micrometers (μm). 5 pairs of setae: Oi, Oe, Hi, Li, Si (Fig. 1). Setae Oi and Oe located in anterior half of Family ATURIDAE Thor, 1900 dorsal shield, Hi distally to middle of shield, Li in distal portion of shield, and Si very Subfamily AXONOPSINAE Viets, 1929 close to posterolateral margins of shield. Genus Albaxona Szalay, 1944 Setae Fp, Oi, Si, Ci and Pi without glandu- Albaxona (Albaxona) orientalis sp. nov. laria, others idiosomal setae associated with (Figs 1–15) glandularia. Setae Fch, Fp, Vi, Ve,He, Sci, Le, Ci, Pi and all slit organs (i1–i5) located on Holotype: male, slide 4934, Russia, Far soft interscutal membrane between dorsal East, Primorskiy Kray, Ussuri National Park, and ventral shields: i1 and seta Vi placed Komarovka River, depth about 0.4 m; sub- strates: stones, pebbles, sand, 1 June 1984, coll. on common sclerite on each side, i2at level T.S. Vshivkova. Paratypes (3 males, 8 females andlaterally to Oe, i3 at level to Hi, i4pos- and 1 deutonymph collected in the some local- terior to Le, and i5 laterally to Si. Setae Fch ity as holotype): 1 female 26 July 1977, 1 female short, thick and serrate, other idiosomal 17 July 1983, 2 females 19 July 1983, 1 female setae thin, hair-like. Ventral shield (Fig. 2) and 1 male 29 May 1984, 1 female, 2 males and broader than dorsal shield, anterior coxal 1 deutonymph together with holotype 1 June plates reaching but not projecting beyond 1984, 2 females 5 July 1984, coll. T.S. Vshivkova. anterior margin of ventral shield, suture The type material is deposited in the collection of the Institute for Biology of Inland Waters line between coxal plates II–III distinct (Borok, Russia). developed only their lateral parts. Seta Hv Diagnosis. Adults: idiosoma elongate, located near posterolateral margin of coxal compressed dorso-ventrally, with straight plate II, Ve laterally to coxal plates III, Sce anterior margin, setae Fp, Oi, Si, Ci and Pi medially to suture line between coxal plates without glandularia, ventral setae on pedi- III and IV, Pe more or less equidistant from palpal tibia placed near middle of segment, insertion of leg IV and posterior end of leg claws with short external and long in- ventral shield, Se in posterolateral corner ternal denticles; male – genital field fused of ventral shield on each side. Setae Ci and with ventral shield, wider than long (ratio Pi close to each other and usually placed on length/width 0.38–0.45), with 9–11 pairs common sclerite caudally on each side. Dor- of fine setae, fusion of genital field slightly sal and ventral shields punctate. indicated, gonopore triangular with point- Capitulum (Fig. 3) with short rostrum, ed anterior end, setae Se placed on ventral without anchoral process, dorsal hyposto- shield posterolaterally; female – acetabular mal setae nearly three times as long as plates with 5 fine setae each, setae Se placed ventral hypostomal setae (Fig. 4). Che- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST 179 Figs 1–2. Albaxona orientalis sp. nov., male: 1, dorsal view; 2, ventral view. Scale bar: 100 μm. licerae with large basal segment and long, with many stout blade-like setae; IV–Leg. thin stylet (Fig. 5). Pedipalps moderately 1 (Fig. 8) with 1 short, spine-like seta near slender (Fig. 6): P–1 relatively short with middle of segment, 1 thin seta and 1 rather single dorsodistal seta; P–2 with straight long stout blade-like dorsodistal seta, IV– or slightly convex ventral margin, with Leg. 2 and IV–Leg. 6 without stout setae, 2 unequal dorsoproximal setae and 3 ap- IV–Leg. 3 to 5 with several stout setae. Leg proximately subequal dorsosodistal setae; claws (Fig. 9) thin hook-like, with long in- P–3 with slightly concave ventral margin, ternal denticle and short external spur, claw with 2 dorsoproximal and 2 dorsodistal ap- lamella not developed. proximately subequal setae, all these setae Male. Dorsal shield elongate (ratio considerably shorter than dorsal margin of length/width 1.40–1.65). Acetabular plates segment; P–4 slender, with 3 rather long fused to each other and fused with ventral ventral setae near middle of segment and 2 shield, fusion of genital field slightly indi- short dorsodistal setae. cated, setae Se placed on ventral shield pos- First legs slightly longer than second terolaterally (Fig. 2). Genital field wider legs; I–Leg.1 (Fig. 7) with 1 thin seta and than long (ratio length/width 0.38–0.45), 3 strong subequal dorsal setae, distoven- with 3 acetabula (located in triangular) trally with a curved blade-like serrate seta and 9–11 fine setae on each side, gonopore as long as dorsal length of segment; I–Leg. triangular with pointed anterior end; all 2 and 3 with stout blade-like setae disto- acetabula relatively small, but anterior ac- ventrally and dorsally, I–Leg. 4–6 without etabulum a little lesser than both posterior such setae; II–Leg. 1–5 and III– Leg. 3–5 acetabula; distance between anterior and © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 180 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST Figs 3–9. Albaxona orientalis sp. nov., male: 3, capitulum, ventral view; 4, anterior part of capitulum, lateral view; 5, chelicera, lateral view; 6, pedipalp, lateral view; 7, Leg I; 8, leg IV; 9, claw of leg IV. Scale bars: 50 μm (3–5, 7–8); 20 μm (6, 9). © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST 181 Fig. 10. Albaxona orientalis sp. nov., female, ventral view. Scale bar: 100 μm. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 182 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST m. μ 0 0 1 r: a b e al c S w. e vi al r t n e v 2, 1 w, e vi al s r o d 1, 1 h: p m y n o t u e d v., o n p. s s ali nt e ri o a n o x a b Al 2. 1 – 1 1 s g Fi © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST 183 Figs 13–15. Albaxona orientalis sp. nov., deutonymph: 13, genital plates; 14, pedipalp, lateral view; 15, leg IV. Scale bars: 50 μm (13, 15), 20 μm (14). second acetabula less than length anterior Female. Dorsal shield elongate (ra- acetabulum, distance between anterior and tio length/width 1.70 –1.85). Acetabular posterior acetabula longer than length an- plates separate, narrowed posteriorly, lon- terior acetabulum. Excretory pore sclero- ger than wide (ratio length/width 2.1–3.5), tised, placed in space between genital field with relatively wide rounded anterior mar- and posterior margin of idiosoma. gin, bearing 3 acetabula (located in an arc Measurements (n=4). Length of body line) and 5 fine setae each (Fig. 10); all ac- 385–420, width 300–310; distance between etabula small and more or less oval, but an- setae Fch 102–120; length of dorsal shield terior acetabulum a little less than both pos- 360–395, width 235–250; length of genital terior acetabula. Sclerite, bearing seta and field 55–60, width 130–150; length of geni- glandularia Se, located on soft integument tal acetabula (ac. 1–3): 18–22, 18–25, 18– between posterior end of ventral shield and 25; length of capitulum 72–84, width 42– acetabular plate on each side, sometimes 48; length of basal segment of chelicera 78– these sclerites fused with acetabular plates. 85, length of cheliceral stylet 38–42; length Measurements (n=9). Length of body of pedipalpal segments (P–1–5): 20–25, 420–440, width 330–345; distance between 35–42, 30–34, 53–55, 21–24; lengths of leg setae Fch 80–85; length of dorsal shield segments I–Leg.1–6: 35–40, 35–40, 54–58, 440–410, width 220–235; length of genital 60–66, 60–70, 65–72; II–Leg.1–6: 35–42, plate 80–95, width 30–36; length of genital 38–42, 36–42, 47–50, 60–66, 63–69; III– acetabula (ac. 1–3): 15–18, 18–24, 18–24; Leg.1–6: 35–42, 35–43, 42–45, 48–60, length of capitulum 90–96; length of basal 65–69, 60–69; IV–Leg.1–6: 84–90, 54–60, segment of chelicera 95–100, length of che- 72–76, 73–78, 78–85, 60–72. liceral stylet 58–63; length of pedipalpal © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 184 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST segments (P–1–5): 21–24, 36–42, 35–37, P–3 with slightly concave ventral margin, 56–60, 27–30; lengths of leg segments I– with 2 relatively short dorsodistal setae; Leg.1–6: 36–42, 36–39, 50–54, 65–72, P–4 slender, with 2 unequal ventral setae 65–72, 65–70; II–Leg.1–6: 42–48, 36–42, near middle of segment (proximal seta near- 39–42, 46–49, 63–67, 65–72; III–Leg.1–6: ly twice as short as distal one), 1 distolateral 42–48, 42–50, 42–48, 50–55, 65–70, 65– seta and 2 dorsal fine setae distally to middle 75; IV–Leg. 1–6: 85–95, 57–60, 72–77, of segment. Legs is similar to that adults, 78–83, 84–90, 81–90. but with a lesser number of setae. I–Leg.1 Deutonymph. Deutonymph is similar (Fig. 15) with single dorsodistal thick seta, to adult mites but differ from them mainly I–Leg. 2 and I–Leg. 4 with 2 ventrodistal, smaller size, by the structure of dorsum, and I–Leg. 5 with 4 (2 ventroproximal and ventrum, genital area, and the number of 2 ventrodistal) such setae; I–Leg. 2 and I– setae on pedipalpal and legs segment are Leg. 6 without thick setae. fewer than in adult mites. Idiosoma oval, Measurements (n=1). Length of body compressed dorso-ventrally, dorsum with 365, width 300; length of setae Fch 19; length soft integument, without dorsal shield or of genital plate 40, width 18; length/width plates (Fig. 11). Setae Fch short, thick and of genital acetabula (ac. 1–2): 15/12, 15/12; serrate, other idiosomal setae thin, hair-like. length of capitulum 60, width 36; length of Sclerites, bearing setae and glandularia Hi, pedipalpal segments (P–1–5): 20, 32, 25, 45, larger than other sclerites, bearing idiosom- 17; length of leg segments I–Leg.1–6: 30, 26, al setae and glandularia. Bases of setae Oi 32, 48, 51, 54; II–Leg.1–6: 32, 26, 29, 35, 50, located on small circular sclerites. Setae Fp, 55; III–Leg.1–6: 32, 35, 35, 38, 50, 55; IV– Oi, Si, Ci and Pi without glandularia, others Leg.1–6: 50, 37, 45, 52, 65, 75. idiosomal setae associated with glandularia. Comparison. The new species is morpho- Coxal plates in two groups (Fig. 12). Coxal logically closest to Albaxona dubia Kim et plates I and II fused to each other complete- Chung 1996, which was described based ly, suture line between them incomplete only on a male from the South Korea (Kim obliterated medially, with straight, long me- & Chung, 1996). The male of A. dubia is dial margin and tapering distally, setae Hv characterised by the following features: the located near posterolateral corner of coxal anterior coxal plates extending beyond an- plates II. Coxal plates III and IV fused to terior margin of the body, the suture line each other completely, suture line between between the ventral shield and the genital them incomplete obliterated medially; me- field distinct, the gonopore wide, oval with dial and posterior margins of coxal plate IV rounded anterior end, setae Ci with glan- forming acute corner, seta Sce placed an- dularia (Kim & Chung, 1996). In contrast, teromedially in coxal plate IV on each side; in the male of A. orientalis sp. nov. the an- coxal plates II and III fused to each other terior coxal plates only reaching but not laterally but separated medially. extending beyond anterior margin of the Acetabular plates (Fig. 13) elongate (ra- body, the suture line between the ventral tio length/width 2.16), with 2 acetabula shield and the genital field slightly indi- and 3 fine setae each, anterior ends of these cated, the gonopore triangular with pointed plates pointed and fused to each other, gono- anterior end, setae Ci without glandularia. pore absent. Excretory pore surrounded by The representatives of the genus Albaxona sclerotised ring. Setae Ci and Pi placed on are known as adult mites and only in Alb- common sclerite on each side caudally. Pedi- axona lundbladi Motaş et Tanasachi, 1947 palp rather slender (Fig. 14): P–1 relatively a deutonymph is described (Pešić & Ge- short, without setae; P–2 with straight ven- recke, 2003). The deutonymph of A. ori- tral margin, with 1 dorsoproximal seta and 2 entalis sp. nov. especially well differs from approximately subequal dorsosodistal setae; the deutonymph of A. lundbladi by size of © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185 P.V. TUZOVSKIJ. A NEW ALBAXONA WATER MITE FROM THE FAR EAST 185 the sclerites bearing setae Oi and the struc- Kim I.H. & Chung K.S. 1996. Water mites of ture of the genital area. The sclerites bear- Axonopsinae (Acarina, Aturidae) from Ko- ing setae Oi in deutonymph of A. lundbladi rea. Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology, 12(2): 137–165. are larger than sclerites bearing setae Hi; Pešić V. & Gerecke R. 2003. Water mites of the anterior ends of the genital plates are the genera Albaxona, Axonopsis, Barbax- connected by a rather wide bridge (Pešić onella, and Erebaxonopsis (Acari, Hydrach- & Gerecke, 2003). In contrast, the sclerites nidia: Aturidae, Axonopsinae) from Central bearing setae Oi in the deutonymph of A. Europe and the Mideterranean area. Archiv orientalis sp. nov. are considerably smaller für Hydrobiologie (Supplement), 139(4): than the sclerites bearing setae Hi, and the 563–578. anterior ends of the genital plates are con- Sokolow I.I. 1940. Hydracarina – Aquatic nected by a narrow bridge. Mites. (1 Partie: Hydrachnellae), Fauna SSSR (New Series, No 20), Paukoobraznye Etymology. The species epithet orientalis (Arachnides), 5(2). Moscow–Leningrad., 24 means “from the Orient”. + 511 p. (In Russian). Habitat. Running waters. Tuzovskij P.V. 1986. A new species of water Distribution. Asia: Russia, Far East (the mite from the genus Albaxona (Aturidae, Pacific Ocean basin), Primorsky Kray. Acariformes). Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya biologicheskikh ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS nauk, 3: 83–86. (In Russian). Tuzovskij P.V. 1987. Morfologia i postembryo- I am sincerely grateful to Tat’yana Vshivkova nalnoe razvitie vodyanykh kleshchey [Mor- for supplying the material and two anonymous phology and postembryonic development referees for reviewing the manuscript. in water mites]. Moscow: Nauka. 172 p. (In Russian). Viets K.O. 1987. Die Milben des Süβwassers REFERENCES (Hydrachnellae und Halacaridae [part.], Cook D.R. 1974. Water mite genera and sub- Acari. 2. Katalog. Sonderbände des Natur- genera. Memoirs of the American Entomologi- wissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg, 8: cal Institute, 21: 1– 860. 1–1012. Received February 19, 2011 / Accepted October 25, 2011 © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 177–185

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