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Description of a new species of Hypselodoris (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Chromodoridae) from Venezuela PDF

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Preview Description of a new species of Hypselodoris (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Chromodoridae) from Venezuela

Rev.Acad. Canar. Cienc, XXIII (Num. 3), 93-106(2011) (publicadoenabril de 2012) DESCRIPTION OFA NEW SPECIES OF HYPSELODORIS (GASTROPODA: NUDIBRANCHIA: CHROMODORIDIDAE) FROM VENEZUELA M. Caballer' ' & J. Ortea- ' DepartmentofOceanologyandCoastalSciences,VenezuelanInstituteforScientificResearch Ctra. Panamericanakm 11, Miranda,Venezuela. Correspondingauthor: manuelcaballergutierrez@^hotmail.com - DepartmentBOS.UniversityofOviedo.CalleCatedraticoValentinAndresAlvarezsn 33006Oviedo,Asturias, Spain ^MuseumNationald'HistoireNaturelle,55 ruedeBuflbn. 75005 Paris, France ABSTR.\CT Anew species ofthegastropod genusHypselodoris Stimpson. 1855 is described from thecontinentalcoastsofVenezuela.Hypselodorissamiielisp. no\. ischaracterizedbytheuni- formdarkbluecolouration ofthe rhinophores, therhinophoral sheathoutlinedbyyellowpig- ment, not forming a ring onjuveniles, the lack ofmantle glands after the rhinophores, the jawswithtwotriangularsmoothareas andsmallpin-shapeddenticlesonitsventral central re- gion and by the e\olve ofmantle colourpattern with the size. Key words: MoUusca, Gastropoda, Hypselodoris samueli sp. no\'., species complex. Caribbean. RESUMEN Se describe una especie nueva del genero Hypselodoris de las costas continentales de Venezuela. Hypselodoris samueli especie nueva se caracteriza por la coloracion azul oscuro uniformede losrinoforos, las vainas rinoforicas perfiladasconpigmentoamarillo aunque sin formarun anillo en losjuveniles, la ausencia de glandulas del manto despues en la zona pos- teriora losrinoforos, las mandibulascondosareastriangulares lisasycondenticulosen fomia de chincheta en el centro de su region ventral y por la evolucion del patron de coloracion en relacion a la talla. Palabras clave: Moluscos, Gasteropodos, Hypselodorissamueliespecie nueva, com- plejos de especies, Caribe. 93 INTRODUCTION 1. The genus Hypselodoris Stimpson, 1855 consists ofsmall to medium size unshelled gastropods with brightful colours on their bodies and chemical defenses on their mantle glands, predating on sponges, which have both, metamorphic and ametamorphic develop- ment. Itis oneofthemostdiversegenus inthe FamilyChromodorididaeBergh, 1891 (Ortea, Valdes & Garcia-Gomez [12]) and comprises approximately 76 species (Johnson [8]; Ca- & baller, Bouchet Gofas [3]), ofthem, only 11 live in theWesternAtlantic. The first synthesis ofthe Family in theAtlantic is due to Ortea et al. [12], who con- sider 7 valid species ofHypselodoris in the Western side; 5 endemic to the Caribbean and 2 with a wider distribution that includes Brazil; Hypselodoris picta (Schultz, 1836) and HypselodorismarciMarcus, 1971 Theseauthorsalsoestablishedthecharactersusefultodis- . tinguish species. Afterwards, Valdes et al. [14] recognize a total of8 valid species in the Caribbean, plus 6 unnamed or doubtful. From 1996 to the present, 3 species have been described inWesternAtlantic: 2 inthe Caribbean;HypselodorislilyeveaeA\Q]2indx'mo &Valdes, 2006 andHypselodorisolgaeOrtea & Bacallado, 2007 (in the species complex of H. marci) and one endemic to Brazil; & Hypselodorisjuliae Dacosta, Padula Schrodl, 2010. TheintricatetaxonomichistoryofthegenusinWesternAtlantic (summarizedinTable 1) may be explained by the difficulties in distinguishing species and by the existence ofse- & veral species complexes that share similar colourpatterns (Alejandrino Valdes [1]). Thus, the assumptionthat similarspecimens from different localities are conspecific based only on external morphology may lead to misidentifications and taxonomic confusion (Dacosta, & Padula Schrodl [4]). There is a group ofspecies who share mantle edgewith awide white bandwithblack spots,blue-greenbackgroundandyellow-orangemarkingsorlines inthedorsum. Thisgroup includes: Hypselodoris bayeri (Marcus & Marcus, 1967), H. marci and H. olgae. In the pre- sent work a big sized new species oiHypselodoris from Venezuela, close related to H. bay- eri, is described. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2. ThespecimenswerecollectedbysnorkelingintheNational ParkMorrocoy,Venezuela (march 2010).ACarl Zeiss stereomicroscopewas usedto take data on external anatomy and colorpatterns. The animals were photographed alive andthen preserved in ethanol 96 %. To comparewithotherspeciesofthegenus, diagramsweremadeofthegeneral internalanatomy, jaws, radula and genital apparatus using an Olympus SZ16 stereomicroscope. SEM images were taken atthe Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN). MNHN The specimens are deposited in and in the Marine Organisms Section ofthe Biological Collections ofthe Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (Register number 028), Miranda, Venezuela (SOM-IVIC). 94 SYSTEMATICS 3. Family CHROMODORIDIDAE Bergh, 1891 Genus HypselodoHs Stimpson, 1855 Type species: Hypselodoris ohsciira (Stimpson, 1855), by monotypy. Hypselodorissamuelisp. nov. (Figures 1-4) Typematerial: Holotypc: adult. cS5 mm longalive,dissected,jaw andradulamountedforSEM.restpre- servedin96%ethanol. (typelocality: MouthofElOcho lagoon. Morrocoy. State Falcon, westcoastof Venezuela [OLV]. coordinates: 10°52'05-N 68°13'27"W; waterdepth: 1.5 m) [MNHN]; coll. M. Ca- baller. 23 march 2010. Paratype 1: adult, 50 mm longalive, dissected,jawand radulamounted forop- tical microscopy, rest preserved in 96 %ethanol. (OLV: coordinates: 10°52'05"N 68°13'27"W: water depth: 2 m) [SOM-IVIC-IVICCMTOIO]: coll. S. Narciso. 23 march 2010. Paratype2:juvenile. 10mm long alive, dissected,jaw andradula mounted for SEM. rest preserved in 96 % ethanol. (OLV: coordi- nates: 10°52'05"N68°13'27"W:waterdepth: 1 m) [SOM-IVIC-IVICCMTOU]:coll. M. Malaquias.23 march2010. Diagnosis: Rhinophores uniformdark blue. Rhinophoral sheathsoutlinedbyyellowpigment in the outer side, not fomiing a ring in juveniles. Mantle edge with a wide white-green to white band, with black spots only on the sides. Longitudinal yellow lines in the mantle reach thegillopening. Theirnumberproportionaltothe size: centralonecontinuous, plus2 to 5 dis- continuous laterals. Mantle glands all around the mantle edge, except on a portion after the rhinophores. Gill leavesbifurcatedortrifurcated intheupperhalfinadults. Jawswithtwotri- angular smooth areas flanking the dorsal anterior middle zone. Small pin-shaped denticles with oneto fourcuspspresent in the central region. Lateral teeth oftheradula bicuspid. Both cusps equal or similar size. Up to 6 denticles at the base ofthe lower cusp, the first ofthem always towards the halfofits length. Description: External anatomy andcolouration (Figure I): body elongate, wider than high, blue- green, which becomes clear and turns to green-gray in bigger specimens. On these, a big bluish-blackblotch, aswideasthebody, ispresent inthecenterofthemantle. Footbright blue injuveniles. Anterior foot margin bilabiate, upper lip with yellow spots. Oral tentacles digi- tiform with some yellow spots. Mantle edge wide and rippled in big specimens, always boundedbyanarrowreddish orangebandexcept intheback. Thisbandbroken longitudinally by a thin white line. Toward inwards another white-green band with 9 parallel black spots each side injuvenile. Wider and gray to bright white in Holotype and Paratype 1, with dou- ble number ofblack spots distributed in two alternate bands. Black spots same size as inju- venile, not bigger. Several longitudinal yellow lines in the mantle. The design \aries with the size: mm Paratype 2(10 long): 3 yellow lines, thecentral onecontinuous, interrupted only by the gill opening, notreachingthe edge ofthe mantle. Lateral lines discontinuous, skirting the rhinophoral opening on its outerside, not forming a ring. Reaching to the gill openingon the back. mm Paratype 1 (50 long): 2 additional external lateral lines, reaching further than the branchial opening. Yellow spots between the lines. 95 mm Holotype (85 long): a total of 10 yellow lines, the central line continuous, the re- maining fragmented orcomposedby aligned spots. mm Rhinophoresuniformdarkblue,with 15 tomorethan 30 lamellae(1 and85 spec- imens respectively). Rhinophoral sheaths injuvenile outlinedbyyellowpigment inthe outer side, not forming a ring. Theyjoin to form a yellow bridge in the holotype (Figure ID). Gill grayish-blue, composed of 10 unipinnate branchial leaves (even injuvenile specimen), base translucent blue. Gill rachis black, with orange to orange-red border. Inner rachis red at the base and white in the rest in the holotype. Gill leaves bifurcate and ramify in the upper half in adults. Gill sheath not outlined in yellow. Hiponotum green-blue to gray, with one contin- uous yellow line on each side, joining in the tail (Figure 1A); one to six fragmented lines below,uptotwoabove. Discontinuouslinesdonotmergewiththecontinuousoneinthetail. Posteriorendofthefootlackingblackspots. Mantleglands: 7-8 regularonesanteriorly, from the nose to the rhinophores; 10 along the posterior edge ofthe mantle, the last three very bulky. Mantleglandsabsentinaportionaftertherhinophores. Gonopore lackdistinctcoloura- tion, yellow lines thickened around it. Internal anatomy (Figure 2A-C, 3 & 4): blood gland very big, compressed in front, pointed behind. Salivary glands white, long and tubular. Oesophagus long, with a fold. In- testine two and a halftimes the length ofthe oesophagus. Jaws (Figure 3E-F) composed of both: conic, unicuspic rodlets, tightly and regularly arranged (Figure 3G), and, small pin- shaped rodlets with one to four cusps in the ventral central region (Figure 3H). Dorsal ante- riormiddle zone ofjaw flanked by two triangular smooth areas, without denticles, one each side (Figure 3E-F). Radular formula 49 x 51.0.51. (Paratype 2), 80 x 145.0.145 (Paratype 1) and98 x 170.0.170 (Holotype). Teethbicuspid,bothcusps equal orsimilarinsize. Innermost lateral teethwitha single denticle atthebase ofthe lowercusp, up to 6 inthemiddle laterals, the first always towards the halfofthe cusp (Figure 3A-D). Middle lateral teeth with a thick denticle atthebaseofthe lowercusp (Figure4C). Sizeoftheteeth increases intherow, from the innermost teeth, to the last middle laterals, which are more blunt and irregular, then de- creases. Outermost teeth short and pectinate (Figure 4D), cusps reduced, with 3-5 denticles underthe lowerone, sometimes fused. Reproductivesystem (Figure2D): ampulla long, oval andnarrow. Prostatevery long, organized in two areas oftight folds; one attachedto the back andthe otherto the inner side ofthebursa copulatrix, which is covered almostcompletely. Bursacopulatrix globose, fairly large andtinged ofa characteristic pale orange. Vagina dark blue. Seminal receptacle saccu- lar, elongated, white, with same diameter as the vagina and insertedon its base, atthe same point that the vagina duct. Hermaphroditic gland cream-orange, similar diameter than the seminalreceptacle, equal lengththanthebursa. Vestibularglandveryapparent. Holotypeand paratype 1 fullymature. Biology: The holotype was collected inthe chanels causedbyturistic boats onthebottomof theentranceofElOcholagoon. Thebottomthere is sandy-muddywith Thalassia testudinum andHalimeda spp. (Figure IB). Whendisturbed,theanimalretractsthegillsandsecretesawhite substancearoundthe edgeofthemantlewhichalso seemstospringfromtheedgeofthefootinthetail(Figure IE). Afterwards, it swells and shows areas that seem to be full ofwaterthroughoutthe body. Geographicalandbathymetricaldistribution: Knownonlytothetypelocality,upto2mdeep. 96 Etymology: Hypsclodoris samucli sp. no\. is named in honor ofour friend and colleague Samuel Narciso who collected one ofthe paratypes and gave logistical support in Morrocoy. DISCUSSION 4. Several similarly coloured species occur in the Caribbean. Thecolouration pattern of theadult specimensofHypselodorissamuelisp. nov., is similarto that present in threeother species listed in the Caribbean: Hypselodoris bayeri. Hypselodoris marciandHypselodoris olgae, however, H. samueli sp. nov. has uniform navy-blue rhinophores, character that H clearlydistinguishes itfromH. marciand olgae. Ontheotherhandthischaracteris shared by a large group ofwestern Atlantic Hypselodoris: Hypselodorispicta wehbi (d'Orbigny, 1839), Hypselodorispicta lajensis, H. bayeri, Hypselodoriszebra andHypselodorisJidiae, although thejuveniles ofthese five species/subspecies are quite different, so as the adults (except H. bayeri). Within the set ofdistinctive characters ofH. samueli, there are two that distinguish it from the rest ofHypsclodoris in the Caribbean with whom it could be compared: - Thetriangularsmooth areas flankingthedorsal anteriormiddlezone ofthejaw. This characterisonlypresent inothertwo species, both fromeastAtlantic, both with a reducedge- ographical distribution;Hypselodorisbilineata(Pru\ot-Fol, 1953)(south ofSpainto Senegal and Canary islands) and Hypselodoris malacitana Luque. 1986 (from the south ofSpain). - The small pin-shaped denticles in the \entral central region ofthejaw. This charac- teris onlypresent inHypselodoris ruthaeMarcus & Hughes, 1974 from the Caribbean, quite different from H. samueli sp. nov.. and inHypselodorispinna Oitea. 1988. from Cape Verde. Othertypical characters ofH. samueli sp. nov. are: -Thebridge betweenthe rhinophoral sheaths seen in the holotype (Figure 1 D). quite similarto that present in the Indo-Pacific species Glossodoris atromarginata (Cuvier. 1804). This characterhasn't been observed in anyAtlantic species before. - Thethick denticle below secondcusp ofthe middle lateral teeth similarto that illus- tratedbyGarciaetal. [7: figureC,p.129] forH. marciwithoutcomments on its significance. Hypselodoris bayeri is the closest species toH. samueli sp. nov. in the colourpattern. It was described as the type ofthe genusFelimare Marcus & Marcus. 1967, due to the pres- ence inthe holotypeofarachidianteeth, characterthathasn'tbeenobservedeveragain in any otherspecimen attributedto the species, noteven intheparatype. Thus, theholotype hasbeen consideredanomalousandFelimaresynonymouswithHypselodoris(Orteaetal. [12]). Some ofthe posterior records to this species doesn't fit in the original description very well (Rud- man [13])ordonotgivemuchdataon the anatomy(Meyer [10])andthere seemto beacom- plexofspecieswith similarcolourpatternunderthenameH. bayeri, so, thetaxonomy should be revised. Hypselodoris samueli sp. nov. is one ofthis species misidentified with H. bayeri inVenezuela. Asynthesis ofthe characters to distinguish both species can be seen inTable 2. Despite what Ortea etal. [12] established about the colouration ofthe rhinophores in H. ba- yeri, as it can be seen in the illustrations given by Marcus and Marcus [9: plate 1, figure 2], OnQdi etal. [12: p. 15, figure 1 1B] andValdes<?/r//. [14]. the rhinophores of//. /)<7vmarenot unifonnblueas inH. samuelisp. no\. Theyshowa longitudinal clearerline in thebackand or a clearerbase ofthe lamellae. The specimens illustrated by Ardila & Rachello [2] could be conspecific with H. samueli sp. nov. 97 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5. WeareindebttoourfriendsandcolleaguesManuelMalaquias(BergenMuseum,Nor- way), forhis help inthe field inthe campaign inVenezuela, and SamuelNarciso (FUDENA, Venezuela), for the logistical support in Morrocoy. To the fishermen and boaters of Chichiriviche, for their assistance in the field. To Philippe Bouchet, V. Heros, P. Maestrati andB. Buge(BiodiversityExplorationUnit, MNHN), fortheirhelpwhilethefirstauthorwas working in Paris. To Jose Espinosa (Oceanology Institute, Cuba), for the specimen ofH. sycilla. This work was supported by the IVIC project 915 (M.C.) - Marine biodiversity in Venezuela andits relationship with coastaldynamics. Molluscs asfocalgroup andsourceof MNHN newmolecules andby the (M.C, Visiting Researchercontract). REFERENCES 6. [I] ALEJANDRINOA. & A. VALDES. 2006. 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[6] GARCIA, R & H. BERTSCH. 2009. Diversity and distribution of the Gastropoda OpisthobranchiafromtheAtlantic Ocean: aglobalbiogeographic approach.ScientiaMa- rina, 13: 153-160. Appendix l,p. S1-S18. [7] GARCIARJ., DOMINGUEZ M. & J. TRONCOSO. 2008. Opistobranquios deBrasil. Vigo, Spain. Troncoso and Garcia Editors, 215 pp. [8] JOHNSONR.F. 2010. Breakingfamilyties: taxonsamplingandmolecularphylogenyof chromodoridnudibranchs (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Zoologica Scripta, 40(2): 137-157. [9] MARCUS,EV &ER. MARCUS. 1967. Americanopisthobranchmollusks. Part 1,Trop- icalAmerican opisthobranchs. Studies TropicalOceanography, 6(1-2).- 1-137. [10] MEYER, K. 1977. DoridnudibranchsoftheCaribbeancoastofthePanamaCanalZone. Bulletin ofMarineScience, 27(2): 299-307. [II] ORTEA, J. & J.J. BACALLADO. 2007. Descripcion de unanueva especie deHypselo- doris Stimpson, 1855 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Chromodorididae) nombradaenhome- naje a OlgaUcelay Sabina. RevistaAcademia Canaria de las Ciencias, 18: 53-60. 98 [12] ORTEAJ., A. VALDES &J.C. GARCfA-GOMEZ. 1996. Revisionde lasespeciesatlan- ticasde lafamiliaChromodorididae(Mollusca: Nudibranchia)del grupocromaticoazul. Avicennia, supplement 1: 1-165. [13] RUDMAN W.B. 2005. Hypselodohs bayeh (Marcus & Marcus. 1967). Accessed through: Sea Slug Forum,Australian Museum, Sydney at http://\v\v\v.seashigforum.net/factsheet/hypsbaye on 20 2-01-15. 1 [14] VALDES A., J. HAMANN, D.W. BEHRENS & A. DUPONT. 2006. Caribbean Sea Slugs, Afieldguide to the opisthobranch mollusksfrom the tropical Northwestern At- lantic. Washington, USA: Sea Challengers Natural History Books, 289 pp. 99 Figure1.-Hypselodorissamuelisp.nov.(A-B,D-E)Holotype(85mmalive);(A)lateralview;(B)underwaterpho- tographofthelivinganimal;(C)Paratype 1 (50mmalive),dorso-frontalview;(D)detailoftherhinophoralsheath; (E)detailofthetailandthemantleedgesecretingawhitesubstance;(F-G),Paratype2(10mmalive);(F)dorso-lat- eralview;(G)dorsalview. 100 Figure2.-Hypselodorissamuelisp. nov. Parat\pe 1 (50mm alive). (A-C) Successiveschemes forthegeneralor- ganizationofinternal organs; (A) outermost; (B) medium; (C) innermost; (D) schemeofthe reproducti\e s\stem. Scalebar= 1 mm. Abbreviations: aa,anterioraorta; am.ampulla; ao,anusopening;be.bursacopulatri.x; bgl. bloodgland; dg.diges- tivegland;fgm.femaleglandmass;g.gills,hd.hermaphroditeduct; in.intestine;no,nidamentalductopening;oe. esophagus; ot. oral tube; ov, oviduct; ph. pharynx; pr. prostate; ps.penial duct; rs. seminal receptacle; sg. sali\ar> gland;st,stomach;ud,uterineduct;v,vestibulum;va,vagina;ve.ventricle;vd,vasdeferens,vg.vestibulargland. 101 Figure3.-Hypselodorissamiielisp.nov. Schemesofjawandradula.(A-C,F)Paratype2;(D-E)Paratype 1;(A)in- nermostlateralteeth(number1 and 18ofrow50);(B)mid-lateralteeth(25,43and51 ofrow50);(C)outennostlat- eralteeth(row50); (D)externalsideofmid-lateralteeth,detailofthethick lateraldenticleatthebaseofthelower cusp; (E)Jaw, scalebar= 1 mm; (F)Jaw, scalebar=0,5 mm; (G)jawrodlets; (H)pin-shapedrodlets. Scalebar= 10^m. --1 102

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