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Vol. 205, 2002 Official Organ of the Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology Official Organ of the Belgian Royal Society for Dermatology and Venereology DerMMNc&hiology International Journal for Clinical and Investigative Dermatology Founded as ‘Dermatologische Zeitschrift’ by Oskar Lassar (1893-1907) Continued by Erich Hoffmann (1908-1938), continued as ‘Dermatologica’ (1939-1991), by Wilhelm Lutz (1939-1958), Rudolf Schuppli (1959-1985) Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors International Advisory Board J.-H. Saurat, Geneva W.J. Cunliffe, Leeds R. Caputo, Milan K. Holubar, Vienna A. Eichmann, Ziirich J.L. Jorizzo, Winston-Salem, N.C. P. Elias, San Francisco, Calif. Assistant Editors T. Nishikawa, Tokyo A. Giannetti, Modena G.E. Piérard, Liege E. Grosshans, Strasbourg S. Aractingi, Paris A. Rebora, Genova J.-J. Guilhou, Montpellier R. Boni, Ziirich R.A. Schwartz, Newark, N.J. A.K. Gupta, London, Ont. L. Cerroni, Graz T. Shiohara, Tokyo H. H6nigsmann, Vienna L. Didierjean, Geneva E. Jung, Mannheim P. Itin, Basel and Aarau J. Karvonen, Helsinki M. Landthaler, Regensburg Societies Managing Editors H. Kerl, Graz D. Lipsker, Strasbourg J.-M. Lachapelle, Bruxelles J.M. Mascaro, Jr., Barcelona Swiss Society C. Lapiére, Liége L. Naldi, Bergamo L. Braathen, Bern T. Lawley, Atlanta, Ga. F.O. Nestle, Ziirich G. Burg, Ziirich D. MacDonald, London T. Simonart, Brussels R. Panizzon, Lausanne H.1I. Maibach, San Francisco, Calif. L. Thomas, Lyon Th. Rufli, Basel J. Mascaro, Barcelona R.M. Triieb, Ziirich J.-H. Saurat, Geneva M. Mihm, Albany, N.Y. Ch.C. Zouboulis, Berlin H. Ogawa, Tokyo Belgian Society J.-P. Ortonne, Nice H. Degreef, Leuven G. Plewig, Munich G. De Dobbeleer, Bruxelles M. Ponec, Leiden J. Lambert, Antwerpen A.-A. Ramelet, Lausanne J.M. Naeyaert, Gent J. Revuz, Créteil G.E. Piérard, Liege J. Ring, Munich D. Roseeuw, Bruxelles H. Schaefer, Clichy D. Tennstedt, Nivelles H. Tagami, Sendai City H. Traupe, Miinster G. TsGitis, Thessalonica A. Vahlquist, Uppsala D. Van Neste, Tournai W.A. Van Vloten, Utrecht D. Woodley, Los Angeles, Calif. H. Yaoita, Tochigi Prefecture KA RG E R Basel Sues: Paris: | sais - New York: New Delhi- Bangkok - Singapore - Tokyo - Sydney S. Karger Drug Dosage Medical and Scientific Publishers The authors and the publisher have exerted every effor ranslated into other Basel « Freiburg - Paris * London sure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text < roduced or utilized in any form or by any means New York « New Delhi * Bangkok accord with current recommendations and practice at the time hanical, including photocopying, recording of publication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes any information storage and retrieval Singapore + Tokyo « Sydney in government regulations, and the constant flow of informa- permission in writing from the publisher or, in tion relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is otocopying, direct payment of a specified lied ff{ ee to urged to check the package insert for each drug for any change Clearance Center (see “General Information’) in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precau- tions. This is particularly important when the recommended 2002 by S. Karger AG agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug 4009 Basel (Switzerland) erland on acid-free paper by ruck, Basel KARGER Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail [email protected] www.karger.com Contents Vol. 205, 2002 No. 1 Case Reports Report of a Case of Schnitzler’s Syndrome Treated Successfully Editorial with Interferon Alpha 2b Schartz, N.E.C.; Buder, S.; Sperl, H.; Audring, H.; Paus, R.; Tebbe, B.; The Schnitzler Syndrome - A Treatment at Last? Kriiger, K.; Sterry, W. (Berlin) Lipsker, D. (Strasbourg) An Unusual Case of Genodermatosis with Familial Gastrointestinal Polyposis, Angiomatous Malformation Comments and Ascites Neri, S.; Bruno, C.M.; Mondati, E.; Scavo, S. (Catania) Quantification of Corticosteroid-Induced Skin Vasoconstriction: Lymphomatoid Papulosis: A Localized Form with Acral Pustular Visual Ranking, Chromameter Measurement or Digital Imaging Involvement Analysis Deroo-Berger, M.C.; Skowron, F.; Ronger, S.; Balme, B.; Berard, F.; Smith, E.W. (Ada, Ohio); Haigh, J.M. (Grahamstown); Surber, C. (Basel) Causeret, A.S.; Perrot, H.; Thomas, L. (Lyon) Eyelid Swelling: Think of Metastasis of Histiocytoid Breast Clinical and Laboratory Investigations Carcinoma Tomasini, C.; Soro, E.; Pippione, M. (Turin) T Cells and Mast Cells as a Major Source of Interleukin-13 in Atopic Dermatitis Imiquimod 5% Cream in the Treatment of Human Obara, W.; Kawa, Y. (Kawasaki); Ra, C. (Tokyo); Nishioka, K.; Soma, Y.; Papillomavirus-16-Positive Erythroplasia of Queyrat Mizoguchi, M. (Kawasaki) Kaspari, M.; Gutzmer, R.; Kiehl, P.; Dumke, P.; Kapp, A.; Brodersen, J.P (Hannover) Polymerase Chain Reaction for Diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Histologically Positive, Suspicious and Negative Skin Biopsies Letters to Dermatology Safaei, A.; Motazedian, M.H.; Vasei, M. (Shiraz) Articular and Pancreatic Involvement in Pyoderma Infantile Multiple Ingrowing Nails of the Fingers Induced by gangrenosum Associated with Myelodysplastic Syndrome the Grasp Reflex —- A New Entity Vascular Spiders and Paper Money Skin Improved by Matsui, T.; Kidou, M.; Ono, T. (Kumamoto) Hemodialysis Self-Reported Skin and Respiratory Symptoms Related to Successful Treatment of Schnitzler’s Syndrome with Latex Exposure among 5,087 Hospital Employees in Norway Interferon Alfa-2b Holter, G.; Irgens, A.; Nyfors, A.; Aasen, T.B.; Florvaag, E.; Overa, K.B.; Cutaneous Vasculitis Revealing Essential Thrombocythemia Elsayed, S. (Bergen); Nzerheim, J. (Sola) Are Hepatitis C Infection and C282Y Mutation in Mal de Meleda: Genetic Haplotype Analysis and Hemochromatosis Gene Independent Factors for Porphyria Clinicopathological Findings in Cases Originating from the cutanea tarda? island of Mijet (Meleda), Croatia Bakija-Konsuo, A. (Dubrovnik); Basta-Juzbasic, A.; Rudan, |.; Situm, M (Zagreb); Nardelli-Kovacic, M. (Mljet); Levanat, S. (Zagreb); Fischer, J Art and Dermatology (Evry); Hohl, D. (Lausanne); Loncaric, D.; Seiwert, S. (Zagreb); Campbell, H (Edinburgh) Mycosis Fungoides in a Painting by Lambert Lombard (1506-1566) Pharmacology and Treatment Announcements Chlorpheniramine Is No More Effective than Placebo in Nerval’s Diary Relieving the Symptoms of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis with a Nocturnal Itching and Scratching Component Fragrance Allergy Workshop. EADV Congress Munday, J. (Bexley); Bloomfield, R. (Swaiecliffe); Goldman, M.; Robey, H Geneva, October 12, 2000 (Bexley); Kitowska, G.J. (Gdansk); Gwiezdziski, Z.; Wankiewicz, A (Bydgoszcz); Marks, R.; Protas-Drozd, F. (Cardiff); Mikaszewska, M. (Sutton) Editor: Api, A.M. (Hackensack, N.J.) Topical Calcipotriol plus Oral Fumaric Acid Is More Effective and Faster Acting than Oral Fumaric Acid Monotherapy in the Treatment of Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis vulgaris Gollinick, H. (Magdeburg); Altmeyer, P. (Bochum); Kaufmann, R (Frankfurt/Main); Ring, J. (Munich); Christophers, E. (Kiel); Pavel, S (Leiden), Ziegler, J. (Neu-Isenburg) KARG ER 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 Access to full text and tables of contents E-Mail [email protected] including tentative ones for forthcoming issues www.karger.com www.karger.com/drm_issues No. 2 Pityriasis rosea Associated with Imatinib (STI 571, Gleevec) Konstantopoulos, K.: Papadogiar \.: Dimopoulou, M.: Kourelis, ¢ Meletis, J. (Athens) Editorials Eruptive Multiple Lentigo-Maligna-Like Lesions in a Patient 103 Fixed Drug Eruption: Easily Overlooked but Needing New Undergoing Chemotherapy with an Oral 5-Fluorouracil Respect Prodrug for Metastasizing Colorectal Carcinoma: Shiohara, T.; Mizukawa, Y. (Tokyo) A Lesson for the Pathogenesis of Malignant Melanoma? Bogenrieder, T.; Weitzel, C.: Sch6lmerich, J.: Landthaler, M.: Stolz. W Is There a Reproductive Safety Risk in Male Patients Treated (Regensburg) with Acitretin (Neotigason’/Soriatane’)? Cytotoxic Mycosis fungoides Evolving from Pityriasis Geiger. J.-M.; Walker, M. (Basel) lichenoides chronica in a Seventeen- Year-Old Girl. Report of Kenogen. A New Phase of the Hair Cycle? a Case Rebora, A.: Guarrera, M. (Genoa) Tomasini, D.; Zampatti, C. (Busto Arsizio); Palmedo, G. (Friedrichshafen) Bontacini, V.: Sangalli. G. (Busto Arsizio): Kutzner. H. (Friedrichshafen) Clinical and Laboratory Investigations Meyerson Phenomenon within a Nevus flammeus. The Different Eczematous Reactions within Port-Wine Stains 111 Evaluation of Soluble Fas Ligand as a Serological Marker for Hofer. T. (Wettingen) Melanoma Melzani, G.; Bugari, G.: Parrinello, G. (Brescia); Mori, G. (Parma Manganoni, A.M. (Brescia); De Panfilis, G. (Parma) Letters to Dermatology Cytokine Pattern in Blister Fluid and Sera of Patients with ‘Blistoenr aS kin Tag Pemphigus Minocycline-Induced Lupus and Autoimmune Hepatitis: Baroni, A.: Perfetto, B.; Ruocco, E.: Greco, R.: Criscuolo, D.; Ruocco, V Family Autoimmune Disorders as Possible Risk Factors (Naples) Digital Epiluminescence Microscopy in Nevi during Pregnancy Hyaluronate Accumulation and Decreased CD44 Expression in An Exceptional Localization of Angiokeratoma of Fordyce on Perifollicular Solitary Cutaneous Myxoma the Glans penis Calikoglu, E. (Ankara); Augsburger, E.; Masouye, I.; Chavaz, P.; Saurat, J.-H Kaya, G. (Geneva) A Lack of Clinical Correlation between the Presence of HHV-8 DNA in PBMCs and Staging of Kaposi's Sarcoma General Practitioners’ Accuracy in Diagnosing Skin Cancers Offidani, A.: Simonetti, O.; Bernardini, M.L.; Alpagut, A.; Cellini, A Bossi, G. (Ancona) 83rd Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology. September 27-29, 2001, Geneva Novel Spot-Like Pigmentary Pattern Detected by Reports High-Resolution Epiluminescence Microscopy Haas, N.: Hermes, B.; Henz, B.M. (Berlin) Nerval’s Diary Pharmacology and Treatment Imiquimod, a Topical Immune Response Modifier, in the No. 3 Treatment of Cutaneous Metastases of Malignant Melanoma Bong, A.B.; Bonnekoh, B.; Franke, 1.; Sch6n, M.P.; Ulrich, J.; Gollnick, H (Magdeburg) Editorials Topical 5% Imiquimod Long-Term Treatment of Cutaneous Phototherapy of Sclerosing Skin Diseases Warts Resistant to Standard Therapy Modalities Ghoreschi, K.; R6cken, M. (Munich) Grussendort-Conen, E.-l.; Jacobs, S.; Riibben, A.: Dethlefsen, U. (Aachen) Topical Treatment of Pyoderma gangraenosum A Retrospective Study of the Effect of Long-Term Topical Wenzel, J.. Gerdsen. R.: Phillipp-Dormston, W.; Bieber, T.; Uerlich, M Application of Retinaldehyde (0.05 %) on the Development of (Bonn) Actinic Keratosis Campanelli, A. (Geneva); Naldi, L. (Bergamo) Dermatology Launches the ‘Evidence-Based Case Report’ Section The Antibacterial Activity of Topical Retinoids: The Case of Naldi, L. (Bergamo); Saurat, J.-H. (Geneva) Retinaldehyde Pechere, M.; Germanier, L.; Siegenthaler, G.; Pechére, J.-C.:; Saurat, J.-H Erosive Lichen planus: What Is This? (Geneva) Rebora. A. (Genoa) Case Reports Clinical and Laboratory Investigations Trauma-Localized Fixed Drug Eruption: Involvement of Burn Prevention Campaign against Skin Cancer Scars, Insect Bites and Venipuncture Sites Heinzerling, L.M.. Dummer, R. (Ziirich); Panizzon, R.G. (Lausanne) Mizukawa, Y.: Shiohara, T. (Tokyo) Bloch, P.H. (Solothurn); Barbezat. R. (Bern); Burg, G. (Ziirich) id the task force “Swiss Cat the Swiss Cancer League Simultaneous Presentation of Silicone and Silica Granuloma. A Case Report An Updated Survey on Skin Conditions in Down Syndrome Pimentel, L.: Barnadas, M.: Vidal, D.: Sancho, F.: Fontarnau, R.: Alomar, A Schepis. C.: Barone, C.: Siragusa, M.; Pettinato, R.: Romano, C. (Troina) (Barcelona) Mycosis-fungoides-Type Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma of the Papulonodular Lichenoid and Pseudolymphomatous Reaction Hands and Soles: A Variant Causing Delay in Diagnosis and at the Injection Site of Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Adequate Treatment of Patients with Palmoplantar Eczema Stavrianeas, N.G.: Katoulis, A.C.; Kanelleas, A.; Hatziolou, E.; Georgala. S$ Spieth, K.: Grundmann-Kollmann, M.: Runne, U. (Frankfurt am Main) (Athens) Staib, G. (Ulm); Fellbaum, C.; Wolter. M.: Kaufmann, R.: Gille, J (Frankfurt am Main) Oral Lichenoid Reaction to Imatinib (STI 571, Gleevec) Lim, D.S.: Muir, J. (Brisbane) Dermatology Vol. 205, 2002 Contents Pharmacology and Treatment No. 4 245 Treatment of Genito-Anal Lesions in Inflammatory Skin Diseases with PUVA Cream Photochemotherapy: Editorials An Open Pilot Study in 12 Patients Reichrath, J.; Reinhold, U.: Tilgen, W. (Homburg/Saar) 327 ‘Editors! Check Your Impact Factor Data!’ Letters to Dermatology Count More towards the Calculation of the A Comparative Study of 20% Azelaic Acid Cream Monotherapy versus a Sequential Therapy in the Treatment of Melasma in Impact Factor than in Any Other Dermatology Journal Dark-Skinned Patients Didierjean, X. (Sauverny) Sarkar, R.; Bhalla, M.; Kanwar, A.J. (Chandigarh) 329 Peroxidase-Mediated Mechanisms Are Involved in the CO, Laser Surgery for Extensive, Cauliflower-Like Anogenital Melanocytotoxic and Melanogenesis-Inhibiting Effects of Chemical Agents Condylomata acuminata: Retrospective Long-Term Study on 19 HIV-Positive and 45 HIV-Negative Men Kasraee, B. (Shiraz) Carrozza, P.M.; Merlani, G.M.; Burg, G.; Hafner, J. (Zurich) 340 Human Herpesvirus 8 Investigations: A Role in the Clinical inhibition of Lipase Activity in Antibiotic-Resistant Management of Kaposi's Sarcoma? Propionibacterium acnes Strains Simonart, T.; Hermans, P.; Van Vooren, J.P. (Brussels) Gloor, M.: Wasik, B.; Becker, A. (Karlsruhe); H6ffler, U. (Ludwigshafen) 344 Darier Disease with Paired Segmental Manifestation of Either Permethrin 5% Cream versus Metronidazole 0.75% Gel Excessive or Absent Involvement: A Further Step in the Concept of Twin Spotting for the Treatment of Papulopustular Rosacea. A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study Itin, P.H. (Basel/Aarau); Happle, R. (Marburg) Kogak, M. (Kinkkale); Yagh. S.: Vahapoglu. G.: Eksioglu, M. (Ankara) 348 Generalized Eruptive Keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski: Follow-Up of the Original Description and 50-Year Retrospect Pimecrolimus Cream in the Long-Term Management of Atopic Schwartz, R.A. (Newark, N.J.); Blaszczyk, M.: Jablonska, S. (Warsaw) Dermatitis in Adults: A Six-Month Study r, M. (Dresden); Félster-Holst, R. (Kiel); Wozel, G. (Dresden) wer, G. (Niirnberg): Jiinger, M. (Greifswald); Brautigam, M Clinical and Laboratory Investigations wr the CASM-DE-O1 Study Group 353 Structure and Function of Human Stratum corneum under Deformation Rapid Communication Léveque, J.-L. (Clichy); Hallégot, P. (Aulnay-sous-Bois); Doucet, J. (Orsay) Corticosteroid-Resistant Pyoderma gangrenosum Associated Piérard, G. (Liége) with Crohn's Disease: Rapid Cure with Infliximab 358 Handwashing Patterns in Two Dermatology Clinics Grange, F.; Djilali-Bouzina, F.; Weiss, A.M.: Polette. A.; Guillaume, J.¢ Cohen, H.A.; Kitai, E.; Levy, 1; Ben-Amitai, D. (Petach Tiqwa) (Colmar) 362 Melanoma Detection. A Prospective Study Comparing Diagnosis with the Naked Eye, Dermatoscopy and Evidence-Based Case Report Telespectrophotometry Bono, A.: Bartoli, C.; Cascinelli, N.; Lualdi, M.; Maurichi, A.; Moglia, D The Diagnosis of Lichen-planus-Like Contact Dermatitis to Tragni, G.: Tomatis, S.. Marchesini, R. (Milan) Chlorpheniramine Maleate 367 Acute Diffuse and Total Alopecia of the Female Scalp. Kuroda, K.; Hisanaga, Y. (Tochigi) A New Subtype of Diffuse Alopecia areata That Has a Favorable Prognosis Case Reports Sato-Kawamura, M.: Aiba, S.: Tagami, H. (Sendai) 285 Superficial Acral Fibromyxoma: Report of Two Cases 374 Hair Pain (Trichodynia): Frequency and Relationship to Hair Kazakov, D.V. (Zurich); Mentzel, T. (Friedrichshafen), Burg, G.. Kempf. W Loss and Patient Gender (Zurich) Willimann, B.; Triieb. R.M. (Zurich) Diagnostic Odyssey of a Cutaneous Mycobacteriosis Rare in Central Europe Pharmacology and Treatment Fischer, T.W.: Assefa. S.; Bauer, H.1.; Graefe. T.; Scholz, M.: Pfister, W Barta, U.: Wollina, U.: Elsner, P. (Jena) 378 Comparison of the Effects of Daily Applications between Topical Corticosteroid and Tacrolimus Ointments on Normal Progressive Histiocytosis: Description of a Case of Skin: Evaluation with Noninvasive Methods Slow-Course Non-Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Kikuchi, K.; Tagami, H. (Sendai) Caputo, R. (Milano); Brezzi, A. (Brescia); Vaccari, G. (Reggio Emilia) Cavicchini, S.: Gianotti, R. (Milano) 383 Body-Weight-Independent Dosing of Cyclosporine Micro-Emulsion and Three Times Weekly Maintenance Regimen in Severe Psoriasis. A Randomised Study Letters to Dermatology Thagi, D. (Frankfurt); Brautigam, M. (Niirnberg/Basel); Kaufmann, R (Frankfurt); Weidinger, G.; Paul, C. (Niirnberg/Basel); Christophers, E. (Kiel) Pityriasis rubra pilaris in Association with Polyarthritis Alopecia areata during Interferon Alpha-2b/Ribavirin Therapy 389 A New Calcipotriol/Betamethasone Dipropionate Formulation (Daivobet™) Is an Effective Once-Daily Treatment for Psoriasis Repigmentation of Vitiligo with Topical Tacrolimus vulgaris Localized Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of the Finger without Kaufmann, R. (Frankfurt); Bibby, A.J. (Princes Risborough); Bissonnette, R Nail Dystrophy (Montreal); Cambazard, F. (St-Etienne); Chu, A.C. (London): Decroix, J Trichomegaly of the Eyelashes in Dermatomyositis (Mouscron); Douglas, W.S. (Airdrie); Lowson, D. (Princes Risborough) Familial Eruptive Pseudoangiomatosis Mascaro, J.M. (Barcelona); Murphy, G.M. (Dublin); Stymne, B. (Orebro) 84th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Dermatology Case Reports and Venereology 394 Ivermectin-Responsive Demodex Infestation during Human October 31 to November 2, 2002, Berne immunodeficiency Virus Infection. A Case Report and Literature Free Communications + Posters Review Aquilina, C.; Viraben, R. (Toulouse): Sire, S. (Cahors) Announcements Nerval’s Diary Contents Dermatology Vol. 205, 2002 398 Multiple Palmar Epidermoid Cysts Letters to Dermatology Yokogawa, M. (Kochi); Egawa, K. (Kumamoto); Dabanaka, K.; Wada, I Miyoshi, K.; Ikeda, M. (Kochi); Honda, Y. (Kumamoto); Kitasato, H Immunopathological Diagnosis of Pemphigus foliaceus (Sagamihara); Kodama, H. (Kochi) Reply Multiple Eccrine Spiradenomas on the Hand, Forearm and Head Reply Ohtsuka, H.; Tezuka, K. (Ehime); Kumakiri, M. (Fukui); Ohtsuki, Y. (Kochi) Successful Treatment of Chronic Discoid Lupus erythematosus Trichogerminoma: A Rare Cutaneous Adnexal Tumor with of the Scalp with Iimiquimod Differentiation toward the Hair Germ Epithelium Acral Psoriasiform Hemispherical Papulosis: A Second Case Kazakov, D.V. (Ziirich); Kutzner, H.; Riitten, A. (Friedrichshafen) Lichen Amyloidosis Improved by 0.1% Topical Tacrolimus Dummer, R.; Burg. G.; Kempf, W. (Ziirich) Successful Therapy of Annular Elastolytic Giant Cell Granuloma Sarcoidosis Preceding Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia. with Fumaric Acid Esters Report of Two Cases Serratrice,J .;G ranel, B.; Swiader, L.; Disdier, P.; Weiller-Merli, ¢ Erratum Lepidi, H.; de Roux-Serratrice, C.; Andrac-Meyer, L.; Weiller, P.J. (Marseille) Acknowledgement to Referees for Dermatology 2002 Author Index Vol. 205, 2002 Subject Index Vol. 205, 2002 Dermatology Vol. 205, 2002 Contents

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