Greif,C . 223 Jong, E.M.G.J. de 313 Lehmann, P. 99 (A) Muscardin, L. 192 Greulich, K.M. 290 Joseph, J.M. 86 (A) Lemoine, R. 80 (A) Muto, M. 113 Grézard, P. 60 Lévéque, J.L. 50 Grimaitre, M. 80 (A), 98 (A) Karaman, G. 353 Li, R.Y. 47 Nagata, Y. 124 Grimalt, R. 67 Kariniemi, A.-L. 180 Liardet, S. 87 (A) Nakamura, E. 124 Grob, J.J. 213 Katagiri, Y. 332 Liénard, D. 80 (A) Nakamura, K. 191 Grosshans, E. 208 Katayama, I. 158 Limat, A. 91 (A) Nakano, K. 349 Guarrera, M. 256 Katsambas, A. 144 Lindpaintner, K. 94 (A) Narinski, R. 356 Guex, A. 92 (A) Katsuoka, K. 20 Lipsker, D. 373 Nassiri, M. 296 Guggisberg, D. 80 (A), 86 (A), Kaufmann, R. 85 (A) Lo, K.K. 237 Neri, I. 369 89 (A), 90 (A), 94 (A) Kaur, I. 280 Loche, F. 278 Nestle, F.O. 89 (A) Giines, A.T. 140 Kawada, A. 188 Lodi, G. 195 Nguyen, T. 119 Gupta, A.K. 248 Kawakami,T . 188 Lonchamp, Ph. 258 Nievergelt, H. 82 (A) Gyr, N. 92 (A) Kawana, S. 35 Liidi, S. 97 (A) Nikkels, A.F. 361 Kaya, G. 81 (A), 190 Lupica, L. 174 Nindl, M. 124 Haenssle, H. 97 (A) Kayashima, K. 338 Ly,S . 156 Ninet, B. 93 (A) Haffner, A.C. 80 (A), 85 (A) Kazama, H. 188 Nishioka, K. 268 Hafner, J. 81 (A), 98 (A) Kerkhof, P.C.M. van de 313, McDonald, R. 265 Nishiyama, S. 338 > Hanly, A. 296 323 Malakar, R.Sh. | 370 Noél, B. 84 (A), 90 (A) - Hara,M . 135 Khandelwal, N. 280 Malakar,S . 75, 3 370, 374 Noguchi, H. 338 Hardmeier, Th. 98 (A) Kikuchi, K. 124 Malek, L. 99 (A) Nolting, S. 248 Hari, Y. 25, 82 (A) Kinebuchi, T. 341 Manabe, M. 271 Nordmeier, R. 87 (A), 88 (A) Harr, T. 92 (A) Kitamura, K. 341 Mannherz, H.G. 88 (A) Nousari, H.C. 63 Hashiguchi, K. 263 Kiyokane, K. 349 Maranini, C. 281 Numano, F. 268 Hauser, C. 190 Kleeman, D. 96 (A) Marks, R. 40 Heid, E. 373 Klein, T. 356 Marliére, V. 153 Oga, A. 113 Heine, O. 88 (A) Kligman, A.M. 50 Martin, S. 213 Ogawa, F. 158 Heitzmann, F. 171 Knight, A.G. 195 Maruyama,R . 268 Ohta, Y. 20 Helbling, A. 84 (A) Kobayashi,T . 188 Marynissen,G . 248 Okada, O. 271 Hempel, M. 92 (A) Kobayashi, Y. 268 Marzano, A.V. 174 Okochi, H. 191 Hinnen, U. 98 (A) Kobyletzki, G. von 83 (A), Mascaro, J.M. 63 Okon, E. 356 Ho, A. 265 87 (A), 88 (A) Mascaro, J.M., Jr. 63 Ono, T. 338 Hofbauer, G.F.L. 89 (A), Koch, F. 80 (A) Massai, L. 177, 365 Orecchia, G. 198,277 97 (A) Kohler, A. 169 Matsunaga, J. 124 Orfanos, C.E. 15 Hoffmann, K. 83 (A), 88 (A) Kohler, L.D. 69 Matsuo, I. 188 Otsuka, F. 277 Hohl, D. 81 (A), 91 (A), 93 (A), Kolde, G. 167 Meda, P. 91 (A) Ott, F. 308 94 (A), 95 (A) Krahn, G. 290 Megahed, M. 99 (A) Holubar, K. 59, 170, 283, 375 Krasovec, M. 85 (A), 94 (A), Meier, M.-L. 97 (A) Paget, J. 82 (A) Hoppe, U. 231 7 (A) Menke, H.E. 313 Panizzon, R.G. 81 (A), 84 (A), Hoéxtermann, S. 83 (A), 88 (A) Krayenbiihl, B.H. 84( A), Merker, A. 223 86 (A), 87 (A), 89 (A), Huber, M. 81 (A), 93 (A), 90 (A), 91 (A) Micalizzi,C . 371 90 (A), 91 (A), 94 (A), 94 (A) Kreyden, O.Ph. 82 (A) Milesi, L. 79 (A) 96 (A), 106, 328 Hunger, R.E. 86 (A) Krischer, J. 79 (A), 80 (A) Mimouni, D. 319 Parisi, A. 70 Hunziker, Th. 25 Kuhn, A. 99 (A) Mimouni, M. 319 Parodi, A. 371 Hiirlimann, A.F. 84 (A) Kumar, B. 280 Ming Tang, W.Y. 237 Patel, G.K. 195 Hurni, M. 92 (A) Kiindig, T.M. 80 (A) Miracco,C . 365 Patrizi, A. 369 Kurt, A.M. 80 (A) Mitxelena, J. 73 Pechére, M. 93 (A), 98 (A) Ichikawa, E. 277 Kusakabe, H. 349 Miyamura, Y. 124 Pelloni, F. 97 (A) Ihn, H. 191 Mochizuki, T. 341 Peris, K. 192 Iliev, D. 98 (A) La Malfa, V. 31 Moehrle, M. 201 Perriard,J . 86 (A) Imakado, S. 277 Lambert, W.C. 204, 265 Mohrenschlager, M. 69 Perrot, H. 60 Inamoto, N. 263 Langon, C. 213 Mommers, J.M. 323 Peter, R.U. 169, 290 Ishihara, S. 20 Lane, E.B. 94 (A) Monge, M. 282 Pfohler,C . 261 Ishizaki, H. 341 Langauer Messmer, S. 83 (A) Mosberg, R. 356 Pichler, W.J. 25, 82 (A), 84 (A), Itin, P.H. 79 (A), 92 (A), 93 (A), Langer, P. 265 Motoori, T. 20 86 (A) 95 (A), 171, 185 Lauerma, A.I. 180 Mougeot-Martin, M. 282 Pieck, C. 83 (A), 87 (A), 88 (A) Laurent, F. 156 Miiller, U. 25 Piérard, G.E. 50, 361 Jansen, C. 40 Lebwohl, M.G. 3 Munier, F. 94 (A) Piette, J.-C. 183 Jaunin, F. 86 (A), 253 Lefkowitz, A. 204 Murakami,T . 113 Piguet, B. 94 (A) Jeskanen, L. 180 Legrain, S. 183 Murata, I. 162 Piletta, P.-A. 80 (A) Author Index Dermatology Vol. 199, 1999 Pippione, M. 54 Saito, R. 188 Soro, E. 274 Virgili, A. 31,281 997 Pires, A. 90 (A) Salomon, D. 79 (A), 253 Souteyrand, P. Vollandt, R. 223 Pisteur, M. 89 (A) Salomon, S. 91 (A) Spycher, M. 95 (A) Vulliemin, J.-F. 96 (A) Ponard, D. 227 Sanguina, M. 282 Stables, G.I. 242 Praag. M.C.G. van 313 Sapadin, A.N. 3 Stamenkovic. I. 81 (A) Wallace, R. 248 Presenti, L. 177 Sardella, A. 195 Stamm, B. 171 Wanders, R.J.A. 18 Prins, C. 89 (A) Satomi, H. 277 Steijlen, P.M. 187 Wang, A.P. 47 Prost, Y. de 248 Saurat, J.-H. 40, 79 (A), 80 (A), Sterry, W. 167 Wang, D.L. 47 Psarra, K. 144 81 (A), 85 (A), 86 (A), Stock, J. 198,277 Wang. R. 47 89 (A), 90 (A), 91 (A), Stoudemayer, T. 50 Watanabe, M. 158 Quaglino. P. 8 93 (A), 97 (A), 98 (A), 253. Struk, B. 94 (A) Weber, J. 83 (A) 302 Strumia, R. 31, 67 Weiller,P. J. 165 Raguin,G . 183 Savk, E. 353 Stubb, S. 180 Wernli, M. 80 (A) Rakic. L. 361 Scaletta, C. 87 (A) Stiicker, M. 87 (A) Whitworth, J.A. 265 Ramelet, A.-A. 97 (A) Schaad, I. 81 (A) Swiss Surveillance Network of Willemsen, M.A.A.P. 187 Rampini, E. 256 Schacht, V. 95 (A) Sentinel Gynaecologists Wiszniewski, L. 91 (A) Rampini, P. 256 Schaub, N. 92 (A) 82 (A) Wolf, F. 60, 231 Ranieri, E. 197 Schepis, C. 72 Wolff, H. 290 Rantanen, T. 180 Schermesser, M. 98 (A) Tabata, N. 135 Wolter, M. 85 (A) Raone, B. 369 Schiller, P. 95 (A), 185 Tagami, H. 135 Wong, T.W. 237 Raton, J.A. 73 Schilling, M. 97 (A) Takagawa, S. 268 Worm, M. 167 Rebora, A. 197, 256, 371 Schleiffenbaum, B. 346 Tamaki, K. 191 Worret. W.I. 69 Reiffers, J. 84 (A) Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Tamburrano,G . 70 Reimers, A. 25 92 (A) Tanaka, M. 135 amaguchi, K. 188 Reinhold, U. 261 Schmied, E. 85 (A) Tanei, R. 20 amaguchi, Y. 188 Réseau d’Epidémiologie en Schmutz,J .L. 258 Tanita, M. 124 amamoto, O. 162 Dermatologie 213 Schneider, E.L. 81 (A) Tapernoux, B. 97 (A) amanouchi, H. 158 Revuz, J. 40 SchGning, J. 83 (A), 88 (A) Terbeck, G. 82 (A) ano. S. 191 Rey. J. 165 Schorderet, D. 93 (A) Thédenat, B. 278 awalkar, N. 25, 82 (A). Ricci, C. 90 (A), 328 Schuler, G. 89 (A) Theissen, U. 248 84 (A), 86 (A) Richard, G. 95 (A) Schwartz, R.A. 204, 265, 285 Thiirlimann, W. 97 (A) Yilmaz, B. 83 (A) Rie, M.A. de 101 Schwarze, H.P. 278 Tiercy, J.M. 86 (A) Yokono, H. 20 Rimoldi, D. 80 (A), 89 (A) Schwarzkopf, S. 87 (A) Tilgen, W. 261 Yokozeki, H. 268 Ring. J. 69, 231 Scordi, L.A. 296 Todi, S.K. 194 Yoneda, K. 271 Robert, C.-F. 90 (A) Secrétan, M. 94 (A) Tomasini,C . 274 Yoshida, M. 197 Rohner, P. 93 (A) Seiter, S. 261 Tomita, Y. 124 Yoshinaga, K. 162 Roizman, P. 356 Sendur, N. 353 Toutous-Trellu, L. 93 (A) Romano, C. 72, 177, 365 Senti, G. 346 Tran, C. 302 Zaccagna, A. 8 Romero, P. 89 (A) Serratrice.J . 165 Traupe. B. 231 Zach, S. 94 (A) Roques, X. 156 Sethuraman,G . 280 Tréchot, P. 258 Zackheim, H.S. 102 Rosset, A. 328 Shephard, S.E. 106 Treudler, R. 15 Zampino, M.R. 31 Rotteveel, J.J. 187 Sherer, D.W. 3 Tridon, A. 227 Zarbin, M. 265 Roudier-Pujol, C. 119 Shimizu. T. 113 Triieb, R.M. 91 (A), 92 (A), Zbinden, R. 82 (A) Roux, E. 86 (A) Shinomiya, N. 188 93 (A), 95 (A), 96 (A) Zeharia, A. 319 Rufli, Th. 79 (A), 83 (A), 92 (A) Shohat, B. 356 Tsambaos, D. 95 (A) Zepter. K. 80 (A) Rugg, E.L. 94 (A) Shohat, M. 356 Zogratfos, L. 94 (A) Rundler, E. 82 (A) Simsek, I. 140 Ugurel, S. 261 Zouboulis, Ch.C. 15 Ruszczak, Z. 285 Siragusa. M. 72 Zwahlen, M. 82 (A) Ruzicka, T. 99 (A) Skarabis, W. 167 Vareltzidis, A. 144 Skaria, A. 79 (A) Vecchietti, J.-L. 89 (A) Sacerdoti,G. 192 Skaria, M. 253 Verrone, A. 8 Sachsenberg-Studer, E.M. Solé, M.T. 63 Vincek, V. 296 85 (A) Sorg.O. 302 Viragh, P.A. de 96 (A) Dermatology Vol. 199, 1999 Author Index Subject Index Vol. 199, 1999 CEREBRO SS RACER ARAN EMIEANS A CNS EERE TNE, Acne 195 Cl inhibitor antibodies 2529 9 Drug auxiliary materials 169 Hardening 158 - vulgaris 242 c-myc oncogene 290 —- reaction, cutaneous adverse Hashimoto thyroiditis 282 Acrocyanosis 183 Cancer Registry Data 201 258 Helicobacter pylori 140 Acute graft-versus-host disease Carcinogenicity 106 - skin testing 258 Hemangioma, arteriovenous 20 Carcinoma, apocrine Dystonia, focal and segmental ,77 a Acyclovir 75 - - ductal 3: 32 67 -, sinusoidal 274 Adamantiades-Behcet disease - - skin 332 HER2 290 15 -, basal cell 119 Eccrine chromhidrosis 149 HER3 290 Adenocarcinoma, apocrine 332 cervical 171 Eczema 213 Herpes simplex 75 Adnexal hamartoma 204 cutaneous apocrine ductal Edge effect 130 - - virus 361 22 Adolescence 8 332 Electron beam therapy, total Histological grade 113 Adrenocortical tumor 165 —-, squamous cell 208 skin 102 Histopathological criteria 208 Aeroallergen 135 Cardiac disorder 3 ELISA 188 Hodgkin disease 268 Aesthetic complaints 165 Castleman disease 63 Eosin 319 Homogentisic acid 70 Age 119 Ceftriaxone 25 Eosinophilic fascitis 282 HTLV-1-associated myelo- — factors 8 Cell adhesion molecules 158 Epidemiology 15, 353 pathy 356 Aging 50 Chemotherapy 361 Epidermal growth factor Human herpesvirus 7 197 Albinism 124 Childhood 8, 256 receptor 290 - Tlymphotropic virus 356 Alkaptonuria 70 Chronic hand eczema 308 Epithelioma, calcifying 338 Hydration 135 Allergic contact dermatitis 281 Ciclosporin A 67, 144, 372 Erythema, in interdigital 341 Hypercalciuria 280 Alopecia 256 Clinical features 15 Erythromicin gel combined Hyperuricemia 280 — areata 67,191, 369 Clobetasol 323 isotretinoin 242 -, circumscribed 369 Collagen 285 Etiology | IgE 135 -, congenital 369 Colouring agents, fast foods Immediate-type allergy 169 Anagen hair 67 149 Facial mutilation 265 Immunohistochemistry 20, Anaphylactic degranulation 35 Comedone nevus 204 - swelling 195 332. 349 Anaphylaxis 169 Complement 227 Fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase Immunophenotyping 8, 258 Anemia, autoimmune hemo- Congenital ichthyosis 187 187 Immunosuppression 130, 361 + lytic 282 Contact eczema 130 Flow cytometry 323 Infectious agents | ~ Angioedema, acquired 227 Corticosteroid(s) 40, 231 5-Fluorouracil 31 3 In situ hybridization 20 Antifungal agent 47 Cryotherapy 67 Folliculotropism 192 Interdigital intertrigo 177 Antinuclear antibodies 191 Cry ptococcosis 180 Fontana-Masson staining 162 Interdisciplinary approach 223 Antithyroid antibodies 191 Cryptococcus neoformans 180 Frontal sinus 263 Interleukin-11 296 Apoptosis 296 Cushing syndrome 165 Fusarium solani 177 Interleukin-12 101 Areola 73 Cytokines 25, 144 Intermittent therapy 47 Arthropathy 371 Gastrointestinal endoscopy Intravenous immunoglobulins Atopic dermatitis 356 Darier-White disease 278, 365 162 258 - eczema 231 Depigmentation 198, 277 Genetic mosaicism 185 Isotretinoin 195 Autoimmune disease 191 Dermatofibroma 54 Genodermatoses 3 - combined erythromicin gel Dermatofibrosarcoma protu- Gentian violet 231 242 Baboon syndrome 258 berans 278 Glucocorticoids, high-dose 261 Itraconazole 47, 248 Bacterial infection 341 Desmoglein 188 Glucocorticosteroid 180 Barrier 135 Diaper dermatitis 319 Glycolic acid 50 Juvenile 57 Bathwater delivery 106 Dibutyl phthalate 169 Granular cell, dermatofibroma — onset 15 Behcet disease 15, 140 Differential diagnosis 208 54 Belanyx 313 Digital necrosis 183 - - tumors, cutaneous 54 Keratin 6 323 5 Blaschko lines 60, 72, 3 3S Diphenylcyclopropenone 198, Granuloma 265 Keratoacanthoma 208 Blood transfusion 20 277 Grenz ray 328 Ki-67 antigen 113 Bullous pemphigoid Donor-derived cells 20 Kimura disease 35 - - antigen 180 2 Double-lined scleroderma en Hair loss 256 Butcher 341 coup de sabre 185 Hairless mice 302 Laser Doppler perfusion Doughnut sign 374 Handicap 213 imaging 130 1999 S. Karger AG, Basel KARGER Fax +41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at www. www. Laugier-Hunziker syndrome — - prognosis 8 Prognosis 119 Staphylococcus aureus 231 162 survival 8 Progressive systemic sclerosis Stasis ulcer 271 Leg ulcer 213 unilesional 174 374 Steroid(s) 195 Leukemia, acute monocytic Myopathy 371 Pruritus 237 — therapy 319 349 Pseudoxanthoma 3 Stratum corneum 135 -, subacute myelomonocytic Nail 313 Psoriasis 40, 101, 144, 213, Subcorneal pustular dermatosis 346 Neoplasm, vascular 274 313, 323 69, 153 Leukoderma 75, 198, 277 Nerve stimulation, transcuta- -, history | Superficial dermatomycosis 31 Lichen planus 253, 280 neous electrical 237, 281 Psychology 213 Superior vena cava syndrome pemphigoides 253 Nevoid disorder 167 Pulse therapy 261 156 Light eruption, polymorphous — hyperkeratosis 73 Purpura, idiopathic thrombocy- Survey 223 158 Nevus 167 topenic 282, 361 Sweat gland neoplasm 332 Linear IgA bullous dermatosis — comedonicus 204 PUVA 106 25 —. epidermal 204 T cells 25 + Lipogranuloma 271 — spilus 72 Quality of life 213 Tazarotene 40 Liquor carbonis detergens 231 Nickel sensitivity 281 Tinea capitis 248 Liver cirrhosis 277 Nodular prurigo 372 Relapse 323 — infections 248 Long-term survival 63 Nose swelling 171 Renal transplant recipients 31 — pedis 31 Lung cancer, non-small-cell 290 Nummular eczema 135 Reverse-transcription poly- Tissue augmentation 285 Lupus erythematosus, linear merase chain reaction 290 Transplant, single-hair 370 + > cutaneous 60 Occlusion 3 a Reticular erythematous muci- Treatment 237 - -, systemic 63, 188 Ochronosis 70 nosis 371 [ripe palms 290 Lymphocyte subsets 144 Onychomycosis 31, 47, 248 all-trans-Retinoic acid 50 Tumour, subcutaneous 263 Lymphoma, cutaneous T-cell Open study 319 9-cis-Retinoic acid 308 Turkey 353 102 Opportunistic infection 180 Retinoid(s) 40, 153, 302, 308 Turner syndrome 338 -, non-Hodgkin 192 Ovarian cancer 183 Route of administration 106 Type XVII collagen 253 B-Lipohydroxy acid 50 RT-PCR 290 [yrosinase 124 pl6/CDKN2 290 Tyrosine 70 Mast cell 35 p53 protein 113 P-Selectin 258 Melanocytosis, esophageal 162 Paederus dermatitis 353 Sarcoidosis 265 Ultrastructure 35, 332 Melanoma, cutaneous 201 Panniculitis 271 Sarcoma, monocytic 349 Ultraviolet light 296 Melanosis, labial 162 Paraneoplastic disease 290 Sclerosis, multiple 69 Urolithiasis 280 Men 73 Parvovirus B19 | Scrofuloderma 268 UVB irradiation 302 Mental retardation Patch test 130 Self-healing 57 Metastasis 171 Pathogenesis 140 Senear-Usher syndrome 188 Vaginal ulcer 346 8-Methoxypsoralen 106 Pemphigus erythematosus 188 Sézary syndrome 102 Varicella zoster virus Metronidazole 25 paraneoplastic 63 Single-hair transplant 370 Venous insufficiency Monoclonal gammopathy 371 Phenylalanine 70 Sj6gren-Larsson syndrome 187 Vitiligo 261 Motor neuropathy, reversible Photochemotherapy 106 Skin disorders 213 VQ-Dermato 213 ascending 372 Phototherapy 40 - invasion 268 Vulval disease clinic Mountaineering 201 Piecemeal degranulation 35 Sneddon-Wilkinson disease 69 Mucinosis, cutaneous 57 Pilomatrixoma 338 Soft fibroma 167 Wash test 256 -, reticularerythematous 371 Pityriasis rosea 197 Solar keratosis 113 Wound healing 285 Mucocele 263 - versicolor 31 Solitary form 274 Mutation 124 Polymorphism 124 Spindle cell hemangioma 274 Zonal form 274 Mycosis fungoides 8, 102, 174 Polymyositis 63 Splicing 124 follicular 174 Polythelia 72 Squamous cell carcinoma 208 pilotropic 192 Porokeratosis 328 SRC 290 Dermatology Vol. 199, 1999 Subject Index