Derivation of the effective Chiral Lagrangian for pseudoscalar, scalar, vector and axial-vector mesons from QCD Ke Ren∗ Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China Hui-Feng Fu† Center for Theoretical Physics, College of Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, P.R.China Qing Wang‡ Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China and 7 Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100084, P.R.China 1 0 A previousformal derivationof theeffectivechiralLagrangian forlow-lying pseudoscalar mesons 2 from first-principles QCD without approximations [Wang et al., Phys. Rev. D61, (2000) 54011] is n generalizedtofurtherincludescalar,vector,andaxial-vectormesons. InthelargeNc limitandwith anAbelianapproximation,weshowthatthepropertiesofthenewlyaddedmesonsinourformalism a J aredeterminedbythecorrespondingunderlyingfundamentalhomogeneousBethe–Salpeterequation in theladderapproximation, which yieldstheequations of motion for thescalar, vector, and axial- 6 vector meson fields at the level of an effective chiral Lagrangian. The masses appearing in the 2 equations of motion of the meson fields are those determined by thecorresponding Bethe–Salpeter equation. ] h p - p e h [ 1 v 8 9 8 7 0 . 1 0 7 1 : v i X r a ∗ [email protected] † [email protected] ‡ Correspondingauthor:[email protected] I. INTRODUCTION Effective chiral Lagrangiantheory is well known to be a very useful formalism to describe low-lying mesons, which enables us to avoid difficulties in nonperturbative QCD in the low-energy regime. We often dismiss the importance ofderivations ofthe effective chiralLagrangianfromfirst-principlesQCDtheory andtreatthis derivationas a purely theoretical exercise. This, of course, is partly due to the difficulties in the derivation, but the more important reason may be because the effective chiral Lagrangian has the same chiral and discrete symmetries as the original QCD, regardless whether the Lagrangian is derived or simply written down. The same form of the effective chiral Lagrangianis alwaysobtained, andinthis sense,the derivationseems to loseits value, because interms ofsymmetry constraints, it suffices to write all necessary terms of the effective chiral Lagrangian. Then, why do we need to pay a high price and play with this very difficult derivation? There are three reasons. First, the derivation offers us a systematic definition of low-energyconstants (LECs) in terms of the underlying QCD, which conventionallycan only be done for specific LECs by choosing some special processes or physical quantities and demanding a match of the computed results from the effective chiral Lagrangian and from QCD. Based on this systematic and fundamental expression of LECs at the QCD level, one can develop some first-principles QCD computation techniques for LECs. This provides us with a possible solution to the LEC number problem encountered in effective chiral Lagrangian theory, for which if we go to high order in the low-energy expansion, the number of LECs increases very rapidly. It is impossible to fix all of them purely from experiment. Second, the derivation often provides us with a compact expression for the effective chiral Lagrangian, which corresponds to re-summing the infinite series of the low-energy expansion. Thisoffersawaytogobeyondthetraditionallow-energyexpansionfortheeffectivechiralLagrangianand enlargetheavailablescopeofourcalculation. Third,thedetailedprocedureofthederivationingeneralisindependent of various symmetry arguments which are relied heavily by traditional effective chiral Lagrangian. Often this reveals some unexpected correlations between different objects, which will make us go beyond conventional pure symmetry discussions and deepen our understanding of the structure of the QCD. For our derived effective chiral Lagrangian, althoughtheLagrangianitselfisphenomenological,thedetailedstructureofthefinalexpressionincludesallnecessary information of the underlying QCD. Although the derivation of the effective chiral Lagrangian from QCD is of such importance,unfortunately,itoftenisverydifficultinvolvinga lotofmathematicalandnonperturbativetechniquesto treat. The naive belief is that, if one can successfully handle these difficulties, compare to derive the effective chiral Lagrangian, directly using these techniques to compute low-energy physics quantities and processes may be more efficient. For these reasons,very little work on a reliable derivation has appeared in the literature. Seventeen years ago, in Ref. [1], we built a formalism to derive the chiral Lagrangian for low-lying pseudoscalar mesonsfromfirst-principlesQCDwithouttakingapproximations. Thederivationisbasedonthestandardgenerating functionalofQCDwithexternalbilinearlight-quarkfields sourcesinthe pathintegralformalism. Theintegrationsof gluon and heavy-quarkfield are performed formally by expressing the result in terms of the physical Green functions of the gluon. To integrate over the left light-quark fields, we introduce a bilocal auxiliary field Φ(x,y) representing the light mesons. We then developed a consistent way of extracting the local pseudoscalar degree of freedom U(x) in Φ(x,y) integrating out the other degrees of freedom. With certain techniques, we worked out the explicit U(x) dependence of the effective action up to the p4 terms in the momentum expansion, which leads to the desired chiral Lagrangian in which all LECs of the theory are expressed in terms of Green’s functions for certain quarks in QCD. The final result can be regarded as the fundamental QCD definition of the LECs. With some approximation, we found our QCD definition of the p2-order coefficient F2 recovers just the well-known approximate result given by 0 Pagels and Stokar[2]. Further developments of this work moved along two directions. One was in terms of compact result obtained in Ref. [1] from QCD. We continued to develop various techniques to calculate LECs of the pseudoscalar meson chiral Lagrangian that included LECs of order p4 [3], and various versions of order p6 [4–7]. To date though, we still use an ansatz to represent the real solution of the external source-dependent Schwinger–Dyson equation to simplify the computations. Because of its rough approximation, it is criticized by becoming phenomenological model[8] and not derived from a first-principles calculations. We are nevertheless improving our techniques step by step towarda final realizationof a true first-principles computation. The other direction developedextends the contentof the formalism from pure pseudoscalar mesons to include other meson species, in particular, vector mesons in Ref. [9], and the η′ meson in Ref. [10]. In the following year, we changed from QCD to a generaltechnicolor model deriving the effective chiral Lagrangian for its pseudo-Goldstone bosons in Ref. [11]. This direction of development was stopped in 2001, because we have found a key obstacle to a result given in [9]. There is inevitably a free dimensional parameter µ appearing in our derivation, and it seems that the masses of the vector bosons depending on this µ parameter can takearbitraryvalues. ThiscontradictsourexpectationbecauseweknowthatQCDdeterminesthepropertyofvector mesons non-perturbativelyvia the correspondingBethe–Salpeter equation(BSE)[12], which will fix the vector meson mass without any arbitrariness. For a correct formalism, we should automatically produce this BSE, which fixes the amplitudeofvectorboson. Thesituationforvectormesonscontraststhatofpseudoscalarmesons,wherespontaneous 2 chiral symmetry breaking at the chiral limit sets their masses to zero because of their Goldstone nature. As long as our formalism retains the correct behavior under spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, the masses of pseudoscalar mesons are automatically zero. Beyond pseudoscalar mesons, we do not have this Goldstone-theorem argument and the masses of mesons no longer vanish even at the chiral limit. Hence, producing the correct value of these nonzero mesonmassesbecomesarealchallenge. Itisasignthatourderivationgoesbeyondthe constraintofchiralsymmetry and its breaking. Here we stress the importance of producing the correct meson masses or more generally the LECs of the effective chiral Lagrangian in our derivation. Without this we cannot trust the validity of the formalism we have built up for the derivation. In fact, in the mid-1980s,there were many articles claiming that they haveachieved the derivation in terms of the non-minimal anomaly of QCD [13–19]. The generalcriticisms of the work are that the derivations do not involve QCD dynamics because when the quark–gluon interaction is switched off, nonzero LECs remained. As a result, the corresponding derivations could not produce the correct F2 (most of the attempts just 0 gave zero) and the p4-order LECs L and L gave the wrong signs. In comparison, our work [1] did give the correct 7 8 F2 predicted by Pagels and Stokar[2] and produced the correct L and L signs, which boosted confidence in our 0 7 8 formalism and derivations. The problem became the evaluation of the correct value of the meson mass or its other properties to judge the reliability of the formalism and derivation, before solving the problem of arbitrary mass of the vector meson. Because of the existence of the free parameter µ, we lacked assurance to develop the formalism further for mesons of heavier mass and had no idea how to avoid the effect of this arbitrary parameter on vector meson masses or how to generate the BSE within our formalism for vector mesons. Indeed, we doubted whether our formalism for the vector meson was correct. Considering that the vector meson is of the lowest mass above those of the three pseudoscalar flavor mesons, we did not expect our formalism to work for other more heavier mesons if it did not work for vector mesons. The purpose of this work is to solve this problem and show that the formalism set up in Ref. [9] is correct. The free parameter µ does not have effect on vector meson masses and we can reproduce the standard BSE for vector mesons [12] in our formalism as well as the correct physical mass in the effective chiral Lagrangian. Our discussion can be further generalized to scalar and axial-vector mesons. This paper is organized as follows, in Sec. II, we review the previous work for pseudoscalar mesons [1] and vector mesons[9];inSec.III,inthelargeN limit,whichwasnotdiscussedpreviously,weshowintheAbelianapproximation c thattheformalismestablishedcanreproducethecorrectladderapproximationBSEforvectormesonsandtheproperty of vector meson is independent of free parameter µ. We find that in our formalism, BSE leads to the equation of motion (EOM) for vector mesons and the mass appearing in EOM is just that determined by BSE. In Sec. IV, we generalizeourformalismtofurtherincludescalarandaxial-vectormesons. Sec.Vprovidesasummaryanddiscussion. II. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS DERIVATIONS OF THE EFFECTIVE CHIRAL LAGRANGIAN FOR PSEUDOSCALAR AND VECTOR MESONS In this section, we review the necessaryparts ofRefs. [1, 9] for our laterdiscussionin this paper. Considera QCD- type gauge theory with SU(N ) local gauge symmetry and N flavor quarks. We start from generating functional c f given in Ref. [1], Z[J]= DψDψ¯exp i d4xψ¯(i∂/+J)ψ DqDq¯DA ∆ (A ) µ F µ Z (cid:26) Z (cid:27)Z 1 ×exp i d4x L (A)− [Fi(A )]2−gIµAi +q¯(i∂/−M −gA/)q . (1) (cid:26) Z (cid:20) QCD 2ξ µ i µ (cid:21)(cid:27) The conventionsanddefinitionsforfieldsinEq.(1)arethe sameasthoseinRef.[1]. As doneinRef.[1],weintegrate out gluon and quark fields, and integrate in a bilocal auxiliary field Φσρ(x,y) ∼ (1/N )ψ¯σ(x)ψρ(y), which represent c α α the bilinear light-quark pair. The result is Z[J]= DΦDΠ eiΓ1[J,Φ,Π] , (2) Z ∞ (−i)n(N g2)n−1 Γ [J,Φ,Π]=N −iTrln[i∂/+J −Π]+ d4xd4x′Φσρ(x,x′)Πσρ(x,x′)+ d4x ···d4x d4x′ ···d4x′ c 1 c(cid:26) Z Z 1 n 1 n n! nX=2 ×Gσ1···σn(x ,x′,··· ,x ,x′ )Φσ1ρ1(x ,x′)···Φσnρn(x ,x′ ) . (3) ρ1···ρn 1 1 n n 1 1 n n (cid:27) where Gσ1···σn(x ,x′,··· ,x ,x′ ) is a generalizedGreenfunction for gluon including in contributionfrom gluonsand ρ1···ρn 1 1 n n heavy quarks. Then introducing unitary Goldstone fields ξ and ξ by inserting in Eq. (2) a series Goldstone-field R L 3 integration as in Ref. [9], Eq. (2) is changed to Z[J]= DΦDΠDξ Dξ DΞ δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(detξ −detξ )exp iΓ [J,Φ,Π] Z R L R R L L R L (cid:26) 1 +iΓ [Φ]+iN d4x tr {Ξ[e−iϑ/Nfξ tr (P ΦT)ξ† −eiϑ/Nfξ tr (P ΦT)ξ†]} , (4) I cZ f R l R L L l L R (cid:27) where e−iΓI[Φ] ≡ {det[tr P ΦT(x,x)]det[tr P ΦT(x,x)]}1/2 Dσ δ[(tr P ΦT)(tr P ΦT)−σ†σ]δ(σ−σ†) (5) l R l L l R l L (cid:20) Z (cid:21) Yx is a compensation term to cancel the residual Φ field dependence due to Goldstone fields ξ and ξ integration. A R L further integration in the vector meson field Vab(x) by functionally inserting a constant integration in Eq. (4) yields µ 1 DV δ Vab(x)+ {[ξ (x)P +ξ (x)P ]Π(x,x)[ξ†(x)P +ξ†(x)P ]}(aξ)(bζ)(γ )ζξ . (6) Z (cid:20) µ 4µ4 L R R L R R L L µ (cid:21) Note here a mass dimension parameter µ is inevitable. This is because the Π field has mass dimension 5 and V µ has dimension 1. To compensate the dimensional difference between Π and V fields, we have to match this with µ a constant of mass dimension 4, µ4. This parameter is apparently arbitrary. Nevertheless, the physical results of our formalism must be independent of the value of this parameter. We can treat this µ independence of the result as a check of the reliability of our formalism. Now we exponentiate the delta function by introducing a functional integration over another field V˜µ,ba(x) and formally integrate out the fields Π and Φ, Z[J], obtaining Z[J]= Dξ Dξ DVDΞDV˜ δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(detξ −detξ )eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φc,Πc] , (7) Z R L R R L L R L where eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φc,Πc] = DΦDΠ exp iΓ [J,Φ,Π]+iΓ [Φ] 1 I Z (cid:26) +iN d4xtr Ξ[e−iϑ/Nfξ tr (P ΦT)ξ† −eiϑ/Nfξ tr (P ΦT)ξ†] cZ f(cid:20) R l R L L l L R (cid:21) 1 +iN d4x Vab+ [(ξ P +ξ P )Π(ξ†P +ξ†P )](aξ)(bζ)(γ )ζξ V˜µ,ba . (8) cZ (cid:20) µ 4µ4 L R R L R R L L µ (cid:21) (cid:27) Π and Φ fields are c c DΦDΠ Π e··· DΦDΦ Π e··· Π = , Φ = , , (9) c R DΦDΠ e··· c R DΦDΠ e··· R R where ··· is the exponent of the exponential in Eq. (8). Π and Φ satisfy the following equations c c ∂Γ [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ] ∂Γ [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ] 2 R L c c 2 R L c c =0, =0. (10) ∂Π ∂Φ c c We formally finish the integration over fields V˜ and Ξ in Eq. (7), Z[J]=Z DξRDξLDV δ(ξR†ξR−1)δ(ξL†ξL−1)δ(detξR−detξL)eiSeff[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξc,V˜c,Φc,Πc] , (11) where eiSeff[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξc,V˜c,Φc,Πc] = DΞDV˜ eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φc,Πc] . (12) Z The Ξ and V˜ fields are c c DΞDV˜ Ξ e··· DΞDV˜ V˜ e··· Ξ = , V˜ = , (13) c R DΞDV˜ e··· c R DΞDV˜ e··· R R 4 where ··· is the exponent of the exponential in Eq. (12). Ξ and V˜ satisfy the following equations c c ∂S [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ] ∂S [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ] eff R L c c c c eff R L c c c c =0, =0. (14) ∂Ξc ∂V˜c With the help of Eqs. (12), Eqs. (14), (10), (8), and (3), we obtain, ∂S [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ] δ(0) eff R L c c c c =N Φσρ(x,x)+ {[ξ†(x)P +ξ†(x)P ]V/˜(x)[ξ (x)P +ξ (x)P ]}σρ ,(15) ∂Jσρ(x) (cid:12) c(cid:20) c 4µ4 R R L L L R R L (cid:21) (cid:12)ξR,ξL,V fix (cid:12) ∂S [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ](cid:12) eff R L c c c c =N V˜µ,ba(x). (16) ∂Vab(x) (cid:12) c µ (cid:12)ξR,ξL,J fix (cid:12) (cid:12) Here we use a bar to denote the functional averageover fields Ξ and V˜, DΞDV˜ O(x) eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φc,Πc] O(x)≡ , (17) R DΞDV˜ eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φc,Πc] R where the appearance of the second term on the r.h.s of Eq. (15) is proportional to δ(0) because the last term of r.h.s. of Eq. (8) contributes an extra linear Π term to the exponential of the integrand of the path integral, which because of the integration over the Π field changes the original constraint Φσρ(x,y) ∼ (1/N )ψ¯σ(x)ψρ(y) to c α α Φσρ(x,y)+ δ(x−y){[ξ†(x)P +ξ†(x)P ]V/˜(x)[ξ (x)P +ξ (x)P ]}σρ ∼ (1/N )ψ¯σ(x)ψρ(y); the derivation of Jσρ(x) 4µ4 R R L L L R R L c α α for the path integral is simply ψ¯σ(x)ψρ(x). Defining the rotated source and fields by α α J (x)=[ξ (x)P +ξ (x)P ][J(x)+i∂/][ξ†(x)P +ξ†(x)P ], Ω L R R L R R L L ΦT(x,y)=[ξ (x)P +ξ (x)P ]ΦT(x,y)[ξ†(y)P +ξ†(y)P ], Ω R R L L L R R L Π (x,y)=[ξ (x)P +ξ (x)P ]Π(x,y)[ξ†(y)P +ξ†(y)P ], (18) Ω L R R L R R L L the fields ϑ, Ξ, V, V˜ remain unchanged. We distinguish the fields after transformation using a subscript Ω; we then have Γ [J,Φ,Π]=Γ [J ,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms, (19) 1 1 Ω Ω Ω Γ [Φ]=Γ [Φ ], (20) I I Ω Γ [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ]=Γ [1,1,V,J ,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms, (21) 2 R L c c 2 Ω Ωc Ωc S [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ]=S [1,1,V,J ,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms. (22) eff R L c c c c eff Ω c c Ωc Ωc Ignoring anomaly terms, Eqs. (15) and (16) become ∂Seff[1,1,V,JΩ,Ξc,V˜c,ΦΩc,ΠΩc] =N Φσρ(x,x)+ δ(0)V/˜σρ(x) , (23) ∂Jσρ(x) (cid:12) c(cid:20) Ωc 4µ4 c (cid:21) Ω (cid:12)ξR,ξL,J fix (cid:12) ∂S [1,1,V,J ,Ξ ,V˜ ,Φ ,Π ](cid:12) eff Ω c c Ωc Ωc =N V˜µ,ba(x). (24) ∂Vab(x) (cid:12) c µ (cid:12)ξR,ξL,J fix (cid:12) (cid:12) III. LARGE N LIMIT AND ABELIAN APPROXIMATION c InthelargeN limit,allfunctionalintegrationsinthelastsection,exceptthoseforξ ,ξ andV,canberepresented c R L by their classical fields, which satisfy the stationary equation with a classical action. For simplicity, we drop the subscript c in this section, then Eqs. (21) and (22) become Γ [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φ,Π]=Γ [J,Φ,Π], (25) 2 R L 1 S [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φ,Π]=Γ [ξ ,ξ ,V,J,Ξ,V˜,Φ,Π], eff R L 2 R L =Γ [1,1,V,J ,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms, (26) 2 Ω Ω Ω S [1,1,V,J ,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ]=Γ [J ,Φ ,Π ], (27) eff Ω Ω Ω 1 Ω Ω Ω 5 where we have used the property that Γ [Φ] is a quantity of order 1/N . Eq. (14) combined with Eqs. (12) and (8) I c now become det tr [P ΦT(x,x)] l R (cid:20) (cid:21) e−iϑ/Nftr [P ΦT(x,x)]−eiϑ/Nftr [P ΦT(x,x)]=0, e2iϑ(x) = , (28) l R Ω l L Ω det tr [P ΦT(x,x)] l L (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 Vab(x)+ Π(aξ)(bζ)(x,x)(γ )ζξ =0. (29) µ 4µ4 Ω µ and Eq. (10) becomes 1 Φ(aξ)(bη)(x,y)+i[(i∂/+J −Π )−1](bη)(aξ)(y,x)+ δ(x−y)(γ )ηξV˜µ,ba(x)=0, (30) Ω Ω Ω 4µ4 µ Ξ˜σρ(x)δ(x−y)+Πσρ(x,y)+ ∞ d4x ···d4x x4x′ ···d4x′ (−i)n+1(Ncg2)nGσσ1···σn(x,y,x ,x′,...,x ,x′ ) Ω Z 1 n 1 n n! ρρ1···ρn 1 1 n n nX=1 ×Φσ1ρ1(x ,x′)···)Φσnρn(x ,x′ )=0, (31) Ω 1 1 Ω n n where V˜µ,ba(x) and Ξ˜σρ(x) can be understood as effective Lagrangian multipliers, which enable the constraints (29) and (28) to hold. Note that the original discussion in Ref. [1] has the constraint that Ξ˜σρ(x) = ∂ d4y tr {Ξ(y)[−isinϑ(y)/N +γ cosϑ(t)/N ]ΦT} only has scalar and pseudoscalar com- ∂Φσρ(x,x) lf f 5 f Ω (cid:12) Ω R (cid:12)Ξ fix ponents and no vector, axial-vector or tensor components. From Eq. ((cid:12)24), we find V˜µ,ba(x) is proportional to the (cid:12) l.h.s. of the EOM for a vector meson field Vab(x), then V˜µ,ba(x) = 0 is the EOM of vector mesons for the effective µ chiral Lagrangian. We expect it could some connection with the BSE for vector mesons because the BSE is a more fundamental underlying equation describing the structure of vector mesons. For the constraintEq. (28), we need the coincidence limit Φ(x,x), which from Eq. (30) becomes 1 Φ(aξ)(bη)(x,x)+i[(i∂/+J −Π )−1](bη)(aξ)(x,x)+ δ(0)(γ )ηξV˜µ,ba(x)=0, (32) Ω Ω Ω 4µ4 µ and hence we find the V˜ term does not make a contribution to the constraint Eq. (28), µ tr [P ΦT(x,x)]=−itr P [(i∂/+J −Π )−1](x,x) . (33) l R l R Ω Ω L (cid:20) L (cid:21) Note at the large N limit [1], c Gσ1σ2(x ,x′,x ,x′)=−1G (x ,x )(γµ1) (γµ2) δ(x′ −x )δ(x′ −x ). (34) ρ1ρ2 1 1 2 2 2 µ1µ2 1 2 σ1ρ2 σ2ρ1 1 2 2 1 NowwetaketheAbelianapproximation,whichretainsonlythen=2GreenfunctionGσ1σ2(x ,x′,x ,x′)andignores ρ1ρ2 1 1 2 2 all terms n>2 in equation Eq. (31) (If we ignore the contribution from heavy quarks, changing QCD to QED, then all the n>2 Green functions automatically vanish). This simplifies Eq. (31) as follows 1 1 Ξ˜(x)δ(x−y)+Π (x,y)− g2N G (x,y)γµ i(i∂/+J −Π )−1(x,y)+ δ(x−y)V/˜(x) γν =0, (35) Ω 2 c µν (cid:20) Ω Ω 4µ4 (cid:21) wherewehaveusedEq.(30)to cancelfieldΦ (x,y). Usingthe relationG (x,x)=G(0)g , wecanfurther simplify Ω µν µν the above equation to G(0) i Ξ˜(x)+g2N V/˜(x) δ(x−y)+Π (x,y)− g2N G (x,y)γµ(i∂/+J −Π )−1(x,y)γν =0. (36) (cid:20) c 4µ4 (cid:21) Ω 2 c µν Ω Ω In this work we are only interested in the linear terms in the vector meson fields on the l.h.s. of the EOM Eq. (24), i.e., their kinetic and mass terms and not the interaction terms. For this purpose, we switch off the external source J and only consider the following type of solutions for Πσρ(x,y), Ω Πσρ(x,y) =δσρΣ(x,y)+ d4z Π˜σρ,ba(x,y,z)Vµ,ab(z)+O(V2), (37) Ω (cid:12) Z µ (cid:12)JΩ=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) 6 where Σ(x,y) is the quark self-energy, which satisfies the Schwinger–Dyson equation (SDE) in the rainbow approxi- mation, i Σ(x,y)− g2N G (x,y)γµ(i∂/−Σ)−1(x,y)γν =0, (38) c µν 2 and Ξ˜(x) =V˜ (x) =θ(x) =0, (39) (cid:12) µ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)JΩ=0,Vµ=0 (cid:12)JΩ=0,Vµ=0 (cid:12)JΩ=0,Vµ=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where Eq. (38) can be seen as the vacuum term of Eq. (36) in which both J and V vanish, and Eq. (39) ensures Ω µ that constraints Eqs. (28) and (29) are naturally satisfied for the above vacuum solution Eq. (38). The constraint (29) then is equivalent to Π˜(cξ)(dζ),ba(x,x,z) =−µ4δ(x−z)(γ )ξζδcbδda . (40) µ (cid:12) µ (cid:12)JΩ=0,Vµ=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) For Eq. (36), the terms linear in V are µ G(0) Ξ˜(x)+g2N V/˜(x) δ(x−y)+ d4z Π˜ba(x,y,z)Vλ,ab(z) (41) (cid:20) c 4µ4 (cid:21) Z λ i − g2N G (x,y) d4x′d4y′d4zγµ(i∂/+J −Σ)−1(x,x′)Π˜ba(x′,y′,z)Vλ,ab(z)(i∂/+J −Σ)−1(y′,y)γν =0. 2 c µν Z Ω λ Ω In Eq. (41), the two terms involving the effective Lagrangian multipliers Ξ˜(x) and V/˜(x) can be treated as inhomo- geneous terms of the equation. Ignoring these inhomogeneous terms and switching off the external source J , we Ω obtain d4z Π˜ba (x,y,z)Vλ,ab(z), (42) Z BS,λ i − g2N G (x,y) d4x′d4y′γµ(i∂/−Σ)−1(x,x′) d4z Π˜ba (x′,y′,z)Vλ,ab(z)(i∂/−Σ)−1(y′,y)γν =0, 2 c µν Z Z BS,λ whichisthestandardhomogeneousBSEintheladderapproximationfortheboundstatewithamplitudeΠ˜ba (x,y,z). BS,λ Here we use a subscript BS to denote that it is a BS amplitude. For its vector meson solutions, Ref. [12] presents a detailed analysis, for which Eq. (42) is just the starting equation (4) of Ref. [12]. Now, if our Π˜ba(x,y,z) in Eq. (41) happens to be the BS amplitude Π˜ba (x,y,z) given by Eq. (42) that fix the λ BS,λ vector meson structure, we expect these properties will have some impact on the corresponding vector field V . The µ action on the vector field can be obtained by applying Eq. (42) to Eq. (41), Ξ˜(x) =0, (43) (cid:12) (cid:12)JΩ=0,linear in V (cid:12) V/˜(x)(cid:12) =0, (44) (cid:12) (cid:12)JΩ=0,linear in V (cid:12) where the interpretation of Eq. (43) is that the eff(cid:12)ective Lagrangian multiplier Ξ˜ has no linearly dependent V term. For Eq. (44) combined with Eq. (24) (the average operation in the formula has no effect at large N limit), the c implicationisthatthe vectormesonfieldsatisfiesits ownEOM.Alternatively,inmomentumspace,the vectormeson is on its mass shell. This elucidates the fundamental nature of the vector meson determined by Eq. (42) in regard to the phenomenological EOM of the vector field. We can state this result in a different way. We demand that the vector meson field satisfy its own EOM and hence from Eq. (24) implies Eq. (44). If we substitute this equation into Eq. (41), then its vector part becomes BSE (42); i.e., the EOM of vector meson field is equivalent to its BSE. Therefore, we have established a connection between the BSE for the bound state at the underlying level of QCD and the EOM at the phenomenological effective chiral Lagrangianlevel for the vector mesons. In our formalism, the BSE canlead to the EOM,andvice versa. Indeed, if we requireµ independence in Eq.(41), we getEq.(44); i.e., the resulting µ independence is a key requirement to relate the fundamental BSE (42) with the phenomenological EOM (44). At the present stage, because we only considered the terms linear in vector field in the expansion of Eq. (37), this implies that the resultingEOMonly includes kinetic andmass terms andno interactionterm. This arrangement 7 matchesthegenerallargeN approximationthatwehavetakenandthecorrespondinggeneralresultgiveninRef.[20] c that the mesons in this limit are non-interacting particles. It is a miracle here that these two important equations obtainedatdifferentscales(quarkgluonscaleandmesonscale)arerelatedsocloselyinourformalism. Note here the mass of the vectormeson is determined through BSE (42), which has alreadydiscussed in detail in Ref. [12]. Despite the arbitrary parameter µ in our formalism, the mass itself and the amplitude of the vector mesons are independent of this parameter. Although from BSE we can obtain EOM, the question is whether the mass fixed in BSE is the same as that appearing in EOM? The answer is yes. To confirm this, we need to compute the 2-point vertex of the vector meson fields or the inverseof the vectormesonpropagator,which infact is the operatorin frontofEOMoffree mesonfield, ∂2S [1,1,V,J ,Ξ,V˜,Φ ,Π ] ∂2S ∂Πσρ(y,z)∂Πσ′ρ′(y′,z′) eff Ω Ω Ω = d4yd4zd4y′d4z′ eff Ω Ω ∂Vµ,ab(x)∂Vν,cd(x′) (cid:12) Z (cid:20)∂Πσρ(y,z)∂Πσ′ρ′(y′,z′) ∂Vµ,ab(x) ∂Vν,cd(x′) (cid:12)JΩ=0 Ω Ω ∂2S (cid:12)(cid:12) ∂Φσρ(y,z)∂Φσ′ρ′(y′,z′) ∂2S ∂Φσρ(y,z)∂Πσ′ρ′(y′,z′) + eff Ω Ω +2 eff Ω Ω ∂Φσρ(y,z)∂Φσ′ρ′(y′,z′) ∂Vµ,ab(x) ∂Vν,cd(x′) ∂Φσρ(y,z)∂Πσ′ρ′(y′,z′) ∂Vµ,ab(x) ∂Vν,cd(x′) (cid:21) Ω Ω Ω Ω i σ1σ2 =−iN d4y d4z Π˜dc(y ,z ,x′)− N g2G (y ,z ) γµ1(i∂/−Σ)−1Π˜dc(x′)(i∂/−Σ)−1γµ2 (y ,z ) cZ 1 1(cid:26) ν 1 1 2 c µ1µ2 1 1 (cid:20) ν (cid:21) 1 1 (cid:27) σ2σ1 × (i∂/−Σ)−1Π˜ba(x)(i∂/−Σ)−1 (z ,y ). (45) (cid:20) µ (cid:21) 1 1 If we identify the Π˜dc appearing in Eq. (45) with the BS amplitude Π˜dc determined by BSE (42), then the above ν BS,ν 2-point vertex vanishes. This just shows that the mass term in the 2-point vertex is the same as that fixed by BSE, as BSE fixes the momentum space 2-point vertex onto the mass shell. IV. INCLUDE SCALAR AND AXIAL-VECTOR MESONS With the exception of vector meson fields, we now include the scalar and axial-vector meson fields. We start from the QCD generating functional Eq. (4), and functionally insert an alternative constant integration, Z Dφ δ(cid:20)φ(aξ)(bζ)(x)+ µ14{[e−i2ϑN(xf)ξL(x)PR +ei2ϑN(xf)ξR(x)PL]Π(x,x)[e−i2ϑN(xf)ξR†(x)PR +ei2ϑN(xf)ξL†(x)PL]}(aξ′)(bζ′)Pξ′ζ′,ξζ(cid:21) (46) where ϑ is determined by Eq. (28), Pξ′ζ′,ξζ is the projection operator, which projects a general four by four matrix into its scalar, vector, and axial-vector subspaces, Pξ′ζ′,ξζ = 1 δζ′ξ′δξζ +(γ )ζ′ξ′(γµ)ξζ −(γ γ )ζ′ξ′(γµγ )ξζ . (47) µ µ 5 5 4(cid:20) (cid:21) Note the completion relation δξξ′δζ′ζ = 1(γ )ζ′ξ′(γ )ξζ + 1(σ )ζ′ξ′(σµν)ξζ +Pξ′ζ′,ξζ . (48) 5 5 µν 4 8 Exponentiatingthe delta function by introducingfunctional integrationoveranotherfield φ˜ρσ(x) andintegratingout the fields Π and Φ, Z[J] can be rearrangedto give Z[J]= Dξ Dξ DΞDφDφ˜ δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(detξ −detξ )eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] , (49) Z R L R R L L R L where eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] = DΦDΠ exp iΓ [J,Φ,Π]+iΓ [Φ] 1 I Z (cid:26) +iNcZ d4x(cid:20)φ(aξ)(bζ)(x)+ µ14{[e−i2ϑN(xf)ξL(x)PR+ei2ϑN(xf)ξR(x)PL]Π(x,x)[e−i2ϑN(xf)ξR†(x)PR+ei2ϑN(xf)ξL†(x)PL]}(aξ′)(bζ′) ×Pξ′ζ′,ξζ φ˜(bζ)(aξ)(x)+iN d4xtr [Ξ{e−iϑ/Nfξ tr (P ΦT)ξ† −eiϑ/Nfξ tr (P ΦT)ξ†}] . (50) (cid:21) cZ f R l R L L l L R (cid:27) 8 The Π and Φ fields still satisfy Eq. (9), but ··· in Eq. (9) now is the exponent to the exponential in Eq. (50). Π c c c and Φ satisfy the following equations c ∂Γ [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ] ∂Γ [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ] 2 R L c c 2 R L c c =0, =0, (51) ∂Π ∂Φ c c We formally finish the integration over fields φ˜and Ξ, Z[J]= Dξ Dξ Dφδ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(ξ†ξ −1)δ(detξ −detξ )eiSeff[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξc,φ˜c,Φc,Πc] , (52) Z R L R R L L R L where eiSeff[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξc,φ˜c,Φc,Πc] = DΞDφ˜ eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] , (53) Z Ξ (x) and φ˜(x) are c DΞDφ˜ Ξ eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] DΞDφ˜ φ˜eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] Ξ = , φ˜ = , (54) c R DΞDφ˜ eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] c R DΞDφ˜ eiΓ2[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φc,Πc] R R which satisfy ∂S [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ ,φ˜ ,Φ ,Π ] ∂S [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ ,φ˜ ,Φ ,Π ] eff R L c c c c eff R L c c c c =0, =0. (55) ∂Ξc ∂φ˜c Aided by Eqs. (50), (51) and (55), one can show that dS [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ ,φ˜ ,Φ ,Π ] eff R L c c c c dJσρ(x) (cid:12) (cid:12)ξR,ξL,φ fix (cid:12) =Nc(cid:20)Φσcρ(x,x)+ δµ(04){[ei2ϑN(xf)ξ(cid:12)R†(x)PR +e−i2ϑN(xf)ξL†(x)PL]Pφ˜(x)[ei2ϑN(xf)ξL(x)PR +e−i2ϑN(xf)ξR(x)PL]}σρ(cid:21), (56) which is useful in determining the LECs of the effective chiral Lagrangian. We use a bar to denote the functional average over fields Ξ and φ˜, DΞDφ˜ O(x) exp{iΓ [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]} 2 R L c c O(x)≡N . (57) cR DΞDφ˜ exp{iΓ [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]} 2 R L c c R One can similarly find dSeff[ξR,ξL,φ,J,Ξc,φ˜c,Φc,Πc] =N Pξζ,ξ′ζ′φ˜(bζ′)(aξ′)(x). (58) dφ(aξ)(bζ)(x) (cid:12) c c (cid:12)ξR,ξL,φ fix (cid:12) Defining the rotated source and fields as follows, (cid:12) J (x)=[eiϑ(x)/Nfξ (x)P +e−iϑ(x)/Nfξ (x)P ][J(x)+i∂/][eiϑ(x)/Nfξ†(x)P +e−iϑ(x)/Nfξ†(x)P ], Ω L R R L R R L L ΦT(x,y)=[e−iϑ(x)/Nfξ (x)P +eiϑ(x)/Nfξ (x)P ]ΦT(x,y)[e−iϑ(y)/Nfξ†(y)P +eiϑ(y)/Nfξ†(y)P ], Ω R R L L L R R L Π (x,y)=[eiϑ(x)/Nfξ (x)P +e−iϑ(x)/Nfξ (x)P ]Π(x,y)[eiϑ(y)/Nfξ†(y)P +e−iϑ(y)/Nfξ†(y)P ], (59) Ω L R R L R R L L the fields θ,Ξ,φ,φ˜ remain unchanged. There is no explicit ξ , ξ -dependence in Eq. (50) after rotation as all the ξ L R R and ξ dependence is absorbed into the variables distinguished by subscript Ω. L Γ [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]=Γ [1,1,φ,J ,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms, (60) 2 R L c c 2 Ω Ωc Ωc S [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ ,φ˜ ,Φ ,Π ]=S [1,1,φ,J ,Ξ ,φ˜ ,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms, (61) eff R L c c c c eff Ω c c Ωc Ωc where eiΓ2[1,1,φ,JΩ,Ξ,φ˜,ΦΩc,ΠΩc] = DΦ DΠ exp iΓ [J ,Φ ,Π ]+Γ [Φ ] (62) Ω Ω 1 Ω Ω Ω I Ω Z (cid:26) +iN d4x φ(aξ)(bζ)+ 1 Π(aξ′)(bζ′)Pξ′ζ′,ξζ φ˜(bζ)(aξ)+N d4xtr Ξ[tr (γ ΦT)] . cZ (cid:20) µ4 Ω (cid:21) cZ f(cid:20) l 5 Ω (cid:21)(cid:27) 9 Because the Jacobi terms coming from Φ → Φ and Π → Π cancel, the functional integration measure does not Ω Ω change,i.e., DΦDΠ=DΦ DΠ . EquationsEqs.(50),(51),(54),(55)and(56)arethesameasbeforeexceptonemust Ω Ω change all quantities with subscript Ω and add an anomaly term into the numerator of Eqs. (51), (55) and (56). In particular, by ignoring the anomaly, Eq. (56) on the rotated basis is dSeff[1,1,φ,JΩ,Ξc,φ˜c,ΦΩc,ΠΩc] =N Φ(aξ)(bζ)(x,x)+ δ(0)Pξζ,ξ′ζ′φ˜(aξ′)(bζ′)(x) . (63) dJΩ(aξ)(bζ)(x) (cid:12)(cid:12)ξR,ξL,φ fix,noanomaly c(cid:20) Ωc µ4 c (cid:21) (cid:12) Equation (58) becomes (cid:12) dSeff[1,1,φ,JΩ,Ξc,φ˜c,ΦΩc,ΠΩc] =N Pξζ,ξ′ζ′φ˜(bζ′)(aξ′)(x). (64) dφ(aξ)(bζ)(x) (cid:12) c c (cid:12)ξR,ξL,φ fix (cid:12) At the large N limit, (cid:12) c S [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ,Π]=Γ [ξ ,ξ ,φ,J,Ξ,φ˜,Φ,Π], eff R L 2 R L =Γ [1,1,φ,J ,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]+anomaly terms, (65) 2 Ω Ω Ω Γ [1,1,φ,J ,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]=Γ [J ,Φ ,Π ], (66) 2 Ω Ω Ω 1 Ω Ω Ω S [1,1,φ,J ,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ]=Γ [J ,Φ ,Π ], (67) eff Ω Ω Ω 1 Ω Ω Ω and tr (γ ΦT)=0, (68) l 5 Ω φ(aξ)(bζ)+ 1 Π(aξ′)(bζ′)Pξ′ζ′,ξζ =0, (69) µ4 Ω Φ(aξ)(bζ)(x,y)+i[(i∂/+J −Π )−1](bζ)(aξ)(y,x)+ 1 δ(x−y)Pζξ,ζ′ξ′φ˜(bζ′)(aξ′)(x)=0, (70) Ω Ω Ω µ4 ∂S [1,1,φ,J ,Ξ,φ˜,Φ ,Π ] eff Ω Ω Ω =N φ˜ρσ(x). (71) ∂φσρ(x) (cid:12) c (cid:12)ξR,ξL,J fix (cid:12) Here, we only list the equations modified b(cid:12)y introducing the additional meson fields; Eqs. (3) and (31) remain the same as the pure vector meson field case. Equation(68) is a modified versionof Eq.(28); the change occurs because, iϑ(x) in Eqs. (46) and (59), we have included an extra U(1) rotation e2Nf . Equation (68) implies that in the present formalism ΦT(x,x) does not have a pseudoscalar component (therefore we have no need to consider a pseudoscalar Ω component in the φ field), as this component is already extracted as a pseudoscalar meson field U(x) =ξ†(x)ξ (x). L R Taking the Abelian approximation, Eq. (31) becomes 1 1 Ξ˜(x)δ(x−y)+Π (x,y)− g2N G (x,y)γµ i(i∂/+J −Π )−1(x,y)+ δ(x−y)Pφ˜(x) γν =0, (72) Ω 2 c µν (cid:20) Ω Ω µ4 (cid:21) wherewehaveusedEq.(70)tocancelfieldΦ (x,y),andΞ˜(x)istheeffectiveLagrangianmultiplierforthepseudoscalar Ω meson field Ξ˜(aξ)(bζ)(x)=Ξab(x)(γ )ξζ, which only has a γ component. We can further simplify the above equation 5 5 to 1 G(0) i Ξ˜(x)− g2N γµPφ˜(x)γ δ(x−y)+Π (x,y)− g2N G (x,y)γµ(i∂/+J −Π )−1(x,y)γν =0. (73) (cid:20) 2 c µ4 µ(cid:21) Ω 2 c µν Ω Ω Switching off external source J and considering only the following type of solution Πσρ(x,y), then Ω Πσρ(x,y) =δσρΣ(x,y)+ d4z Π˜σρ,σ′ρ′(x,y,z)[Pφ(z)]σ′ρ′ +O(φ2). (74) Ω (cid:12) Z (cid:12)JΩ=0 (cid:12) The constraint (69) then is equ(cid:12)ivalent to Π˜σρ,σ′ρ′(x,x,z) =−µ4δ(x−z)δσσ′δρρ′ . (75) (cid:12) (cid:12)JΩ=0,φ=0 (cid:12) For (73), the terms linear in φ are (cid:12) Ξ˜(x)− 1g2N G(0)γ Pφ˜(x)γµ δ(x−y)+ d4z Π˜σ′ρ′(x,y,z)[Pφ(z)]σ′ρ′ (76) (cid:20) 2 c µ4 µ (cid:21) Z λ 10