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Preview Dependence of hadronic properties on Quark Masses and Constraints on their Cosmological Variation

Dependence of hadronic properties on Quark Masses and Constraints on their Cosmological Variation V.V. Flambaum1 and E.V. Shuryak2 1 School of Physics, The University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia and Institute for Atomic and Molecular Theory, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden st, Cambridge, MA 02138-1516, USA. 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, State University of New York, Stony Brook NY 11794-3800, USA (February 1, 2008) We follow our previous paper on possible cosmological variation of weak scale (quark masses) and strong scale, inspired by data on cosmological variation of the electromagnetic fine structure constant from distant quasar (QSO)absorption spectra. Inthis work we identify the strange quark massmsasthemostimportantquantity,andthesigmamesonmassastheingredientofthenuclear forcesmostsensitivetoit. Asaresult,weclaimsignificantlystrongerlimitsonratioofweak/strong 3 Nscuacleleo(Wsynt=hemsiss/(Λ|δQWC/DW) |va<ri0a.t0io0n6)foalnlodwOinkglofrnoamturoaulrnpurcelevaiorurseadcitsocrus(s|iδoWn/oWf p|r<im1o.2rd·i1a0l−B1i0g;-Bthaenrge 0 is also a non-zerosolution δW/W =(−0.56±0.05)·10−9) . 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION our previous paper [3] and a subsequent one [4]. Much n more extensive discussion of this issue in a contexts of a J The understanding of how exactly the fundamental chiralperturbationtheorycanbe foundinliterature,see parameters of the Standard Model enter any observ- e.g. [5] and references therein. The conclusion reached 3 able is certainly one of the most important aims of in those studies is that the mu,md are too small to be 2 hadronic/nuclearphysics. Twoolddeepquestionsdrives really important. v its discussion: (i) Can there be “alternative Universes” Thus, we focus on the dependence on the strange 3 withdifferentsetofparameters,andwhatarethebound- quark mass ms, the only one which has the right 0 aries of the World we know in the parameter space?; magnitude to generate a maximal sensitivity of the 4 (ii) How to observe cosmological variations of weak and hadronic/nuclear physics to the weak scale. Indeed, as 2 strong scales? follows from QCD phenomenology, its variation from 0 1 2 Discussionofbothissueshasbeensignificantlyrevived to experimentalvalue influence vacuum parameterssuch 0 recently. We will not go into questions (i) (see e.g. [1]) as the quark condensates q¯q at the factor-2 level. It / and only mention the latter (ii). The issue of cosmo- also affects the masses of even non strange hadrons h − logical time variation of major constants of physics has such as the nucleon at about 20 percent level, etc. p - been recently revived by astronomical data which seem The fundamental explanation of why such unexpected p to suggest a variation of electromagnetic α at the 10−5 “strangeness”isinfactpresentisrelatedwiththeimpor- e level for the time scale 10 bn years, see [2]. The statis- tant role of the instanton-induced effects in QCD. As it h tical significance of the effect at the moment obviously followsfromthe chiralanomalyrelationandis explained : v exclude any random fluctuations, so the effect definitely in details e.g. in a review [6], the multi-fermion ’t Hooft Xi exists. Whether it may or may not have a conventional interaction necessarily involves all 3 flavors at all steps, explanation is not yet clear: more experimental work is even in the interactions of light u,d quarks. r a clearly needed to reach any conclusions. The main new element of the present work is iden- Nevertheless,itis quite timely tohaveanotherlookat tification of the specific hadron, the σ, now known as existing limits on time variation of all the fundamental f0(600) meson in the Review of Particle Properties [10], constants. In particular, since the electromagnetic and as the important ingredient of the nuclear physics most weak forces are mixed together in the Standard Model, sensitive to ms. This resonance is known for a very long one may expect a similar modification of the weak cou- time as a structure in ππ scattering, and is widely used plings, the weak scale in general and quark masses in in nuclear physics, see e.g. a review on applications of particular. In fact, one can measure only variation of Waleckamodel[7]. Andnevertheless,its acceptanceasa dimensionless parameters. Therefore, we obtain limits real hadronic state was difficult and had a very compli- onvariationof m /Λ where m is the strange quark cated history. Non-relativistic quark models of hadrons s QCD s massandΛ istheQCDscaledefinedasapositionof intensify it is as a l=1 or p-state, and tend to predict QCD Landau pole in logarithmfor running coupling constant. its mass to be around 1.4 GeV or so, in striking contra- It is convenient to put Λ =const. diction to experiment which finds a mass of only about QCD A generic further argument goes as follows. The mσ 500MeV. Also large width of σ makes this state ∼ masses of 3 heavy quarks – c,b,t – are too large to be to be easily deformed by all kind of effects, see e.g. re- important in hadronic and nuclear physics. The masses centworkbyoneofuspredictingdrasticmodificationon of two light ones – u,d – are important, in particular the sigma shape in pp and heavy ion collisions [9]. On via the pion contribution to nuclear forces we studied in the other hand, recent data have elucidated sigma pro- 1 duction in a set of much simpler situations, from heavy The very important lesson about nuclear forces this quark hadrons, Υ transitions and D decays. Those con- model had emphasized is that the nuclear potential is sistently point towardthe smaller width Γ 250MeV. infactahighlytunedsmalldifferenceoftwolargeterms. σ ∼ This reduced the controversy and put this particle back Wewillargueinthenextsectionthattherearereasons into the Review of Particle Properties [10]. tothinkthatthesensitivityofthesetwotermstothefun- In the next section we will argue that the sigma mass damental weak scale is quite different. Sigma (scalars) hasstrongersensitivitytom ,thanthatofordinarynon- involve all quark flavors while omega (vectors) do not, s strange hadrons like N or ω. This happens because of a forbidden by Zweig rule. As a result, there is no fine valence strange part plus the repulsion from the nearby tuning in the derivative over m , which significantly en- s K¯K,ηη continuum thresholds. We then estimate the hances the effect to be derived. derivativeofthedeuteronbindingandneutronresonance The values of the two coupling constants used in the energies to m . nuclear matter applications of this model [7] are s g2 =357.4m2/m2 100 s σ N ≈ II. SENSITIVITY OF HADRONIC MASSES TO g2 =273.8m2/m2 190 (3) VARIATION OF QUARK MASSES v ω N ≈ for m = 500MeV. Note that the effective scalar cou- σ pling is close to naive value (1) mentioned above. A. Why sigma? The very first appearance of the sigma mesons was B. Strange valence and strange sea of the σ meson as a two-pion scalar-isoscalar resonance. It has been gradually learned that the corresponding channel for q¯q Scalar and pseudoscalar mesons are different from interaction is the “maximally attractive channel”, with more familiar vector and axial ones in terms of their fla- attraction so strong that it breaks spontaneously chiral vor composition. In the latter case the so called Zweig symmetry and produce the non-zero quark condensate. ruleapplies,forbiddingflavormixing: soforexamplethe Themechanismofthatattractionisattributedmostlyto ω mesonwewilldiscussinhisworkhasatrulynegligible instanton-induced ’t Hooft interaction, for a review see mixing with a strange counterpart, φ meson. Scalar and [6]. pseudoscalar mesons are on the contrary nearly ideally Sigma meson is anexcitation on top of the scalarcon- SU(3) octets and singlets, so different flavors are very densate,akindofaHiggsbosonofstronginteractions. If strongly mixed together. The pseudoscalar channel has indeedonenaivelyassumesthatitunderlinesallhadronic been studied extensively, and we know that in this case masses, e.g. that of the nucleon, the corresponding cou- η′ is much heavier than (twice more strange) η meson. pling can be estimated as This is the famous Weinberg U(1) problem, resolved by g =M /f 10 (1) existence of the instanton-induced repulsive interaction s n π ≈ pushing the singlet state upward. . This large value in turn implies that the perturbation The same instanton-induced interaction has the oppo- theory can only be used as a qualitative guide, at best. site sign intheSU(3)singletscalarchannel,pushingmσ In passing, let us mention that arguments about de- downward, see [6] for details. The magnitude of flavor velopment of the most optimum effective description of mixing matrix element in the scalar channel has been hadronic/nuclear physics in terms of mesonic degrees of also evaluated on the lattice, and the results agree with freedom, known also as Quantum Hadro Dynamics, are the instanton-based predictions in sign and magnitude. still going on. Using some field variables can be better Apart of theoretical motivation, there is a simple phe- than others: in this respect let us mention the paper nomenologicalfactthatnopurelystranges¯scounterpart [8] which emphasized the instead of the traditional σ of tosigmaresonancef0(600)isseen. Therearestrongevi- the linear sigma-model, a chiral partner of the pion, one dencethatthepairofstatesf0(980),a0(980)aretheK¯K better use the radial field √σ2+~π2 which has normal molecule, so the next f0 are at 1300 and 1500 MeV. derivative coupling to pions. There is extensive litera- For those reasons, we think that a description of σ as ture on loop correctionsand relatedobservables,such as a SU(3) singlet state resonance mass and shape modification in nuclear and 1 excited hadronicmatter, see e.g.[9]as a recentexample. σ = (u¯u+d¯d+s¯s) (4) For the purposes of this work it would be sufficient to √3 use simple and widely used Walecka model, which keeps strongly split from the SU(3) octet one is a reasonable only the sigma and the omega exchanges in the effective approximation. Thismeansthatthevalencecontribution nuclear forces to the derivative is g2 e−rmσ g2 e−rmω V = s + v (2) ∂mσ =<σ s¯sσ >=2/3 (5) −4π r 4π r val ∂m | | | s 2 since with probability 1/3 there is a strange pair. A K¯K states, while σ does mix with them strongly. An mixing between different scalar mesons f (σ f (600), admixture of virtual K¯K,ηη pairs can be viewed as an 0 0 ≡ f (980),f (1370))wouldfurtherchangethevalencecon- additional contribution to the strange sea, on top of the 0 0 tributions downward. However, based on large gap be- strangecontentofthenon-strangeconstituentquarks(7). tween sigma and other states, and also based on bet- The σ mixing with continuum of pseudoscalars is de- ter studied ηη′ mixing, one might think that the relative scribedbythestandardmassoperatorgivenbytheusual change due to mixing with next f states is not signifi- loop diagram 0 cant. d4k λ2(k,Q) Let us now consider the contribution of the so called Σ(Q2)= (10) 2π4[(k+Q/2)2 m2+iǫ][(k Q/2)2 m2+iǫ] strange sea, virtual s¯s pairs, which are always present Z − − − evenin a completely non-strangehadronslike a nucleon. where λ is the KKσ,ηησ orππσ couplings. Its realpart Therelativelywellstudiedcaseisthenucleonmasssensi- describes the shift of m due to repulsion from these σ tivity to ms, already discussed in [3]. Let briefly remind states: the imaginary part (for pions only) gives the that KN scattering data imply that width. The sign of the shift due to K¯K is obviously negative, since m < 2m . The effect of ππ has con- σ K ∂m N =<N s¯sN > 1.5 (6) tributions of both signs. For constant coupling the shift ∂ms | | ≈ is logarithmically divergent, in reality it has to be reg- ulated by formfactors in the vertexes. The total shift and thus about 1/5 of the nucleon mass comes from the is negative and large, of the order of very large width strange sea (m 120 MeV). Similarmatrsix≈elementsforσ,ω mesonsisnotpossible Γσ ∼ 300MeV. Note that this large negative shift is partlythereasonwhytheσmassissosmall. However,in to obtainexperimentally, althoughit canbe done onthe this paper we focus on the dependence on quark masses. lattice. Toestimateitwewilladoptasimpleconstituent Assuming that the main dependence comes from masses quark picture, assuming additivity of the strange sea. If of Goldstone bosons, m ,m , we differentiate the mass so,the derivativesanalogousto (6)for allmesons should π K operatoroverthesemassesandobtaintheconvergentre- be 2/3 of it, or sult. Thus one can ignore formfactors and extract the effective coupling constant out of the integral. ∂m mesons ∂m |sea ≈1 (7) For the derivative at Q = mσ = 0.5GeV we get the s following numerical value for the shifts As we will see later, the exact value of the common sea ∂Σ contribution is not actually important, since its contri- ∂m2 =0.0229GeV−2λ2σKK (11) butions to σ and ω mesons tend to cancel each other K nearly exactly when we calculate variation of N N in- teraction. Whatmattersisthedifferencebetwe−entheir ∂Σ =0.019GeV−2λ2 (12) ∂m2 σηη strange seas, to be discussed in the next section. η It is convenient to present the effect of the possible The couplings are not experimentally known, so we rely quarkmassvariationontheσ massinthefollowingform on the SU(3) symmetry and relate them to λ , which σππ is in turn related to sigma meson width δm δm m +m δm δm δm σ s u d q s q =0.4( + )=0.4 +0.04 (8) mσ ms ms mq ms mq Γ = 3 λ2σππ 1 4m2π (13) where we have used m = 120MeV. We see that the σ 216πmσs − m2σ s relativechangeofthestrangequarkmassproducesmuch Taking Γ =250MeV we obtain λ2 = 5 Gev2. The fac- σ σππ larger effect than the relative change of the light quark tor 3/2 account for π+π−,π0π0 modes. However in the mass. This is similar to the case of the nucleon mass mass shift there are contribution of K+K−,K¯0K0,ηη variation channels which we would count as 5/2. Substituting numbersandusingstandardGell-Mann-Oaks-Rennerex- δm δm δm N =0.19 s +0.045 q (9) pressionsform ,m (m2 m Λ ),weobtainthead- mN ms mq ditional sensitiηvityKof the∝sigmsaQmCaDss shift arising from the mixing effects δm δm m2 ∂Σ m2 ∂Σ δm C. K¯K,ηη mixing with σ σ = s 2 K +0.5 η s0.14 (14) mσ ms " 2m2σ ∂m2K 2m2σ ∂m2η#≈ ms As the second approximation, we will discuss loop ef- We included K+K−,K¯0K0 modes with the coefficient 1 fects, or mixing with 2-meson states. Those are also and ηη with 1/2: the latter only contribute about 1/5of completely different for σ and ω mesons. As we men- the final answer. We ignored even smaller contribution tioned earlier, the latter practically does not mix with of the η′η′ loop. 3 D. The total sensitivity of mσ as compared to mN The sign difference between these two derivatives and very large derivative value is due to fine tuning between Together with the one estimated in the previous sec- omegaandsigmaterms,whichareseparatelymuchlarger tion, it leads to total than the sum. The next step one can do analytically is to add a sim- δmσ δms δms plest square potential to the hard core. The energy of a (0.24+0.16+0.14) =0.54 (15) m ≈ m m shallow level in such potential is equal to [11]: σ s s where 3 terms are the contributions of the common π2(U U )2 0 strangesea(7),valencestrangeness(5)andtheloopmix- Ed = Qd = − , (21) − −16 U 0 ing (14), respectively. In the same units the sensitivity of the nucleon mass is π2 U = . (22) 0 8ma2 δm δm N s 0.19 (16) m ≈ m Here U and a are the depth and width of the potential N s well (a=c b, where c and b are outer and inner radii), We conclude that the sigma mass is about 3 times more m=m /2−isthe reducedmass. Selectingthe widthand N sensitive to the variationof the strangequarkmass than depth of the well to be a= 1.6fm,U =40.2MeV,U = 0 the nucleon mass. 52.6MeV,we got We alsoneed the sensitivity ofω mesonto the strange massvariation. Thismesondoesnothavevalencestrange δQd 81.6e−mσbδmσ (23) quarks and practically does not mix with φ, K and η Q ≈− m d σ mesons. Therefore, only the strange see contributes: δmω 0.15δms (17) δQd 87.4e−mωbδmω (24) mω ≈ ms Qd ≈ mω By changing the core radius from b = 0 to b = 0.4 fm onecanvarythe answerby aboutfactor3. Simple expo- III. THE MODIFICATION OF THE DEUTERON nential dependence on the core radius b appears because BINDING of translational invariance of 1d Scredinger equation for rψ(r). A. Preliminary analytic estimates Another effect one should consider is the modification of the nucleon mass: its contribution to modification of the deuteron binding is Simpleanalyticestimateforsensitivityofthedeuteron binding to sigma and omega mass modification is ob- δM p2 N tained by the differentiation of the potential over the δQd = <d d> (25) M |2M | massandaveragingtheresultingexpression exp( mr) N N ∼ − over the radial wave function. which leads to The simplest short range approximation leads to the δQ U +U δm δm free motion wave function = 0 N 7.7 N. (26) Q U U m ≃ m 0 N N √2κ − ψ(r)= exp( κr) (18) Although the sensitivity to the nucleon mass is much r − weaker than that for mesons, it is still quite strong: we This wave function tends to infinity at small distances. attribute it to the fact that the small deuteron binding However,therealdeuteronwavefunctionshouldbesmall energy is in turn the delicate balance between larger ki- there because ofthe repulsivecoreinthe potentialV(r). netic and the potential energies. Therefore, we introduced a small cut-off radius b in the integration over r. We estimated b from the condition V(b) = 0 which gives b = 0.45 fm. We get the following B. Using the Walecka potential shift of the deuteron binding The estimates of the preceding section are given for δQ m δm g2 2κ δm d = σ σ s e−(2κ+mσ)b 75 σ (19) orientation only, and in fact one of course have to solve Q −Q m 4π2κ+m ≈− m d d σ σ σ numerically the radialSchreodinger equation and obtain A variation of m gives the correct wave function. The one can either average ω the potential derivative over it or simply vary all masses δQ m δm g2 2κ δm involvedexplicitly. Wedidthelatteranddeterminedthe d = ω ω v e−(2κ+mω)b 80 ω (20) Qd Qd mω 4π2κ+mω ≈ mω sensitivity of Qd to the sigma, omega and nucleon mass. 4 Strictly speaking, at this point it is no longer possible zero [12]. Today the lowest resonance energy is only to limit ourselves to Walecka model, with the coupling E =0.0973 0.0002eV is large compared to its width, 0 ± constants (3), since it does not describe correctly the so the neutron capture cross section σ 1/E2. The ∼ 0 deuteronbinding. Infact,byignoringallspin-dependent data constrain the ratio of this cross section to a non- forces one cannot even separate the spin-singlet and the resonance one (which was used to measure number of spin-triplet states. The tensor forces, attributed to pion neutrons emitted by the reactor). It therefore implies † and rho exchanges, are needed for this task. Instead of that these data constrain the variation of the following doing so, we have chosen to modify a bit the strength of ratio δ(E /E ) where E 1MeV is a typical single- 0 1 1 ∼ the omega term, reducing g2 by a factor 0.953 as com- particleenergyscale,whichmaybe viewedastheenergy v paredto (3) and obtaining the correctdeuteronbinding. of some 1-body “doorway” state. Our results are∗ A generic expression for the level energy in terms of fundamental parameters of QCD can be written as fol- δQ δm δm d 48 σ 26 s (27) lows Q ≈− m ≈− m d σ s δE =A δΛ +B δm +B δm +Cδα Λ (33) 0 QCD q q s s QCD ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ δQ δm δm d ω s 50 7.5 (28) where A,B,C are some coefficients. The first term is Q ≈ m ≈ m d ω s the basic QCD term, while others are corrections due to modificationofthequarkmassesandtheelectromagnetic δQd δmN δms α. 6 1.1 (29) Q ≈ m ≈ m In this section we provide new estimate of the B . d N s s More specifically, we estimate the variation of the res- One can see that the first two derivatives are more sen- onanceenergyresultingfromamodificationofthesigma sitive to exact shape of the wave function: they agree mass. The energyofthe resonanceE =E S 0 excitation n qualitatively but notquantitatively withthe analytic es- − consists of excitation energyof a compound nucleus, mi- timates above. We will not show here such details as ex- nus the neutron separation energy S . This, in turn, is n act and approximate wave functions, but just comment a depth of the potential well V minus the neutronFermi that the difference between those explain the difference energy ǫ , S = V ǫ . The latter scales like 1/R2 if F n F in the integrals. − the radiusofthe wellis changed. The kinetic partof the Summing all the contributions we find excitation energy E scales in the same way. So, excitation δQ δm d 17 s (30) ¯h2 Qd ≈− ms E0 =Eexcitation Sn =Eexcitation+ǫF V =K V (34) − − MR − Using limits on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis from [3] whereKisanumericalconstantwhichcanbefoundfrom δQd <0.1 (31) the present time condition E0 ≈ 0. The shift of the resonance then is | Q | d one gets the final limit on the m variation to be ¯h2 δM 2δR δM 2δR δV s δE = K + δV = V + + (35) 0 − MR M R − − M R V δ(m /Λ ) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) s QCD <0.006 (32) (m /Λ ) Using eq. (2) we can find the depth of the potential well (cid:12) s QCD (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ‡ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 3 g2 g2 V = s v (36) IV. OKLO 4πr3 m2 − m2 0 (cid:18) σ ω(cid:19) Inthis sectionweextractlimitsonδms followingfrom Here r0= 1.2 fm is an inter-nucleon distance. Numerical data on natural nuclear reactor in Oklo active about 2 estimates shows that the contribution of the variationof bn years ago. The most sensitive phenomenon (used r0 (andthe variationofR=A1/3r0 ineq. (35))is notas previously for limits on the variations of the electro- magnetic α) is disappearance of certain isotopes (espe- cially Sm149) possessing a neutron resonance close to †Of course, underassumption that the sameresonance was thelowest one at thetime of Oklo reactor. ‡Note that the suppression of N-N wave function at small ∗Inthederivativeovertheomegamasswehavedividedback separation dueto therepulsive core reducesthe depthof the bythefactor0.953, restoringtheoriginalstrengthofthevec- effectivepotentialV. However,thiseffectisnotsoimportant tor term. in the ratio δVV. 5 important as the direct contribution of the m variation Thislimitcanbeimprovedafteranaccuratecalculation. σ in the equation above. This gives us Acknowledgments We thank J.Bjorken, G.Brown and V.Dmitriev for helpful discussions. One of the au- δV δm δm δm = 8.6 σ +6.6 ω = 3.5 s (37) thors (VF) is thankful to the State University of New V − mσ mω − ms YorkandInstituteforTheoreticalAtomicandMolecular Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics δm for hospitality and support. This work is also supported δE =1.7 108eV s (38) 0 × × m by the Australian Research Council. ES work is par- s tially supported by the US-DOE grant No. DE-FG02- We used V= 50 MeV in eq. (35). Comparison of this 88ER40388. result with the the observational limits claimed in [12] δE <0.02 eV gives a very strong limit 0 | | δ(m /Λ ) s QCD <1.2 10−10 (39) | (m Λ ) | × s QCD at time 1.8 billion years ago. ≈ [1] J.D.Bjorken, Cosmology and the standard model. hep- Note that the authors of the last work in [12] found th/0210202 and references therein. alsothenon-zerosolutionδE = 0.097 0.008eV.This 0 [2] J. K. Webb , V.V. Flambaum, C.W. 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Nakagawa, H. tionofthisresonancecannotshiftbymorethan60KeV Hidaka,Y.Oura,P.Moller.Nucl.Phys.B573(2000)377. (onecanalsofindinRef.[13]thelimitsonthestrongin- [13] H. Oberhummer,R.Pichler, A. Csoto, nucl-th/9810057. teractions and other relevant references). We have made a very rough estimate of the limit on the strange quark massvariationwhichcanbeobtainedviam -mechanism: σ δ(m /Λ ) s QCD <0.001 (42) | (m Λ ) | s QCD 6

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