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DEPARTURESFROMSPECIALRELATIVITYBEYONDEFFECTIVEFIELD THEORIES J.M.CARMONA DepartamentodeF´ısicaTeo´rica,UniversidaddeZaragoza,50009Zaragoza,Spain InstitutodeBiocomputacio´nyF´ısicadeSistemasComplejos(BIFI),50009Zaragoza,Spain 6 J.L.CORTE´S 0 DepartamentodeF´ısicaTeo´rica,UniversidaddeZaragoza,50009Zaragoza,Spain 0 2 The possibility to have a deviation from relativistic quantum field theory requiring to go beyond n effectivefieldtheoriesisdiscussed.Afewrecentattemptstogointhisdirectionbothatthetheoretical a andphenomenologicallevelsarebrieflyreviewed. J 4 1 1 Introduction v 3 Lorentz invariance is a fundamental ingredient of our present description of Nature, 2 which is given in terms of relativistic quantum field theories (RQFTs). However, the 0 ideathatLorentzinvariance mightbeanapproximate, low-energy, symmetry, hasbegun 1 1 0 toemergeinthelastfewyearsessentiallyfromquantumgravitydevelopments ,butalso 6 2 3 from results in the fields of string theory , noncommutative geometry , or other ideas 0 4 / suchasvaryingcouplings . h ThereareothermotivationstothinkonlimitationsoftheRQFTframework: thestrong t - difficulties in obtaining a RQFTcontaining gravitation, the large mismatch between the p e expected and measured value of the energy density of vacuum (cosmological constant h problem), ortheconsideration thatinaquantum theoryofgravitythemaximumentropy : 5 v ofanysystemshouldbeproportionaltotheareaandnottothevolume ,contrarytowhat i 6 X happens inRQFT . There exist also some phenomenological results that could find asimple explanation r a in terms of a Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). The observation of cosmic rays with 19 7 energiesabove5×10 eVseemstoviolatetheGZKcutoff ,whoseexistenceisimplied by relativistic kinematics. On the other hand, CPT symmetry might also be violated if Lorentz symmetry were not exact, which could provide the key to explain the matter- 8 antimatter asymmetryofourUniverse . Theframeworkofeffectivefieldtheoriesprovidesaconservativeapproachtoincorpo- rate departures from special relativity. HereLorentzsymmetry isspontaneously broken, whichproducestheapparitionofLorentznon-invariant termsinaneffectiveLagrangian. 9 This approach has been extensively studied in the last years . It assumes that one can incorporate the corrections order by order in the effective theory, so that, for a certain levelofprecision, theeffective Lagrangian hasalwaysafinitenumberofterms. Testsof 10 specialrelativityhaveputstrongboundsondifferenttermsoftheeffectiveLagrangian . Inthispaperwewanttopointoutthattheeffectivefieldtheoryframeworkmaybetoo tight to include corrections coming from a LIV, giving explicit examples of theoretical schemesbeyondthatframework. 1 2 Beyondeffective fieldtheories 2.1 Afundamental theory With the exception of the attempts to consider a renormalizable theory of gravity at the 11 nonperturbativelevel ,allotherapproachestoafundamentaltheoryofquantumgravity 12 (QG) go beyond QFT. This includes string theory and their related ideas like a four 13 dimensionaltheoryimmersedinanontrivialwayinhigherdimensions . Itisgenerally assumedthatthesuccessofRQFTasatheoryofthefundamentalinteractionsofparticles (with the exception of gravity) isaconsequence of adecoupling between thedegrees of freedom whichareincorporated inQFTandalltheremaining degrees offreedom ofthe fundamental theory whose virtual effects can be incorporated at the level ofQFT.But it might be that this is not the case and some traces remain at low energies which can not beincorporated inaQFT.Ourpresent understanding oftheproperties ofatheoryofQG doesnotallowtoexcludethispossibility. Themostdirectapproachwouldbetolookforpossiblecandidatesforthefundamental theoryandineachcaseseewhetherthelowenergylimitcanbedescribedbyaQFT.But wearefarfromtheidentificationofthefundamentaltheoryandasystematicderivationof itslowenergylimit. ItseemsthenreasonabletoexploreextensionsofQFTascandidates forsuchlowenergy limit. 2.2 Non-commutative quantum fieldtheory A first indication of the possible limitation of a discussion of Lorentz violating effects withintheframeworkofeffectivefieldtheoriescomesfromthestudyofnoncommutative QFT. A non-commutativity of space-time has been considered as a possible signature of QG.Thenitisnatural toconsider theformulation ofaQFTinanoncommutative space- 14 time asapossible frameworkfordepartures fromconventional QFTinducedbygrav- itational effects. AgenericfeatureistheappearanceofLorentzviolationeffects. Onecanmakeexplicit computations in different models to identify the quantum effects induced by the non- commutativity. A surprise of this analysis is the appearance of an infrared/ultraviolet 15 (IR/UV)mixing ,i.e.,adependenceofthelowenergyeffectiveactionontheultraviolet scale M introduced toregulate theUVdivergences inloopdiagrams. Asaconsequence ofthismixingthereisanambiguity intheestimates ofsignals ofthenon-commutativity at low energies. In fact the commutative limit and the low energy limit (M → ∞) do notcommute. Depending onhowoneapproaches totheconventional QFTlimitonehas different results. ItmaybethattheIR/UVmixinghasnophysical consequences andthe effectsofanoncommutative space-timecanbeincorporated atthelevelofeffectivefield 3 theories oralternatively onecanhavearemainingnon-locality duetoextendeddegrees of freedom at low energies which can not be incorporated in the effective field theory 16 framework . Whichofthesecases(ifany)isrealized inQGwilldependonthedetails oftheunderlying theory. 2 2.3 Quantumtheoryofnon-commutative fields Another way to go beyond conventional QFT is based on the introduction of a non- 17 commutativity in the space of field configurations . The canonical commutation re- lations between the field and the conjugated momentum at each space point is supple- mented by a non trivial commutator between different fields and/or between different conjugated momenta. Whenthesegeneralized commutationrelationsarecombinedwith the conventional fieldtheory Hamiltonian one has ageneralization of QFTwithaviola- tionofLorentzinvariance. 17 The simplest model with non-commutative fields is the free theory of two scalar fields. There are two different type of excitations (the particle-antiparticle symmetry is broken by the non-commutativity of the fields). Two energy scales parametrize the generalization of the commutation relations. When the ratio of these two energy scales isverysmallthereisadomainofenergies betweenthetwoscaleswhereoneapproaches theconventional theoryofrelativistic particles andantiparticles. In order to illustrate the dynamical consequences of the non-commutativity of fields onecanconsider theHamiltonianformulationofnon-commutative scalarQED.Onehas aHamiltonian H = H +H (1) g m where 1 2 1 2 H = E + (∇∧A) (2) g 2 2 istheHamiltonianoftheelectromagnetic fieldwithcommutators [A (x),E (y)] = iδ δ(x−y) (3) j k jk and H = Π†Π+ ∇Φ†+iAΦ† (∇Φ−iAΦ)+m2Φ†Φ (4) m (cid:16) (cid:17) is the Hamiltonian of the matter system corresponding to the theory of a complex non- commutativescalarfieldwithcommutators Φ(x),Π†(y) = − Π(x),Φ†(y) = iδ(x−y) (5) h i h i 1 Φ(x),Φ†(y) = δ(x−y) (6) Λ h i Π(x),Π†(y) = λδ(x−y) (7) h i Physicalstatessatisfytheconstraint [∇E(x)−ρ(x)] |Ψi = 0 (8) phys with 3 Q = d xρ(x) (9) Z thegenerator ofU(1)transformations ofthescalarfield. 3 It is straightforward to go from the Hamiltonian to the Lagrangian formulation fol- lowingstepbystepthecaseofconventional scalarQED.ThefinalresultisaLagrangian L = L +L (10) g m with 1 1 Lg = (∂tA−∇A0)(∂tA−∇A0)− (∇∧A)(∇∧A) (11) 2 2 whichistheconventional Lagrangian oftheelectromagnetic field(non-commutativity is introduced inthe matter sector). Themodified Lagrangian ofthe matter system is given by 2 2 L = − 1 Φ† (∂t−iA0) Φ m 1−λ/Λ 1−i(∂t−iA0)/(Λ−λ) (cid:18) (cid:19) +Φ†(∇−iA)2Φ−m2Φ†Φ (12) One can see that the non-commutativity translates into a non-locality in the Lagrangian whichmakesmanifest howthetheory ofnon-commutative fieldsgoes beyond theeffec- tivefieldtheoryapproach. 2.4 Newinfraredscales Effective field theories have a limited range of applicability. They are supposed to give sensible descriptions atenergies E much lowerthan ahigh-energy scale M, theultravi- olet cutoff of the theory, whose effect can be incorporated by nonrenormalizable terms which produce corrections of order (E/M). The scale M corresponds usually to the mass of a very massive particle, so that the introduction of this energy scale does not poseanyproblems withrespecttorelativistic invariance. Ontheotherhand,theintroductionofcorrectionstoaquantumfieldtheoryparametrized by alow-energy scale hasnot been sowell explored in theliterature. Infact, depending onhowthisenergyscaleisintroduced, thesecorrections couldviolate relativistic invari- ance. There are, however, several phenomenological and theoretical reasons that lead to thinkonthenecessity toincorporate anewIRscaletoourtheories. Theseinclude: 1. The seeming existence of a cosmological constant or a vacuum energy density whose experimental value, ρ ∼ (10−3eV)4 is 124 orders of magnitude lower V 18 thanitsexpectedvaluefromordinary quantum fieldtheory . 2. Thefactthattheentropy inafieldtheory scales withthevolume, whileinaquan- tum theory of gravity the maximum entropy should be proportional to the area leads to think that conventional quantum field theories overcount degrees of free- 5 dom , which suggests the breakdown of any effective theory with an ultraviolet cutoff to describe systems which exceed a certain critical size which depends on 6 theultraviolet cutoff . Thiscritical sizeconstitutes anIRenergyscale. 19 3. In the approach of large extra dimensions , the observed hierarchy between the electroweak and Planck scales is explained by postulating a fundamental scale M ∼ 10 − 100 TeV of gravity along with Kaluza-Klein compactification with largeradiusR,sothatthePlanckscaleisthenaneffectivefour-dimensional scale. TheinverseofRisanIRenergyscale. 4 Adeviation from aRQFTatlow energies duetoanIRscaleλmaywellbeexpected 20 to violate relativistic invariance. The reason is that it has been shown that any the- ory incorporating quantum mechanics andspecial relativity, withanadditional “cluster” 20 condition ,mustreducetoaRQFTatlowenergies. AsimplewayofincorporatingeffectsbeyondRQFTthatviolaterelativisticinvariance isthroughamodifieddispersion relation. Forexample,thedispersion relation 2 2 2 E = p +m +λ|p|, (13) has a term linear in |p| which dominates over the standard kinetic term (p2) when |p| . 2λ and so itchanges drastically the nonrelativistic kinematics. Forinstance, such a dispersion relation for the electron would slightly modify the energy levels of the hy- drogen atom. Given the extraordinary agreement between theory and the experimental measurement of the Lamb shift (one part in 10520,21), one has λ < 10−6 −10−7 eV, whichisaverystringent boundontheIRscale. Theboundismuchlessrestrictive andmoreinteresting ifoneconsiders thatEq.(13) applies to the neutrino only because of a special sensitivity of this particle to the IR scale. This idea could find theoretical support in the framework of large extra dimen- sions,considering thattheneutrinoistheonlyparticle,togetherwiththegraviton, which propagates intheextradimensions, andthatthedependence onthescaleλissuppressed for the remaining particles, which would then explain why no signal of these LIVs has been observed. Theneutrino has two characteristic properties: it has avery small mass, and it interacts only weakly. As a result of this combination, we have not any experi- mentalresultonitsnonrelativistic physics. Therefore,thepresenceofLorentzinvariance violations affecting the nonrelativistic limit cannot be excluded a priori in the neutrino case. 22 In fact Eq. (13) for the neutrino has been used to explain the tritium beta-decay anomaly, which consists in an excess of electron events at the end of the spectrum, at 23 about20eVbelowtheendpoint . Matchingwithexperimentalresultsrequiresavalue 22 ofλinEq.(13)oftheorderoftheeV.Itcanbeseen thatthisdoesnotcontradictother experimental results involving neutrinos, suchastheircontribution totheenergy density oftheUniverse, neutrinooscillations (iftheIRscaleisfamily-independent) orneutrinos fromsupernovas, although thiscouldbeagoodplacetolookforfootprints ofthisLIV. Eq.(13)fortheneutrinomighthoweverhaveimportanteffectsincosmicraysthrough threshold effects which become relevant when λ|pth| ∼ m2. Here m2 is an “effective” mass squared which controls the kinematic condition of allowance or prohibition of an specific process. Indeed a consequence of these threshold effects could be that neu- trons and pions become stable particles at energies close to the knee of the cosmic ray 22 spectrum , which would drastically alter the composition of cosmic rays. It is quite remarkable that cosmic ray phenomenology could be sensitive to the presence of an IR scale. A modified dispersion relation of the form of Eq. (13) cannot be simply introduced intheframeworkofaneffectivefieldtheory, becausethetermproportional to|p|cannot beTaylor-expanded. Wetherefore lackofadynamical formalism consistent withsuch a dispersion relation, andwecanonlyexploreforthemomentitskinematicimplications. ThereisanotherdifficultyofintroducingaLIVthroughamodifieddispersionrelation, that is, one should indicate the “preferred” frame in which this relation is valid. There is however another possibility, which is to extend our concept of relativistic invariance 5 to a more general framework, in which the new dispersion relation would be observer- invariant. Thiscaseisconsidered inthefollowingsection. 2.5 DoubleSpecial Relativity Thepossibility thatLorentzsymmetry,considered asalow-energy symmetrythatwould not beexactly preserved inaquantum theory ofgravity, might notbebroken inthe fun- damental theory, but only deformed to a different symmetry, was started to be explored 24 25 quite recently . This deformation usually involves a new dispersion relation of the 2 2 2 form m = f(E,p;M), with f(E,p;M) → E −p in the M → ∞ limit, where M isalarge-energy/small-length (possibly relatedtothePlanckmass)scale,whichisintro- duced as an observer-independent scale. The new dispersion relation then implies new laws of boost/rotation transformation between inertial observers. AsGalilean Relativity wasdeformedtoSpecialRelativityinordertointroducearelativistic-invariant scale(the speed of light), the new framework [therefore called Doubly Special Relativity (DSR)] deformsSpecialRelativity tointroduce thissecondobserver-independent scale. Thereisanspecialpointthatneedstoberemarkedinthekinematicalanalysisofphys- ical processes in the DSR framework. The assumption of modified dispersion relations andunmodifiedlawsofenergy-momentum conservation isinconsistent withthedoubly- 24 specialrelativityprinciples, sinceitinevitably givesrisetoapreferredclassofinertial observers. A doubly-special relativity scenario with modified dispersion relations must therefore necessarily haveamodifiedlawofenergy-momentum conservation. Onthecontrary,unmodifiedlawsofenergy-momentumconservationareaningredient of anylow-energy effective fieldtheory. This fact isan indication that DSRtheories are notincluded intheeffectivefieldtheoryframework. It is interesting to note that one can find a phenomenologically consistent infrared 18 DSR , meaning the introduction of a new IR scale λ, as discussed in the previous section,butinarelativistic-invariantway. Inparticular,itispossibletoobtainappropriate deformed Lorentztransformations suchthatthefollowingdispersion relation 2 λ 2 2 2 m˜ = 1− (E −p ), (14) E (cid:18) (cid:19) remainsinvariant. Inthenonrelativistic limit,thisdispersion relationisreducedto p2 m˜ p4 E ≃ m+ − , (15) 2m m8m3 wherewehavedefinedthephysicalmassparameterm = m˜ +λ. TestsofQEDnowgive aboundfortheIRscaleλ . 10−2eV18. Thekinematicaldependence ontheIRscalein the case of DSR is very different from the one considered in the previous section. This is the reason whythe bounds on theIR scale from precision QEDtests differ byseveral orders of magnitude. Interestingly enough, a value of the new scale of order 10−3eV could bedetected inthenearfuture fromitsQEDeffects, and, atthesametime,provide asolution tothecosmological constant problem. Assuming amechanism ofcancelation forthedifferent contributions tothevacuum expectation valueoftheenergy momentum 6 tensor, thenondimensional groundsonewouldexpect hTµνi ∼ λ4 c1δµ0δν0 +c2 δµiδνi (16) ! i X with c1, c2 dimensionless coefficients depending on the details of the theory incorpo- rating the new low energy scale. Then the present acceleration of the expansion of the Universecouldbeasignalofanewlowenergyscalecompatiblewithamodifiedrelativ- ityprinciple. 3 Conclusions Weareentering inaperiodwhereanexperimental searchofQGeffectsispossible. One of the most clean signals of these effects would be a departure from special relativity, since ultra-high energy cosmic rays and astrophysical observations can provide ampli- fication mechanisms (through kinematical thresholds, modification of stability or insta- bility conditions forhigh-energy particles, ortime-of-flight measurements offarenough energy sources) by which these effects might be observable in a close future. On the other hand, QED and/or neutrino physics could also detect the presence of an IR scale producing aslightmodificationofthekinematics inthenonrelativistic limit. Thedetailsofthewayoneapproaches toaspecialrelativistic theorywillgiveusvery important hints on the underlying theory. Lacking the basic principles of this theory oneshouldkeepanopenmindandexploredifferent alternatives forextensions ofRQFT considering alsothepossibility togobeyondeffectivefieldtheories. Wehavesketched a fewofthesealternativesascandidatesforaphenomenologicalperspectivetotheanalysis ofQGeffects. Acknowledgments ThisworkissupportedbyCYTFPA,grant2003-02948andbyINFN-CYTcollaboration grant. References 1. G. Amelino-Camelia, J. Ellis, N.E.Mavromatos, D.V. Nanopoulos and S. Sarkar, Nature 393, 763 (1998); G. Amelino-Camelia and T. Piran, Phys. Rev. D 64, 036005(2001);R.GambiniandJ.Pullin,Phys. Rev. 59,124021(1999);J.Alfaro, H.A.Morales-Te´cotlandL.F.Urrutia,Phys. Rev. D84,2318(2000);J.Alfaro,H. A.Morales-Te´cotlandL.F.Urrutia,Phys. Rev. D65,103509(2002);J.Alfaroand G.Palma,Phys. Rev. D65,103516(2002); T.Jacobson, S.Liberati,D.Mattingly, Phys. Rev. D66,081302 (2002). 2. V.A.Kostelecky, S.Samuel,Phys. Rev. D39,683(1989). 3. S.M.Carroll,J.A.Harvey,V.A.Kostelecky, C.D.Lane,T.Okamoto,Phys. Rev. Lett. 87,141601 (2001). 4. V.A.Kostelecky´, R.Lehnert,M.J.Perry,Phys. Rev. D68,123511(2003). 5. L. Susskind, J. Math. Phys. 36, 6377 (1994); J.D. Bekenstein, Phys. Rev. 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