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Department of the Interior and related agencies appropriations for 1996 : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session PDF

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Preview Department of the Interior and related agencies appropriations for 1996 : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session

\0^ X>^ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND RELATED " AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1996 Y 4,AP 6/1; IN 8/6/996/ NGS PT. 4 Departnent of the Interior and Rela. . . ^ SUBUUMMlTTHlE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES RALPH REGULA, Ohio, Chairman JOSEPH M. MCDADE, Pennsylvania SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois JIM KOLBE, Arizona NORMAN D. DICKS, Washington JOE SKEEN, New Mexico TOM BEVILL, Alabama BARBARA F. VUCANOVICH, Nevada DAVID E. SKAGGS, Colorado CHARLES H. TAYLOR. North Carolina GEORGE R. NETHERCUTT. Jr., Washington JIM BUNN, Oregon NOTE:UnderCommitteeRules,Mr.Livingston,asChairmanoftheFullCommittee,andMr.Obey,asRanking MinorityMemberoftheFullCommittee,areauthorizedtositasMembersofallSubcommittees. Deborah Weatherly, Loretta Beaumont, Mark Mioduski, and Joel Kaplan, StaffAssistants PART 4 -^ Justification of the Budget Estimates Page Indian Health 1 IndianEducation 241 Nav^o and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission 271 InstituteofAmerican Indian andAlaska Native Culture andArts Development 293 SmithsonianInstitution 313 John F. KennedyCenterforthePerformingArts 457 NationalGalleryofArt 539 WoodrowWilsonInternational CenterforSch(^bt»^,» 669 National EndowmentfortheArts ./.....^x^Uju^. 695 NationalEndowment forthe Humanities ../.. -'^^^'t ^^ Institute ofMuseum Services ./ ty.^i(t^*. 951 Commission ofFineArts / .*r...irtJrij^.,.. 989 AdvisoryCouncil onHistoric Preservation ;.^^X^«y.vf/i/^1009 National Capital PlanningCommission .Aj^ .^^'''* ?5l^7 Franklin DelanoRoosevelt Memorial Commission ..\7jI^...^ 1009^ ' PennsylvaniaAvenueDevelopmentCorporation .f..A...^^ 1103 ''' HolocaustMemorial Council iQo^.... 1135 Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1996 HEAKINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES RALPH REGULA, Ohio, Chairman JOSEPH M. McDADE, Pennsylvania SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois JIM KOLBE, Arizona NORMAN D. DICKS, Washington JOE SKEEN, New Mexico TOM BEVILL, Alabama BARBARA F. VUCANOVICH, Nevada DAVID E. SKAGGS, Colorado CHARLES H. TAYLOR. North Carolina GEORGE R. NETHERCUTT, Jr., Washington JIM BUNN, Oregon NOTE:UnderCommitteeRules,Mr.Livingston,asChairmanoftheFullCommittee,andMr.Obey,asRanking MinorityMemberoftheFullCommittee,areauthorizedtositasMembersofallSubcommittees. Deborah Weatherly, Loretta Beaumont, Mark Mioduski, and Joel Kaplan, StaffAssistants PART 4 Justification of the Budget Estimates Page IndianHealth 1 IndianEducation 241 NavajoandHopi IndianRelocationCommission 271 InstituteofAmerican IndianandAlaskaNative Culture andArts Development 293 SmithsonianInstitution 313 John F.KennedyCenterforthePerformingArts 457 National GalleryofArt 539 WoodrowWilsonInternationalCenterforScholars 669 NationalEndowmentfortheArts 695 NationalEndowmentforthe Humanities 845 InstituteofMuseum Services 951 Commission ofFineArts 989 AdvisoryCouncilon HistoricPreservation 1009 NationalCapital PlanningCommission 1057 FranklinDelanoRooseveltMemorialCommission 1099 PennsylvaniaAvenueDevelopment Corporation 1103 HolocaustMemorial Council 1135 Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 8^-068 WASHINGTON 1995 : ForsalebytheU.S.GovernmentPrintingOffice SuperintendentofDocuments,CongressionalSalesOffice,Washington,DC 20402 ISBN 0-16-046962-7 COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS BOB LIVINGSTON, Louisiana, Chairman JOSEPH M. McDADE, Pennsylvania DAVID R. OBEY, Wisconsin JOHN T. MYERS, Indiana SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois C. W. BILL YOUNG, Florida LOUIS STOKES, Ohio RALPH REGULA, Ohio TOM BEVILL, Alabama JERRY LEWIS, California JOHN P. MURTHA, Pennsylvania JOHN EDWARD PORTER, Illinois CHARLES WILSON, Texas HAROLD ROGERS, Kentucky NORMAN D. DICKS, Washington JOE SKEEN, New Mexico MARTIN OLAV SABO, Minnesota FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia JULIAN C. DIXON, California TOM Delay, Texas VIC FAZIO, Cahfomia JIM KOLBE, Arizona W. G. (BILL) HEFNER, North Carolina BARBARA F. VUCANOVICH, Nevada STENY H. HOYER, Maryland JIM LIGHTFOOT, Iowa RICHARD J. DURBIN, lUinois RON PACKARD, CaUfornia RONALD D. COLEMAN, Texas SONNY CALLAHAN, Alabama ALAN B. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia JAMES T. WALSH, New York JIM CHAPMAN, Texas CHARLES H. TAYLOR, North Carolina MARCY KAPTUR, Ohio DAVID L. HOBSON, Ohio DAVID E. SKAGGS, Colorado ERNEST J. ISTOOK, Jr., Oklahoma NANCY PELOSI, CaUfornia HENRY BONILLA, Texas PETER J. VISCLOSKY, Indiana JOE KNOLLENBERG, Michigan THOMAS M. FOGLIETTA, Pennsylvania DAN MILLER, Florida ESTEBAN EDWARD TORRES, CaUfornia JAY DICKEY, Arkansas NITA M. LOWEY, New York JACK KINGSTON, Georgia RAY THORNTON, Arkansas FRANK RIGGS, CaUfornia RODNEY P. FRELDSfGHUYSEN, New Jersey ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi MICHAEL P. FORBES, New York GEORGE R. NETHERCUTT, Jr., Washington JIM BUNN, Oregon MARK W. NEUMANN, Wisconsin James W. Dyer, Clerk and StaffDirector 01) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FISCAL YEAR 1996 Volume XIII PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE INDLVN HEALTH SERVICE Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees ))))) DEPIIRTMENT OP HEALTH AND BOMAM SERVICES Indian Health Service Fiscal Year 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS P»qg Ho- Services and Facllltle»t Sunmary Table IBS- 1 Tables of Adjustoents IBS- 2 Detail of Budget Formulation A. Funding Summary Report IBS- 4 B. Detail of Changes IBS- 5 C. Breakdown of Program Level IBS- 6 . FTE Summary IBS- 8 Executive Budget Summary IHS-13 Services 1 Justification: A. General Statement IHS-19 B. Summary of Budget Request IHS-23 C. Activities 1. Clinical Services a. Bospltals & Clinics ((21) APcucropmopsleisahnmdenMtesthod of Operation IIBHSS--2248 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS-34 b. Dental Health (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IBS-40 (2) Accomplishments IHS-42 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS-4S c. Mental Health (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS-48 (2) Accomplishments IHS-49 (3 Rationale for Budget Request IBS-51 d. Alcohol and Substance Abuse (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IBS-54 (2) Accomplishments IHS-55 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS-57 e. Contract Care ((21 PRuartpioosnealeandfoMretBhuoddgetofROepqeuersattion IIBBSS--5690 t. HIV/AIDS (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS-64 (2) Accomplishments IHS-65 (3 Rationale for Budget Request IHS-66 g. Private Third Party Collections (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS-67 (2) Accomplishments IHS-67 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IBS-71 ))))) Page No. h. Medicare/Hedlcald Collections (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 69 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 69 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 71 Preventive Health a. Public Health Nursing (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 74 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 76 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 76 b. Health Education ((21) APcucropmopsleisahnmdenMtesthod of Operation IIHHSS-- 7778 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 79 c. Community Health Representatives (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 81 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 81 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 82 d. Hepatitis B\Imoiunization Influenza Program (Alaska) (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 83 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 84 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 84 3. Urban Health Projects (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 85 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 87 (3 Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 87 4. Indian Health Professions (formerly Manpower) ((21) APcucropomspelisahnmdenMtesthod of Operation IIHHSS-- 8991 5. Triba(l3 MaRnaatgieomneanlte for Budget Request IHS- 94 (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 95 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 96 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS- 96 6. Direct Operations (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS- 98 (2) Accomplishments IHS- 99 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS-100 7. Self Governance (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS-101 (2) Accomplishments IHS-102 (3) Rationale for Budget Request IHS-102 8. Contract Support Cost (1) Purpose and Method of Operation IHS-105 (2) Accomplishments IHS-106 (3 Rationale for Budget Request IHS-106 Indian Health Service Funding Summary Report Budget Authority (Dollars In Thousands) 02/06/95 HLE: 0:VSSVD«H\BrPB\rir«<\£SBA . INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE (DoMralaThounndil Tablaa of JUijnwnt» ru«: o:\u\nM\am\rrM\iBonJf rr IStS Total Co^>li>adJ«ii>ra|>rlmtlau (Badg^JUthorltyl $1,9<3,0C2 1E,2»S rr 1»95 rrogz-aaL«*«l Totml |a,17«,ll» 15,425 »»/Tl.TTT««- Hao-r*aurTlagCosatnatlofi Funds In PT 1M5. rT« MPOCTIOM: Affiliation Hgri—nt: Coptrartlng/Confrtlnj. m Kaductlon. FT! rvduotlona ar« Inacoordanoa vltli Praaldaatlal kicaeutlvo OTXlar 1209, dat«lPabruaxy 10, 1S93. Inflation andPayCoata. Raflaota full ooat of January —1995payralaa, locality pay, andotlkarpayroll ooata, rliril Inflationof S.3% andnon-aadlcal inflation of 3% Indian SalfO*t«x«inatlon Pund. Sub-TotalMandatorlaa. m APPITIOMS Tba PTBa «*r« tranafarrwl froaPBS: 2 fromOffloaof tha Socratary and7 froaOrikSB. ITAFTTMaMI) OmiftTTMgCOar ""M—P»nT.TTT««- Tba ineraaaaprovldaa funding for tbaatafflngandoparatlag ooat of D«» faellltlaa llatadbalo«, ablobvara fnndadIn rt 1994 forpartof tba flaoalyaar. Kotiabna, AK, >oq>ltal (40 Sblprook, IM, Moapltal «,SM Anoboraga, AK, Boapltal 3,312 aya, MI, BaaltbOantar 2«9 Total 10,913 : . Wilt: o:\M\iaMVan«vnM\aMij< D—crlptlon ~ JiMBunt 02/0<F/T(fS» lafozwttlee tytfmlaltlatlvu oo^BUklaatlea «m»«M11fl— to »i%4>uil.artvanoadollaloal, pubUohaalth, andaifcliilitratlTa lafacBBtloa ayata^. mammaandK14arBaaltk. Tbmraquaat alXl av^pert prooxaa(orAI/JtMvsaasaada>M«>it th» ilmlniMiiil ot haalth car*aarrtoafar tbaaldarly tarvatlag Inflimiia. poauaKxiooaal, andtataaaa iMaiiiliilInn pragraaa. Bpldaad.ologyCaatar Tha raquaatoUJ.prorlda thraa Hilrtialnlii||j| oastara. Child . Tba raquaat vUlpre*lda rhildabuaartetlMaanioaa ts 4 ta S trltoaa which ara curraBtlywithout aarvloaa. Contract Cara trvtomm Tha raqpaaatwill fondtprmrlaataly MS lopatlant aarvloaa and3,200 outpatlaat aarvloaa. Qrttan Baalth. Tba raquaatwill laeraaaa tha lawal of aaad(uadad(roa12 to 24 paroant andpronda for an addltlooal 30,000patlant Tlalta. Indian Salf-Oatarwlnatloa Fond. Tba raquaatwillprevlda for *flrat-tlaaprograaaaai^tlo aa raquaatadandra^ilrad. Haya Baalth Cantar. 2,21« Tha raquaatwillprewlda eeaprahaaalwaeoratlwaandpravantlva haalth eara aarrloaa toaaat thabaalthaaadaof tha rt. Ballrnir AarwloaOnltpopulatloo. Dhlta earth BaalthC«>tar •,••• Tba raquaatwillprsrlda ^aoa forBBjor o—e^prahaBalva eaoalrmatllawdaiiaynbdaparlatwhonaataldwaoboafaltthahBehalrtaa|ntaiirjithaartrolaaantVtatlhta pepulatloo. Total Xneraaaaa \ |123,T«2 la? MIT CHMMB t»S,*CO (230) rt !••« BODOBTKmnMITX 12,OS*,022 1S,0«S Znoraaaa In Kalatouraaaanta Public Inauranoa 1,S3« Prlvata Znauranoa 220 rf 1»»C PrograaLaval %i,n3,»*i 1S,1»S Mat Changa. PrograaLaval I»7,724 (230)

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