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Department of Defense U.S. Department of Agriculture T P F HE OTENTIAL OR Department of the A T Air Force CCOMMODATING HIRD G M S Department of the Army ENERATION OBILE YSTEMS 1710–1850 MH B U.S. Coast Guard IN THE Z AND: Department of Commerce Federal Operations, Relocation Costs, and Operational Impacts Department of Energy Federal Aviation Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Department of Health and Human Services Final Report Department of the March 2001 Interior Department of Justice National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Department of the Navy Department of the Treasury U.S. Postal Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTIA Special Publication 01–46 T P F HE OTENTIAL OR A T CCOMMODATING HIRD G M S ENERATION OBILE YSTEMS 1710–1850 MH B IN THE Z AND: Federal Operations, Relocation Costs, and Operational Impacts Final Report March 2001 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Donald L. Evans, Secretary John F. Sopko, Acting Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, and Administrator, National Telecommunications and Information Administration PROJECT MANAGEMENT William T. Hatch Associate Administrator Office of Spectrum Management Fredrick R. Wentland Director, Spectrum Plans and Policies TEAM LEADER W. Russell Slye Manager, Strategic Spectrum Planning Program REPORT AUTHORS Spectrum Engineering and Spectrum Policies Public Safety Analysis Division Joseph P. Camacho Gary M. Patrick William T. Druhan, Jr. Robert C. Wilson CONTRIBUTORS Spectrum Engineering and Spectrum Plans Analysis Division Darlene A. Drazenovich Ernesto L. Cerezo James T. Vorhies v Table of Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................. .. ix Executive Summary .......................................................... xiii I. Introduction .............................................................. 1-1 Background .......................................................... 1-1 Objectives ........................................................... 1-5 II. Third Generation System Description ......................................... 2-1 Introduction .......................................................... 2-1 Spectrum Identified for IMT-2000 ......................................... 2-2 III. Federal Use of the 1710-1850 MHz Band...................................... 3-1 Overview ............................................................ 3-1 Satellite Control Systems ............................................... 3-11 Conventional Fixed Systems ............................................ 3-17 Tactical Radio Relay Equipment ..... .................................... 3-18 Air Combat Training Systems ........................................... 3-20 Precision Guided Weapons ............................................. 3-22 Other Systems ....................................................... 3-24 IV. Approaches for IMT-2000 Accommodation ................................... 4-1 Sharing Potential Employing Protection Areas ............................... 4-1 1. Satellite Control (SGLS) Systems ................................. 4-1 2. Conventional Fixed Systems ..................................... 4-4 3. Tactical Radio Relay ........................................... 4-4 4. Air Combat Training Systems .................................... 4-7 5. Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) ............................... 4-8 6. Other Systems ................................................ 4-9 Band Sharing and Segmentation Options ................................... 4-9 Option 1: In-Band Pairing of the 1710-1850 MHz Band ................ 4-10 Option 2: Dual-Band Pairing Using the 1710-1790 MHz Band ........... 4-16 Option 3: Migration From the 1710-1755 MHz Band. .................. 4-20 Other Issues ................................ ......................... 4-26 International Concerns ........................................... 4-26 National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2000 ................ 4-26 V. Estimates of Costs for Relocation of Federal Systems ............................ 5-1 Discussion ................................. .......................... 5-1 Cost Estimates by Frequency Band ........................................ 5-3 Cost Estimates by 3G Accommodation Option ............................... 5-7 Costs for Option 1 ............................................... 5-9 Costs for Option 2 .............................................. 5-11 Costs for Option 3 .............................................. 5-12 vii Appendix A: Protection Contour Surrounding the Goldstone DSN Facility ............. A-1 Appendix B: Federal Agency Cost Submissions ................................... B-1 Appendix C: Frequency Assignment Tables by State/Location ........................C-1 Appendix D: DOD Final Report .............................................. D-1 viii Acronyms and Abbreviations 3G Third Generation ACE Army Corps of Engineers ACMI Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation ACTS Air Combat Training Systems ACUS Army Common User System AFB Air Force Base AFS Air Force Station AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network BBA-97 Balanced Budget Act of 1997 BER Bit Error Ratio CDMA Code Division Multiple Access COTS Commercial-off-the-shelf dB Decibel dBi dB Referred to Isotropic dBm dB Referred to 1 milliWatt dBw dB Referred to 1 Watt DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program DOD Department of Defense DOE Department of Energy DOI Department of the Interior DOJ Department of Justice DSN Deep Space Network DSP Defense Support Program DWTS Digital Wideband Transmission System EAC Echelon Above Corps EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ENG Electronic News Gathering FAA Federal Aviation Administration FCC Federal Communications Commission FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications FPA Federal Power Agencies FSK Frequency Shift Keying FY02 Fiscal Year 2002 GEO Geosynchronous GFO GEOSAT Follow-On GHz Gigahertz (109 Hertz) ix GMF Government Master File GPS Global Positioning System GSM Global System for Mobile Communications GSO Geosynchronous Orbit HCLOS High Capacity Line-of-Sight HEO Highly Elliptical Orbit IAG Industry Association Group IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 I/N Interference-to-Noise Ratio I+N Interference plus Noise ITU International Telecommunication Union ITU-R ITU Radiocommunication Sector ITU-T ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector JTCTS Joint Tactical Combat Training System kbps Kilobits per Second kHz Kilohertz (103 Hertz) km Kilometer LEO Low Earth Orbit LOS Line-of-Sight m Meter mbps Megabits per Second MHz Megahertz (106 Hertz) MILSTAR Military Strategic and Tactical Relay MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NGSO Non-Geostationary Orbit non-GEO Non-Geostationary NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking NSF National Science Foundation NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration OBRA-93 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 PCS Personal Communications Service PDT Proliferation Detection Technology x

II Third Generation System Description extends beyond that already encumbered by first and second generation mobile systems. A major
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