NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT THROUGH ORGANICS IN SUMMER MUNGBEAN (Vigna radiata L. Wilczk) SHARVAN KUMAR YADAV DDDDEEEEPPPPAAAARRRRTTTTMMMMEEEENNNNTTTT OOOOFFFF AAAAGGGGRRRROOOONNNNOOOOMMMMYYYY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DHARWAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD – 580 005 JULY, 2014 ii NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT THROUGH ORGANICS IN SUMMER MUNGBEAN (Vigna radiata L. Wilczk) Thesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MMMMaaaasssstttteeeerrrr ooooffff SSSScccciiiieeeennnncccceeee ((((AAAAggggrrrriiiiccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrreeee)))) iiiinnnn AGRONOMY BBBByyyy SHARVAN KUMAR YADAV DDDDEEEEPPPPAAAARRRRTTTTMMMMEEEENNNNTTTT OOOOFFFF AAAAGGGGRRRROOOONNNNOOOOMMMMYYYY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DHARWAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD – 580 005 JULY, 2014 iii DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DHARWAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled " NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT THROUGH ORGANICS IN SUMMER MUNGBEAN (Vigna radiata L. Wilczk)" submitted by Mr. SHARVAN KUMAR YADAV,,,, for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURE) in AGRONOMY to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, is a record of research work carried out by him during the period of his study in this university under my guidance and supervision and the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar titles. DHARWAD (H. B. BABALAD) JULY, 2014 MAJOR ADVISOR Approved by : Chairman : ____________________________ (H. B. BABALAD) Members : 1. __________________________ (S. M. HIREMATH) 2. __________________________ (R. K. PATIL) 3. __________________________ (C. R. PATIL) iv AAAAffffffffeeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnnaaaatttteeeellllyyyy DDDDeeeeddddiiiiccccaaaatttteeeedddd ttttoooo mmmmyyyy BBBBeeeelllloooovvvveeeedddd PPPPaaaarrrreeeennnnttttssss v AAAAcccckkkknnnnoooowwwwlllleeeeddddggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt Towards the end of this great Voyage in the quest for knowledge and wisdom, which makes the beginning of a new horizon, it gives me an insurmountable task to mention all them who planted and nurtured the spirit of faith and helped in accomplishing this task. I take this opportunity to look back on the path traversed during the course of this endevour and to remember the guiding faces behind the task with a sense of gratitude. I place on record my deep and my heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. H. B. BABALAD, Professor Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dharwad, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and chairman of my Advisory Committee for his constant inspiration and encouragement, timely help, valuable advice and friendly attitude throughout the study period. It is rather difficult to express in words my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the members of my Advisory Committee, Dr. S. M. HIREMATH, Professor, Department of Agronomy, UAS, Dharwad, Dr. C. R. PATIL, Associate Professor of Microbiology, Institute of Organic Farming, UAS, Dharwad, Dr. R. K. PATIL, Professor of Entomology, Institute of Organic Farming, UAS, Dharwad for their constant encouragement, valuable suggestions, sensible criticism and constructive guidance during the course of this investigation. I have great pleasure to place on record and my heartfelt thank full to Dr. S. S. Angadi, Professor and Head, Dr. S. M. Hiremath, Dr. S. I. Hallikatti and Dr. C. P. Mansur Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and other staff members of the department, for their excellent teaching and co-operation extended to me during the course of my study and research. I wish to register my sincere thanks to teaching staff of Department of Agronomy, UAS, and Dharwad for their kind help and co-operation during the course of study. I am very much great full to my beloved parents, grandmother Smt. Jyana devi and grandfather . Sri. Kalian mal for their kindfull help and co- operation during the investigation. vi It is my pleasure to acknowledge my deep sense of thanks to friends; Sunil Satyareddy, G.B Tuppad, Veeranagappa, P. Pranesh, Manajunatha G.R. Manjunatha S.B, Irappa D. Patil, Ningappa.I, Vasanth kumar K.M, Lingaraju N.N. Ramesh Jatti and Junior friends Sudarshan reddy. K.A, Prabhamani. P.S. for their timely help extended to me in completing the task undertaken. I share my sincere thanks and inspirations to all those seen and unseen hand and minds. Finally I thank GOD for bestowing me with divine spirit, essential strength and necessary succor to find my way towards a glorious career amidst several hurdles and struggles. I would like to be thankful to, M/S Anup Computers, Dharwad for skillful and elegant alignment and neat presentation of this thesis. ……. any omission in this brief acknowledgement doesn’t mean lack of gratitude. DHARWAD JULY, 2014 (SHARVAN KUMAR YADAV) vii C O N T E N T S Sl. Chapter Particulars No. CERTIFICATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PLATES LIST OF APPENDICES 1. INTRODUCTION 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Effect of organic manures on plant growth, yield and quality Parameters 2.2 Effect of liquid organic manures on growth, yield and quality of crops 2.3 Effect of organic manures and liquid organic manures on availability and uptake of nutrients by crops. 2.4 Effect of organic manures and liquid organic manures on Economics of crops. 2.5 Effect of combination of organics on growth, yield and quality parameters 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 3.1 Location of the experimental site 3.2 Climatic conditions 3.3 Soil and its characteristics 3.4 Previous crop of the experimental site 3.5 Experimental details 3.6 Cultivation practices 3.7 Collection of experimental data 3.8 Statistical analysis of data 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 4.1 Growth parameters 4.2 Yield and yield components of mungbean 4.3 Quality parameters 4.4 Uptake of nutrients (at flowering) 4.5 Uptake of nutrients (at harvest) 4.6 Soil nutrient status 4.7 Economics Contd….. viii Sl. Chapter Particulars No. 5. DISCUSSION 5.1 Weather condition and crop performance 5.2. Influence of organic sources of nutrients on yield and yield attributing characters of mungbean 5.3 Influence of organic source of nutrients on growth attributing characters in mungbean 5.4 Influence of organic source of nutrients on root nodulation in mungbean 5.5 Influence of organic source of nutrients on uptake of nutrients by mungbean 5.6 Influence of organic source of nutrients on quality parameters of mungbean 5.7 Effect organic sources of nutrient on soil physico- chemical properties of soil 5.8 Interaction effect 5.9 Influence of organic source of nutrients on economics 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION REFERENCES APPENDICES ix LIST OF TABLES Table Title No. 1 Physical and chemical properties of the soil of experimental area 2 Monthly meteorological data for experimental year (2013) and average of past 62 years (1950 -2012) of Main Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Dharwad 3 Plant height (cm) of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 4 Number of branches of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 5 Number of effective nodules of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 6 Dry matter accumulation in leaves (g/plant) of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 7 Dry matter accumulation in stem (g/plant) of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 8 Dry matter accumulation in reproductive parts (g/plant) of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 9 Total dry matter production of mungbean at different growth stage as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 10 Leaf area index of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 11 Leaf area duration of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 12 Effect of organic manures and liquid organic manures on numbers of days 50 % flowering of mungbean 13 Crop growth rate (CGR, g/dm2/day) of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 14 Net Assimilation Rate (g dm2 days-1) of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures x Contd….. Table Title No. 15 Number of pods per plant of mungbean at different growth stages as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures spray 16 Pod length (cm) of mungbean at 60 DAS and at harvest as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 17 Number of seeds per pod of mungbean at 60 DAS and at harvest as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 18 1000 grain weight (g) and grain weight (g) per plant of mungbean at harvest as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 19 Grain yield (kg/ha), haulm yield (kg/ha) and harvest index (%) of mungbean at harvest as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 20 Protein content (%) and protein yield (kg/ha) of mungbean at harvest as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 21 Uptake of N, P and K (kg/ha) of mungbean at flowering stage as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 22 Uptake of N, P and K (kg/ha) of mungbean at harvest as influenced by organic manure and liquid organic manures 23 Soil available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (kg/ha) as influenced by organic manure and liquid organic manures 24 Soil organic carbon (%) as influenced by organic manures and liquid organic manures 25 Gross returns (Rs. /ha), net returns (Rs. /ha) and Benefit : Cost ratio of mungbean as influenced by organic and liquid organic manures