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To Lizzie and Sue and to the memory of Dr. Keith Heller, a dear friend and dedicated colleague 11830 Westline Industrial Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63146 DENTISTRY, DENTAL PRACTICE, AND 0-7216-0515-X THE COMMUNITY Copyright © 2005, 1999, 1992, 1983, 1969, 1964 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Health Sciences Rights Department in Philadelphia, PA, USA: phone: (+1) 215 238 7869, fax: (+1) 215 238 2239, e-mail: PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION Change is the only true constant in our uncertain world, and this sixth edition comes into a world that is very different from that which greeted the fifth edition in 1999. The budget surpluses of that time have plunged to become record deficits, and as a nation we are ambivalent about a war that may bring democracy to a troubled land or may drag us into a morass. Most of all, our national mindset is dominated by the horrors and heroism of September 11, 2001. And what has unpredictable social change got to do with dentistry? The answer is a great deal, for the dental world, like any other insti- tution, is part of the overall pattern. If the world is an ecosystem, then changes in population, income, employment, inflation, and just about everything else will affect dentistry to some extent. The purpose of this book is to present dentistry and dental practice against the backdrop of social events: economic, technological, and demographic trends, as well as the distribution of the oral dis- eases that dental professionals treat and prevent. The pace of change in these areas can be bewilder- ing, and substantial rewriting of many parts of this book has thus been required. Since the 1999 edition came out, we have seen our health system, based on something called managed care, become less and less workable. Dentistry in Medicaid is barely visible, “access” has emerged as a major health issue, and the corporate burden of providing health care for employees is threatening our national economy. Dentistry cannot be a bystander as these issues continue to demand public attention. Rather, dentistry needs to understand them as best we can and take its place at the table as a leader in setting health care policy. Our guiding principle in this sixth edition is that we lay out the facts on all matters discussed and interpret them as we see them. We express our opinions, taking care to distinguish opinion from fact, and leave the reader to develop his or her own views. We subscribe to the view that health is a major contributor to a higher quality of life rather than an end in itself. We have no doubt that good oral health significantly improves the quality of life and that the constant improvement of the public’s oral health is a worthy goal. The lineage of this book can be traced from the landmark work of Pelton and Wisan’s Dentistry in Public Health, first published in 1949, up to our fifth edition in 1999. We carry on the tradition in this sixth edition, which has 30 chapters in five parts, more than ever before. That growth reflects the expansion of the issues with which dentistry is involved. The first part looks at the dental professions and the public they serve and deals with ethics, the public-private partnership, public health prac- tice, and health promotion. Part II deals with the structure and financing of dental practice, types of personnel in the dental workforce, infection control and mercury safety, and a new chapter on access to dental care. The chapter on reading the literature is now joined by a new chapter on evidence- based dentistry. Part III is the nitty-gritty of oral epidemiology, from research designs and survey methods to the various indexes used to measure oral disease, and Part IV looks at the distribution of these diseases in the population and the various risk factors associated with them. In conclusion, Part V deals with the prevention of oral diseases and conditions. In matters of style, we favor liberal referencing. This gives readers a chance to pursue further the issues that interest them, and the references give the basis for our interpretation of the more con- tentious issues. We list more references with potentially contentious issues than with the more straightforward ones. Although most references reflect current work, we have retained a lot of older ones to illustrate how issues have developed over time and to show the richness of the dental litera- ture. We should never forget our roots. As would be expected, a growing number of references are to sites on the Internet, although we all have mixed feelings about the growing dominance of the Internet as a source of basic information. On the one hand, it makes information more immediately available than ever: if knowledge is power, we are all more powerful. On the other hand, Internet material can be startlingly temporary. Even during the production of this edition, a number of vii viii Preface to the Sixth Edition websites we were using as reference sources simply disappeared. Citing full websites can be extremely awkward, with URLs running on for two or three lines. When just the home page or sec- ond-level main page is cited in the quest for a stable reference, readers need enough familiarity with the Internet to be able to go to the other one or two levels to find the precise table or text statement. We know the Internet will continue to develop rapidly, although what it will look like in 10 years’ time is anybody’s guess. We have continued our method of dealing with the gender-specific personal pronoun by making it feminine in the odd-numbered chapters, masculine in the even-numbered. The “her” of Chapter 1 thus becomes the “his” of Chapter 2. In our frequent use of the term dental professionals, we include both dental hygienists and dentists as colleagues working together. Contrasts have to be made at times between how things are done in the richer parts of the world compared to the poorer. We use the term developed countries, or sometimes industrialized or the World Bank term of high-income countries, to refer to nations such as the United States, Canada, most European countries, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan, which have industrial and service- based economies, high levels of literacy, a large middle class, sophisticated transport systems, and mass distribution of goods far from their point of origin. By contrast, the developing or low-income nations are those in which those factors are just beginning to be seen or in which they do not exist at all. In addition, there are many nations that don’t clearly fit either category but lie somewhere between the two: well-developed in some areas and less so in others. Without going into details of world economics, we occasionally use those oversimplified categories of “developed” and “develop- ing” to illustrate broad differences. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have helped us with materials and other information for this book. In alphabetical order, we thank Patricia Anderson, Pilar Baca, Eugenio Beltrán-Aguilar, Robert (Skip) Collins, Steve Levy, Thom Marthaler, Kevin O’Brien, Jim Pittman, Scott Presson, Woosung Sohn, Scott Tomar, and Helen Whelton. All of these people made our task a little easier, although we emphasize that responsibility for every word in this book lies with us, and with us alone. So who knows what lies ahead for the twenty-first century? We certainly don’t pretend to have the answers, other than to state the obvious: it will be a challenging and exciting time for dentistry. To thrive and progress, dental professionals require a mindset that permits them to adapt to changing circumstances. We hope that this book will help readers to develop that mindset. Brian A. Burt, BDS, MPH, PhD Stephen A. Eklund, DDS, MHSA, DrPH 1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene DEVELOPMENT OF THE DENTAL Other Groups in Dentistry PROFESSIONS FDI World Dental Federation Dentistry American Dental Hygienists’ Association Dentistry in the Twentieth Century CAREERS IN DENTISTRY AND DENTAL Dental Hygiene HYGIENE ORGANIZATION OF THE DENTAL Private Practice PROFESSIONS IN THE UNITED STATES Salaried Practice American Dental Association U.S. Public Health Service National Dental Association Academia: Dental Education and Research Hispanic Dental Association Dental practice has existed in some form since may do so. The first is the commercial model, in the dawn of time, but it is only in comparatively which dental care is viewed as a commodity recent years that its practitioners in the econom- sold by the practitioner. The services are thus ically developed nations have achieved the sta- not based primarily on the client’s needs, but tus of a profession. In most of the low-income rather on what the client is able or willing to world, dental practice is still more of a craft. In buy. This rather crass view is distasteful to many, countries with a moderate level of economic although there are aspects of it in dental prac- development, dentistry exhibits some aspects of tice. The second is the guild model, in which a profession, but not all. dental care is seen as a privilege with the profes- Webster’s dictionary defines a profession as “a sional dominant in practitioner-patient rela- calling requiring specialized knowledge and tions. In the guild model the professional is the often long and intensive academic preparation” repository of all knowledge and wisdom, the and “the whole body of persons engaged in a patient is a passive recipient, and the practi- calling.” The definition of professionalism is “the tioner has an ethical trust to provide the best- conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or quality care. This model has probably been mark a profession or professional person.” dominant in the United States, although it may These terse dictionary definitions, however, do be slowly merging with the third model, the not fully capture the essence of a profession or interactive model, in which dental care is consid- of professionalism: commitment to patient ered a partnership of equals. In this model, welfare, ethics, and other professional ideals practitioner and patient jointly determine care are not included. Nor are all aspects of profes- provided through a combination of profes- sionalism necessarily high-minded or noble. sional expertise and patient values. Admission to some professional groups can be What are the criteria that characterize a pro- based on self-perpetuation rather than public fession, and how can a profession be distin- good, and aspects of “closed shop” practices in guished from, say, a trade union? The first is the professions have not been uncommon.30 criterion given in the dictionary definition, a Three models of professionalism have been substantial body of knowledge, a corollary of described,25 none of which by itself fully char- which is the obligation to keep that knowledge acterizes dentistry, although collectively they up to date through continuing education. The 3 4 Dentistry and the Community second is self-regulation, a tradition whereby Frenchman, is looked upon as a seminal figure society delegates to professional groups the in the evolution of the dental profession. His legal responsibility for determining who shall work was the first complete treatise on dentistry join them in serving the public and for disci- published in the Western world, and it remained plining those members who do not meet the an authoritative document for over 100 years. profession’s requirements. A third and perhaps Fauchard, despite the lack of formal training, the main distinguishing criterion of a profes- was clearly a first-class empiricist with keen sion is a code of ethics, guidelines for profes- powers of observation. sional conduct that are rooted in a moral Aspiring dentists of the time served as imperative rather than in law or regulation (see apprentices. It is worth noting that even the Chapter 3). A profession sets its own code of formal education of G. V. Black, one of the pro- ethics and its own procedures for dealing with fession’s most notable nineteenth-century infringements. Taking the various criteria men- pioneers, did not exceed 20 months. His intro- tioned, one can distinguish a profession by the duction to dentistry consisted of “a few weeks” features listed in Box 1-1. with one Dr. Speers, who was not considered a A health profession can then be defined by particularly good dentist and whose dental 9 paraphrasing Webster’s definition given earlier: library consisted of one book. Fortunately, a calling in the health sciences requiring special- Dr. Black was a true professional and followed ized knowledge, and one that meets the other cri- the precept that “a professional person has no teria listed. Dentistry meets all the requirements choice other than to be a continuous student.” of a profession. Dental hygiene is usually consid- The first American dental school was the ered a profession within dentistry, although for Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, later part the most part it is not self-regulating. of the University of Maryland, established in 1840. The course was 16 weeks in length after a year or more of apprenticeship. The initial DEVELOPMENT OF THE DENTAL enrollment was five, of whom two graduated. At PROFESSIONS about the same time, the first national profes- Dentistry sional dental journal appeared, the American Dental diseases have afflicted the human race Journal of Dental Science, and the first national 22,29 since the dawn of recorded history. dental organization, the American Society of Dentistry, however, has existed as a vocation Dental Surgeons, was established. The genesis only in recent years, historically speaking, and it of the dental profession in the United States can was not until modern times that any sort of sci- thus be dated fairly precisely to the 1840 entific basis was developed for the care of oral period. The path of professional progress was diseases. One landmark event was the 1728 not entirely smooth, however, for the emer- publication of Pierre Fauchard, Le Chirurgien gence of dentistry as a fledgling profession was Dentiste, ou Traite des Dents, a two-volume followed by an undignified scramble to open book of more than 800 pages. Fauchard, a proprietary dental schools. In the best American BOX 1-1 Characteristics of a Profession ● ● A body of knowledge exists that is constantly being Society awards the profession the privilege of self- expanded, updated, and archived in a literature record. regulation, which means determining the requirements The purpose is constant improvement of the quality of for entering and remaining in the profession, and dealing the profession’s service to individuals and to the with those members who do not meet the requirements. ● public. Its members subscribe to a code of ethics drawn up ● Academic preparation is required, carried out in by the profession itself. ● specialized institutions. The members form organized societies to enhance the ● The profession and its members accept a lifelong development of the group and its societal mission, commitment to continuing education. and to serve its individual members. 1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 5 traditions of free enterprise and entrepreneur- largely a matter of survival, with few patients ship, most of these places were run strictly for able to afford dental care. World War II fol- profit. In the years before public and profes- lowed, during which dentists, along with other sional regulation, the proprietary schools health professionals, were drafted into the turned out thousands of graduates whose pro- armed forces. As part of the national mobiliza- fessional abilities covered the spectrum from tion for the war effort, American dental schools respectable to dreadful. compressed the curriculum of four academic The anarchic events of the time, however, led years into three calendar years. This expedient to dentistry’s development in the United States was dropped when the war ended in 1945, as a profession separate from medicine, a posi- although it was flirted with again for a short tion that has been maintained to the present time in the 1970s. day. This separate development actually occurred The 1930s and 1940s were a hard time for more by chance than by deliberate policy, for it dental education. The teaching of basic science was originally intended that the Baltimore den- was often perfunctory and the emphasis in the tal school be established within the medical clinical sciences was almost entirely on restora- school. It was not, but only because of lack of tive dentistry and prosthetics. Subjects such as space and internal friction among medical radiology, oral diagnosis, endodontics, peri- school faculty. The separation of dentistry from odontics, and pediatric dentistry were neglected medicine was standard in the English-speaking in many dental schools, and full-time faculty world, Scandinavia, and some other European were the exception rather than the rule. There countries, but in central and southern Europe, were few educational programs for the prepara- by contrast, there was a division between stom- tion of specialists, and the few that did exist var- 20 atologists (physicians with specialty training in ied in quality and length. One of the few clinical dentistry) and dentists, who in this con- bright spots during this difficult period was the text were second-level providers. This division beginning of the first controlled water fluorida- of labor is thought not to have benefited oral tion projects in 1945 (see Chapter 25). 13 health in most of the countries concerned and With a rapidly expanding postwar economy has been abandoned in most of them as the and population, added to accelerating techno- European Community moves toward standardi- logic growth and a spirit of optimism, dentistry zation of professional training. On the other entered what some saw as a golden age during hand, whether American dentistry benefited the 1950s. New dental materials expanded from its evolution on a branch that grew out of treatment horizons, and the arrival of the high- the main medical trunk, rather than being more speed air-turbine engine in 1957 revolutionized closely allied to medicine during its formative dental practice. Dental research, stimulated by years, can be debated. By the early twenty-first the establishment of the National Institute of century, there were signs that dentistry might be Dental Research (now the National Institute evolving into something closer to the medical of Dental and Craniofacial Research) in 1948, model. grew rapidly, and the publication of The Survey 18 of Dentistry in 1961 led to improvements in Dentistry in the Twentieth Century education and practice. Stagnating dental The era of modern dentistry could be said to schools were revitalized with the passage of the date from the closing of the last proprietary Health Professions Educational Assistance Act school in 1929, which came shortly after the in 1963. This act authorized federal funds for landmark Gies report on dental education. Gies construction and student aid. Later renewals in collected information from the dental schools 1971 and 1976 included per capita funding to of the time and concluded that the dental pro- support the basic instructional program. In the fession would only progress when dental educa- 15 years from 1963 to 1978, the addition of fed- tion became university based and subject to the eral monies to state, local, and private sources maintenance of high standards through accredi- spurred the reconstruction of the entire physical 16 tation. Despite the adoption of Gies’s recom- plant of dental education. New schools were mendations, however, dental practice during built too; the 39 dental schools in 1930 had 1 the economic depression of the 1930s was increased to 59 by 1980. 6 Dentistry and the Community The 1960s and 1970s saw the emergence of practice dental hygiene, and in 1907 he was comprehensive care, growth in use of auxil- instrumental in having dental hygiene legally iaries, the beginnings of prepaid dental insur- recognized in Connecticut as an adjunct to den- ance, and the development of a community tal practice. Fones went on to establish the first outlook in dentistry. Growth in the number school of dental hygiene in 1913. Accepting of dentists and in dental business was sharp, in only “young ladies of good character,” the retrospect perhaps too sharp. The economic school was located in a carriage house on the 23 downturn following the Vietnam War (1964–75), grounds of the Fones residence. Connecticut added to the decline in dental caries among passed legislation specifically describing the children (see Chapter 20), led to a growing per- practice of dental hygiene in 1916. Ten states ception of an oversupply of dentists, despite had similar legislation in place by 1920, and the increasing public utilization of services (see total rose to 34 in 1935. Not until 1951, how- Chapter 2) and continued growth of dental ever, did the practice acts of all states, the insurance (see Chapter 7). During the 1980s, District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth enrollment in dental schools dropped substan- of Puerto Rico include provisions for the prac- 14 tially from its peak during 1977–79 and rose tice of dental hygiene. only a little from these levels through the mid- This leisurely development of dental hygiene 1990s (see Chapter 8). In response, seven dental was largely tied to the development of dental schools closed during this period (Emory, schools. In 1945, of the 16 dental hygiene pro- Fairleigh Dickinson, Georgetown, Loyola of grams then in existence, 13 were associated with Chicago, Northwestern, Oral Roberts, Washington schools of dentistry. By 1974, however, only 37 University). Applications to dental schools of 158 were so affiliated. The explosive growth picked up again in the late 1990s, and new den- after 1960 mostly took place in junior and com- 14 tal schools opened in Arizona, Florida, and munity colleges, stimulated by federal funds Nevada. In the early twenty-first century there for vocational-technical education in health 6 were 56 dental schools in the United States. occupation training centers. The numbers of In the new century, the major oral diseases training programs, especially the 2-year pro- are better controlled than ever, and dental prac- grams, fluctuated with demand for hygienists tice will evolve accordingly. Research in molecu- and the availability of federal funding. By 1980 lar biology is promising a new understanding of the number of programs was 204; it was down to many diseases, including those oral diseases 190 by the end of the 1980s and back over 250 that currently are poorly understood and that to again early in the new century (see Chapter 8). date have not been treated in dental practice. During the first 30 years of dental hygiene Other features that will shape dental practice in education, there was no uniformity in either the new century are the changing demographic prerequisites or curriculum. These variations profile (see Chapter 2), disease patterns (see were due to differences in state licensing acts, Chapters 19-23), developments in dental problems of integrating a 2-year clinical pro- insurance (see Chapter 7), and new restorative gram into a 4-year baccalaureate degree curricu- materials. Infection-control procedures and lum, and the lack of nationally approved their associated regulations had become stan- standards. The latter problem was remedied in dard practice by the 1990s (see Chapter 10). 1947, when the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association (ADA) Dental Hygiene adopted the first accreditation requirements for Dr. Alfred Fones, an 1890 graduate of the New dental hygiene schools. In 1952, the council York College of Dentistry, developed a tech- began an active program in accreditation of nique for scaling and polishing teeth and also dental hygiene schools. The requirements taught his patients to carry out home-care developed then still essentially stand today. procedures. By 1906, acting under the preven- For training in dental hygiene, a 2-year tive dictum that “a clean tooth never decays,” curriculum must meet the standards of the Dr. Fones was sure that the oral health of ADA’s Commission on Dental Accreditation. In his patients was improved through his oral pro- all states except Alabama, which recognizes phylactic practices. He trained his assistant to preceptorship, the completion of an accredited 1 The Professions of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 7 2-year curriculum is the minimum requirement the American Medical Association. The purpose for admittance to licensure examination by a of adopting the tripartite structure was to unify state dental board. An individual enrolled in a a profession that at the time was highly frag- 4-year baccalaureate degree program must also mented and to improve efficiency through meet university standards for that degree. Many avoiding duplication of effort. The tripartite dental hygienists earn advanced degrees (MS, structure was challenged in 1972 by four MPH, PhD, DrPH), for which the requirements Arizona dentists, who argued that by requiring of the university’s graduate school also must be membership at all levels the ADA had instituted met. an illegal arrangement. The district court ruled against the dentists in 1980, stating that the membership requirement did not suppress ORGANIZATION OF THE DENTAL competition between dentists, and it also dis- PROFESSIONS IN THE UNITED agreed with the charge that the associations or STATES their members held a monopoly on the practice The legal basis for dental practice in the United of dentistry in Arizona. The decision was 21 States is the dental practice act in each state. It is upheld in the court of appeals in 1982, and not a federal matter. The effect of these acts on subsequent challenges to the tripartite structure dental practice is discussed more fully in have been similarly unsuccessful. Chapter 8. Here we look at the professional Dentists apply for membership in a compo- organizations in dentistry. nent society, which represents a county, a group of counties, or a large city. If accepted at this American Dental Association local level, the dentist automatically becomes a The ADA was founded in 1859 by 26 dentists member of the state dental society and of the meeting at Niagara Falls. Today it claims some ADA. Traditionally membership standards have 2 147,000 members, about 70% of the nation’s included graduation from an accredited dental dentists. It is easily the largest and most influen- school, a license to practice in the jurisdiction, tial dental organization in the country. It and “good moral standing,” a vague term that operates on a tripartite basis, meaning that mem- has been interpreted in various ways. bers must join the local society (a component), ADA membership provides access to a num- the state or territorial society (a constituent), and ber of fringe benefits that are important to a self- the national ADA; they cannot be members of employed practitioner, such as group insurance just one or two (with the exception of students plans and the availability of expert consultative and dentists in the federal services). There are 53 services. It also serves its members, and indirectly 3 constituent societies and 545 components. the public, by the activities shown in Box 1-2. The tripartite system has been in place since The ADA is cohesive and well organized. Its 1913, when it was modeled on the structure of ultimate governing body is the 427-member BOX 1-2 Three Primary Areas in Which the American Dental Association Serves Its Members and, Indirectly, the Public 1. Facilitating the growth and dissemination of scientific Standards are also established for materials, drugs, and information. This is done by holding scientific devices used by dentists in practice and for some meetings at the local, state, and national levels and is products offered for sale to the public. These standards enhanced by the publication of a variety of scientific are established by having experts in specialized fields journals. The Internet continues to emerge as an ever serve as members of reviewing councils and committees. more important medium of information exchange. 3. Obtaining a consensus among the profession on 2. Establishing standards, such as accreditation of major issues and transmitting this consensus to professional schools for dentists, dental hygienists, government agencies and others concerned with dental assistants, and dental laboratory technicians. establishing policies for public health.

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