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Demystifying the Brain: A Computational Approach PDF

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V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy Demystifying the Brain A Computational Approach Demystifying the Brain V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy Demystifying the Brain A Computational Approach 123 V.Srinivasa Chakravarthy Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai, India ISBN978-981-13-3319-4 ISBN978-981-13-3320-0 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3320-0 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018961227 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:152BeachRoad,#21-01/04GatewayEast,Singapore189721, Singapore To, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Preface “The human brain is the most complex organ in the body” “The brain is the most complexthingintheuniverse,”andtherefore,“Wewon’tbeabletounderstandthe brain.” This is just a tiny bite of unqualified, unreasonable adulation that the brain receivesinpopularliterature.Thereisaratherunhealthytendencyinpopularmedia to portray the brain as some sort of a god-organ. It creates around the brain an agnosticmystique,animpenetrableaurathatisonlymeanttobeadmiredbutnever understood. Thevagueandconfusingexplanationsofbrainfunctionthatareoftenofferedby textbooks, and therefore by experts alike, do not help to dispel the mystique. For example, planning and coordination are said to be the functions of the prefrontal cortex, but cerebellum, the textbooks tell us, shares the same functions. Similarly, memory is said to be the function of both the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. But why does the brain engage multiple systems to perform the same duty? Consider another example of an explanation that does not explain much. The thalamus,amassiveportaltosensoryinformationstreamingintothebrain,iscalled a “relay system” which means that the thalamus merely passes on the influx of signals beyond. But why does the brain need a whole complex organ to pass on incomingsignalsintact;abundleoffiberswoulddothejob.Insuchsituations,asin a thousand others, the eager student of neuroscience is quickly told answers to a large number of questions of “what” category, but rarely “how” and almost never “why.” Such a fundamental restriction makes the brain, despite all goodwill and intent to understand on the part of an earnest student, unfathomable. Thereasonbehindthismysteriousnessofthebrainisnotmerelyitscomplexity, as popular media again would like us to believe. The A380 and the International Space Station are no doubt some of the most complex systems that humans have ever created. But we are able to handle and master that complexity because we know the underlying physical principles. The complexity in the details can be effectivelyhandledbyorganizingmanpowerorbytheuseofcomputationalpower. Complexity can be mastered by comprehending the principles. When we separate principlesfromthedetails,thecomplexitydoesnotdisappear butmerely ceasesto vii viii Preface be intimidating. The sense of jaw-dropping wonder gives way to satisfaction that comes from perfect understanding. Butwhenitcomestobrainscience,thedistinctionbetweenprinciplesanddetails varies from being weak to nonexistent. One wonders whether it is not just brain science, but a good part of biology that suffers from this tendency. The strongly descriptive and information-rich traditions of biology—particularly classical biol- ogy—stand in stark contrast to modern physics and engineering where the princi- ples are primary, and the details are handled effectively and effortlessly thereof. This near lack of discrimination between principles and details in biology has been brought to fore by molecular biologist Yuri Lazebnik in a regaling article titled: “Canabiologistfixaradio?—Or,whatIlearnedwhile studying apoptosis.” Lazebnikconsiders a quaint thoughtexperiment of how a biologistwould proceed to understand the operation of a radio. Since biologists do not believe that physics can be of much use in their pursuit, they launch their own, unique biology-style attackontheproblemoftheradio.First,theywouldgetenoughfundsandprocurea largenumberofradios.Theywouldthenembarkonaboldstudyoftheradiosand their constituents in gruesome detail. The vast universe of radio components— yellow and blue, spherical and cylindrical,striped and otherwise—ispainstakingly mapped and embedded in an impressive taxonomy. That consummates a valorous course of structural research on the subject. Next follows a functional study. Our biologists with their unflagging energy wouldnowbegintopluckoutcomponentsoftheradiooneatatimeandstudythe effectofthemissingcomponentontheradio’skeyfunction—toproduceintelligible sounds. This new line of effort may reveal that certain components are not crucial, since when these are plucked out, the radio sputters and hisses but does not fail to makeitselfheard.Butthereareothercomponents—perhapsawirethatconnectsthe circuit board to the battery—in whose absence the radio is practically dead. The discovery marks a tremendous breakthrough in our biologically inspired study of theradio. It is doubtfulif this line of research would consummate in ahumanly meaningful time frame. By contrast, the study of radio that is armed with a prior understanding of physical principles of the radio would proceed very differently. Basically, a radio picksupelectromagneticsignalsfromtheambience,amplifiesthem,convertsthem intoaudiblesounds,andplaysthem.Eachofthesestepsrequiresacertaindevice,a mechanism, which can take a variety of possible physical implementations. But onceweknowtheframework,theoverallpattern,wewouldlookforthesubstrates for that pattern in the physical system and quickly identify them. While a biology-styleinvestigationmaytakedecadestounravelaradio,anapproachbased on an understanding of the underlying principles, assuming they are readily available,mighttake a week ortwo, even incase of a radio of an extremely novel design. What then is the situation in neuroscience? Do we deal today in terms of principlesofbrainfunction,orarewewillinglystuckinthequicksandofdetails?A revolutionhasbeguninbrainscienceaboutthreedecadesago,thoughthefirstseeds have been sown more than half a century ago. The goal of this revolution is to Preface ix answereverypossible“why”aboutthebrain,byunearthingtheprinciplesofbrain function.Ithasgivenustherightmetaphor,apreciseandappropriatemathematical language which can describe brain’s operations. By the application of these prin- ciples, it is now possible to make sense of the huge sea of experimental data, resolvelong-standingpointsofconfusion,andtrulybegintoadmirethearchitecture of the brain. To borrow an analogy from astronomy, the new mathematics is drawingusawayfromtheeraof“epicycles,”usheringintheeraof“inversesquare law and Lagrangian dynamics.” Researchers of the new computational and mathematical neuroscience have unearthed a small set of principles of Neural Information Processing as they are often called. As it happens in physics, researchers succeeded in explaining a wide range of neural phenomena with the same compact set of principles. That set may notbecomplete.Theremightbeotherprinciplesyettobediscovered.Butwhathas already been discovered is enough to create confidence in the existence of such a completeset.Thefirstoftheseprinciplesistheideathatinformationisstoredinthe form of strengths of connections among neurons in the brain, and learning entails appropriatemodificationoftheseconnections.Therearepreciserulesthatdescribe such modification. Then, there is the idea that memories are stored as persistent states,the“attractors,”ofbrain’sdynamicsortheideathatsynchronizedactivityof neurons in distant parts of the brain has a great significance, not only to sensory-motor function, but also to more intriguing phenomena like conscious awareness. There are some more. Thisbookisabouttheneuralinformationprocessingprinciples,sincetheaimof this book is to demystify and deconstruct the brain. Chapter 1 in the book, as it presents a brief history of ideas about the brain, also introduces some of the key ideasandconcepts.Chapter2setsouttounderstandthelogicofbrain’sanatomy.It takesthereaderonaquickjourneythroughtheevolutionarystagesinthebrainand seeks to explain some of the broad stages in that development using the minimum wire principle. Chapter 3 is an introduction to the neuron and mechanisms of a neuron’s electrical and chemical signaling. Chapter 4 takes up the neuron model just introduced and presents a simple mathematical model of the same. Using this neuronal model, Chap. 4 shows how to construct complex networks that can explain a variety of phenomena from psychology. Chapters 5 and 6, on memory and brain maps, respectively, use mathematical models to explain how memories arerepresentedinthebrainandhowtheformationofbrainmapscanbeexplained. Chapters7and8describethearchitecturesofthebrainsystemsthatprocessvision and touch senses, respectively. Chapter 9 is about motor function, about the brain makeslifego.Chapter10presentsahistoryoftheoriesofemotionsandintroduces some of the key neurobiological substrates of emotion processing. Chapter 11 on language deals with the essential language circuits in the brain and describes how words are represented and produced. It does not discuss more advanced aspects of sentence-level processing. Chapter 12 takes up the conundrum of consciousness x Preface from a neuroscience perspective. After brieflytouchinguponseveralphilosophical approachestotheproblem,itpresentssomeelegantexperimentalapproachestothis intriguing question, concluding with an outline of some of the contemporary neuroscientific theories of consciousness. Chennai, India V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy

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