In an adventurous sequel to THE MALLOREAN, David Eddings tells the story of King Garion's abducted infant son and his efforts to save him. Unfortunately, he and his friends are detained by the friendly, but determined Zakath, who refuses to let them leave. As a horde of demons ravage the Cities and a plague lets loose its terrors, Garion has little time left to reach his destination, or the kidnapper wins by default.
From Library JournalThe trial of the sorceress Zandramas leads Garion and his companions into the heart of enemy territory where a cult of demon worshipers forces an unlikely alliance between the forces of Light and Darkness. Eddings uses gentle humor and endearing characters to temper the seriousness of his complex fantasy epic. Recommended for fantasy collections. JC
Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.
In an adventurous sequel to THE MALLOREAN, David Eddings tells the story of King Garion's abducted infant son and his efforts to save him. Unfortunately, he and his friends are detained by the friendly, but determined Zakath, who refuses to let them leave. As a horde of demons ravage the Cities and a plague lets loose its terrors, Garion has little time left to reach his destination, or the kidnapper wins by default.