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Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la m6thode. errata i to 1 t 3 pelure, :-, on A n 32X ( I I 1 \l w DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA } VOLUME I. ; ^^ ,-*>ft' PRIKTKD BT XRLLT AKDCO, MIDDLE MILL, KIK0ST0N-0K-THAME3 ANDGATE STREET, LINCOLN'S INK FIELDS, W.a •~" • .^^ DEMOCRACY AMERICA IN BY ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE TRANSLATED BY HENRY REEVE, C.B. NEW EDITION WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE BY THE TRANSLATOR AND A PREFACE IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. L LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO, AND NEW YORK 15 EAST IGtn STREET : 1889 All rightt reterved / ! 1 PREFACE TO THIS EDITION BY THE TRANSLATOR. M > « At an advanced time of my Lfe another edition is required of the translation of this work, which I published fifty-four years ago. It is gratifying to find that this long period of time has rather increased than diminished the interest which is felt in the writings of M. de Tocqueville and the respect entertained for his opinions. Not many writers on speculative politics have stood the test of time or acquired a permanent authority in political science; but in the opinion of the present generation, the works of M. de Tocqueville stand not far below those of Montesquieu and Burke, and they may be ranked with those of the late Sir Kenry Maine, to which they bear a striking resemblance. If the piincipal object of M. de Tocqueville had been to describe the political and social institutions of the United States, as he saw them nearly si-ty years ago, his work would now be obsolete, for that country has undergone changes in the last half-century surpassing the furthest extent of human foresight. The population of the North American States has quadrupled. Their territory has extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The number of the sovereign State^ of the Union has been raised to forty-two, each of them possessing an independent legislature and executive, subject only to the terms of the Federal compact. The rural townships of New