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DEMDAI NG iMPOSSIBLE .. A HISTORY OF AA RCHISM PETEMRA RSHALL 'IndispenGsuaabrldei'a n PETERM ARSHALiLs a p hilosophhiesrt,o rbiiaong,r apahnedtr r avel writeHre. h asw rittfeinf theiegnh alcyc laibmoeodk wsh icahr eb eing translatiendtf oo urtedeinf ferleanntg uagTehse.yi ncluWdiel liam GodwiNna,t ureW'esb ,R idintgh eW indT,h eP hilosopShteorna'ens d EuropeL'oss Cti vilizaHtiisco inr.c umnavigoafAt firoinwc aas m ade intaoT V seriesw.e Hbissii tswe w w.eptemrarshalJ.net Fromt her evieowfDs e manditnhgIe m possible: 'Larglea,b yrinttheinntea,tf iovmree : t hesaer ea lald jectoifvp ersa ise whena ppliteowd o rkosf h istoarnydD, e manditnhgIe m possmiebeltes alolf t hem'. GEORGEW OODCOCKI,n dependent 'It rustth aMta rsha'lssl urveoyf t hew holhee art-warmhienagd,­ challensguibnjge wcitlh la vae large circulIatit sia o hna nd.b.o.o k ofr eahli story, swhhoiuclmhda kei tm orev aluablteh eli onn rgu n thana ltlh em ighttye xtbooonkm sa rkeetc onomiacnsd s uch-like ephemeral topics.' MICHAEFLO OTE,v eniSntga ndard 'Infectiinio tuessn thusiaatstmr,a cttori evae.d . T.h eriesm orei nfor­ matioanb ouatn archiinst mh itsh ainn a nyo thesri ngvloel ume.' NICOLAWSA LTERL,o ndoRne vieowfB ooks 'Immenisnei tssc opaen dm eticulioniu tsds e ta.i.lI .tc oveervse ry conceivsatbrlaein ndt hel ibertlariitbatlnla ec bko ok.' ARTHURN ESLENC,i tLyi mits 'Aw ide-ranginwga ramn-dh earstuerdv eoyf a narchiidseta asn d movemen.t.s.t haatv oitdhset ouchsye ctariatnhiaostfm t ewne akens thea narchpiossti tion.'J AMEJSO LL,T imeLsi terSaurpyp lement 'Theren'oms i staktihnefg a ctth aDte manditnhgIe m possiisbt liem ely ... gai ganmtuirca iln w hicehv ercye lebrfiagtuerdwe h oh ase vefre lt hemmedi nb yl awa ndg overnmfeinntad p sl ac'e . KENNETHM INOGUES,u ndaTye legraph 'PetMearr shacllle,a ral cyo nvinced impohsasssi beithl iimsstea,l f sisyphteaasnHk i.s b ooki sa k inodf m odeolf w hati tt alakbso u-ta spheorfen ear-structcuor-eelxeisssta ec nocmem,u noer " phalanstery" fora ltlh ef rienodfls i bertarifarnoimWs amtT yletroW altW hitman toT ristTazna ra.' LORNAS AGEI,n depenodneS nutn day 'PetMearr shalmla'sss ibvuetv errye adasbulrev .e.y.d eseravw eisd e readership.' ANTHONYA RBLAsTER,Tribune 'Them ostc ompendiomuoss,ts tudiaenddm oste nlighterneianodgf anarchhiisstt o'r y. ANDREWD OBSONA,n archSitsutd ies 'Excel.l.ea.nl ti vealnydh eartensitnugd y.' RONALDS HEEHANT,h eI riPsrhe ss 'Readianbgo uatn archiisssm t imulatfiunngna,yn ds adW.h atm ore cany oua sko fa b ook?' ISABECLO LEGTAE ,T heT imes 'Interienas nta rc.h.y. w asr eawakebnyet dh ep ublicaotfiP oent er Marshalmla'sss ivceolmyp rehenDseimvaen ditnhgIe m possible.' PETEBRE AUMONTO,b server BYT HES AMEA_U THOR WilliaGmo dwin Journtehyr ouTgahn zania IntCou ba CubaL ibrBer:e akitnhgCe h ains.' WilliBalma keV:i sionAanrayr chist Journtehyr ouMgahl dives NatureW'esbA :n E xploraotfEi coonl ogTihcianlk ing ArounAdfr icaF:r omt hPei lloafrH se rcutloet shS et raoifGt i braltar CeltGiocl dA: V oyagaer ouInrde land RiditnhgeW indA: N ewP hilosfooprah N ye wE ra TheP hilosopShteornA'e s:Q uesfotr thSee croeftAs lc hemy WorlAds troloThgeyA :s troloQgueerst'tosU nderstand thHeu manC haracter EuropLeo'ssCt i vilization: tUhMneyc sovteerroiiftne hgsMe e galiths TheT heatorfte h Weo rlAdl:c hemAys,t rolaongdMy a giicn RenaissParnacgeu e PETER MARSHALL DemanditnhIgem possible A HistoofrA yn archism BeR ealisDteimca:nt dh Iem possible! e HARPER PERENNIAL LondoNne,w Y orkT,o ronatnodS ydney ForD ylaann dE mily HarpePre rennial Ani mprionfHt a rperCollinsPubl.shers 77-F8u5l haPma laRcoea dH,a mmersmiLtohn,d own6 8 JB www.harperperennial.co.uk Thiesd itipounb lisbhyeH da rpePre renn2i0a0l 8 Firpsutb lisihnGe rde aBtr itabiyHn a rperCollinsPiun'b 9li9s2h ers PublisbhyeF do ntaPnrae swsi,t ahm endmenitn's 9 93 Copyri©gh Pte teMra rsha'l9l9 '29,9 3,2008 PeteMra rshaalsls etrhtems o rarli ghttob ei dentiafsti heead u thoofrt hiwso rk A catalorgeuceo frodtr h ibso oiks a vailfarboltmeh Ber itiLsihb rary ISB9N7 8-0-00-686245-' Seti nL inotrEohnr harbdyRt o wlanPdh ototypesLettdtB,iu nrgSy t E dmundSsu,f folk Printaenddb ounidn G reatB ritabiyOn a ysL tdS,t l vepsi c J:;s MixeSdo urces Product�from_I""'nagH fortsts Iftd oth« controlled sources www.fsc.org Celtno. SW-COC-1106 FSC o ,'" foruI: 5tftNrdshIp COUMiI FSCi sa n on-prionfitte rnatioorngaaln isesattaibolni sthope rdo mottheer esponsible managemeonftt h weo rldf'osr esPtrso.d ucctasr rytihneFg S Cl abaerlie n dependently certitfioea ds sucroen sumetrhsatt h ecyo mef rofmo retshtasat r mea nagetdom eet thseo cial, ecaondne ocmoilco gicaolf'p nreeesdeasnn tdf utugreen erations. Finodu tm orea bouHta rperCoalnlidtn hsee n vironmaetn t www.harpercollins.co.uklgreen Alrli ghrtess ervNeod p.a rotft hipsu blicamtaiybo enr eproduscteodr,ie nda retriseyvsatle omrt, r ansmiitnta endyf, o romr b ya nym eanesl,e ctrmoencihca,n ical, photocopyriencgo,r doiron tgh erwwiisteh,o tuhtep rioprer missoifto hnep ublishers. Thibso oikss olsdu bjetcott h eco ndittihoaintts hanlolt b,y w ayo ft radoer otherwbiesl ee,n rte,- sohlidr,eo du to ro therwciisrec ulwaittehdo tuhtpe u blisher's pricoorn seinnat n yf oromf b indionrcg o veort hetrh atnh aitnw hicihti sp ublished andw ithoaus ti micloanrd itiinocnl udtihnicgso nditbieoinni gm posoendt he subsequpeunrtc haser. CONTENTS Acknowledgements vii Introduction ix PARTO NEA:n archiisnTm h eory 1 TheR iveorfA narchy 3 2 Socieatnydt heS tate 12 3 Freedoamn dE quality PARTT wo:Fo rerunonjeA rnsa rchism 4 Taoisamn dB uddhism' 53 5 TheG reeks 66 6 Christianity 74 7 TheM iddlAeg es 86 8 TheE ngliRsehv olution 96 9 TheF rencRhe naissaanndcE en lightenment 108 10T heB ritiEsnhl ightenment 129 PARTT HREGEr:e aLti bertarians I1 FrencLhi bertarians 12G ermaLni bertarians 13B ritiLsihb ertarians 14A mericLainb ertarians PARTF OUR:C lassAincar chTisth inkers 15W illiGaomd winT:h e LovoefOr r der 191 16M axS tirn.eTrh:Ce o nsciEoguosi st 220 17P ierre-JPorsoeupdhh oTnh:eP hilosoopfh er Poverty 234 18M ichaBealk uniTnh:eF anatoifFc r eedom 263 19P eteKrr opotkTihneR: e volutiEovnoalruyt ioni3s0t9 20E lisReeec luTsh:eG eograpohfLe irb erty 339 21E rriMcaol ateTshteaE :l ecttoifcR ieavno lution 345 22L eoT olstTohye:C ounotf P eace 362 23A mericIannd ividuaanldCi osmtmsu nists 384 24E mmaG oldmaTnh:e M ostD angeroWuosm an 396 25G ermaCno mmunists 410 26M ohandGaasn dhTih:e G entRleev olutionary4 22 PARFTI VAEn: arcihAnic stmi on 27F rance 28I taly 29S pain 30R ussainadt hUek raine 31N orthern Europe 32U niteSdt ates 33L atiAnm erica 34A sia PARSTI XM:o deArnna rchism 35T heN ewL etfa ndt hCeo unter-culture 539 36T heN ewR ighatn dA narcho-capitalism 559 37M oderLni bertarians 566 38M oderAnn archists 587 39M urraByo okchainndt heEc oloogfFy r eedom 602 PARSTE VETNh:Le e goaAfcyn archism 40E ndsa ndM eans 41T heR elevaonfcA nea rchism EPILOGUE ReftrenNcoet es SeleBcitb liography Index ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Iw oulldi kteot hanHke ineBre ckeJro,h Cnl arJko,h nC rumpC,a roline CahmD,a viGdo odwaCya,r Lle vyG,e ofrfeOys tergaHaarndsR, a maer, andV ernoRni chafrodcrs o mmentoinnd gif efrecnhta ptoeftr hsi wso rk. TomC ahialnldG rahaKme lskeiyn dly prmoevw iidtmehad t eriIaa lms . indebtteoJ do hBnu rrofwor e ncouragmianngyy, e arasg om,y interest int hhei stoorfay n archiidsetaI sm .u cha pprectihapet ieo neewroirnkg int heh istoorfay n archuinsdme rtabkyPe anu Alv ricDha,n iGeule rin, JameJso ll,JMeaaint roManx,N ettlaanudG eorge Woodaclotchko,u gh Id on oatl wasyhsa rteh eeimrp hasoeris n terpretIanpt rieopnasr.ti hneg bookfo r publicatthieoe nd,i torialo faP dhviilGciwepy nJ onehsa s proveundaf ilinpgelryc epatnidvr ee levant. My thanakrsde u et ot hset fao ffb otthh Ne atioLniablr aorfWy a les andt heB ritiLsihb raarnyd,t ot hel ibraroifaC nosl eHga rlecthh,e UniversCiotlyl eogfNe o rtWha lesan,d t heU niversoifL toyn dofnor facilitmaytr iensge arch. My childDryelna ann dE milhya vbee ebne musebdym y work on something imcpaolsls'eiadbn layr chibsutmh 'a,v bee ena ni nspiring exampolfec onstruacntairvceih nay c tiIoa nm. g ratueltf om y mother Verfaor fi rsatw akeniinnm gea s ensofej ustaincdee q ualMiyt byr.o ther Michahealsg ivehniw sa rms uppoartat l tli meAsb.o vael Ilm ,u stth ank JennZyo beflor h erc onsthaenltap n de ncouragedmuernittn hgec om­ postii oonft hilso nsgt udoyn;l syh ken owtsh dee ptohfm yi ndebtedness. My friendRsi chaFrede sey, JGearneemG,yr ahaHma ncocDka,v id Leaa,n dJ ohSnc hlapobhearvsiekn ty h ediirfef rewnaty asl iln spimree d toc omplemtyet ask. Fort hinse we ditiIoh na,v aed deadn e pilobgruien gainnagr chism upt od atient htew enty-cfiernsttua rnydg ivemny o wns uggestoino ns thew ayf orward. Iw oulldi kteot hanJko hnC lariknp articfuorlh airvse rpye rceptive andd etaisluegdg estRiuotnhKs i.n nhae lpmeed w itsho mem aterials. ElizabAesthht oHni lkli ndrleya tdh ee pilogMuye t.h ankalss ot o RosalPionrdt aenrdE ssiCeo usiantHs a rpePre rennwihaohl a vleo oked afttehri nse we ditsiooc na rfuelly. Iw elcoamney r eadecrosm'm enotnsm y website: www.petermarshall.net PETEMRA RSHALLLi,t dOea ksJ,u l2y0 07 INTRODUCTION ANARCHY IST ERRO,Rt hcer eoefbd o mb-thdroewsipnegr waidsoheisn g top ull cdiovilizawtino nA.n arcihscy h aos,l awawhn edn ocrodlelra pse andth ed estructive opfam sasnrui nor nisoA tn.a rcihsny i hilthies m, abandonomfale lmn otra vla luaensdth e t wiloifrg ehats Thoinsi. s th e spectre ofan archtyh haatu nthtsej udgbee'ns3{lc dhth ego vernmencta bi­ neItn.t hpeo puilmaarg inianoti uoernv ,e ryldaanygu aagnea,ri cashs ys oci­ atewdi tdhe structiaonndd isobedbiuetan lcswieot hr elaxaantido n freedThoem anarc. hifisntd gso ocdo mpaintsy e,e mwsi,tth he v andal, iconoclastb,ru tsreau,vffi aahgnoe,rn, e vti,p oegrre,gh, o ulw,i lbde ast, fiehnadrp,ay n sdi reHneh. a'bs e einm mortalizefdo pro stienJr oistye ph Conrad'Thse S neocrAvegetenl (t 1 90a7saf) a naitincto ennb tri ngdionwng governmeanntsd cisvilizeocdi ety. Nots urprisanianrglcyh,hasi shma adb apdr eIsitsus .s utaodl i smiss itisd eoafpl u rlei baetbr etyass tu topiaatwn o,r assatd ,a ngerocuhsi mera. Anarchairsdetsi smiass sseudb versive madmeexntr,e miinsftlse,xi ble dangetreorroursio nsth tseo nhea nodra, sn aidvree amaengrdes n stalien ts ont hoet hPerers.i dent Theodore Raootts heevene odlf tht e l dasetc lared cent'uAryn:a rcis haci rismmae g aitnhwseht o hluem arna caenal dl m an­ kinsdh oubladn d aanarcgaihnisstts .'2 Inf acotn,la yti nym inoorfia tyn archhaivspetsr actitseerdar soa r revolustitroantaaeryngy td,h ecnh ieiflynt h1e 8w9h0eSthn e rwea ass pate ofs pectabcoumlbaiarnn gdpos l itiacsasla ssidnuartiiaonp nges r ioofd comlpetdee spAalitrh.o ouftgehan s socwiitha tevdi olehnicset,o rically anarchhaibsse mef nal re vsiso lthan·e nott hpeorl ictirceaealdn sad,p pears asaf eeyboluept uhs hoeudot fth ew abyy thmea rchihnogr doeffs a scists anadu thoritcaorimamnu nIti shastn som. o nopon ovlyi oleannccdoe m,­ parteodn ationaploipsutsla,in sdmt osn,a rchhasi sbtse ecno mparatively peaceMfuolr.e ov,e trraa ditwihoinec nhc ompsauscsthheo su ghtfualn d peacemaebnal sGe o dwin, ProudhanodnT ,o lKsroctpoaohtnyak ridol,y bed ismiass isnehde rteenrrotrilsyanti dcn ihilOifths etic cl.a asnsiacr chist thinkers,o nly Bakunin celebtrahtepoeedtry ofd estructiionhn i esa rly worakn,td h abte caluismkeae n thyi nkaenradsrti shtse f eilwtta fis rst neescsary tod estrtohoyel idno rdteocr r eatnee wt.h e Thed ominant alnadcn uglutinau gares e oc iettye ntdor efletchte

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