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Demand-driven forecasting : a structured approach to forecasting PDF

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(continued from front fl ap) CHASE $60.00 USA / $72.00 CAN PRAISE FOR • Forecasting methods using causal data DEMAND-DRIVEN DEMAND-DRIVEN • Sensing, shaping, and linking demand to FORECASTING supply FORECASTING D • Combining analytics and domain knowledge E in a structured framework A Structured Approach to Forecasting A Structured Approach to Forecasting M As a forecast practitioner, it’s up to you to Many companies still view quantitative demonstrate the value of analytics to senior-level “There are authors of advanced forecasting books who take an academic approach to explaining A forecasting methods as a “black box” managers. Filled with real-life examples to build forecast modeling that focuses on the construction of arcane algorithms and mathematical proof D E M A N D - D R I V E N N or unknown approach that adds little value to a business case for the justifi cation of demand- that are not very useful for forecasting practitioners. Then, there are other authors who take a improving overall demand forecast accuracy. driven forecasting, Demand-Driven Forecasting: A D general approach to explaining demand planning, but gloss over technical content required of Fortunately, there is a new awareness emerging Structured Approach to Forecasting is your detailed A blueprint to better understand this new structured modern forecasters. Neither of these approaches is well-suited for helping business forecasters S- FORECASTING across many industries of the value of integrating approach and add signifi cant improvement to critically identify the best demand data sources, effectively apply appropriate statistical trD demand data into the demand forecasting process. u demand forecast accuracy. forecasting methods, and properly design effi cient demand planning processes. In Demand- ctR Equipping you with solutions that can sense, shape, u Driven Forecasting, Chase fi lls this void in the literature and provides the reader with concise r and predict demand using highly sophisticated eI CHARLES W. CHASE, JR., explanations for advanced statistical methods and credible business advice for improving ways dV methods and tools, internationally renowned A is the Business Enablement author and thought leader Charles Chase provides Photo: John F Manadn agSeur papt lSyA SC hMaainnu faGctluorbinagl ytfooor ueprcr paesdrtoiicfnetg s dsmieomannaaaln gddee rvf, oeorlro pap rmnoodevnuitcc.t”es foanredc assetr vaincaelsy.s tW, yhoeut hweirl l yfio nud atrhei sa bno oekx pae vriaelunacbedle prerosofeusrscieo nfoarl pproacEN yanoud pwriothce sas ebsa sriecq uuinredde rtsota nimdipnlge moef ntth ae dmeemthaondds- ernez, SA Parracchtiictee, cwt hearne dh e sitsr athtee gpirsitn cifpoarl —FoDraencaieslt iKnige l&y, ASneanliyotri cMs, aCnealggeern, eE pCiodrepmorioatloiogny, h to F A Structured Approach to Forecasting dForirveecnas tinfogr: eAc aSsttriuncgtu repdr oAcpepsrso acinh toD Feomreacnadst-iDnrgi.v en S Institu dfoerleivcearsitningg dseomluatniodn sp laton niimngp raonvde ForO From a review of the most basic forecasting teSAS customers’ supply chain effi ciencies. He has “Charlie Chase has given forecasters a clear, responsible approach for ending the timeless tug of ecR methods, to the most advanced time-series a more than twenty-six years of experience in the war between the need for ‘forecast rigor’ and the call for greater inclusion of ‘client judgment.’ s methods, and innovative techniques in use today, tE consumer packaged goods industry, and is an expert By advancing the use of ‘domain knowledge’ and hypothesis testing to enrich base-case in this guide defi nes demand-driven forecasting, g C uniquely offering a fundamental understanding in sales forecasting, market response modeling, forecasts, he has empowered professional forecasters to step up and impact their companies’ of the quantitative methods used to sense, shape, econometrics, and supply chain management. business results favorably and profoundly, all the while enhancing the organizational stature A and predict demand within a structured process. of forecasters broadly.” S —Bob Woodard, Vice President, Global Consumer T A must-read for CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, supply chain managers, sales managers, marketing brand and Customer Insights, Campbell Soup Company I managers, and demand forecasting analysts, N Demand-Driven Forecasting: A Structured Approach G to Forecasting covers: • Myths versus realities of forecasting • Causes of forecast error The Wiley and SAS Business Series presents books that help senior-level • Purposes for measuring forecasting managers with their critical performance management decisions CHARLES W. CHASE, J . R (continued on back fl ap) ISBN: 978-0-470-41502-3 4-COLOR GLOSSY E1FTOC_1 06/15/2009 8 E1FFIRS 06/16/2009 8:21:18 Page1 Demand-Driven Forecasting E1FFIRS 06/16/2009 8:21:18 Page2 Wiley&SASBusinessSeries The Wiley & SAS Business Series presents books that help senior-level managerswiththeircriticalmanagementdecisions. TitlesintheWileyandSASBusinessSeriesinclude: Business Intelligence Competency Centers: A Team Approach to Maximizing Competitive Advantage, by Gloria J. 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E1FFIRS 06/16/2009 8:21:18 Page3 Demand-Driven Forecasting A Structured Approach to Forecasting Charles Chase JohnWiley &Sons,Inc. E1FFIRS 06/16/2009 8:21:18 Page4 Copyright#2009bySASInstituteInc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformorby anymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanning,orotherwise,exceptaspermitted underSection107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withouteitherthepriorwritten permissionofthePublisher,orauthorizationthroughpaymentoftheappropriateper-copyfeetothe CopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA01923,(978)750-8400,fax(978) 750-4470,oronthewebatwww.copyright.com.RequeststothePublisherforpermissionshouldbe addressedtothePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,111RiverStreet,Hoboken,NJ07030, (201)748-6011,fax(201)748-6008,oronlineatwww.wiley.com/go/permissions. 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Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsinprintmay notbeavailableinelectronicbooks.FormoreinformationaboutWileyproducts,visitourwebsiteat www.wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Chase,Charles. Demand-drivenforecasting:astructuredapproachtoforecasting/CharlesChase. p.cm.–(Wiley&SASBusinessseries) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-470-41502-3(cloth) 1. Economicforecasting. 2. Businessforecasting. 3. Forecasting. I. Title. HB3730.C482009 330.01012–dc22 2009015527 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E1FTOC_1 06/15/2009 5 & Contents Foreword ix Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii CHAPTER1 DemystifyingForecasting:MythsversusReality 1 DataCollection,Storage,andProcessingReality 4 ‘‘ArtofForecasting’’Myth 6 End-CapDisplayDilemma 7 RealityofJudgmentalOverrides 9 OvenCleanerConnection 11 MoreIsNotNecessarilyBetter 12 RealityofUnconstrainedForecasts,Constrained Forecasts,andPlans 14 NortheastRegionalSalesEquation 15 Hold-and-RollMyth 16 ThePlanthatWasNotGoodEnough 18 Summary 19 CHAPTER2 WhatIsDemand-DrivenForecasting? 21 ‘‘DoYouWantFrieswithThat?’’ 22 DefinitionofDemand-DrivenForecasting 24 WhatIsDemandSensing? 26 DataRequirements 27 RoleofSalesandMarketing 30 WhatIsDemandShaping? 31 IntegratingDemand-DrivenForecastingintothe ConsensusForecastingProcess 34 ImportanceofBusinessIntelligencePortals/Dashboards 37 RoleoftheFinanceDepartment 40 Demand-DrivenForecastingProcessFlowModel 41 KeyProcessParticipants 44 BenefitsofDemand-DrivenForecasting 48 Summary 49 v E1FTOC_1 06/15/2009 6 vi contents CHAPTER3 OverviewofForecastingMethods 51 UnderlyingMethodology 53 DifferentCategoriesofMethods 57 HowPredictableIstheFuture? 61 SomeCausesofForecastError 65 SegmentingYourProductstoChoosetheAppropriate ForecastingMethod 67 Summary 74 CHAPTER4 MeasuringForecastPerformance 77 ‘‘WeOverachievedOurForecast,SoLet’sParty!’’ 79 PurposesforMeasuringForecastingPerformance 80 StandardStatisticalErrorTerms 81 SpecificMeasuresofForecastError 84 Out-of-SampleMeasurement 89 ForecastValueAdded 92 Summary 96 CHAPTER5 QuantitativeForecastingMethodsUsingTime SeriesData 99 UnderstandingtheModel-FittingProcess 100 IntroductiontoQuantitativeTimeSeriesMethods 104 QuantitativeTimeSeriesMethods 109 MovingAveraging 110 ExponentialSmoothing 115 SingleExponentialSmoothing 116 Holt’sTwo-ParameterMethod 120 Holt’s-Winters’Method 121 Winters’AdditiveSeasonality 123 Summary 125 CHAPTER6 QuantitativeForecastingMethodsUsingCausalData 129 RegressionMethods 130 SimpleRegression 130 MultipleRegression 136 Box-JenkinsApproachtoARIMAModels 163 Box-JenkinsOverview 173 ExtendingARIMAModelstoIncludeExplanatoryVariables 174 UnobservedComponentsModels 177 Summary 184 CHAPTER7 WeightedCombinedForecastingMethods 189 WhatIsWeightedCombinedForecasting? 191 DevelopingaVarianceWeightedCombinedForecast 194 Summary 197 E1FTOC_1 06/15/2009 7 contents vii CHAPTER8 Sensing,Shaping,andLinkingDemandtoSupply: ACaseStudyUsingMTCA 199 LinkingDemandtoSupplyUsingMulti-Tiered CausalAnalysis 202 CaseStudy:TheCarbonatedSoftDrinkStory 205 Summary 220 Appendix8AConsumerPackagedGoodsTerminology 222 Appendix8BAdstockTransformationsfor AdvertisingGRP/TRPs 223 CHAPTER9 StrategicValueAssessment:AssessingtheReadiness ofYourDemandForecastingProcess 227 StrategicValueAssessmentFramework 229 StrategicValueAssessmentProcess 230 SVACaseStudy:XYZCompany 232 Summary 259 SuggestedReading 261 Index 263 E1FTOC_1 06/15/2009 8

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